So up front, using OGL 5e character sheet, and I found several macros to help with saves/ability checks and so on and I was working on an Initiative Token action macro but I am having a hard to finding the best solution to &{tracker} Pro Subscription Below is the normal format you get from pressing your initiative button on a character: @{selected|wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=^{init-u}}} {{mod=@{selected|initiative_bonus}}} {{r1=[[@{selected|initiative_style}+@{selected|initiative_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}[INIT] &{tracker}]]}} {{normal=1}} @{selected|charname_output} And here is the "@{selected|queryadvantage}" variable provided for you in the attributes tab: {{query=1}} ?{Advantage?|Normal Roll,&#123&#123normal=1&#125&#125 &#123&#123r2=[[0d20|Advantage,&#123&#123advantage=1&#125&#125 &#123&#123r2=[[@{d20}|Disadvantage,&#123&#123disadvantage=1&#125&#125 &#123&#123r2=[[@{d20}} Now I also wanted to include global skill modifiers (ex: Guidance) as they technically apply to to Initiative rolls. I came up with this, which works??!? Sort of?! Anyway here is that code. doesn't actually add the Guidance to the roll, But I figured out a work around to that if needed, however.... &{tracker} giving me grief. @{selected|wtype}&{template:simple} {{rname=^{init-u}}} {{mod=@{selected|initiative_bonus}}} {{r1=[[@{selected|initiative_style}+@{selected|initiative_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}[INIT] &{tracker} ]]}} {{query=1}} ?{Advantage?|Normal Roll,&#123&#123normal=1&#125&#125 &#123&#123r2=[[0d20|Advantage,&#123&#123advantage=1&#125&#125 &#123&#123r2=[[@{selected|initiative_style}+@{selected|initiative_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}[INIT] |Disadvantage,&#123&#123disadvantage=1&#125&#125 &#123&#123r2=[[@{selected|initiative_style}+ @{selected|initiative_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}[INIT]} &{tracker} ]] }} {{global=@{selected|global_skill_mod} }} @{selected|charname_output} I know why it doesn't work (the Turn tracker is called last and thus updates accordingly) I just don't know how to get it to work because essentially the rolls are two different rolls and I want the Turn tracker to only update when the appropriate advantage/disadvantage is in use. And also add the correct one, as of now Advantage and disadvantage only add the 2nd roll to the turn tracker (again i know why it is doing that...) I am just lost on where to put the &{tracker} to get it to cypher between r1 and r2.... I thought of using the roll references ($[[0]], etc...) however I think technically that won't work either unless I store them in the state.* variable for calculations?  However, depending on if it is normal or adv/dis the number of rolls would also be different (again maybe can hard code it within those adv/dis queries and ignore it for normal. But this again give me the same problem of where do i put my &{tracker} variable :/ I know I could do something simpler such as /r ~pseudo code~ ?{Advantage?|Normal, [[1d20+mods &{tracker} ]]| Advantage,[[ 2d20kh1 + mods &{tracker} ]] |Disadvantage, [[2d20kl1 + mods &{tracker}]] } But I also wanted to keep the formatting of the template in place... Thanks to anyone who can help