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Force exit players

Score + 174
i tried finding this but i didn't not see it. The suggestion is simple sometimes players forget to properly exit a game. thereby adding to their play time and in some cases if they're around they see what i might be adjusting or testing with the player ribbon. what i am suggesting is a way for the GM to Boot from current game session not the game as a whole.
Maybe an autoboot for roll20 in general when someone has been inactive on the page for more than an hour. (Or some other predetermined amount of time where it is obvious that they simply forgot to log out. (Has happened to me on multiple occasions)
I would also like this option. Please, devs! :) Pretty please with a cherry on top?
This would be nice, I have a couple players who tend to forget to log out
seems like this might be a way to move a player off the current page while prepping: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
neil said: seems like this might be a way to move a player off the current page while prepping: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> That will not stop them from reading the chat though. My biggest problem with players inside the game is that it makes it hard to test out macros.
Ravenknight said: neil said: seems like this might be a way to move a player off the current page while prepping: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> That will not stop them from reading the chat though. My biggest problem with players inside the game is that it makes it hard to test out macros. Use /talktomyself in these cases. It prevents the API from running based on the commands however, but if that is what is being tested you should &nbsp;be using a separate game anyway.
Workaround: Tell your players to please log out. Works for me everytime. ;)
Danii said: Workaround: Tell your players to please log out. Works for me everytime. ;) this suggestion is for when users don't listen or follow repeat request to properly exit&nbsp;
Hmm... then I guess you have another problem which you might wanna fix first..? o.O
A lot of Roll20 players do pickup groups using the LFG feature, where I could definitely see a boot/ban feature being useful. It's like any RPG... when you're rolling with your regular crew it's usually nice, but when you pick up random people it's a crapshoot.
I fully support this suggestion.&nbsp; I think sometimes have players online in my games for a month. When I point this out to them they don't think they have a session running, but after they login and out again their sessions are gone. I also have players that just sometimes login, while they want to do something with their character and keep the session as they think. I also sometimes want to test the Jukebox, but is reluctant to do so as players are online. I also have a rotating cast of players in my campaign of 10+ players with 4 players per session - it can be confusing for everyone if an idle lurker is online while we play. You can kick a player from a campaign - you should be able to kick them from the current session, which is a much less drastic move.
I have good players, it's just sometimes they leave themselves in the game through their browser, leave their computer on, and walk away until the next session several days later. It's not a big deal, but I would also like to be able to just force them to exit, then I can shift pages around to test things, like music loading properly, or script testing, without worrying about them possibly sneaking a peak at what's coming up.
Completely back this suggestion. While my players are usually great, sometimes we end up chatting at the end and it slips their minds. Would be great to have this option so I can work in peace.
I support this suggestion.
Pat S.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
This would solve the occasional ghost in the game which happens when someone leaves the game improperly such as just closing the browser instead of clicking exit game button.
This post has been active for more than a year. Can we get some kind of response roll20? Or better yet, just a way to remove players from the lobby without kicking them from the game entirely.
Upvoted - has there been any Dev feedback on this somewhere else I'm not seeing?
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Corey B. said: Upvoted - has there been any Dev feedback on this somewhere else I'm not seeing? Unlikely. They have committed to reply and update all suggestion that get +200 votes, so it's a bonus if they replies to any smaller suggestions.
For the love of God please create this feature I've been a player in games where this is an issue (and yes the GM asked the players to do it but they just said "something is wrong with your game I ain't logged in"), also to prevent lurking when the GM uses the same tabletop for multiple groups
They won't do this because it hurts the pay to DM model. Which is kind of lame. Maybe find a way for players to float the bill. Paid accounts can 'just copy the game and invite the right people', is the Roll20 opinion. That however, isn't a good solution to the problem, but it makes them a pay check. They aren't even smart enough to make a ticket selling system where they get a piece of the ticket sales. It's all outside their house through pay pal. I doubt this will ever change.
I support this feature.

Edited 1601128598
Marketplace Creator
I'm still waiting on this feature, by the way. Even after making it pretty explicit in my LFG post and DM's rules document, I still have people who idle constantly. One in particular is likely to get booted from the game permanently for ghosting the entire party (not rolling stats, not making a character, not chatting in the campaign discord even when at-ed directly... basically just taking up a spot) and I need a way to either refresh the session so they're not in it, or an option to make players disconnect from the session. This option has been requested for literal years. Why can we not have this?

Edited 1601146996
They won't do this because it will allow free DMs to clean out old games. Which is a paid copy and paste feature. Sad to say it is money in the way of this. Good luck. Cheers,
Marketplace Creator
Nin/Lee said: They won't do this because it will allow free DMs to clean out old games. Which is a paid copy and paste feature. Sad to say it is money in the way of this. Good luck. Cheers, That makes no sense. You can clean out old games already as a free DM. I've done it before getting my plus sub. Paying doesn't give you the option to kick players. You always have it. You can delete pages and create new ones as a free DM as well. What are you on about?
Looking for this feature to be added to roll20. Players can forget to hit the exit game button if in hurry to get away to something right at the end of a game.&nbsp;
Marketplace Creator
Fireboss said: Looking for this feature to be added to roll20. Players can forget to hit the exit game button if in hurry to get away to something right at the end of a game.&nbsp; Don't forget to upvote it then. At the top, near the title of this post is a pink arrow with a score next to it. Click that.
Done! ri_kreiner said: Fireboss said: Looking for this feature to be added to roll20. Players can forget to hit the exit game button if in hurry to get away to something right at the end of a game.&nbsp; Don't forget to upvote it then. At the top, near the title of this post is a pink arrow with a score next to it. Click that.

Edited 1610503429
I agree 100%. I think some people are confused in their comments... this shouldn't require a work around. It's just like being a host in discord. You can boot players. People forget. People afk real quick sometimes and leave it on. It's a bother and should be worked on.
Well, players can just come right back in, so this option is only really useful if paired with the option to temporarily lock the game from being able to be launched.&nbsp; And really, locking the game should automatically boot everyone except the GM - you don't need a separate button for it.
Just so everyone is aware this chain has been alive in one or more forms for like 7 years now. This is not going to change.

Edited 1613476443
Nin/Lee said: Just so everyone is aware this chain has been alive in one or more forms for like 7 years now. This is not going to change. It's clear you're right. Would be nice to actually get someone from the R20 staff to tell us so, though...&nbsp; And why. +1
+1 While this has been requested for years, continuing the thread just reiterates that people are still looking for it to happen and shouldn't just give up because "This is not going to change" Well then it'll be shown that the community asked for this feature for literal years and will continue till an answer is given one way or another.
Recently had a player stop playing for six months and left himself logged in.&nbsp; Really would be nice to be able to force kick in that sort of situation.
I can tell you why they won't do this. Their stance on the software is. Game masters with a paid account can copy games without the players and add the right people. Unpaid accounts can't. I could be wrong, but since I've been saying this literally for years and they haven't argued once. I think I am winning this argument. Pretty easy to win a shadow boxing match though...

Edited 1645536546
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Have this been partially implemented? Seems players who forget to "Exit Game" are removed automatically after a few seconds, probably been that way for a good while. Still, the ability to boot a player from a session could still have it's uses, like when GM is prepping and and a player logins to the campaign at the wrong time, so the GM can simply boot them and tell them to return later, when game prep isn't underway. Derivative Feature Suggestion: There could exists an option for Creator/GMs could set a campaign in "GM Prep Mode", which would only allow Creator/GMs to launch the game. Multi-GM games &amp; Westmarch-style campaigns could have their use for this, but this should be a separate suggestion(one might already exist).
Going to have to +1 this as well.&nbsp; The auto boot doesn't work that I have seen.&nbsp; People who forget to log out just stay in.&nbsp; F o r e v e r !
Ravenknight said: neil said: seems like this might be a way to move a player off the current page while prepping: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> That will not stop them from reading the chat though. My biggest problem with players inside the game is that it makes it hard to test out macros. Before every macro type "/w gm". This way, Macros will be whispered to you as a GM and none of your players get to see it. If you want to make it public / use it in game, just remove it. Also name those macros "Test-&lt;#insert macro name&gt;". This way you know, which macros you are currently testing.
I do almost all of my prep in my library game to which none of my players have access. That's where I prep maps, build NPCs, try out macros, etc. I later copy the macros to the "live" game manually and transmogrify the rest. This way the chat stays clean of all my behind the scenes work.
This will never change. I posted this years ago. It is part of their profit model. Free to play DMs can't copy a game or kick players. It's about the money and this will never change.
Nin/Lee said: This will never change. I posted this years ago. It is part of their profit model. Free to play DMs can't copy a game or kick players. It's about the money and this will never change. Well... you CAN copy a game completely, but not certain parts of it (that is part of PRO sub with Transmogrifier)...
Sometimes, my players forget to log out, but I don't understand why it's a problem.&nbsp;
I've asked for this several times too.&nbsp; Sometimes it's the player forgetting, sometimes it seems to be a browser issue.&nbsp; Either way, this seems like a trivial feature to implement.&nbsp; I can't understand the delay.&nbsp;&nbsp;
Marketplace Creator
I need this and I am a pro user. For one, my OCD hates seeing it. Plus I never know if they are really there or not...and that prevents me from testing things in private as a DM.
Same, DnDPlay20! Same.
literally everything can be tested in any chat which includes all rolls or results of tables or anything else in private with a simple command thats been part of r20 for y e a r s.&nbsp; You necros are funny :)