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[GURPS] - Sheet #1 - Thread 2

Sheet Author
Mai N. said: I'm a player in a new GURPS Campaign and the GM made me a character for me to import my GCA4 character, but every time I make an update (I'm trying different options and change my mind), I have to ask him to make me a new character because I can't update an existing character by importing on top of it. It would be nice to have a "Reset" or "Overwrite" option for on the Import Tab.  Thanks for the request Mai N. We are working on a GCA5 import, which will be replacing the GCA4 import. I do have the initial setup for overwriting for GCA5 and will try implement it.
Mike W.
Sheet Author
MadCoder said: Mai N. said: I'm a player in a new GURPS Campaign and the GM made me a character for me to import my GCA4 character, but every time I make an update (I'm trying different options and change my mind), I have to ask him to make me a new character because I can't update an existing character by importing on top of it. It would be nice to have a "Reset" or "Overwrite" option for on the Import Tab.  Thanks for the request Mai N. We are working on a GCA5 import, which will be replacing the GCA4 import. I do have the initial setup for overwriting for GCA5 and will try implement it. Unforutnely I beleive this overwirte will break any links you have from combat attacks linked to skill or techniques or spells. I think the issue is that each tiem you input to overwrite, unless there is a code way of getting raound it, will reset the spells, techniques, and skills (along with traits and th elike), unique ids which is what the linking is used for. We will keep experimenting though. Mike W 
Mike W.
Sheet Author
🆕 GURPS Character Sheet Version: 2.8.0 🆕 Dated -07/26/2022 released 07/29/2022. •    Repeating Ranged Table. If the malfunction value is used and the malfunction value is lower than the effective skill, the malfunction value will be used as the effective skill. This will prevent confusion if your roll is saying hit but the malfunction description appears. •    Repeating Skills Table. Added new Conditionals textarea. Useful for keeping track of conditional modifiers for a skill. Such as Navigation (Land): +1 from Compass. •    Add note to armor divisor, values are rounded down. •    Combat Tab. Melee sub-tab. Add Slam calculator tool, tailored to the slam tools, instead of using the generic collision/falling damage tool. •    Combat Tab. Defense sub-tab. Removed misleading success notes for Dodge & Retreat rolls. Reported by Uncle Mojo.
Feature Request  (Fast Draw Link to Combat Tab) Would it be possible to link the appropriate Fast-Draw skill to the relevant weapon system on the Combat tab so that we have the option to auto roll a Fast Draw every time we roll an attack?
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Ed V. said: Feature Request  (Fast Draw Link to Combat Tab) Would it be possible to link the appropriate Fast-Draw skill to the relevant weapon system on the Combat tab so that we have the option to auto roll a Fast Draw every time we roll an attack? The problem with that is Fast-Draw would then be rolled every time you made an attack with the weapon alreayd drawn. This means the results, which are not needed, would again be shown in the Chat area and probably confusing others and the GM. Plus what if you failed the Fast-Draw? Again it makes an attack the character is not eligible for. Also sometimes players like to Fast-Daw after they made a move or some other action so they would not eligible be  to attack because they already did an action. Although it seems like a good idea in soem cases, we can see a number of little things wrong with the results. Thanks again for submitting an idea, they are always welcomed. Mike
I've experienced a peculiar bug. When you activate the " Mods to attributes do not increase derived stats" toggle in Stat Modifier Options, Unc. and Death (in the Attributes box) cannot be affected by changes to their Modifiers. This bug doesn't occur when any of the other toggles in Stat Modifier Options are toggled. This is otherwise a great character sheet, and I'm very appreciative of the work you put in to making it!
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Alexander W. said: I've experienced a peculiar bug. When you activate the " Mods to attributes do not increase derived stats" toggle in Stat Modifier Options, Unc. and Death (in the Attributes box) cannot be affected by changes to their Modifiers. This bug doesn't occur when any of the other toggles in Stat Modifier Options are toggled. This is otherwise a great character sheet, and I'm very appreciative of the work you put in to making it! We will check into this and see what we can find. This also may have to do with some other little functions that stopped working for some after the latest Roll20 Update. Mike.
I also have a question regarding red boxes that surround certain skills. I don't know where these come from and don't know how to get rid of them. Any idea what that is?
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Alexander W. said: I also have a question regarding red boxes that surround certain skills. I don't know where these come from and don't know how to get rid of them. Any idea what that is? It is a Roll20 issue that happens at times. I have noted that it sometimes happens when you add a new skill, spell, combat attack, etc., without completeing all the required fields. Sometimes you can simply delete it, many times you cannot. If you are a Pro, try using the Transmorgifier and copying the player to another game and see if that fixes it (it did once for me), and if thta works then delete the original and then the character back. If you are using the third party VTTES suite, with Chrome or Firefox, try exporting the character to a json file, delete the original, create a new character, then importing the json file. That too worked one time for me. Othewise you may have to start from scratch with a new character. It is not a sheet issue though - it is somethign internal to Roll20s process. The MadeCoder is still workign to help correct this with a 'Recalculation' button that might help this, and a few other issues too. Mike
Sheet Author
Alexander W. said: I also have a question regarding red boxes that surround certain skills. I don't know where these come from and don't know how to get rid of them. Any idea what that is? Hi Alexander W.,  Do you recall what action you took that might have caused the red boxes, including seeing them if you saw an update to the sheet? I f the character sheet has been around for a while there could be some hidden data causing conflicts that might result in issues. I think Mike's suggestion of redoing the character is a good idea, which will remove the bad data. The other option is deleting all the skills and re-entering them. I did have to resolve a number of issues of how the way fields are updated in a cascading type of way and I haven't seen the red border on new characters I made after the update.  Thanks, Ken
Pup-up Info Request: Fright Check should mention +2 for Combat Reflexes K down should mention +3 for High Pain Threshold Damage should explain that @{thrust} and @{swing} are valid inputs. That is all. Thanks for the great GURPS character sheet! 

Edited 1662857461
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Captain Joy said: Pup-up Info Request: Fright Check should mention +2 for Combat Reflexes K down should mention +3 for High Pain Threshold Damage should explain that @{thrust} and @{swing} are valid inputs. Great suggestions. I will see what we can do - should be simple enough. Mike W
A minor suggestion only. Currently the dice log pop-up shows ones as red (bad) and sixes as green (good), see image below. However, GURPS being a roll low system, it's actually the other way around (ones are good, sixes bad). It would be nice to have ones show as green and sixes show as red on that pop-up.
Sheet Author
Tommi said: A minor suggestion only. Currently the dice log pop-up shows ones as red (bad) and sixes as green (good), see image below. However, GURPS being a roll low system, it's actually the other way around (ones are good, sixes bad). It would be nice to have ones show as green and sixes show as red on that pop-up. Good idea Tommi, I figured out a way to do that. 

Edited 1663781621
Mike W.
Sheet Author
MadCoder said: Tommi said: A minor suggestion only. Currently the dice log pop-up shows ones as red (bad) and sixes as green (good), see image below. However, GURPS being a roll low system, it's actually the other way around (ones are good, sixes bad). It would be nice to have ones show as green and sixes show as red on that pop-up. Good idea Tommi, I figured out a way to do that.  I do not think it can be done as it is hard coded by Roll20. This has bene brought up before in many other systems but Roll20 is pirmalry for the D&D systems. However, that being said, there might be a way to overide this function. We will investigate. Mike W UPDATE: 09/21/2022 - It appears that MadCoder may have found a away to do this but for only certain types of rolls so far - he is working on this further.
I used the Resync button you folks added to the sheet, and it removed the issues. You're correct that the sheets were old-- that was probably the source of the issue. Another issue I found was that the Lvl column under the Traits tab complains when I enter a value of zero or lower-- it specifically says I shouldn't do that. However, GURPS oftentimes uses negative values for Traits (like Status) or values of zero (like Magery). Why does it make the request to remove the value in that case? Should I pay it any mind? MadCoder said: Alexander W. said: I also have a question regarding red boxes that surround certain skills. I don't know where these come from and don't know how to get rid of them. Any idea what that is? Hi Alexander W.,  Do you recall what action you took that might have caused the red boxes, including seeing them if you saw an update to the sheet? I f the character sheet has been around for a while there could be some hidden data causing conflicts that might result in issues. I think Mike's suggestion of redoing the character is a good idea, which will remove the bad data. The other option is deleting all the skills and re-entering them. I did have to resolve a number of issues of how the way fields are updated in a cascading type of way and I haven't seen the red border on new characters I made after the update.  Thanks, Ken
Sheet Author
Alexander W. said: I used the Resync button you folks added to the sheet, and it removed the issues. You're correct that the sheets were old-- that was probably the source of the issue. Another issue I found was that the Lvl column under the Traits tab complains when I enter a value of zero or lower-- it specifically says I shouldn't do that. However, GURPS oftentimes uses negative values for Traits (like Status) or values of zero (like Magery). Why does it make the request to remove the value in that case? Should I pay it any mind? MadCoder said: Alexander W. said: I also have a question regarding red boxes that surround certain skills. I don't know where these come from and don't know how to get rid of them. Any idea what that is? Hi Alexander W.,  Do you recall what action you took that might have caused the red boxes, including seeing them if you saw an update to the sheet? I f the character sheet has been around for a while there could be some hidden data causing conflicts that might result in issues. I think Mike's suggestion of redoing the character is a good idea, which will remove the bad data. The other option is deleting all the skills and re-entering them. I did have to resolve a number of issues of how the way fields are updated in a cascading type of way and I haven't seen the red border on new characters I made after the update.  Thanks, Ken Thanks Alexander W. I updated the trait levels by removing the minimum value. That should do that trick.  

Edited 1665690207
Mike W.
Sheet Author
The GCA5 Export Plugin for exportng and importing a character into Roll20 has been released. You must update your version of GCA5 to the latest. Abbrivated instructiosn for setting up GCA5, doing and Export and then an Import into Roll20, are included in the Roll20 character sheet under Sheet Options/Import. Detailed instructions have been posted in our dedicated Discord server for this Roll20 character sheet. If you wwish to join our discord server, DM for a personal invite. Mike W.
Whatever happened to the GCS importer? I seem to recall that being promised a while ago, and every so often I check in to see whether it's been added or not, and it still hasn't.
Mike W.
Sheet Author
eVie said: Whatever happened to the GCS importer? I seem to recall that being promised a while ago, and every so often I check in to see whether it's been added or not, and it still hasn't. That was. I beleive, for the other GURPS charcter sheet and was done by another author who left Roll20 about 6 years ago. Since then theMadreCoder and myself have taken it apon ourselves to develope this sheet. For Our sheet, GURPS, we just created the GCA5 Importer which ost people use Next on our list is one for GCS. I will DM you an invite to our Discord sevrer which is all about our sheet. Mike
Sheet Author
eVie said: Whatever happened to the GCS importer? I seem to recall that being promised a while ago, and every so often I check in to see whether it's been added or not, and it still hasn't. Hi eVie, I went a different direction. Instead I made a generic import (the new import process) where the import accepts a predefined json file and imports the data. I had to write an exporter for GCA5, and it is available as a GCA5 plugin. For GCS, someone will need to write the code for GCS to export the data to the json file format required for Roll20 GURPS.  I haven't read up on how to make an exporter for GCS yet and I'm about finished with writing the doc that explains how the json should be formatted for use with Roll20. Thanks, Ken
Awesome sheet. Might have spotted a small bug when attribute points are negative.  I started my character with a HT of 9 (-10 points) but noticed that the stat turns back to a HT 10 at -9 point instead of making me wait till I get it back down to 0 points.  (Interestingly ST works correctly).

Edited 1669347752
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Jotham said: Awesome sheet. Might have spotted a small bug when attribute points are negative.  I started my character with a HT of 9 (-10 points) but noticed that the stat turns back to a HT 10 at -9 point instead of making me wait till I get it back down to 0 points.  (Interestingly ST works correctly).Ok we will look into it in the next day or two. Ok we will look into this in the enxt day ot two. Thanks. Updated 11/24/2022 : I have been unable to reproduce the issue you are reporting. Can you tell us the steps you did that prodecues the results that you are getting?

Edited 1669367714
Updated 11/24/2022 : I have been unable to reproduce the issue you are reporting. Can you tell us the steps you did that prodecues the results that you are getting? Hi :) I'm just modifying the PTS in the Attributes section (it is possible I'm using the sheet wrong).  Screenshot below shows what happens if I edit each attribute to be 1pt off the negative step size.  Interestingly ST correctly stays at 9 and doesn't budge until its set to 0, but DX, IQ and HT jump back to the default 10.  (Positive direction for above the default 10 works correctly). [Edit: screenshot didn't attach - here's some ascii art of the top corner of the General tab] ---------------------------- |  ATTIBUTES  MOD  PTS  | |       ST  9          0      -9   | |       DX 10        0     -19  | |       DX 10        0     -19  | |       HT 10        0     -9    | ---------------------------- If it's just a quirk on my sheet and you can't reproduce, then it's not a major issue (I'll just leave it at -10 with a note until my character can set it back to 0), but thought it'd be good to report when I spotted it.
Dear Sirs, just getting my feet wet on roll 20 and this sheet. I imported a character sheet from GCA4 and i notice that i if change a skill or an attribute nothing changes in the combat melee or ranged stats Is this intentional? thanks
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Jotham said: Updated 11/24/2022 : I have been unable to reproduce the issue you are reporting. Can you tell us the steps you did that prodecues the results that you are getting? Hi :) I'm just modifying the PTS in the Attributes section (it is possible I'm using the sheet wrong).  Screenshot below shows what happens if I edit each attribute to be 1pt off the negative step size.  Interestingly ST correctly stays at 9 and doesn't budge until its set to 0, but DX, IQ and HT jump back to the default 10.  (Positive direction for above the default 10 works correctly). [Edit: screenshot didn't attach - here's some ascii art of the top corner of the General tab] ---------------------------- |  ATTIBUTES  MOD  PTS  | |       ST  9          0      -9   | |       DX 10        0     -19  | |       DX 10        0     -19  | |       HT 10        0     -9    | ---------------------------- If it's just a quirk on my sheet and you can't reproduce, then it's not a major issue (I'll just leave it at -10 with a note until my character can set it back to 0), but thought it'd be good to report when I spotted it. I tried it on servsal sheets of mine but was nto abel to create the same issue you are having.  Try clickign the RESYNC button under Options\Sheet Options. That might help, otherwise there may be an internal issue with your particular chgarcter. Is it hapending on other character heets? Tryin creating a new cgharacter and see if it happens there. In the mean time, we will continue to look at the code. Mike

Edited 1670280111
Mike W.
Sheet Author
 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.91  Dated 12/05/2022 Released 12/05/2022 • Updated all Macro Tooltips to use a standard, more useful naming convention. • Several minor updates to tooltips. • For new character sheets, there are now default values for a trait's (Advantages/disadvantages) critical success and failure notes. • Shotgun Tool. Added roll template note multiplying targets DR. • Hit Location - Low Tech. Added new hit locations and notes. o Special Note here: If you had already selected the Humanoid Low Tech Hit Location table, the new locations to that table will not be added to your existing character sheet automatically. To add these new locations, you need to first record your existing values. Put them in a word or notepad document of some sort or take a screen shot as you will need those value in the next step. Now click ‘Apply’, the new locations will appear but unfortunately the existing values you had will be gone. Now you will have to manually reenter those values. It is the limitation of the system unfortunately.        OOPS ; The Hit Location for the Left Hand is missing, it will be in the next update. • Melee and Ranged Attacks. Renamed Success and Fail labels to Hit and Miss. Added reference field and display on roll template. • Technique Roll Template. Added parent name below the name of the technique. • Combat - Defense tab. Updated tooltip for Dodge and Drop. Mike BTW : If you have not joined our dedicated Discord server for this character sheet, please DM me here in Roll20 and I will send you an invite.
I wonder if there was furter development on the "Language Talent" issue. I still cannot aply fewer points on the languages known by a character with this advantage. Best regards
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Fred said: I wonder if there was furter development on the "Language Talent" issue. I still cannot aply fewer points on the languages known by a character with this advantage. Best regards It is on our list and I appologize that we have not gotten to it yet. I have a meeting with TheMadeCoder tomorrow so I wil bring it up again. Thanks for brining this to my attention. Mike
First, many thanks for your continued excellent work on the sheet. Then, a  request which is also a question: Would it be possible to create so-called nested inventory lines? That is, have containers of inventory items which would group items inside them for carrying and dropping (temporarily). It would make inventory management, e.g. before a battle, so much more easier if you could, say, drop a backpack with one click (the "carried/on" checkbox) instead of clicking each and every item in the backpack separately. And then after the battle, re-equip the backpack (with all the items inside it) with one click. Mind you, this is not a critical feature, just a convenience one. So it's not a biggie as such, but boy, oh boy, would it make inventory management faster. Not sure if this is even possible with Roll20, however.
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Tommi said: First, many thanks for your continued excellent work on the sheet. Then, a  request which is also a question: Would it be possible to create so-called nested inventory lines? That is, have containers of inventory items which would group items inside them for carrying and dropping (temporarily). It would make inventory management, e.g. before a battle, so much more easier if you could, say, drop a backpack with one click (the "carried/on" checkbox) instead of clicking each and every item in the backpack separately. And then after the battle, re-equip the backpack (with all the items inside it) with one click. Mind you, this is not a critical feature, just a convenience one. So it's not a biggie as such, but boy, oh boy, would it make inventory management faster. Not sure if this is even possible with Roll20, however. Thank you for your suggestion and your positive comment, we greatly appreciate that. Oh I wish we could do nested as you request. Currently there isn't any way to do that with the repeating section that we use for the Inventory (same system for spells and skills and all other traits). We are working on a possible solution but so far it is either overly complicated or just will not work. We have not given up though, so we are hoping to explore more technical solutions. Mike

Edited 1673995468
Mike W.
Sheet Author
 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.2  Dated 01/01/2023 Released 01/02/2023 •    Important: Point Summary Table. Added a new option for the GCA5 format. In addition, any negative attributes or a negative racial template total are treated as disadvantages. •    For Skills, Melee, and Ranged tables. If the Max skill of 9 is visible and if it is checked/unchecked, then the effective skill is now updated to reflect the checkbox. •    Roll Modifier Tools. Each repeating section has a toolbar to modify the effective skill and other roll traits. •    A few options were added to the Roll Modifiers Toolbar and the syncing of data between the Roll Modifiers Toolbar and Roll Modifiers Tool Box have been improved. •    The buttons to view the Roll Modifiers Toolbox is always available now, you no longer have to set the character sheet options or the Campaign Options to view them. •    Repeating Skills - Attribute drop-down. The value for 10 is highlighted to show that a non-standard value was selected. This is helpful if something happened while importing the character. •    Repeating Languages - Add a checkbox for Language Talent. If checked the drop-down will be updated to show the new costs. You can also manually modify the costs of spoken/written for special circumstances. Special Note: This Language format conversion needs to be checked for each existing character. The point total may be incorrect until you select each again manually. •    Repeating Ranged Attacks - Fixed bug where malfunction was modifying the effective skill. •    General Tab - The turning and velocity modifiers tool is no longer hidden by a toggle button. •    Grimoire Table: Updated the tooltip for Resist column name. •    Added Difficulty T/H. This covers the situation for ritual magic spells. Suggestion: Set the points to 0 and use the modifier to get the correct spell level. Place the magic ritual spell on the Techniques table. •    GCA5 Import. Equipment cost is rounded to 2 decimal places. Weight is rounded to 3 decimal places. •    Predefined Dodges - For Dodge, Dodge and Retreat, and Dodge and Drop, the roll result on the chat window will show current modifiers from HP and/or HP loss and encumbrance level. • Not mentioned in the announcement on the character sheet, the missing entry of "Left Hand" has been fixed in the Humanoid Low-tech Hit Location table. (It was a right handed personal mistake). To be kept posted of things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike
Hey, here's a bug report for you: I noticed in a recent game that some characters are unable to "roll" their speed. Me and another player got the messages (Plural, all 6 of them even after only clicking once) shown in the screenshot (when selecting a token, if no token was selected we got the expected "You attempted to use a roll command looking for the value of a selected token, but no tokens are selected." message). My GM was able to roll the speed of some monsters, and another player was able to roll their PC's speed, but the GM was unable to roll our PCs' speed from our sheets, he got the same message.
Sheet Author
Drahcir O. said: Hey, here's a bug report for you: I noticed in a recent game that some characters are unable to "roll" their speed. Me and another player got the messages (Plural, all 6 of them even after only clicking once) shown in the screenshot (when selecting a token, if no token was selected we got the expected "You attempted to use a roll command looking for the value of a selected token, but no tokens are selected." message). My GM was able to roll the speed of some monsters, and another player was able to roll their PC's speed, but the GM was unable to roll our PCs' speed from our sheets, he got the same message. Hi  Drahcir O. , The only thing I can think of is if there are special characters in the character name. Do any of those characters have unusual text, like brackets or percentage? Thanks, Ken
MadCoder said: Drahcir O. said: Hey, here's a bug report for you: I noticed in a recent game that some characters are unable to "roll" their speed. Me and another player got the messages (Plural, all 6 of them even after only clicking once) shown in the screenshot (when selecting a token, if no token was selected we got the expected "You attempted to use a roll command looking for the value of a selected token, but no tokens are selected." message). My GM was able to roll the speed of some monsters, and another player was able to roll their PC's speed, but the GM was unable to roll our PCs' speed from our sheets, he got the same message. Hi  Drahcir O. , The only thing I can think of is if there are special characters in the character name. Do any of those characters have unusual text, like brackets or percentage? Thanks, Ken Hey Ken, No there isn't. The two characters whose Speed couldn't be rolled are called "Neophyte Marius" and "Sir Chester". The character whose Speed could be rolled is called "Felice Bustle", and the monster "Griffin".
Sheet Author
Drahcir O. said: MadCoder said: Drahcir O. said: Hey, here's a bug report for you: I noticed in a recent game that some characters are unable to "roll" their speed. Me and another player got the messages (Plural, all 6 of them even after only clicking once) shown in the screenshot (when selecting a token, if no token was selected we got the expected "You attempted to use a roll command looking for the value of a selected token, but no tokens are selected." message). My GM was able to roll the speed of some monsters, and another player was able to roll their PC's speed, but the GM was unable to roll our PCs' speed from our sheets, he got the same message. Hi  Drahcir O. , The only thing I can think of is if there are special characters in the character name. Do any of those characters have unusual text, like brackets or percentage? Thanks, Ken Hey Ken, No there isn't. The two characters whose Speed couldn't be rolled are called "Neophyte Marius" and "Sir Chester". The character whose Speed could be rolled is called "Felice Bustle", and the monster "Griffin". You could try changing DX or Basic Speed to see if that fixes it. There's no reason why this wouldn't work, unless something weird happened with how Roll20 saved some data.
MadCoder said: Drahcir O. said: MadCoder said: Drahcir O. said: Hey, here's a bug report for you: I noticed in a recent game that some characters are unable to "roll" their speed. Me and another player got the messages (Plural, all 6 of them even after only clicking once) shown in the screenshot (when selecting a token, if no token was selected we got the expected "You attempted to use a roll command looking for the value of a selected token, but no tokens are selected." message). My GM was able to roll the speed of some monsters, and another player was able to roll their PC's speed, but the GM was unable to roll our PCs' speed from our sheets, he got the same message. Hi  Drahcir O. , The only thing I can think of is if there are special characters in the character name. Do any of those characters have unusual text, like brackets or percentage? Thanks, Ken Hey Ken, No there isn't. The two characters whose Speed couldn't be rolled are called "Neophyte Marius" and "Sir Chester". The character whose Speed could be rolled is called "Felice Bustle", and the monster "Griffin". You could try changing DX or Basic Speed to see if that fixes it. There's no reason why this wouldn't work, unless something weird happened with how Roll20 saved some data. Nope, that didn't work. I asked my DM to give me a second character sheet so I can play around with it.
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Drahcir O. said: Hey, here's a bug report for you: I noticed in a recent game that some characters are unable to "roll" their speed. Me and another player got the messages (Plural, all 6 of them even after only clicking once) shown in the screenshot (when selecting a token, if no token was selected we got the expected "You attempted to use a roll command looking for the value of a selected token, but no tokens are selected." message). My GM was able to roll the speed of some monsters, and another player was able to roll their PC's speed, but the GM was unable to roll our PCs' speed from our sheets, he got the same message. We will also look into it on our side as well, although so far we have not been able to duplicate this issue - ut we ill keep trying. Have your GM use the transmorgafier and transfer the problem characters to a 'Test' game, if they work there then transfer them back. If you are using the third party Extension called VTTES, try exporting the character youself and importing it in another "test" game, and try the character there. Again f that works, then export the character from the "test" game and import it back into your regular game. Don't foget to have th token on the VTT itself. If those options do not work, I do have a simple macro you can add to the game that is used as a Token Macro, called #initiative. You can then try that macro and see if that works. That will not fix anythign but is a work around for now. Mike
I'm using your GURPS character sheet, and I'm getting this problem every time a player tries to roll against a technique:
Sheet Author
JanMikal said: I'm using your GURPS character sheet, and I'm getting this problem every time a player tries to roll against a technique: Thanks JanMikal, that is a bug, I just made a pull request to fix it. Unfortunately, I don't think it will be fixed until monday.

Edited 1673995442
Mike W.
Sheet Author
 GURPS Character Sheet Version  Dated 01/16/2023 Released 01/17/2023 - Added a fix for broken techniques table. Reported by JanMikal. - Added a quick fix to the default values when adding a new language. To be kept posted of things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike
Hello, I am a GM preparing to run a GURPS game, and I was wondering if I could pick your brains on the character sheet - I am running IQ separate from Per and Will (So changing IQ doesn't change Per or Will), and I was wondering if there was a way to decouple those specific attributes from IQ, without affecting the other derived stats (HP/FP)? I am not that skilled in modding, so any help on this front is appreciated!  Thank you in advance for your help,  Kind Regards,   Alex. 
Sheet Author
Alexander C. said: Hello, I am a GM preparing to run a GURPS game, and I was wondering if I could pick your brains on the character sheet - I am running IQ separate from Per and Will (So changing IQ doesn't change Per or Will), and I was wondering if there was a way to decouple those specific attributes from IQ, without affecting the other derived stats (HP/FP)? I am not that skilled in modding, so any help on this front is appreciated!  Thank you in advance for your help,  Kind Regards,   Alex.  Hi Alex,  One idea is to use the modifier column to offset the intelligence. If you have an IQ of 14, then for Will and Per enter -4 to the modifier column.  Ken
Ok, I was honestly considering that as a stop-gap measure, but I was interested if there was an automatic option to handle that; or talks on adding such an option.  Thanks anyways for the quick reply. 
Sheet Author
Alexander C. said: Ok, I was honestly considering that as a stop-gap measure, but I was interested if there was an automatic option to handle that; or talks on adding such an option.  Thanks anyways for the quick reply.  Thanks Alexander C. It's not on our radar as of yet, since it's a custom rule and not Rules as Written. We typically stick to the core rules and some of the important expansions like Powers, High tech, Low tech, and Martial Art. Ken
Sheet Author
Alexander C. said: Ok, I was honestly considering that as a stop-gap measure, but I was interested if there was an automatic option to handle that; or talks on adding such an option.  Thanks anyways for the quick reply.  FYI - Here's a link to the issue, but it is a low priority. Add "Perception and WIll are separate from IQ" option · Issue #195 · MadCoder253/roll20-character-sheets (

Edited 1675226421
Mike W.
Sheet Author
 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.3  Dated 01/20/2023 Released 01/31/2023.   ·          Revised how the Combat Reflexes checkbox modifies Fright Check and Dodge. It no longer directly updates the Fright and Dodge Modifier input boxes, instead hidden fields are used to store the values. This will be more reliable and avoids conflicts with users who don't use the combat reflexes checkbox. This also fixes an error that was occurring when importing characters. ·          NOTE: When updating to the newest character sheet version, if you had combat reflexes checked, it should move... o    The +2 Fright check bonus from the Fright Check Modifier Input box to the new Combat Reflexes Fright Check Modifier. o    You can see this modifier by hovering over the tooltip for Fright. o    The +1 Dodge bonus from the Dodge Modifier Input box to the new Combat Reflexes Dodge Modifier. o    You can see this modifier by hovering over the tooltip for Dodge**. ·          GCA5 Point Summary Table. Split points for Cultural Familiarities into a separate row. ·          Minor bugfix when adding a brand-new language to set default values correctly. ·          General tab - Left attribute column. Added a new section for Stress and Derangement for GURPS Horror 4th Edition. ·          Combat tab - Damage table. Updated the layout by moving the Wounds and Notes text boxes below the armor location data row. The summary table is now editable but be aware that editing one of the other layer text boxes will overwrite any changes you made. The order of the columns changed a little in order to accommodate the responsiveness of different armor layers. ·          Combat tab - Defense table. Fixed bug with new characters where Max 9 was checked. To be kept posted on things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike

Edited 1676007530
Mike W.
Sheet Author
 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.4  Dated 02/06/2023 Released 02/09/2023.   ·          Wound Modifier Notes: Added formatting to improve the legibility of the roll template. o    To update the Wound Modifier Notes for an existing character, go to the Options->Rules tab and under the section, Editable Wound Modifier Notes click the reset button. ·          Slam, Falling, and Collision note revisions. Added damage type to Falling and Collision. If the damage type is other than crushing damage is halved. o    Notes in roll template. The collapsible notes section should be available when the character sheet is updated to work with Roll20s non-legacy html/css.   To be kept posted on things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike
I have found a bug of sorts. All the size modifier fields are linked together.  The problem is that the Size Modifier on the Bio tab is for the character's SM (and will give discounts on ST and HP costs), while the SM on the combat tab is for the target's SM.