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Move tokens/polygon lines to Dynamic Lighting Layer

Score + 82

Edited 1646856343
Edit: New feature requesting this be added as a menu option (<a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>). Please place comments there as this thread has been ignored for years. Original post: A feature I would like to see added and have seen requested in the bug forums more than once, is the ability to move a token or polygon line from any other layer into the Dynamic Lighting layer. Currently, you are allowed to move an object from the Dynamic Lighting layer to the Token, GM, and Map layers but not in reverse. If an object is incorrectly moved to a layer from the Dynamic Lighting layer, the only option the DM has to undo that action is to delete the object then recreate it again in the Dynamic Lighting layer. This can be a pain if a large section of a map was moved by accident. Another use case for this feature is the moving a light blocking object, like a polygon line, that defines a door/window from the Dynamic Lighting layer to the GM layer and back to simulate opening and closing that door/window. As it stands, you have to delete the light blocking object from the Dynamic Lighting layer and recreate it to gain the same effect.
Nevermind. Seems I missed the feature that was launched to do it using the Advanced Shortcuts. Would still be nice to see it added to the edit menu when you right click an object. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
I second this; I don't like using the Advanced Shortcuts, because I end up accidentally "typing" on the map and doing things I hadn't intended. &nbsp;Since obviously the mechanism exists to send things to Dynamic Lighting, it would be great to have it added to the right-click menu.
What Kevin said.
I'm a fairly new user here. I'm going through my first 2 campaigns and also ran into this issue, except even with the keyboard shortcut, I must be doing something wrong because I can't get it to move to the correct layer.&nbsp; I am mainly using this for opening and closing doors.&nbsp; Moving to GM layer is easy enough.&nbsp; Moving it back to dynamic lighting layer is a pain.&nbsp; Maybe I'm just doing something wrong, but I would also love the ability to have this directly on the context menu through the GUI.
First time playing around with dynamic lighting, and can't believe that this still isn't an option.&nbsp; Would so love to easily be able to move things between GM and Dyn Light layers with a couple clicks.
Yes. This.
+1 from me too. Not sure why you can move from but not to dynamic layer. I use it to open doors for example and to close them again, i have to redo a line.
New to the dynamic lighting system, just noticed this issue. I would very much like this capability. Say as an example, I've drawn a light blocker to represent a closed door. My options at the moment seem to be either to delete the blocker and redraw it later or move it somewhere (but if there is not "safe" place to put it, it just shows up to the players as some mysterious light blocker in the middle of the map). There should be a simple right click option so that I can move it to the GM layer and back to the Dynamic Lighting layer.
It would seem to be a trivial thing to implement, but getting enough votes for it to be noticed by roll20 will possibly be tough.

Edited 1605129006
I agree. Came here looking for a solution. Edit: For others that come here looking for a solution use the advance short cut, select the line to move then [l] [,]
Totally agree with everyone else here, seems would be a trivial addition to add it to the right click context menu to Send to Layer like we have with every other layer. Relying on a non-modified keystroke combo via the advanced shortcuts is not a good workaround. As many have said, it's very easy to make a quick series of mistakes typing into the map with advanced shortcuts on, since they don't require a Ctrl/CMD modifier.&nbsp; Even on purpose, the keystrokes are hard to use well on the fly, if you hit the layer key before "l", it shifts your layer and selected item instead of shifting the item, leading to a few seconds of figuring out what just happened.&nbsp;
+1 I accidentally moved all of my lines to a different layer during a live game and assumed I could do this with the right-click option and boy was I salty when I figured out I couldn't. Thought I would have to redo them all. Luckily a quick search brought me to this post for the advanced commands. But I shouldn't have needed to come here to be able to do it.
+1 for this.
+1 for this.
Guys, can we please get this? I don't want to sound ungrateful, but it's a 5-15 minute job.

Edited 1638108882
The fact that this hasn't happened in 6+ years of people requesting it is indicative of everything that is wrong with Roll20

Edited 1646848195
Andreas J.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Achates said: The fact that this hasn't happened in 6+ years of people requesting it is indicative of everything that is wrong with Roll20 While the Token/line menus don't have DL layer as a selectable option, this have been possible for years. Move things to Dynamic Lighting Layer: Advanced Hotkeys 1. Go to My Settings, turn on "Use advanced keyboard shortcuts" 2. Select everything you want to move 3. Press L + , &nbsp; and you will move to the DL layer together with the selected objects. Workaround: Token Mod and Move Lighting APIs It's also possible to use the Token Mod and Move Lighting APIs for the same thing. Select token(s) &amp; use following command: Moves tokens to the token/object layer. !token-mod --set layer|objects Select (single) drawing &amp; use following command: Moves drawing to the token/object layer. !movelight objects @{selected|token_id} Menu Popup version of both: !token-mod --set layer|?{Move to Layer|Map/Background,map|Object/Token,objects|GM Layer,gmlayer|Dynamic Lighting,walls} !movelight ?{Move to Layer|Map/Background,map|Object/Token,objects|GM Layer,gmlayer|Dynamic Lighting,walls} @{selected|token_id}
Opened a new feature request to track the actual ask and not be ignored for non-accessible work arounds.&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Side note: I'm a software engineer. Six years is way too long to be waiting for a simple usability fix like this. If the source code was open source, I would have made this change myself.
Roll20, please do not ignore this because there is a workaround or keyboard shortcut.&nbsp; Dynamic Lighting is the ONLY layer not on the context menu. That is a BROKEN or MISSING feature, not some extra new fancy feature for which we are asking.
any year now....

Edited 1662917202
+1 Get the intern on it.
Just ran into this issue.&nbsp; I can Place Light, but in order to edit it, it seems like I have to move the Light to the Token layer.&nbsp; Then I have to use the "Advanced" shorcut to get the Light back into the DL layer.
+1 8 years. 8 years to add to the right click shortcuts!
I know. It’s nuts. If other VTTs are eating Roll20’s lunch it’s because easy UX features like this are just ignored.&nbsp;
So true.&nbsp; Such simple things I've been wanting for years in Roll20.... Right click move to lighting layer Copy a magic item (from one sheet to another) Create a permanent magic item (so I don't have to create a new one from scratch for the character sheet every time someone accidentally deletes it) Add damage from multiple attacks (add to a multi-attack macro to sum up multiple 3, 4, 5 attacks from high level characters). Print the character sheet (finally done, I know...but years!) But thankfully they are scrubbing offensive "trigger" words from DnD content as a top priority.
You do realize that's a Hasbro/WOTC thing, not Roll20. Roll20 has no control over what RPG publishers decide to do. Glenn L. said: But thankfully they are scrubbing offensive "trigger" words from DnD content as a top priority.
What Glenn L Said.&nbsp;