originally i used text reversal to reuse a roll for the "save for half" because recalling the roll before it was made, broke the line roll (text reversal = roll the save for half multiplying the roll by 0.5, then recall the original roll & say on a fail take the full damage. it's just reordering the text). Then i thought well why not use HTML and yes that works but then i found that Rainbowencoder had a much prettier way using the $[[0.computed]] syntax if there are no rolls prior to it then it will be in position zero $[[0.computed]] if it's part of an attack {flagged as attack on the action) and you have the NPC set to auto roll damage and crit  the position is six $[[6.computed]] if the NPC is set to Don't auto roll damage then the position is two $[[2.computed]] if you are using the damage roll without an attack then it's position four $[[4.computed]] why bother at all for simple arithmatic? because i wanted too...   no attack Don't auto roll damage auto roll damage and crit damage but no attack The kraken magically creates three bolts of lightning, each of which can strike a target the kraken can see within 120 feet of it. A target must make a DC 23 Dexterity saving throw, taking $[[6.computed]] (4d10) lightning damage on a failed save, or half ([[floor(0.5*[[4d10]])]]) damage on a successful one.