Spell scrolls and Quality of Life update! 4.14.0
Githup PR: Pull Request
Hello everyone!
Thank you for being patient with me. It has taken me quite a while to finish up this update and to find out why, read on!
Spell Scroll support
Spell scrolls can now be rolled directly from the equipment tab. They use their own level for determining power
When it comes to scrolls a couple of small things have been added.
- Since scrolls are “read” components have been set to always be V (leaving out S, M)
- This might not be correct for all games, as scrolls that originally only had Somatic components, such as Wraithform, goes from being a silent spell, to have to be read out loud. So maybe these should stay Somatic only. This depends on the GM. Leave your comment below if you disagree with my choice.
- Casting Time changed to Reading Time, just a bit a flavour
- If the original spell had material components, the following text is inserted instead: “Included in the scroll” as they were used when the scroll was created.
They also support risk of spell failure, if you are using a scroll that is higher level than you, or if you are a thief or a bard.
The spell description is always printed, as if a failure happens, then the DM needs the spell description to determine how the spell backfires, if it backfires.
If you do not use the rules for scrolls failing, then you can just set the failure % to 0 and it will be removed from the template.
In order to support these new scrolls new fields are added to the scrolls section, and the scroll section itself got a little design change. I used what I learned from the Psionic powers and tried to implement this using a minimum amount of fields.
Before | After |
The arrow next to the macro button gives access to the textarea where the actual macro is stored. Here you can also write the spell failure percentage
All Wizard and Priest spells have been added as a datalist for easy auto completion and when selecting a spell, additional popups ask you for both the scrolls level and its risk of failure. If you add a spell, that is both available to wizards and priests, then it ask for the version.
The recommended casting level is calculated based on the rules on p. 196 of the DMG, which states that a scroll should be 1 level higher than when you can learn it, but never below 6th level, so if you add a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level spell, it will recommend to 6th casting level (as you learn all these at level 5 or below), but you pick a 5th level spell, it calculates the level to be 10th casting level, as you can learn them at level 9.
Of course the different level scaling for priest and wizards are included so a 6th level priest spell will recommend to 12th casting level level, as it can be learned at level 11. While a 6th level wizard spell will recommend to 13th casting level as it is learned at level 12.
Finally a few notes on casting spells from scrolls have been added under the scroll sections. These were copied over from the Spell section as it was more relevant here.
Added spell failure to Priests spells
If a priest has less than 13 Wisdom then they run the risk of their spells failing. I have added this when players cast priest spells. If you dislike this, either ignore the result or set your spell failure chance on the attribute tab to 0%.
Monsters do not suffer this as they currently do not have a field for their wisdom. It is assumed that monsters know how to cast their spells.
Quality of life
Added success and failure text for Roll Templates
The following roll templates has gotten this feature:
- 2Echeck
- 2Einversecheck
- 2Esave
- 2Espell
- 2Epsionic
If you write {{success=some success}} or {{fail=some fail}} then this will be shown below the big Success / Failure “heading”.
This has been used to add a text to ability score rolls telling how much a roll was made by or failed by.
Some of the sub ability scores have also been given text referencing the Player’s Handbook.
Nonweapon proficiencies have not gotten the text telling how by how much the roll was made/failed by, as not all nonweapon proficiencies evaluate their roll the same way. Looking at Bowyer/Fletcher you want to roll as low as possible, 1 being the best, while looking at Gaming you want to roll as high as possible without going over, ie. Using “the price is right” logic.
Added Psionic defense mode modifiers pop up for psionic attacks
Here are the modifiers for Id Insinuation
Added Psionic base ability and modifier to the top of the Roll Template
Added DM button for rolling secretly on psionic template when appropriate
Notice that the yellow background color indicates that this is whispered to the GM |
This allows the DM to quickly roll, using the stats from the players character sheet, while being hidden from the players and see the result. This button has all the nice logic as the other psionic buttons.
I know that there are only like 4 powers that uses this logic, but it was fun to implement.
Added some more languages found in the book of Dwarves
Added missing PO: Combat & Tactics weapon proficiencies
It appears that these never made it to the live sheet as I made a bug while implementing it originally.
Added note about nonmagical arrows from magical bows
Quality Assurance
All of the work you see above probably only took a week or two. The real reason for the long wait is the following.
When I started this project my mission was simple: Put content from the books directly into the sheet, exactly as written.
I took whatever book I had and added that to the sheet. This would take a really long time, but luckily I only had to go through the books once, and then never think about it again.
I more or less stayed true to this design choice, only adding minor changes, like changing a spell description from saying “10 ft.” to say “10 feet”.
However as I went through the books, I started to notice errors and inconsistencies, which annoyed me. I wanted to fix the errors, but I also want to stay true to the book, but both could not be achieved at the same time.
I became aware of that many of the books had multiple versions, where each newer version corrected some errors from the previous one. This would be the answer to my problem. With updated books, the data can be correct, and also stay true to the books.
This made my new mission clear: Put content from the newest version of the books directly into the sheet, exactly as written.
As I didn’t know what changes were made from book to book, there were one way to find the changes: Go through each book from cover to cover, and check if anything changed. Also I did not find a new version of every book, but as I might have missed something, I decided to check them again.
This would take a really long time, but luckily I would only have to go through the books twice, and then never think about it again.
So that is where all my time have been spend. I have spend a not insignificant amount of money (do not tell my wife) buying the newest printing of each book
I went through all the splat books, ie. Fighter’s handbook all the way to Ninja’s Handbook, leaving out only the Player’s Option books and the Player’s Handbook. I did however do some changes for the Player’s Handbook to fix errors that you people have reported to me, or that I found myself.
Below you can see all the major edits I did. Probably 10 times more minor edits than listed were made, of such things like adding a comma, or making a word italicised.
Edits marked as Book Update, means that an update was made in the newer printing of the book.
Edits marked as Typo, means that I simply copied the content incorrectly from the book the first time around.
All other edits are stuff I noticed along the way.
Player's Handbook (First Printing May 2013)
- Sepia Snake Sigil - Fixed broken tab character
- Spectral Force - Fixed broken area of effect calculation
- Water Breathing - Fixed broken calculation preventing the spell from printing
- Wind Wall - Fixed broken calculation preventing the spell from printing
- Wraithform - Fixed broken calculation preventing the spell from printing
- Fire Shield - Fixed broken calculation preventing the spell from printing
- Monster Summoning II - Fixed broken calculation preventing the spell from printing
- Wall of Fire - Fixed area of effect calculation to calculate the number of sheets. This reduces the overall area of effect by an order of magnitude
- Summon shadow - Fixed broken calculation preventing the spell from printing
- Chaos - Fixed broken tab character
- Seeming - Fixed broken calculation preventing the spell from printing
- Wall of Fire - Fixed area of effect calculation to calculate the number of sheets. This reduces the overall area of effect by an order of magnitude
Complete Fighter's Handbook (11th Printing, May 1996)
- One / two handed javelin changed to medium size - Book update
- One / two handed stone javelin changed to medium size - Book update
Complete Wizard's Handbook (10th printing, March 1996)
- Jitte change size to small - typo
- Shuriken changed ROF to 2/1 - book update
- Detect Disease - scaling no longer goes above 100% chance
- Choke - fixed whitespace
- Detect life - fixed range scaling and missing material components - typo
- Hovering skull - added M for material component - book update
- Pain Touch - changed school to Necromancy - book update
- Force Shaprechange - changed damage when save is made - book update
- Bone club - Updated effect about clubs not being available to wizards - Book update
- Wind breath - Updated how damage is displayed
- Force Shapechange - Updated casting speed to 5 - Book update
- Force Shapechange - Updated damage to always be 3d10 - Book update
Complete Psionics Handbook (Ninth printing: October 1996)
- Added the Power Score as written in the book to the template output
- Fixed whitespace when a power has 1 round of prep to say "1 round" instead of "1round"
- All-round vision - Fixed linebreak mid-sentence
- Clairvoyance - Fixed linebreak mid-sentence
- Precognition - Added 20 effect to be displayed by the template
- Danger Sense - Added 1 effect to be displayed by the template
- Know Direction - Fixed linebreak mid-sentence
- Spirit Sense - Corrected description to state that it sense noncorporeal undead - Book update
- Create Object - Fixed table in effect text
- Detonate - Fixed linebreak mid-sentence
- Animate Object - Fixed table header - Book update
- Create Sound - Power Score modifier changed to -2 from -7 - Book update
- Inertial Barrier - Fixed linebreak mid-sentence
- Molecular Agitation - Added that only magical items gets a +10 modifier - Book update
- Molecular Agitation - Corrected the displayed damage to match the effect text - typo
- Animal Affinity - Added missing linebreak - typo
- Flesh Armor - Added clarification that the armor is nonmagical - Book Update
- Flesh Armor - Added clarification that this power works with rings of protection - Book Update
- Probability Travel - changed reference to the Planescape accessory - Book update
- Probability Travel - Fixed linebreak mid-sentence
- Summon Planar Creature - Updated book references - Book update
- Teleport - Fixed table so that PSP cost starts at 10 PSP - Book update
- Astral Projection - changed reference to the Planescape accessory - Book update
- Dream Travel - Calculate the aount of PSP used based on passengers
- Probe - Removed Mindlink as a prerequisite
- Contact - Added missing bold styling to text
- Empathy - Added missing Power Score effect
- Appraise - Fixed linebreak mid-sentence
- Ultrablast - Fixed linebreak mid-sentence
- Intensify - Made popup options more readable
- Psychic Drain - Updated psionic potential description - Book update
- Wrench - Fixed page number - typo
Tome of Magic (Seventh Printing: March, 1996)
- Maximilian's Earthen Grasp - School changed to Alteration - Book update
- There/Not There - Fixed page number
- Turn Pebble to Boulder - Fixed reverse spell calculation
- Khazid's Procurement - Fixed presentation of table
- Lower Resistance - Fixed spelling error in turn
- Waveform - Fixed area of effect calculations
- Bloodstone's Spectral Steed - Added number of passengers calculation
- Acid Storm - Added how acid damage can be healed - Typo
- Airboat - Changed movement rate from mile per hour calculation to movement rate 21 - Book update
- Gunther's Kaleidoscopic Strike - Fixed broken calculation
- Homunculus Shield - Fixed hp calculations - Typo
- Elemental Aura - Greatly improve the presentation of the table data
- Estate Transference - Updated area of effect from 1000 square feet to 1 square mile per level - Book update
- Wail of the Banshee - Fixed linebreak mid-sentence and fixed missing description text
- Wildfire - Fixed page number - type
- Analyze Balance - Fixed calculation to no longer go above 100%
- Personal Reading - Greatly improve the presentation of the table data
- Emotion Perception - Added level scaling for area of effect. Minimum 1 unit as the spell would do nothing before level 5 which would make no sense.
- Emotion Control - Added level scaling for saving throw bonus
- Random Causality - Corrected Duration and Casting time as per - Sage Advice #247 update
- Rigid Thinking - Corrected "in capable" to "incapable"
- Unearthly Choir - Added damage for quick reference
- Defensive Harmony - Fixed area of effect calculation
- Probability Control - Fixed modification calculation from 5% per level to 5% per 5 levels.
- Age Object - Fixed broken level scaling calculation
- Barrier of Retention - Corrected area of effect calculation
- Time Pool - Improve presentation of bullet point list
- Crushing Walls - Fixed area of effect from square feet to foot square. This increases the area of effect by an order of magnitude
- The Great Circle - Added damage overview
- Spiritual Wrath - Added self damage to the caster, to the damage overview
- Mind Tracker - Added material components
- Uncontrolled Weather - No longer rolls area of effect, as it should be done by the DM
- Circle of Sunmotes - Added damage type
- Revelation - Fixed linebreak mid-sentence
- Sphere of Security - Fixed calculation that prevented spell from printing
- Spiral of Degeneration - Added missing bullet point in effect description - Typo
- Undead Plague - Removed calculated level scaling as it is unclear how it should be calculated
Complete Book of Dwarves (November 1993)
- Lip Reading (Dwarf) - Modifier changed from 0 to -2 - Typo
Complete Book of Humanoids (Sixth printing, March 1999)
- Crowd Working - Version added from this book with modifier of +2
- Naginata - S/M damage changed to 1d8. L damage changed to 1d10 - Typo
- Finhead broadsword - Added new weapon - Book update
Complete Ranger's Handbook (Fifth printing, July 1995)
- Cartography - Changed ability to score to Int and modifier to -2 - Typo
Complete Druid's Handbook
- Beastmask - Fixed page number - Typo
- Animal Spy - Clarified that only wizard familiars can save vs. spell - Typo
- Fortifying Stew - Added calculation for ounces of stew enchanted
- Fortifying Stew - Added sheet authors's note to tell that calculations have been changed
- Shape Wood - Fixed calculation for area of effect, adding together static and scaling part
- Earthmaw - Added calculation for what hit dice the monster attacks as, and what its THAC0 is
Complete Barbarian's Handbook
- Sign Language - Corrected ability score from Charisma to Dexterity - Typo
- Jumping - Added Barbarian specific version
- Tightrope Walking - Added Barbarian specific version
- Tumbling - Added Barbarian specific version
- Horde Summoning - Changed modifier from 0 to -2
Complete Book of Necromancers
- Animate Dead Animals - Fixed animated skeletons Hit dice from 1-4 to ¼ - Typo
- Living Link - Limited number of senses calculation to 5.
- Empathic Wound Transfer - Set amount of healing / self damage leave the caster at 1 hp, instead of 0, because at 0 you would be dead (if not using deaths door rule)
- Transmute Bone to Steel - Fixed linebreak mid-sentence
- Death Ward - Fixed page number
- Spectral Senses - Change level scaling to follow priest levels instead of wizard levels
- Resist Turning - Full of errors. More research needed
- Death's Door - Fixed page number
- Undead Alacrity - Change level scaling to follow priest levels instead of wizard levels
- Plague Curse - Added calculation for how many lives the plague kills
- Asphyxiate - Corrected damage to depend on Constitution check instead of saving throw
Complete Ninjas Handbook (2nd printing, March 1996)
- Featherfoot - Swapped duration and casting time as increasing casting time with level did not make sense. This is highlighted with a sheet authors note
- Fixed sling, Stone long range to 160 from 1600 yards - Typo
- Fixed staff sling, stone long range to 90 yards from 200 yards - Typo
- Improved Mirror Image - Removed incorrect quote character - typo
- Chu-ko-nu - Change ammo size to medium - Typo
- Light crossbow - Change ammo size to medium, and weapon size to small - Typo
- Metsubishi (blinding powders) - Rate of fire changed to 1/3 - Typo
- Bokken, Two-handed (wooden sword) - Changed S/M damage to 1d6 - Typo
- Bokken, Two-handed (wooden sword) - Changed L damage to 1d3 - Typo
This is it for this time.
This is my Christmas gift to all of you enjoy!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!