Grenadelike Missiles and Spells! 4.4.0
Github PR: Pull Request
Hello everyone. Another update is coming your way for our beloved AD&D sheet.
Grenadelike missile miss Roll template
The first feature that I have been spending way too much time on is an automated roll template to handle what happens when a Grenade like missile flies off target.
On the weapons tab, under the ranged section will be a button to invoke the rolltemplate. This template uses the new Custom Roll Parsing and is therefore currently only accessible via this button (as I am doing some math and roll manipulation via a sheetworker)

Clicking the button will ask you for what item has been thrown and how far:

Using these values the following RollTemplate will be posted in the chat:

Please refer to p. 88 of the DMG for the rules
The following information is located on this template:
- Name of grenade thrown
- The direction it flew off target (1d10), this is also highlighted on the drawning.
- The distance thrown (Short: 1d6 feet, Medium 1d10 feet, Long 2d10 feet)
- It is calculated if the target is still within either Direct hit distance or Splash hit distance (kept in feet diameter to keep in line with the DMG description)
- Buttons for rolling the damage if either is a hit.
Now for a bit of explaining the math behind these calculations:
**Disclaimer Start**
When calculating the position of the enemy I assume that the enemy is a singular point, that is the enemy has no width or radius. This is a simplification to avoid getting into scenarios where an enemy is half inside / half outside the Direct Hit and Splash radiuses.
If an enemy is directly on the edge between Direct Hit and Splash then the enemy is considered in Direct Hit range. Same goes for Splash / out of range enemies.
It is of course free for any DM to rule that the outcome of the scenario is different than what the template says
**Disclaimer End**
When a grenade goes off target is has an area of effect of which everyone within is effected by the Direct hit damage. Take Oil (lit) for instance. It has an area of effect of 3 feet diameter (1.5 feet radius). If a flask of burning oils goes off target by just 1 feet, then the primary target is still within the area of effect as the radius is 1.5 feet.
Here is an example of how that looks:

For the splash damage, everything from the edge of the Direct hit area and 3 additional feet out is considered Splash (3 feet radius / 6 feet diameter).
The buttons for rolling damage is always show, even when a Direct hit, or a Miss occurs, as these might be useful for other enemies on the battle field. Say you throw a grenade at a shield wall of enemies, miss and roll a Direction roll of 2, then it would go to the left. It is highly likely that another enemy will get hit by the direct hit area. For the same reason the Splash information is always shown.

The roll template can also handle other custom grenade or spells, like the priest spell Produce Flame. By picking the Other option in the first dropdown, additional queries are asked to the player to fill out:

In this case the Splash Hit section is still shown even though there is no splash damage on the spell. This is a small edge case and might get cleaned up later on, if players want it
I really hope you will enjoy this Roll template and get some use out of it in your games! :D
More spells!
The spells from the Complete Wizard's Handbook have been added!

To activate these spells, look at the next feature!
If you try to use a spell without activating the book, the roll will look like this

Sheet Settings tab
A new primary tab has been added to the sheet. Under this tab current, and future settings is planned to be located
The Player's Handbook is always included and cannot be turned off :)
The setting for monster attacks has also been moved to here, for consistency.
These settings are also available as user options for the DM when creating new sheets:
Improved styling
I finally fixed the broken header styling and made text more readable in general:
Animal follower spells collapsible
The animal followers have spells, which took up quite a bit of space. This is now collapsible
Added spells to the repeating animal followers
I don't know if anyone even uses this, but it was an inconsistency so I added it for completeness sake
Before | After |

Fixed Removed Paralysis calculations
Both the Range and the Area of Effect was missing calculations.
Please remove the spell and re-add it to update the information.
Before | After |

That is it for this time!
Hope you guys will enjoy the update, it took quite some time to get everything right! :D
For the next update I plan to tackle the Tome of Magic! So if you like more spells, there is some good news for you!
See you next time!