dR0W said: Hello Peter B., Thanks for taking the suggestions in consideration and for the quick fix. Really a picture is worth 1000 words and Erik H. explanation did help a lot. I really saw that you did the same thing with the tables inserted in the spell effects because I have translated the spell effects for my players and I saw that to apply the styles to the tables and be able to format the tables you did something similar. That's when I really thought of doing something similar to provide more information and add the special effects. I love how this character sheet is evolving, and I know it must have been really hard work (mainly adding the spell lists and so many other things). I appreciate also the tip to avoid the extra white space in the 2Edefault template. I would also like to take the opportunity to make a proposal for improving the 2Eattack template. Would it be possible to add a {{targetAC=}} field which could be for example {{targetAC=@{target|AC}}}} or {{targetAC=@{target|monsterarmor}}} to the template so that it would generate a Success! or Fail! effect like you have done with the priest spell failure check for the spell template. The targetAC could be hidden and simply be used to compare whether the attack succeeds or fails. Something like "Hit_AC"<"TargetAC" -> Success! and "Hit_AC">"TargetAC" -> Fail! I attach an image of the proposal for you to evaluate it (I don't know if this is so difficult to do or not). How 2Eattack looks now 2EAttack proposal Players don't need to know de target AC value but when are fighting with different monsters, PC or NPC then gm doesn't need to remember the ac of every monster, PC or NPC in the scene. (This must be only for normal attacks, not for backstab or other special attacks where the armor could be different). Thanks again for improving this character sheet day by day. What will you surprise us with next sheet update? Good games & Merry Christmas too! A solid suggestion indeed. Here are my thoughts on the matter. Roll Template design As I have evolved the Roll Templates of the sheet, I have tried to focus on simplicity, in that I would prefer the template to have as few requirements as possible. Essentially I would like them to be "Fire and forget", ie. just click the button and it does a thing, with as few pop ups or requirements as possible. This has lead me away from having the Roll Templates require a target value (@{target|some value}) as I personally find it clucky. Likewise I feel that the Initiative process is super clucky, as I need to select my token to add its initiative to the tracker, even through I am rolling from a sheet that is linked to that same token. It just does not make sense to me. Ways of play Another point against such a requirement is that not all tokens on the board might be selectable, and even if they are, they might not all be linked to a character sheet. In the game that I player in I can only select my own token. I cannot select tokens of other players or of monsters. Furthermore my DM does not always link a token to a character sheet, so accessing values are out of the question. Now I do not know if I am in the minority by playing like this, based on the feedback I have gotten it seems to be the case, but still I do think I am not the only one. AC is a b**ch Things to consider for evaluating the result of the template: Some people play with ascending AC There are currently 8 different AC fields for PCs, 1 for monsters and 1 for henchmen/followers All the various modifiers for attacks (stunned, prone, held, cover, concealment), however that is largely resolved by the "Misc. Modifier" pop up. The weapon type vs Armor class system Monsters that can only be hit by magical weapons I know your said that it should only be for normal attacks, but I am having a hard time, figuring out how to explain this to the general player / DM for them to navigate this. I guess I should just create the system and leave the usage up to the player, but that makes it harder to control and thereby maintain. This feature could also reveal information that the players should not have. If you use a regular sword vs a monster that can only be hit by +1 weapons, then you might get information about that monsters AC that you otherwise would not have gotten, when the template says that your attack hit, but the DM says "Your attack missed". Now you have insider information. You my also have monsters that have different ACs vs different weapon types (piercing, slashing, bludgeoning). This kinda mimics the weapon type vs armor type system, but is flipped, because it affects AC and not the attackers THAC0. This could also reveal insider information. Conclusion I am not saying no, as this could easily be an optional property of the template, and thereby be hidden when not defined. I just trying to layout the challenges that comes with this. As for what is coming next. I am working on slimming down the spells so that they take less space on the sheet, and allows for an easier overlook. Basically I want spells to be a one liner like weapons, but being able to fold out like spell scrolls and psionic powers to show additional information.