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Official [AD&D 2E Revised] Update thread

holy crap!!! Peter, you never fail to please, your work is awesome and even if no one else says it, thanks for everything you do to maintain and improve the "red sheet"
Thanks so much! When this modification is ready? Thanks
Hi! I need to use some of the macro to put some button on the my player screen. I tried some but this doesn't work.. Ability check macro /w gm &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} CHECKS FOR SUCCESS}}{{?{WHICH ABILITY OR SKILL WILL YOU USE?| STRENGTH, STRENGTH CHECK [[D20cs1cf20<[[@{selected|Strength}| open normal doors, OPEN NORMAL DOORS CHECK [[D20cs1cf20<[[[[1*@{selected|open}*0]]| open magic or locked doors, OPEN MAGIC OR LOCKED DOORS CHECK [[D20cs1cf20<[[[[0*@{selected|open}]]| BEND BARS LIFT GATES, BEND BARS LIFT GATES CHECK [[D100cs1cf>95<[[@{selected|bend}| DEXTERITY, DEXTERITY CHECK [[D20cs1cf20<[[@{selected|Dexterity}| CONSTITUTION, CONSTITUTION CHECK [[D20cs1cf20<[[@{selected|Constitution}| system shock, SYSTEM SHOCK CHECK [[D100cs1cf>95<[[@{selected|conshock}| resurrection survival, RESURRECTION SURVIVAL [[D100cs1cf>95<[[@{selected|conres}| INTELLIGENCE, INTELLIGENCE CHECK [[D20cs1cf20<[[@{selected|Intelligence}| WISDOM, WISDOM CHECK [[D20cs1cf20<[[@{selected|Wisdom}| CHARISMA, CHARISMA CHECK [[D20cs1cf20<[[@{selected|Charisma}}?{MISCELLANEOUS MODIFIER|+0}]]]] SUCCESS(ES)}} Peter B. said: Gabriele B. said: Thanks. I mean the text for macro button you can place on the player or dm screen Well I know that people have made various macros for stuff like that. I think that your Best bet is The player Bilbo2. He had made his own DM screen to handle a lot of stuff
Fantastic Peter,    Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays to you as well.

Edited 1670925639
Richard @ Damery
API Scripter
To compliment Peter's amazing work (it really is brilliant!) the latest release of RPGMaster v1.4.01 has dropped, and critically has Drag & Drop Creature Creation  that seems to work through all the testing I've given it - I bet someone does something I've not thought of... You can find the latest release notes here and they include details of how to give it a go (once you've got RPGMaster fully installed of course...). The release also supports Fighting Styles  as found in The Complete Fighter's Handbook , and hiding of effect names and token statuses from Players so that the surprise of the effect of magic on their PCs is not spoiled...! Enjoy - and do let me know of any issues on my RPGMaster thread
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Gabriele B. said: Hi! I need to use some of the macro to put some button on the my player screen. I tried some but this doesn't work.. Ability check macro /w gm &{template:default}{{name=@{selected|token_name} CHECKS FOR SUCCESS}}{{?{WHICH ABILITY OR SKILL WILL YOU USE?| STRENGTH, STRENGTH CHECK [[D20cs1cf20<[[@{selected|Strength}| open normal doors, OPEN NORMAL DOORS CHECK [[D20cs1cf20<[[[[1*@{selected|open}*0]]| open magic or locked doors, OPEN MAGIC OR LOCKED DOORS CHECK [[D20cs1cf20<[[[[0*@{selected|open}]]| BEND BARS LIFT GATES, BEND BARS LIFT GATES CHECK [[D100cs1cf>95<[[@{selected|bend}| DEXTERITY, DEXTERITY CHECK [[D20cs1cf20<[[@{selected|Dexterity}| CONSTITUTION, CONSTITUTION CHECK [[D20cs1cf20<[[@{selected|Constitution}| system shock, SYSTEM SHOCK CHECK [[D100cs1cf>95<[[@{selected|conshock}| resurrection survival, RESURRECTION SURVIVAL [[D100cs1cf>95<[[@{selected|conres}| INTELLIGENCE, INTELLIGENCE CHECK [[D20cs1cf20<[[@{selected|Intelligence}| WISDOM, WISDOM CHECK [[D20cs1cf20<[[@{selected|Wisdom}| CHARISMA, CHARISMA CHECK [[D20cs1cf20<[[@{selected|Charisma}}?{MISCELLANEOUS MODIFIER|+0}]]]] SUCCESS(ES)}} Peter B. said: Gabriele B. said: Thanks. I mean the text for macro button you can place on the player or dm screen Well I know that people have made various macros for stuff like that. I think that your Best bet is The player Bilbo2. He had made his own DM screen to handle a lot of stuff Have you tried breaking down your macro? Make just one ability work, and then add on one at a time until all of them work? As for your current macro it is clear that you have one mistake. All arguments for a roll template is a key/value pair, and you are missing one. Here is a quick example. &{template:default} {{key1=value1}} {{key2=value2}} Notice that it is the equal sign (=) that inditicates the split between key and value Now in your example you have the first key/value pair {{name=@{selected|token_name} CHECKS FOR SUCCESS}} Here the name  is your key, and  @{selected|token_name} CHECKS FOR SUCCESS  is your value. The next key/value pair is missing the value. All you have is one really long key {{?{WHICH ABILITY OR SKILL WILL YOU USE?|..... // all of this is one really long key You need an equal sign and a value to make it work, at a minimum. Now try to break it down, and use only 2 options, Strength and Dexterity, and try to make that work.
Hi Gabriele B. Try to replace every instance of the following: Current Suggested fixes Comment @{selected|open} @{selected|opendoor} @{selected|bend} @{selected|bendbar} [[D100cs1cf&gt;95&lt; [[D100cs1cf95&lt; why critical failure is set to 95 and not 100? A character with STR 25 has 99% chances of success in bending bars, a character with CON 18 has 99% chances of success in system shock and 100% in resurrection check, etc. In my opinion, you should use the '2Echeck' and '2Einversecheck' rolltemplates. Both are a far better option for this task. Peter B have done an amazing job on the AD&amp;D_2E_Revised character sheet and greatly improved the readability of these templates (among other things). You can read about the rolltemplates and their usage here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Below is an example of macro written with the '2Echeck' rolltemplate. - note 1: the 'misc modifier' applies to the roll, not the ability score. - note 2: the 'open magical door' check is wrong. STR scores up to 18/00 (included) are correct but above 19 are incorrect. &amp;{template:2Echeck} {{color=darkpurple}} {{character=@{selected|token_name}}} {{checkvs=?{1/2 - Ability Check, select ability| Strength,Ability Check - Strength&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|Strength}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| Dexterity,Ability Check - Dexterity&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|Dexterity}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| Constitution,Ability Check - Constitution&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|Constitution}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| Intelligence,Ability Check - Intelligence&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|Intelligence}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| Wisdom,Ability Check - Wisdom&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|Wisdom}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| Charisma,Ability Check - Charisma&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|Charisma}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| -- Open Normal Doors,Ab. Check - Open Normal Doors&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|opendoor}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| -- Open Magical Doors,Ab. Check - Open Mag. Doors&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[{([[@{selected|opendoor}]]-14)&amp;#44;0&amp;#125;kh1*3]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| -- Bend Bars,Ability Check - Bend Bars&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|bendbar}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d100cf100cs1| -- System Shock,Ability Check - System Shock&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|conshock}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d100cf100cs1| -- Resurrection,Ability Check - Resurrection&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|conres}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d100cf100cs1}-(?{2/2 - Ability Check, situational modifier|+0})]]}} Feel free to modify the above macro to suit your needs.
Hi Erik! Thanks so much for your work! I'm very very noob about macros in Roll 20 and I will try to learn. Thanks so much! Also many thanks to Peter B. for his work! I've returned to play 2ed after 20 years and my group are very excited! We play from Italy (with just one friend from London) and we are very amazed! I'm sorry Peter. I've looked for your amazing annunce of some new features. When the features are online! Good game everyone!
off topic question,&nbsp; &nbsp;not really anything to do with character sheets but i think most here are pretty knowledgable.&nbsp; &nbsp;Anybody here proficient with API's?&nbsp; &nbsp;I would like to talk to somebody about a couple that i used before,&nbsp; now want to implement it again&nbsp;
Rick said: off topic question,&nbsp; &nbsp;not really anything to do with character sheets but i think most here are pretty knowledgable.&nbsp; &nbsp;Anybody here proficient with API's?&nbsp; &nbsp;I would like to talk to somebody about a couple that i used before,&nbsp; now want to implement it again&nbsp; Rick, I'd be happy to have a chat about APIs - I author the RPGMaster APIs for Peter's 2e sheet. Why not PM me and we can chat without clogging up this thread.
where are the saving throws? Im hosting a adnd 2e game this saturday and need to explain this sheet to my players
Peter B.
Sheet Author
dmg g. said: where are the saving throws? Im hosting a adnd 2e game this saturday and need to explain this sheet to my players They Are hard to find! This question has been asked before:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Good luck with your game!&nbsp;
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Gabriele B. said: Hi Erik! Thanks so much for your work! I'm very very noob about macros in Roll 20 and I will try to learn. Thanks so much! Also many thanks to Peter B. for his work! I've returned to play 2ed after 20 years and my group are very excited! We play from Italy (with just one friend from London) and we are very amazed! I'm sorry Peter. I've looked for your amazing annunce of some new features. When the features are online! Good game everyone! The update is live now!&nbsp;
Hi! where I can put somesuccess in this macro? Erik H. said: Hi Gabriele B. Try to replace every instance of the following: Current Suggested fixes Comment @{selected|open} @{selected|opendoor} @{selected|bend} @{selected|bendbar} [[D100cs1cf&gt;95&lt; [[D100cs1cf95&lt; why critical failure is set to 95 and not 100? A character with STR 25 has 99% chances of success in bending bars, a character with CON 18 has 99% chances of success in system shock and 100% in resurrection check, etc. In my opinion, you should use the '2Echeck' and '2Einversecheck' rolltemplates. Both are a far better option for this task. Peter B have done an amazing job on the AD&amp;D_2E_Revised character sheet and greatly improved the readability of these templates (among other things). You can read about the rolltemplates and their usage here: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Below is an example of macro written with the '2Echeck' rolltemplate. - note 1: the 'misc modifier' applies to the roll, not the ability score. - note 2: the 'open magical door' check is wrong. STR scores up to 18/00 (included) are correct but above 19 are incorrect. &amp;{template:2Echeck} {{color=darkpurple}} {{character=@{selected|token_name}}} {{checkvs=?{1/2 - Ability Check, select ability| Strength,Ability Check - Strength&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|Strength}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| Dexterity,Ability Check - Dexterity&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|Dexterity}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| Constitution,Ability Check - Constitution&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|Constitution}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| Intelligence,Ability Check - Intelligence&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|Intelligence}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| Wisdom,Ability Check - Wisdom&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|Wisdom}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| Charisma,Ability Check - Charisma&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|Charisma}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| -- Open Normal Doors,Ab. Check - Open Normal Doors&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|opendoor}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| -- Open Magical Doors,Ab. Check - Open Mag. Doors&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[{([[@{selected|opendoor}]]-14)&amp;#44;0&amp;#125;kh1*3]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| -- Bend Bars,Ability Check - Bend Bars&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|bendbar}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d100cf100cs1| -- System Shock,Ability Check - System Shock&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|conshock}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d100cf100cs1| -- Resurrection,Ability Check - Resurrection&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|conres}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d100cf100cs1}-(?{2/2 - Ability Check, situational modifier|+0})]]}} Feel free to modify the above macro to suit your needs.
Hi, Gabriele, In order to use Peter's new features, just add the elements {{success=xxx}} and {{fail=xxx}} to the macro like below: Example 1: Whatever the ability checked, only one text is available for successes and another one for failures. &amp;{template:2Echeck} {{color=darkpurple}} {{character=@{selected|token_name}}} {{checkvs=?{1/2 - Ability Check, select ability| Strength,Ability Check - Strength&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|Strength}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| -- Open Normal Doors,Ab. Check - Open Normal Doors&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|opendoor}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| -- Resurrection,Ability Check - Resurrection&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|conres}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d100cf100cs1}-(?{2/2 - Ability Check, situational modifier|+0})]]}}{{success=Bards will glorify your feats for the centuries to come.}}{{fail=Bards will -mmh- celebrate your two left feet for the centuries to come...}} Example 2: Each ability has its own success and failure text. &amp;{template:2Echeck} {{color=orange}} {{character=@{selected|token_name}}} {{checkvs=?{1/2 - Ability Check, select ability| Strength,Ability Check - Strength&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{success=Another bites the dust.&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{fail=You swear&amp;#44; you were just heating up. Now for the show...&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|Strength}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| -- Open Normal Doors,Ab. Check - Open Normal Doors&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{success=Never need the key again.&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{fail=Ok for the wall but the door is 2 feet on your left...&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|opendoor}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d20cf20cs1| -- Resurrection,Ability Check - Resurrection&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{success=Back in black!&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{fail="Hey! I don't remember him speaking of any heir&amp;#44; right?"&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checktarget=[[@{selected|conres}]]&amp;#125;&amp;#125;{{checkroll=[[d100cf100cs1}-(?{2/2 - Ability Check, situational modifier|+0})]]}} Example 3: Like in Peter's example, if you want to know how much a roll was failed by or made by, use the following macro. It simply display a menu in the chat window with a link to each ability check button present on the character sheet. Why this macro a table menu and not a drop down menu? Because we cannot simply reuse* rolls in a macro. /w "@{selected|character_name}" &amp;{template:2Edefault}{{name=Ability Check}}{{subtitle=@{selected|token_name}}}{{=[**STR**](~selected|Strength-check)[**DEX**](~selected|Dexterity-check)[**CON**](~selected|Constitution-check)[**INT**](~selected|Intelligence-check)[**WIS**](~selected|Wisdom-check)[**CHA**](~selected|Charisma-check) [Doors](~selected|opendoor-check)[Bars](~selected|bendbar-check)[Sys. Shock](~selected|conshock-check)[Res. Surv.](~selected|conres-check)[Learn Spell](~selected|learnspell)[Spell Fail.](~selected|spellfail)[NPC Reac.](~selected|react-check)}} Another way to go is with the API but I cannot help you there sorry. *a wonderful and easy method to reuse once a roll is described by Scott C. here , further expanded by Rainbow Encoder here . **an even more wonderful (and puzzling too) method to reuse any rolls was found by Rainbow Encoder and presented here .
It's exactly what I need. Thanks so much!!! Very, very useful

Edited 1671441618
Hi, First of all thanks a lot for your hard work with this sheet I'm using from 3 years to play a Ravenloft campaign in roll20. I have added a modified spell effects in the repeating spell section to add some fx effects and like in Ranveloft some spells have a special effect (i.e. Animate dead) I was added a gm whisper with a 2Edefault template to see the modified effect that my players can't see. I have something like that in spell effect (Animate dead): This spell creates the lowest of the undead monsters, skeletons or zombies, usually from the bones or bodies of dead humans, demihumans, or humanoids. The spell causes these remains to become animated and obey the simple verbal commands of the caster, regardless of how they communicated in life. The skeletons or zombies can follow the caster, remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a specific type of creature) entering the place, etc. The undead remain animated until they are destroyed in combat or are turned; the magic cannot be dispelled. &amp;emsp;The priest can animate one skeleton or one zombie for each experience level he has attained. Currently [[@{level-priest}]] skeletons. If creatures with more than 1+ Hit Dice are animated, the number is determined by the monster Hit Dice. Skeletal forms have the Hit Dice of the original creature, while zombie forms have 1 more Hit Die. Thus, a 12th-level priest could animate 12 dwarven skeletons (or six zombies), four zombie gnolls, or a single zombie fire giant. Note that this is based on the standard racial Hit Die norm; thus, a high-level adventurer would be animated as a skeleton or zombie of 1 or 2 Hit Dice, and without special class or racial abilities. The caster can, alternatively, animate two small animal skeletons (1-1 Hit Die or less) for every level of experience he has achieved. Currently [[2*[[@{level-priest}]] ]] animal skeletons. &amp;emsp;Casting this spell is not a good act, and only evil priests use it frequently.}} /fx nova-death @{selected|token_id} /w gm &amp;{template:2Edefault}{{name=Animate dead}}{{subtitle=effect in Ravenloft}}{{desc=This spell works almost too well in Ravenloft. Normally the caster can animate a number of skeletons or zombies approximately equal to his Hit Dice level. When priests cast this spell in Ravenloft, however, they animate 2 times the usual amount. (It uses the regular formula, but doubles the result). The caster can add as many Hit Dice to the monsters as he wishes, as long as the total is no more than twice his level. Note that the Hit Dice of the undead affect their ability to be driven away; those whose Hit Dice exceed the caster's level can save against spells to free themselves from control. &amp;emsp;The casting of this spell promotes a Ravenloft power check.}}{{ With this simple modification I have the info I need and my players get an special effect added to the spell they likes. Logically, in chat I get at the end an output: {{}} but it is a minimal issue. Well, in the last update, priest spells produces a strange chat output (because the priest spell fail check is merged with 2Edefault template) and&nbsp; I have looked at the hmtl code in the github sheet and I think it would be solved by changing the calling order of the spell template elements leaving the effect field at the end of the call. Something like this: Original code: &lt;button type="roll" name="roll_spell-template" title="%{repeating_spells-pri1_$X_spell-template}" value="&amp;{template:2Espell}{{title=@{spell-name}}}{{splevel=@{spell-level}}}{{school=@{spell-school}}}{{sphere=@{spell-sphere}}}{{components=@{spell-components}}}{{time=@{spell-cast-time}}}{{range=@{spell-range}}}{{duration=@{spell-duration}}}{{aoe=@{spell-aoe}}}{{save=@{spell-saving-throw}}}{{subtlety=@{spell-subtlety}}}{{sensory=@{spell-sensory}}}{{knockdown=@{spell-knockdown}}}{{crit=@{spell-crit-size}}}{{damage=@{spell-damage}}}{{damagetype=@{spell-damage-type}}}{{healing=@{spell-healing}}}{{reference=@{spell-reference}}}{{materials=@{spell-materials}}}{{effects=@{spell-effect}}}{{checkroll=[[1d100]]%}}{{checktarget=[[@{wisfail}]]%}}{{fail=The spell is expended with absolutely no effect whatsoever.}}"&gt;Roll Template&lt;/button&gt; Proposed code: &lt;button type="roll" name="roll_spell-template" title="%{repeating_spells-pri1_$X_spell-template}" value="&amp;{template:2Espell}{{title=@{spell-name}}}{{splevel=@{spell-level}}}{{school=@{spell-school}}}{{sphere=@{spell-sphere}}}{{components=@{spell-components}}}{{time=@{spell-cast-time}}}{{range=@{spell-range}}}{{duration=@{spell-duration}}}{{aoe=@{spell-aoe}}}{{save=@{spell-saving-throw}}}{{subtlety=@{spell-subtlety}}}{{sensory=@{spell-sensory}}}{{knockdown=@{spell-knockdown}}}{{crit=@{spell-crit-size}}}{{damage=@{spell-damage}}}{{damagetype=@{spell-damage-type}}}{{healing=@{spell-healing}}}{{reference=@{spell-reference}}}{{materials=@{spell-materials}}}{{checkroll=[[1d100]]%}}{{checktarget=[[@{wisfail}]]%}}{{fail=The spell is expended with absolutely no effect whatsoever.}}{{effects=@{spell-effect}}}"&gt;Roll Template&lt;/button&gt; With wizard spells the are no issues because they don't have spell fail checks. I don't know if I have explained myself correctly but thanks in advance.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
dR0W said: Hi, First of all thanks a lot for your hard work with this sheet I'm using from 3 years to play a Ravenloft campaign in roll20. I have added a modified spell effects in the repeating spell section to add some fx effects and like in Ranveloft some spells have a special effect (i.e. Animate dead) I was added a gm whisper with a 2Edefault template to see the modified effect that my players can't see. I have something like that in spell effect (Animate dead): This spell creates the lowest of the undead monsters, skeletons or zombies, usually from the bones or bodies of dead humans, demihumans, or humanoids. The spell causes these remains to become animated and obey the simple verbal commands of the caster, regardless of how they communicated in life. The skeletons or zombies can follow the caster, remain in an area and attack any creature (or just a specific type of creature) entering the place, etc. The undead remain animated until they are destroyed in combat or are turned; the magic cannot be dispelled. &amp;emsp;The priest can animate one skeleton or one zombie for each experience level he has attained. Currently [[@{level-priest}]] skeletons. If creatures with more than 1+ Hit Dice are animated, the number is determined by the monster Hit Dice. Skeletal forms have the Hit Dice of the original creature, while zombie forms have 1 more Hit Die. Thus, a 12th-level priest could animate 12 dwarven skeletons (or six zombies), four zombie gnolls, or a single zombie fire giant. Note that this is based on the standard racial Hit Die norm; thus, a high-level adventurer would be animated as a skeleton or zombie of 1 or 2 Hit Dice, and without special class or racial abilities. The caster can, alternatively, animate two small animal skeletons (1-1 Hit Die or less) for every level of experience he has achieved. Currently [[2*[[@{level-priest}]] ]] animal skeletons. &amp;emsp;Casting this spell is not a good act, and only evil priests use it frequently.}} /fx nova-death @{selected|token_id} /w gm &amp;{template:2Edefault}{{name=Animate dead}}{{subtitle=effect in Ravenloft}}{{desc=This spell works almost too well in Ravenloft. Normally the caster can animate a number of skeletons or zombies approximately equal to his Hit Dice level. When priests cast this spell in Ravenloft, however, they animate 2 times the usual amount. (It uses the regular formula, but doubles the result). The caster can add as many Hit Dice to the monsters as he wishes, as long as the total is no more than twice his level. Note that the Hit Dice of the undead affect their ability to be driven away; those whose Hit Dice exceed the caster's level can save against spells to free themselves from control. &amp;emsp;The casting of this spell promotes a Ravenloft power check.}}{{ With this simple modification I have the info I need and my players get an special effect added to the spell they likes. Logically, in chat I get at the end an output: {{}} but it is a minimal issue. Well, in the last update, priest spells produces a strange chat output (because the priest spell fail check is merged with 2Edefault template) and&nbsp; I have looked at the hmtl code in the github sheet and I think it would be solved by changing the calling order of the spell template elements leaving the effect field at the end of the call. Something like this: Original code: &lt;button type="roll" name="roll_spell-template" title="%{repeating_spells-pri1_$X_spell-template}" value="&amp;{template:2Espell}{{title=@{spell-name}}}{{splevel=@{spell-level}}}{{school=@{spell-school}}}{{sphere=@{spell-sphere}}}{{components=@{spell-components}}}{{time=@{spell-cast-time}}}{{range=@{spell-range}}}{{duration=@{spell-duration}}}{{aoe=@{spell-aoe}}}{{save=@{spell-saving-throw}}}{{subtlety=@{spell-subtlety}}}{{sensory=@{spell-sensory}}}{{knockdown=@{spell-knockdown}}}{{crit=@{spell-crit-size}}}{{damage=@{spell-damage}}}{{damagetype=@{spell-damage-type}}}{{healing=@{spell-healing}}}{{reference=@{spell-reference}}}{{materials=@{spell-materials}}}{{effects=@{spell-effect}}}{{checkroll=[[1d100]]%}}{{checktarget=[[@{wisfail}]]%}}{{fail=The spell is expended with absolutely no effect whatsoever.}}"&gt;Roll Template&lt;/button&gt; Proposed code: &lt;button type="roll" name="roll_spell-template" title="%{repeating_spells-pri1_$X_spell-template}" value="&amp;{template:2Espell}{{title=@{spell-name}}}{{splevel=@{spell-level}}}{{school=@{spell-school}}}{{sphere=@{spell-sphere}}}{{components=@{spell-components}}}{{time=@{spell-cast-time}}}{{range=@{spell-range}}}{{duration=@{spell-duration}}}{{aoe=@{spell-aoe}}}{{save=@{spell-saving-throw}}}{{subtlety=@{spell-subtlety}}}{{sensory=@{spell-sensory}}}{{knockdown=@{spell-knockdown}}}{{crit=@{spell-crit-size}}}{{damage=@{spell-damage}}}{{damagetype=@{spell-damage-type}}}{{healing=@{spell-healing}}}{{reference=@{spell-reference}}}{{materials=@{spell-materials}}}{{checkroll=[[1d100]]%}}{{checktarget=[[@{wisfail}]]%}}{{fail=The spell is expended with absolutely no effect whatsoever.}}{{effects=@{spell-effect}}}"&gt;Roll Template&lt;/button&gt; With wizard spells the are no issues because they don't have spell fail checks. I don't know if I have explained myself correctly but thanks in advance. I think I need a screenshot to completely understand what the problem is here. Are you trying to merge the 2Edefault and the 2Espell template into one macro? I do not think that is possible, and if it is, then I am amazed. I might have misunderstood your question, and if so, please elaborate further so I understand correctly. About changing the order of arguments, that can be done quite easily, but I am unsure how that helps.

Edited 1671484367
Hi Peter B. and thanks for your soon answer. I'm not trying to merge the 2Espell with the 2Edefault template but the finally effect in chat output is something like that (with priest spells and the new code added to the sheet) First, you can see picture with effect modified in a wizard spell to add the desired fx effect and the final gm whisper with the modified effect in Ravenloft. Here you can see the chat output for this modified spell: Aditionally in canvas screen the fx effect "/fx burn-frost @{selected|token_id}" was played but this i can't put here. Now you can see the process with a modified priest spell: As you can see int the chat output, the priest spell fail check is added to the 2Edefault template due to the fail check calling is at the end of the code in the roll template spell button (as I said in my previous post). Until last sheet update both, modified priest and wizards spells , works fine and I think that was a "stupid trick" to add some info, principally for the gm, but the players can get the special effect that they love to see (at least my players love it!), without have to prepare complex macros and using principally your hard work with the sheet. With priest spells that have no modified effect in Ravenloft (don't have 2Edefault at the end of the effect), the chat output is absolutely worse, since if I add the /fx command, the failure check goes out of the 2Espell template and stays as pure chat text. If you could change the order in the parameters, everything must works as expected with wizard and priest spell and most users can't see the difference. I have tried to explain myself better, but English is not my native language and it is possible that I have not explained myself correctly now either. Thanks again!.
Hello Peter, I don't know if you figured it out yet with dR0W's second explanation. In case you haven't, I'll try to explain why the "Added spell failure to character priest spells" update closed the door to an exploit (aka stupid trick) we massively used until now. TL,DR: As proposed by dR0W, an easy fix is to move the {{checkroll=}}, {{checktarget=}} and {{fail=}} fields somewhere BEFORE the {{effects=}} field. This field absolutely must be at the very end of the 2E:spell roll template definition. Explanation: Before the update, the {{effects=}} field was last in the roll template definition. It means the roll template was definitely closed after the last brackets "}}", right? Anything coming after those characters was not part of the roll template. Here's the exploit/stupid trick: modifying/editing the spell effect by adding "}} &amp;{template:2Edefault}...{{desc=" allowed to use this last field to trigger the appearance of another roll template. (or anything else we wanted...) &amp;{template:2Espell}...{{effects=&lt;spell description here&gt;&nbsp; }} &amp;{template:2Edefault}{{name=}}...{{desc= &nbsp; }} BUT in the last update, the {{effects=}} field is NOT last in the roll template definition. Thus, if we modify the effects field, there is still the {{checkroll=}}, {{checktarget=}} and {{fail=}} fields to parse. And here is the problem: if we use the stupid trick as we always did, adding "}} &amp;{template:2Edefault}...{{desc=" to the {{effect=}} field does not trigger the exploit anymore because the parser reads: &amp;{template:2Espell}...{{effects= }}&amp;{template:2Edefault} {{name=...}}...{{desc1=... }} {{checkroll=[[1d100]]%}} {{checktarget=@{wisfail}}} {{fail=}} And here is the unsolvable problem: 1 - notice the first rogues "}}" before the "nested" 2E:default template. They are closing the 2E:spell template! Thus, everything after becomes part of the 2E:default template! Which is not configured to display it correctly and breaks everything after since the closing brackets are not part of the right template anymore. (It is the issue dR0W explains.) - if we try to fix this behavior by deleting those firsts "}}", the 2E:default template becomes part of the 2E:spell template! This being impossible, the 2E:default is never displayed. (but the wisdom failure check works as intended). - if we try to fix this deeply messy behavior by adding anothers "{{" just before the {{checkroll=}} field, it discards the whole 2E:default template as in previous point. Not good. - if we keep the firsts rogues "}}" and add anothers "{{" just before the {{checkroll=}}, we close the 2E:spell template again, as in 1 and have some rogues "{{" somewhere in the chat. Very bad. - a somewhat working (but extremely dirty) fix is to add: "}}{{checkroll=[[1d100]]%}}{{checktarget=[[@{wisfail}]]%}}{{fail=The spell is expended with absolutely no effect whatsoever.}} /w gm &amp;{template:2Edefault}...&lt;content here, WITHOUT any closing brackets&gt;" It correctly displays the priest spell as well as the wisdom check failure feature in a 2E:spell template and whispers the 2E:default template to the DM (with a glitch: a second checkroll, checktarget and fail fields appear in this template. But it is a minimal issue I think; since it is a whisp.) WHEREAS If you move the {{checkroll=}}, {{checktarget=}} and {{fail=}} fields somewhere BEFORE the {{effect=}} field, the parser would read: &amp;{template:2Espell}...{{checkroll=[[1d100]]%}} {{checktarget=@{wisfail}}} {{fail=}} {{effects= }} &amp;{template:2Edefault} {{name=...}}...{{desc1=... }} Thus, allowing the new wisdom check failure feature to display/work as intended AND allowing the hack/exploit/stupid trick to work again without any glitch. Thank you for reading. Oops, time to go to bed. ;-)
Erik H. Thank you for completing my bad explanation.

Edited 1671526862
Peter B.
Sheet Author
dR0W said: Hi Peter B. and thanks for your soon answer. I'm not trying to merge the 2Espell with the 2Edefault template but the finally effect in chat output is something like that (with priest spells and the new code added to the sheet) First, you can see picture with effect modified in a wizard spell to add the desired fx effect and the final gm whisper with the modified effect in Ravenloft. Thanks again!. Thank you for the screen shots! Now I completely understand your predicament. One image really does say more than 1000 words! You have been quite inventive to use this "stupid trick" and I applaud you for it, as I have been using the same trick myself. If you take a closer look at any spell that includes a table, you will see me doing something similar. You are absolutely right that the {{effect=}} parameter of the spells must be the very last. It will indeed fix the issue you are having. I will make an update right away that fixes this. Thank you for bringing this to my attentions. This is how it will look for you: A final tip for you! If you want to avoid having that little extra whitespace here: Simply do not close the last parameter of your 2Edefault template, and do not open an empty parameter. ie. write your extra code like this: &amp;{template:2Edefault} {{name=fish}} {{desc=some good description &lt;-- Note I did not close the last argument and did not open a new one The Roll button will add the final closing brackets, thus completing the roll template. This will make your output look like the screenshot above. Happy hacking and more fun gaming to you!

Edited 1671526935
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Priest spells clever tricks fix! 4.14.1 Githup PR: Pull Request Hello everyone! As discussed above, the previous update introduced an undesirable outcome for clever players and DMs. The new fields for priestly spell failure caused trouble with any additional information inserted into a spells effect field. This has been fixed. Closing off the effect tag of a spell template to insert additional logic will no longer push the spell failure parameters forward to either the chat or the the next template. Here is an example of cleaver code and the before and after outputs: Before After That is it for this time A quick bugfix for the clever players. Happy gaming and Merry Christmas!
Hello Peter B., Thanks for taking the suggestions in consideration and for the quick fix. Really a picture is worth 1000 words and Erik H. explanation did help a lot. I really saw that you did the same thing with the tables inserted in the spell effects because I have translated the spell effects for my players and I saw that to apply the styles to the tables and be able to format the tables you did something similar. That's when I really thought of doing something similar to provide more information and add the special effects. I love how this character sheet is evolving, and I know it must have been really hard work (mainly adding the spell lists and so many other things). I appreciate also the tip to avoid the extra white space in the 2Edefault template. I would also like to take the opportunity to make a proposal for improving the 2Eattack template. Would it be possible to add a {{targetAC=}} field which could be for example {{targetAC=@{target|AC}}}} or {{targetAC=@{target|monsterarmor}}} to the template so that it would generate a Success! or Fail! effect like you have done with the priest spell failure check for the spell template. The targetAC could be hidden and simply be used to compare whether the attack succeeds or fails. Something like "Hit_AC"&lt;"TargetAC" -&gt; Success! and "Hit_AC"&gt;"TargetAC" -&gt; Fail! I attach an image of the proposal for you to evaluate it (I don't know if this is so difficult to do or not). How 2Eattack looks now 2EAttack proposal Players don't need to know de target AC value but when are fighting with different monsters, PC or NPC then gm doesn't need to remember the ac of every monster, PC or NPC in the scene. (This must be only for normal attacks, not for backstab or other special attacks where the armor could be different). Thanks again for improving this character sheet day by day. What will you surprise us with next sheet update? Good games &amp; Merry Christmas too!
Peter B.
Sheet Author
dR0W said: Hello Peter B., Thanks for taking the suggestions in consideration and for the quick fix. Really a picture is worth 1000 words and Erik H. explanation did help a lot. I really saw that you did the same thing with the tables inserted in the spell effects because I have translated the spell effects for my players and I saw that to apply the styles to the tables and be able to format the tables you did something similar. That's when I really thought of doing something similar to provide more information and add the special effects. I love how this character sheet is evolving, and I know it must have been really hard work (mainly adding the spell lists and so many other things). I appreciate also the tip to avoid the extra white space in the 2Edefault template. I would also like to take the opportunity to make a proposal for improving the 2Eattack template. Would it be possible to add a {{targetAC=}} field which could be for example {{targetAC=@{target|AC}}}} or {{targetAC=@{target|monsterarmor}}} to the template so that it would generate a Success! or Fail! effect like you have done with the priest spell failure check for the spell template. The targetAC could be hidden and simply be used to compare whether the attack succeeds or fails. Something like "Hit_AC"&lt;"TargetAC" -&gt; Success! and "Hit_AC"&gt;"TargetAC" -&gt; Fail! I attach an image of the proposal for you to evaluate it (I don't know if this is so difficult to do or not). How 2Eattack looks now 2EAttack proposal Players don't need to know de target AC value but when are fighting with different monsters, PC or NPC then gm doesn't need to remember the ac of every monster, PC or NPC in the scene. (This must be only for normal attacks, not for backstab or other special attacks where the armor could be different). Thanks again for improving this character sheet day by day. What will you surprise us with next sheet update? Good games &amp; Merry Christmas too! A solid suggestion indeed. Here are my thoughts on the matter. Roll Template design As I have evolved the Roll Templates of the sheet, I have tried to focus on simplicity, in that I would prefer the template to have as few requirements as possible. Essentially I would like them to be "Fire and forget", ie. just click the button and it does a thing, with as few pop ups or requirements as possible. This has lead me away from having the Roll Templates require a target value (@{target|some value}) as I personally find it clucky. Likewise I feel that the Initiative process is super clucky, as I need to select my token to add its initiative to the tracker, even through I am rolling from a sheet that is linked to that same token. It just does not make sense to me. Ways of play Another point against such a requirement is that not all tokens on the board might be selectable, and even if they are, they might not all be linked to a character sheet. In the game that I player in I can only select my own token. I cannot select tokens of other players or of monsters. Furthermore my DM does not always link a token to a character sheet, so accessing values are out of the question. Now I do not know if I am in the minority by playing like this, based on the feedback I have gotten it seems to be the case, but still I do think I am not the only one. AC is a b**ch Things to consider for evaluating the result of the template: Some people play with ascending AC There are currently 8 different AC fields for PCs, 1 for monsters and 1 for henchmen/followers All the various modifiers for attacks (stunned, prone, held, cover, concealment), however that is largely resolved by the "Misc. Modifier" pop up. The weapon type vs Armor class system Monsters that can only be hit by magical weapons I know your said that it should only be for normal attacks, but I am having a hard time, figuring out how to explain this to the general player / DM for them to navigate this. I guess I should just create the system and leave the usage up to the player, but that makes it harder to control and thereby maintain. This feature could also reveal information that the players should not have. If you use a regular sword vs a monster that can only be hit by +1 weapons, then you might get information about that monsters AC that you otherwise would not have gotten, when the template says that your attack hit, but the DM says "Your attack missed". Now you have insider information. You my also have monsters that have different ACs vs different weapon types (piercing, slashing, bludgeoning). This kinda mimics the weapon type vs armor type system, but is flipped, because it affects AC and not the attackers THAC0. This could also reveal insider information. Conclusion I am not saying no, as this could easily be an optional property of the template, and thereby be hidden when not defined. I just trying to layout the challenges that comes with this. As for what is coming next. I am working on slimming down the spells so that they take less space on the sheet, and allows for an easier overlook. Basically I want spells to be a one liner like weapons, but being able to fold out like spell scrolls and psionic powers to show additional information.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Suggested change! Hello everyone and Merry Christmas! I am planning to do a redesign of the new spell section. In that redesign I would like to remove the following fields: Spell points Arc Wind When I implemented the new spells sections, I just added them for backwards compatibility, without thinking of their usage. Now I feel that they are a ball and chain around my leg that I am dragging along. In my search through the books, I have found very little support for this system, and my gut feeling is that very few players actually use these fields or use this system. I base this both on my own experience and on future editions of D&amp;D still uses the spell slots system, at least to my knowledge. In my new design I would very much like to remove them from the sheet. So now I am asking: Do anyone use the Spell points, Arc, Wind system, and would you mind if it got removed (only from the new spells sections) If no one protests to their removal, then they will get removed, once I am ready with the new design for the spells sections. Merry Christmas!
I don't mind, I don't think my players use this system.

Edited 1672180481
i am experimenting with spell points but really did not use any guide lines. Go ahead and do away with it
Peter,&nbsp; was wondering if you added any new color for the tables? IE;&nbsp; &amp;{template:2Edefault}{{color=yellow}}
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Rick said: Peter,&nbsp; was wondering if you added any new color for the tables? IE;&nbsp; &amp;{template:2Edefault}{{color=yellow}} Hey Rick. All the available header colors can be seen on the wiki:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> {{color=yellow}} is a valid color :). Remember that colors are case sensitive, and should always be written in all lower case
I still know a couple DM's that like to use spell points. As for the Arc &amp; Wind... that I cant answer for.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
BilBo 2 said: I still know a couple DM's that like to use spell points. As for the Arc &amp; Wind... that I cant answer for. Thank you for your input. Do you by any chance know if Spell points and Arc are related in anyway, or if they are separate systems? I always assumed they were two parts of a whole, like the cast and memorised counters, as they were presented like that in the old spell sections
I am planning to use spell points for my next game!
As Far as Arc are related.. I do not remember where or what system used these. Not without investigating. But Since I think they are similar. Could just roll with it... But if someone here uses this system... It would be great if they chimed in on the conversation...
Peter B.
Sheet Author
SergeantJohn said: I am planning to use spell points for my next game! Thank you for your input! I will take it into consideration BilBo 2 said: As Far as Arc are related.. I do not remember where or what system used these. Not without investigating. But Since I think they are similar. Could just roll with it... But if someone here uses this system... It would be great if they chimed in on the conversation... Thank you for your thoughts. Right now both spell points and Arc / Wind are similar mechanically, so they might be able to replace each other. Guess I will have to do a research deep dive and see if I can find it :)

Edited 1673337236
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Fixed some magical weapons! 4.14.2 Github PR: Pull Request Helllo everyone. I just noticed that some weapons did not update their magical bonuses correctly. These weapons were mainly ranged weapons using ammo, due to the comma in separating the launcher from the ammo name, ie. "Short bow +1, Flight arrow" or "Spear +2, One-handed" Previously these worked as a whitespace was used instead of a comma directly after the weapon name, ie. "Short bow (Flight Arrow)". Before After This has been fixed and is already live! That is it for this time! Happy New Year and good gaming!

Edited 1673582865
I'm actually blown away by how much that sheet's changed... from it's humble beginnings in my Ravenloft game after seeing only that basic sheet was available, one of the party members wrote us a very in-depth sheet with the fear, horror, and madness checks, published it as an alternative to the basic, and we kept adding to it with every different campaign setting we played in... don't even get me started on birthright lol.... anyway, I always used a baby blue variant afterwards but here's the original Ravenloft sheet from 2015 which started the whole thing. It was all one page back then with collapsible sections and if they were all open you had to scroll alot lmao!!! Good job with the updates, it's awesome to see people actually use it and I hope you keep developing it! Happy new year!
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Xoë said: I'm actually blown away by how much that sheet's changed... from it's humble beginnings in my Ravenloft game after seeing only that basic sheet was available, one of the party members wrote us a very in-depth sheet with the fear, horror, and madness checks, published it as an alternative to the basic, and we kept adding to it with every different campaign setting we played in... don't even get me started on birthright lol.... anyway, I always used a baby blue variant afterwards but here's the original Ravenloft sheet from 2015 which started the whole thing. It was all one page back then with collapsible sections and if they were all open you had to scroll alot lmao!!! Good job with the updates, it's awesome to see people actually use it and I hope you keep developing it! Happy new year! Are you telling me that one of your players were the original Author of the sheet that i am working on? What was his name on Roll20? I would love to have a chat with the original author! :D From the styling and layout in the screenshots, it sure does look like my sheet. It is so funny to see the humble beginnings. As for the "all on one page" I actually thinks that would be better sometimes as the current design have so many tabs. I think my main problem with the current design is that there are tabs under tabs, which makes the user do a lot of clicking around to find what they are looking for.
sorry for the confusion I should have mentioned it was Seth (I saw you mentioned them somewhere in the thread), but they're not on roll20 anymore. I could ask them stuff if you want but they're not likely coming back to the site. the ravenloft sheet turned into this tabbed one because we were doing planescape and needed MORE STUFF and OPTIONS lmao I convinced them to add coin sections for stuff like maztica because what if you had some planewalker from there lol... I don't actually know anyone who ever played that but anyway... you can add up to 15th level spells because of the netheril supplement for forgotten realms, talk about obscure, we were obsessed with completion at the time though. this is the version before the birthright domain stuff was added, around 2017 or so
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Xoë said: sorry for the confusion I should have mentioned it was Seth (I saw you mentioned them somewhere in the thread), but they're not on roll20 anymore. I could ask them stuff if you want but they're not likely coming back to the site. the ravenloft sheet turned into this tabbed one because we were doing planescape and needed MORE STUFF and OPTIONS lmao I convinced them to add coin sections for stuff like maztica because what if you had some planewalker from there lol... I don't actually know anyone who ever played that but anyway... you can add up to 15th level spells because of the netheril supplement for forgotten realms, talk about obscure, we were obsessed with completion at the time though. this is the version before the birthright domain stuff was added, around 2017 or so I assumed that it was Seth! This is explains the layout of the sheet! Feature upon feature, just stacking them one atop of another! I guess without much plan for design or layout :P "Just get it in there!" Do you have any idea of what program or tools Seth used to create the original sheet? Because some of the coding decisions used to create the sheet have had be baffled for the longest time. I have asked my self so many times "Why would you write it like this?" xD
Yes, thank you for the Ravenloft saves! I plan to use them, a bit, for a non-Ravenloft game.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
SergeantJohn said: Yes, thank you for the Ravenloft saves! I plan to use them, a bit, for a non-Ravenloft game. Then I hope they work! I have not tested them in quite a while, as I do not use them :P
Hey all, New (to roll20) player here looking to run a 2e and looking for the basic instructions for installing and using this character sheet. I added they html to the custom character sheet tab but I can tell that's not all I need to do. Is there a sticky post somewhere on new user setup/ instructions?
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Erin L. said: Hey all, New (to roll20) player here looking to run a 2e and looking for the basic instructions for installing and using this character sheet. I added they html to the custom character sheet tab but I can tell that's not all I need to do. Is there a sticky post somewhere on new user setup/ instructions? Hello Erin L. If you just want to use the sheet as is, then all you have to do is select it from the dropdown when creating a new game. The name of the sheet is Advanced 2nd Edition . See the image below: There is no install &nbsp;process. Just select it and use it. As for instructions on how to use it &nbsp;I still have not made those in guide form, but with a little experimentation you should be able to figure it out. I have tried to label all the fields as best as I could, and if some fields are missing a label you can always mouse over it and see what its underlying name is in the code, which will often reflect its purpose.
Hey Guys,&nbsp; I was looking for a way to translate this sheet into german but i couldnt find it in the crowdin files. Is there another "easy" way to translate this sheet?
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Linus G. said: Hey Guys,&nbsp; I was looking for a way to translate this sheet into german but i couldnt find it in the crowdin files. Is there another "easy" way to translate this sheet? Hello Linus G. I have not spend any time on translations for 3 reasons: It is of not benefit to me, and I therefore do not want to spend my free time working on it. The layout of the sheet is not the best in the world, so in some places I have used the height and width of the text to handle the size. If a translation changes a word to be either longer or shorter, then it could mess up the layout in some places. Every time I put in content for autofilling, it should ideally also be translated which is a huge undertaking. Biggest of all would be the translation of spells, which would be enormous. This will also bring the need for handling unit changes, as I know the French version does not use feet and yards for its Range &nbsp;and Area of Effect &nbsp;calculation. I assume German is the same. So to answer your question: No , there is currently no easy way to translate the sheet into German. :) I hope this answers your question.
Several times I have seen mention of inverting AC for players who just don't get Low = Good.&nbsp; Is it a sheet setting that I am not aware of?&nbsp; Any links to explain how I can set that up in my game?
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Mitch K. said: Several times I have seen mention of inverting AC for players who just don't get Low = Good.&nbsp; Is it a sheet setting that I am not aware of?&nbsp; Any links to explain how I can set that up in my game? Hello Mitch K. It might have been requested once or twice. As of right now, there is no way built in to make ascending AC. As for the AC of the player and monster, you can let it go up no problem. As for attack rolls, there are no way of making the number hit go up instead of down. I have strieved to make the sheet useful for as many players as possible. The way I have gone about this is to stick as close as possible to the books, as that is the only official source. If it is a request to have ascending AC, then I can see if it can be implemented, but there are some consideration to be made.
Ok then.&nbsp; I have two players who started in 5e and one that began her gaming life in 3.5, to them THAC0 and low = good blows their minds.&nbsp; I thought, by something you stated earlier about&nbsp;&nbsp; "Some people play with ascending AC" that there was some way to just flip a switch to make life easier for them.&nbsp; Since I have less than no understanding how sheet creation works I'm certainly not going to push for you to burn your time on a feature that few if anyone would ever be interested in.&nbsp; Thanks for the heads up and the response. :) Mitch K. It might have been requested once or twice. As of right now, there is no way built in to make ascending AC. As for the AC of the player and monster, you can let it go up no problem. As for attack rolls, there are no way of making the number hit go up instead of down. I have strieved to make the sheet useful for as many players as possible. The way I have gone about this is to stick as close as possible to the books, as that is the only official source. If it is a request to have ascending AC, then I can see if it can be implemented, but there are some consideration to be made.

Edited 1675931359
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Mitch K. said Ok then.&nbsp; I have two players who started in 5e and one that began her gaming life in 3.5, to them THAC0 and low = good blows their minds.&nbsp; I thought, by something you stated earlier about&nbsp;&nbsp; "Some people play with ascending AC" that there was some way to just flip a switch to make life easier for them.&nbsp; Since I have less than no understanding how sheet creation works I'm certainly not going to push for you to burn your time on a feature that few if anyone would ever be interested in.&nbsp; Thanks for the heads up and the response. :) For me, having some numbers go up and down is no big deal as I have always done it that way. I have learned to live with it. I have a few more questions however as I am interested in how your new players sees things.&nbsp; Since THAC0 and low = good blows their minds, how do they see the other "wonky" aspects of 2E? I am thinking of the following: Saving throws: Low number = good. Roll high = good Ability scores / nonweapon proficiencies: High number = good. Roll low = good Rogue skills: High number = good. Roll low = good. My assumption is that for a modern player, high is always good , so both a high number on the sheet, and a high roll is preferable. I ask because AC and THAC0 seems to come up the most when talking about "old confusing mechanics", but Saving throws and Ability Scores rarely seem to get the same criticism. What is your players opinion on the points above?