OK, so the game is on Thursdays (7pm UK time/2pm Eastern), the party is level 4 and going through my homebrew campaign. There are some race restrictions in place, and artificer is not allowed.  Basic Premise: 50 years ago, the country you lived in was conquered. Those who stood with the new king were given land, wealth, and glory. Those who opposed him were given slavery or death. And that's were you come in. You were a slave, but now you are free, thanks to a small group of individuals who offered to help you, and give you some of their powers. And so, you drank the potion they presented you with, unlocking dormant abilities within you. The other power this gave you, was the ability to walk, unharmed, through the night, something nobody thought was possible. If you're interested, message me on Discord (Deathangel2890#4341), let me know your name, age, experience level, and character ideas, and we'll chat. Hope to hear from some of you soon!