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[Script] Encounter Creator


Edited 1677847127
API Scripter
Hello, it is I once more. I have finally managed to finish the long since awaited Project of the Encounter Creator. If you would like to support me, you can do so here . Features Standardized Commands Ability to create, edit and delete Encounters Ability to set up a custom Party Creation of custom Monsters Ability to edit Monsters Adding of already existing Monsters Loot Generation Ability to edit generated Loot and add custom Items Creation of Sheets for Monsters and Handout for Loot GitHub Repository Warning: This is an early access release, as such there may still be a lot of issues and bugs. Commands Encounter Commands !enc - Pulls up the Encounter Menu --create {Insert Name} - Creates an Encounter and pulls up the Edit Menu --{Insert Name/Number} - Shows the specifics of an Encounter by Name/Number --edit - Edit a specific Encounter --name {Insert Name} - Change the name of the Encounter --party {Insert Party name} - Selects a Party --add/rem --name/id {Insert Character Name/ID} - Adds/Removes a Character --cr min/max {Insert min/max CR} - Change the min/max CR of the Monsters in the Encounter --monster - Edits a Monster --add/rem {Insert existing Monster Name} --amount {Insert Number} - Adds/Removes a Monster --{Insert existing Monster Name} - Edits a Monster inside the Encounter --loot - Edits Loot Table --add {Insert Item Name} --amount {Insert Amount} - Adds an item to the loot table --rem {Insert Item Name} --amount {Insert Amount} - Removes an item from the loot table --money {PP/GP/SP/CP} --add/rem --amount {Insert Amount} - Adds Currency --{Insert existing Item Name} - Edits an Item inside the Encounter --genloot {Insert amount} - Generates Loot --overwrite true/false - Specifies if the old loot table should be replaced (Default: true) --loot - Shows the Loot table --monsters - Shows a list of all Monsters --submit - Finishes the encounter creation and creates Monsters as well as a Handout for loot --ignorecr - Ignores the minimum and maximum CR when making the Monsters --delete - Deletes the Encounter --reset - Resets the encounter to the default Monster Commands !monster - Pulls up the Monster Menu --new {Insert Monster name} - Creates a new Monster --{Insert Monster name} - Selects a specific Monster --edit - Pulls up the Monster Editor --name {Insert Name} - Sets the Name of the Monster --type {Insert Type} - Sets the Monster's type --ac {Insert Numer} --type {Insert AC Type} - Sets the Monster's AC --hp {Insert Number} - Sets the Monster's HP --speed {Insert Speed} - Sets the Monster's Speed --attr {Insert Attribute} --{Insert value} - Edits the Attribute of a Monster --save {Insert Attribute} --{Insert value} - Edits the save bonus of a Monster --saveadd {Insert Attribute} --{Insert value} - Adds a save to the Monster --saverem {Insert Attribute} - Removes a save from the Monster --skill {Insert Skill} --{Insert value} - Edits the skill bonus of a Monster --skilladd {Insert Skill} --{Insert value} - Adds a skill to the Monster --skillrem {Insert Skill} - Removes a skill from the Monster --vul {Insert Vulnerabilities} - Sets the Monster's Damage Vulnerabilities --res {Insert Resistances} - Sets the Monster's Resistances --dmg_immune {Insert Immunities} - Sets the Monster's Immunities --cond_immune {Insert Condition Immunities} - Sets the Monster's condition immunities --sense {Insert Senses} - Sets the Monster's Senses --lang {Insert Languages} - Sets the Monster's languages --cr {Insert Number} - Sets the Monster's CR --pb {Insert Number} - Sets the Monster's prof. bonus --caster true/false --{Insert Ability} --lvl {Insert number} - Sets whether the Monster can cast Spells and the spellcasting ability and caster lvl --spellmod {Insert number} - Sets the Monster's spell attack modifier --spelldc {Insert number} - Sets the Monster's spell save dc --ba true/false - Sets whether the Monster has Bonus Actions --react true/false - Sets whether the Monster has Reactions --legendact {Insert Number} - Sets the Monster's Number of Legendary Actions --myth true/false --desc {Insert description} - Sets whether the Monster has Mythic Actions and sets the description --traits - Pulls up the trait editor --{Insert Trait name} - Selects a specific trait --setname {Insert Name} - Sets the name of a trait --setdesc {Insert Desc} - Sets the description of a trait --add {Insert Trait name} --desc {Insert desc} - Adds a trait --rem {Insert Trait name} - Removes a trait --bonusactions - Pulls up the Bonus action editor --{Insert Bonus action name} - Selects a specific bonus action --setname {Insert Name} - Sets the name of a bonus action --setdesc {Insert Desc} - Sets the Description of a bonus action --toggleatk - Toggles the bonus action to be an attack --setrange {Insert range} - Sets the range of the attack --settohit {Insert to hit} - Sets the to hit bonus of the attack --setdmg {Insert damage dice} --type {Insert damage type} - Sets the damage dice and type of the bonus action --setatktype Melee/Ranged - Sets the attack to me a Melee or Ranged Attack --add {Insert Bonus action name} - adds a bonus action --rem {Insert Bonus action name} - removes a bonus action --actions - Pulls up the Action Editor --{Insert Action name} - Selects a specific action --setname {Insert Name} - Sets the name of an Action --setdesc {Insert Desc} - Sets the Description of an Action --toggleatk - Toggles the Action to have an Attack --setrange {Insert range} - Sets the Range of the Attack --settohit {Insert to hit} - Sets the to hit bonus of the attack --setdmg {Insert damage dice} --type {Insert damage type} - Sets the damage and damage type of an Action --setatktype Melee/Ranged - Sets the attack to me a Melee or Ranged Attack --add {Insert Action name} - adds an action --rem {Insert action name} - removes an action --reactions - Pulls up the reaction editor --{Insert Reaction name} - Selects a specific reaction --setname {Insert Name} - Sets the name of a Reaction --setdesc {Insert Desc} - Sets the Description of a Reaction --add {Insert Reaction name} - adds a reaction --desc {Insert Desc} - Sets the description --rem {Insert Reaction name} - removes a reaction --legend_actions - pulls up the legendary actions editor --{Insert Leg. Action name} - Selects a specific legendary action --setname {Insert Name} - Sets the name of a legendary Action --setdesc {Insert Desc} - Sets the Description of a legendary Action --toggleatk - Toggels the legendary Action to have an Attack --setrange {Insert range} - Sets the Range of the Attack --settohit {Insert to hit} - Sets the to hit bonus of the attack --setdmg {Insert damage dice} --type {Insert damage type} - Sets the damage and damage type of a legendary Action --setatktype Melee/Ranged - Sets the attack to me a Melee or Ranged Attack --add {Insert Leg. Action name} - Adds a legendary action --rem {Insert Leg. Action name} - Removes a legendary action --mythic_actions - pulls up the mythic action editor --{Insert myth. Action name} - Selects a specific mythic action --setname {Insert Name} - Sets the name of a mythic Action --setdesc {Insert Desc} - Sets the Description of a mythic Action --toggleatk - Toggles the mythic Action to have an Attack --setrange {Insert range} - Sets the range of the Attack --settohit {Insert to hit} - Sets the to hit bonus of the attack --setdmg {Insert damage dice} --type {Insert damage type} - Sets the damage and damage type of a mythic Action --setatktype Melee/Ranged - Sets the attack to me a Melee or Ranged Attack --add {Insert Myth. Action name} - Adds a mythic action --rem {Insert Myth. Action name} - Removes a mythic action --del - Deletes the Monster --reset - Resets the monster to the defaults Party Commands !party - pulls up the Party Menu --new {Insert Name} - creates a new Party --{Insert Party name} - Selects a Party --add --name/id/sel {Insert Character Name/ID OR select Character Token} - Adds a Character to the Party --rem --name/id/sel {Insert Character Name/ID OR select Character Token} - Removes a Character from the Party --del - Deletes the Party --confirm - Permanently deletes the Party --cancel - Cancels the Deletion --setname {Insert Name} - Sets the Name of the Party Loot Commands !loot - Pulls up the Loot Menu --new {Insert Item Name} - Creates a new Item on the Loot Table --value {Insert Number} - Sets the Value of the Item --desc {Insert Text} - Sets the Description of the Item --rarity {Insert Rarity} - Sets the Rarity* of the Item --type {Insert Item Type} - Sets the Type* of the Item --rem {Insert Item Name} - Removes an Item from the Loot Table --{Insert Item Name} - Views a specific Item --edit --{Insert Item Name} - Pulls up the Item Editor --name {Insert Name} - Edits the Name of the Item --value {Insert Number} - Edits the Value of the Item --desc {Insert Desc} - Edits the Description of the Item --rarity {Insert Rarity} - Edits the Rarity* of the Item --type {Insert Item Type} - Edits the Type* of the Item --attack {true/false} - Toggles the Item to have an attack --damage {Insert damage} --type {Insert damage type} - Edits the damage of the Item Attack --secdamage {Insert damage} --type {Insert damage type} - Edits the secondary damage of the Item Attack --tohit {Insert number} - Edits the To Hit bonus of the Item Attack --magic {0/1/2/3} - Edits the magic bonus of the Item Attack --confirm - Confirms the edits and applies them * view the Wiki for Options

Edited 1678877523
API Scripter
Issues with the Commands not working and it throwing Errors are known. Working on fixing further Issues before posting an Update