Hi! Looking for some of those boffins on here who have insane macro skills with any tips to improve this: Quick rundown: I have 12 Rollable tables each a biome example : Caves, Urban, Underwater, Forest etc. Each biome contains 20 different plants in this case . Each Plant has a rarity that i store on a sheet where the players can go look it up. Higher Rarity = Less chance to get so lower weight  Higher Rarity = Less of the plant so Common(1d6) Uncommon(1d4) Rare(1d3) etc. Also a Nature DC based on rarity  = Common 10, Uncommon 13, etc  Image Roll Tables: First thing the macro does is lets the player pic a environment they are in: Image: Then i just display everything mentioned above. The player has to go to a sheet they all have and see based on their nature check and rarity of the plant if they succeeded and how much they get. Thought maybe there is a way to completely automate this. Maybe something like another drop down where they select rarity then the macro rolls a nature check and if below the rarities min number it will succeed or fail and if it succeeded it shows the plant with the amount you got.  Macro: /w gm &{template:default} {{name=HARVEST}}{{[[1t[?{which|Arctic|Coastal|Desert|Forest|Grassland|Hill|Mountain|Swamp|Underground|Underwater|Urban|CAVES}]]]}}{{Common=[[1d6]]}}{{Uncommon=[[1d4]]}}{{Rare=[[1d3]]}}{{Very Rare=[[1d3-1]]}}{{Nature=[[@{selected|d20}+[[(@{selected|nature_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}*(1-ceil((@{selected|npc})*0.1)))+(@{selected|npc_nature}*@{selected|npc})]]]] - [[@{selected|d20}+[[(@{selected|nature_bonus}@{selected|pbd_safe}*(1-ceil((@{selected|npc})*0.1)))+(@{selected|npc_nature}*@{selected|npc})]]]]}} Thanks! Interested in any cool macros some of you have to share maybe as well?