Not to clutter the forum post with all of the specifics, the link to the game page will be provided so you can have a better look. All the info about session time and other needed stuff will be there as well as the application form.  So have a look directly if you wish About the game Curse of Strahd is, first and foremost, quite the sad and dangerous adventure. Inspired by a high gothic atmosphere and with plenty of nods to old famous monsters. The vampire, the werewolf, Frankenstein's monster and such. A love letter to all that is gothic horror and a fantastic bit of storytelling that I'll be doing my best to do justice to. The game itself however, is difficult. Enemies will be relentless, and the world itself will very much try to kill your characters. it is up to you to find the light of hope in the land of Barovia. Either that, or to create it yourself. Lastly. The adventure  will  include touchy subjects. Violence, abuse, gore, and psychological elements. And removing them would only do the setting a disservice. I focus on providing the players with a fun time while battling darker elements with maturity and understanding. I'll be providing a balanced and player-friendly game, In which new and experienced players alike are welcome. Though I always encourage new players to participate as I always focus on providing them with a welcoming first experience in this hobby that I love. As for some necessary info:  The game will start at level 1 and will go into level 11-12 Stats will be rolled cause I find it more fun to have a varied cast. Content from officially released books are allowed bar some exceptions for the sake of balance. Inquire within.  Me as the DM, as well as likely the other players, will not tolerate any disruptive behavior, or otherwise harmful actions to the enjoyment of the group. D&D is a hobby and an escape for everyone. Don't take the fun away from it.