Mike W. said: Tommi said: First, many thanks for your continued excellent work on the sheet. Then, a request which is also a question: Would it be possible to create so-called nested inventory lines? That is, have containers of inventory items which would group items inside them for carrying and dropping (temporarily). It would make inventory management, e.g. before a battle, so much more easier if you could, say, drop a backpack with one click (the "carried/on" checkbox) instead of clicking each and every item in the backpack separately. And then after the battle, re-equip the backpack (with all the items inside it) with one click. Mind you, this is not a critical feature, just a convenience one. So it's not a biggie as such, but boy, oh boy, would it make inventory management faster. Not sure if this is even possible with Roll20, however. Thank you for your suggestion and your positive comment, we greatly appreciate that. Oh I wish we could do nested as you request. Currently there isn't any way to do that with the repeating section that we use for the Inventory (same system for spells and skills and all other traits). We are working on a possible solution but so far it is either overly complicated or just will not work. We have not given up though, so we are hoping to explore more technical solutions. Mike Continuing this suggestion/request of mine. There is a Roll20 character sheet for Mythras, that has a clever way of handling encumbrance and dropping a backpack with a click. Every item in your equipment list has a location drop-down menu of which one is titled "pack". All the items designated as being in your pack are calculated in your Load/Encumbrance when a certain box is checked in your Encumbrance section. When that box in unchecked, then those items are not calculated in your Encumbrance. So, this kind of avoids the problem of nested inventories while achieveing the basic end result of simple inventory management at the start of a battle, dropping your pack, and then re-equipping the pack after the battle as easily. Items designated as worn are always included in your Encumbrance and all the other locations in that list are basically just extra flavor (and not included in the character's Encumbrance). I'm not explaining this well, so I'll show a composite screenshot of it (a picture's worth a 1000 words and all that). Could something like this work with the GURPS sheet, perhaps? Wouldn't even have to be a drop-down menu, maybe just another check box beside the "On" check box (which we aldready have) titled "Pack". Then have a Pack On/Off radio button or check box at the top which toggles if the pack items are included in Encumbrance or not. Or something. Just a suggestion.