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[GURPS] - Sheet #1 - Thread 2

Mike W. said:  GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.3  ·          Combat tab - Damage table. Updated the layout by moving the Wounds and Notes text boxes below the armor location data row. The summary table is now editable but be aware that editing one of the other layer text boxes will overwrite any changes you made. The order of the columns changed a little in order to accommodate the responsiveness of different armor layers. I like this new design of the Hit Loacation and Armor Table a lot. It is more legible and less cramped now, plus there's ample room for noting individual wounds and writing any notes about them etc. Good job!
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Thanks for your remarks Tommi -Mike
Sheet Author
underjack said: I have found a bug of sorts. All the size modifier fields are linked together.  The problem is that the Size Modifier on the Bio tab is for the character's SM (and will give discounts on ST and HP costs), while the SM on the combat tab is for the target's SM. Hi underjack,  I think I know what you're referring to. Do you mean the damage table where it lists the individual target areas? There is an issue if you change the "to hit" modifier of an area if it a SM has already been applied. I have an idea to change it.  Ken
Bug report: whenever I add a modifier in the attack tab of the combat tab, the game adds the mighty blow modifier to the attacks output description in the chat. In the character sheet it also shows, even though the modifier window itself it doesnt show the mighty blow field as marked.  Can't get rid of it, unless I completely neglect the modifier window. Weird feature request: Can you make an item entries in the inventory tab have dynamic value? So I can quick calculate weight in a backpack according to things inside. It's useful to calculate travel encumberance vs combat encumberance. Thanks.
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Léo L. said: Bug report: whenever I add a modifier in the attack tab of the combat tab, the game adds the mighty blow modifier to the attacks output description in the chat. In the character sheet it also shows, even though the modifier window itself it doesnt show the mighty blow field as marked.  Can't get rid of it, unless I completely neglect the modifier window. Weird feature request: Can you make an item entries in the inventory tab have dynamic value? So I can quick calculate weight in a backpack according to things inside. It's useful to calculate travel encumberance vs combat encumberance. Thanks. Leo L. For your Bug Report , we will look into this, thanks for reporting it. For your Weird feature request: What you asking for is something similar to what we have been wanting to do for some time. The problem is the way Roll20 uses these Repeating Fields. We are unable to 'Nest' fields to get these subtotals. Currently what I suggest is that the Backpack weight is the weight of that Backpack and all items inside. Then you simply just Check the Backpack as On or Off when carried and not carried. It is what most of us are doing until we can find a solution. This request is on our list and is currently being researched. Mike
Sheet Author
Léo L. said: Bug report: whenever I add a modifier in the attack tab of the combat tab, the game adds the mighty blow modifier to the attacks output description in the chat. In the character sheet it also shows, even though the modifier window itself it doesnt show the mighty blow field as marked.  Can't get rid of it, unless I completely neglect the modifier window. Weird feature request: Can you make an item entries in the inventory tab have dynamic value? So I can quick calculate weight in a backpack according to things inside. It's useful to calculate travel encumberance vs combat encumberance. Thanks. Hi  Léo L. ,  It sounds like somehow it got stuck on your character sheet, since I can't recreated the issue. There's a few things you can try.  Check the summary table All the combat tabs have the same icon where you can hover your mouse over to see a summary of the modifiers. Do you see the Might Blow modifier there? This is just a sanity check. Try the reset button Clicking the reset should clear out all the modifiers. Open the Tools Modifier Dialog Box Another option is to reset using the dialog box. Click the paper and pencil icon to open the dialog box, on that form, click the Reset button and then the Apply button.
Drahcir O. said: Hey, here's a bug report for you: I noticed in a recent game that some characters are unable to "roll" their speed. Me and another player got the messages (Plural, all 6 of them even after only clicking once) shown in the screenshot (when selecting a token, if no token was selected we got the expected "You attempted to use a roll command looking for the value of a selected token, but no tokens are selected." message). My GM was able to roll the speed of some monsters, and another player was able to roll their PC's speed, but the GM was unable to roll our PCs' speed from our sheets, he got the same message. Update: The other player mentioned that they have a default token, and the player for whom it worked does not. I played around with a second sheet and indeed, nothing i did broke Speed, until I added a default token. This breaks the TOKEN on the board, not the SHEET. I was able to roll for my secondary Token ("Whag Ikre") from my Neophyte Marius sheet or the Whag Ikre sheet, but was unable to roll for the Neophyte Marius token from the Whag Ikre sheet. Additionally, once a default token has been added, removing it causes the token on the board to always be the blank character square, instead of whatever is the sheets' avatar, as it usually would, until another default token is added. So, to replicate this bug: -create a sheet. -Add an avatar. Speed works normally. -Add a default token. Rolling Speed with that token selected on the board gives the message shown above. Attached are the two pictures is used as avatars and token, in case they are the cause. Although they shouldn't since as I said another player had the same problem.
Sheet Author
Something similar to this came up in another thread somewhere on the forums. It may not be a sheet issue, but confusion over how tokens work in relation to players being able to set their own token image. While players can add a token image, it does not actually set up the token (vision, shed light, darkvision, etc.).  Specific to this situation, players lack access to the token setting that makes the token represent the sheet it is on.  The image being the default token for a sheet does not mean that the token (when dragged out onto the vtt) "Represents" (the actual drop down list of sheets available to represent in the game) is set to a specific character sheet.  The "Represents" field on the token is what the @{selected| or @{target| syntax is looking for when resolving attribute calls with a selected or clicked target token. When a player adds an image for the token, that image is set as the default token on the sheet, but the sheet is not set in the "Represents" field of the token. Only the GM can check that setting and verify if it is correct.  Players have no access to even see that setting.
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Drahcir O. I believe that Kraynic hit it right on the nose. The GM has to assign the token to the character sheet itself in order for the player to roll their Speed and have it added to the turn order. There is nothing we can do about that, I am sorry to report. We are, however, looking into a better way to do it - that is if it is possible. Mike W.

Edited 1677937112
MadCoder said: underjack said: I have found a bug of sorts. All the size modifier fields are linked together.  The problem is that the Size Modifier on the Bio tab is for the character's SM (and will give discounts on ST and HP costs), while the SM on the combat tab is for the target's SM. Hi underjack,  I think I know what you're referring to. Do you mean the damage table where it lists the individual target areas? There is an issue if you change the "to hit" modifier of an area if it a SM has already been applied. I have an idea to change it.  Ken No.  On the Bio/Misc Page, there is a field for Size Modifier.  It has a tool tip for  @macro{NAME|size}.  Then on the Combat tab, in the stat block that is common to all sub tabs...there is a "SM" tab that says "Target's Size Modifier"  But it is also @macro{NAME|size}, and changing one or the other changes both. I think the intention is the one on the combat tab is different than the one of the Bio tab, but they are linked. --Chris
Mike W. said: Tommi said: First, many thanks for your continued excellent work on the sheet. Then, a  request which is also a question: Would it be possible to create so-called nested inventory lines? That is, have containers of inventory items which would group items inside them for carrying and dropping (temporarily). It would make inventory management, e.g. before a battle, so much more easier if you could, say, drop a backpack with one click (the "carried/on" checkbox) instead of clicking each and every item in the backpack separately. And then after the battle, re-equip the backpack (with all the items inside it) with one click. Mind you, this is not a critical feature, just a convenience one. So it's not a biggie as such, but boy, oh boy, would it make inventory management faster. Not sure if this is even possible with Roll20, however. Thank you for your suggestion and your positive comment, we greatly appreciate that. Oh I wish we could do nested as you request. Currently there isn't any way to do that with the repeating section that we use for the Inventory (same system for spells and skills and all other traits). We are working on a possible solution but so far it is either overly complicated or just will not work. We have not given up though, so we are hoping to explore more technical solutions. Mike Continuing this suggestion/request of mine. There is a Roll20 character sheet for Mythras, that has a clever way of handling encumbrance and dropping a backpack with a click. Every item in your equipment list has a location drop-down menu of which one is titled "pack". All the items designated as being in your pack are calculated in your Load/Encumbrance when a certain box is checked in your Encumbrance section. When that box in unchecked, then those items are not calculated in your Encumbrance. So, this kind of  avoids the problem of nested inventories while achieveing the basic end result of simple inventory management at the start of a battle, dropping your pack, and then re-equipping the pack after the battle as easily. Items designated as worn are always included in your Encumbrance and all the other locations in that list are basically just extra flavor (and not included in the character's Encumbrance).  I'm not explaining this well, so I'll show a composite screenshot of it (a picture's worth a 1000 words and all that). Could something like this work with the GURPS sheet, perhaps? Wouldn't even have to be a drop-down menu, maybe just another check box beside the "On" check box (which we aldready have) titled "Pack". Then have a Pack On/Off radio button or check box at the top which toggles if the pack items are included in Encumbrance or not. Or something. Just a suggestion.
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Tommi said: Continuing this suggestion/request of mine. There is a Roll20 character sheet for Mythras, that has a clever way of handling encumbrance and dropping a backpack with a click. Every item in your equipment list has a location drop-down menu of which one is titled "pack". All the items designated as being in your pack are calculated in your Load/Encumbrance when a certain box is checked in your Encumbrance section. When that box in unchecked, then those items are not calculated in your Encumbrance. So, this kind of  avoids the problem of nested inventories while achieveing the basic end result of simple inventory management at the start of a battle, dropping your pack, and then re-equipping the pack after the battle as easily. Items designated as worn are always included in your Encumbrance and all the other locations in that list are basically just extra flavor (and not included in the character's Encumbrance).  I'm not explaining this well, so I'll show a composite screenshot of it (a picture's worth a 1000 words and all that). Could something like this work with the GURPS sheet, perhaps? Wouldn't even have to be a drop-down menu, maybe just another check box beside the "On" check box (which we aldready have) titled "Pack". Then have a Pack On/Off radio button or check box at the top which toggles if the pack items are included in Encumbrance or not. Or something. Just a suggestion. We actually had been looking at this idea from another character sheet that has something similar (I can't remember off the top of my head which one). We were thinking of creating 3 or 4 parent items such as a backpack, chest, footlocker, etc., plus having the capability of naming your own containers (2 or 3 of these). We also have to make sure it works with the GCA4 and GCA5 imports, using those Parent/Child associations which is a bit tricky. We want to make sure that those doing this manually and those importing from GCA, can use the feature (and later GCS as well). Thanks again for your suggestion and the nice way you explained it along with the image, that really helps us. As always, keeps the ideas/suggestion coming. Mike
underjack said: MadCoder said: underjack said: I have found a bug of sorts. All the size modifier fields are linked together.  The problem is that the Size Modifier on the Bio tab is for the character's SM (and will give discounts on ST and HP costs), while the SM on the combat tab is for the target's SM. Hi underjack,  I think I know what you're referring to. Do you mean the damage table where it lists the individual target areas? There is an issue if you change the "to hit" modifier of an area if it a SM has already been applied. I have an idea to change it.  Ken No.  On the Bio/Misc Page, there is a field for Size Modifier.  It has a tool tip for  @macro{NAME|size}.  Then on the Combat tab, in the stat block that is common to all sub tabs...there is a "SM" tab that says "Target's Size Modifier"  But it is also @macro{NAME|size}, and changing one or the other changes both. I think the intention is the one on the combat tab is different than the one of the Bio tab, but they are linked. --Chris I think after looking into it some more, and poking through the source code, it's just that the SM entry on the combat tab has the tooltip incorrect.  (GURPS.html line 9418, "target-size-modifier-tooltip")  This is the SM of the character (attr_size), and the SM of the target (attr_target_size_modifier) is inside the modal targeting dialogs. A simple change is to have line 9418 read <span data-i18n="size-modifier-tooltip">Size Modifier.</span> I have the git repo forked, and can make a PR if you are okay with that.
Mike W.
Sheet Author
I have the git repo forked, and can make a PR if you are okay with that. underjack. Thanks for your offer but TheMadeCoder will take care of it as he is making additional updates and I do not want to have a conflict. In the past, we had issues with 3 people making changes to the sheet at the same time.  Later, the two of you, if you both wish, can coordinate changes and/or updates to the sheet. Mike W
Sheet Author
underjack said: underjack said: MadCoder said: underjack said: I have found a bug of sorts. All the size modifier fields are linked together.  The problem is that the Size Modifier on the Bio tab is for the character's SM (and will give discounts on ST and HP costs), while the SM on the combat tab is for the target's SM. Hi underjack,  I think I know what you're referring to. Do you mean the damage table where it lists the individual target areas? There is an issue if you change the "to hit" modifier of an area if it a SM has already been applied. I have an idea to change it.  Ken No.  On the Bio/Misc Page, there is a field for Size Modifier.  It has a tool tip for  @macro{NAME|size}.  Then on the Combat tab, in the stat block that is common to all sub tabs...there is a "SM" tab that says "Target's Size Modifier"  But it is also @macro{NAME|size}, and changing one or the other changes both. I think the intention is the one on the combat tab is different than the one of the Bio tab, but they are linked. --Chris I think after looking into it some more, and poking through the source code, it's just that the SM entry on the combat tab has the tooltip incorrect.  (GURPS.html line 9418, "target-size-modifier-tooltip")  This is the SM of the character (attr_size), and the SM of the target (attr_target_size_modifier) is inside the modal targeting dialogs. A simple change is to have line 9418 read <span data-i18n="size-modifier-tooltip">Size Modifier.</span> I have the git repo forked, and can make a PR if you are okay with that. Thanks Underjack! The tooltip was wrong, good catch. I updated the tooltip, it will be available soon, hopefully by tomorrow or Tuesday. Ken
Mike W.
Sheet Author
🆕 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.5 🆕 Dated 03/19/2023 Released 03/21/2023.   ·          My Modifier on Chat Window Skill Rolls. A new row was added to the chat window to show what number you entered in the pop-up dialog box. ·          New Sheet Option. Display Roll Modifier Summary in Chat Window. If checked (by default), the roll chat window will show a summary of modifiers, if any. This option is available in the Game Settings, for each individual game, and character sheet level. ·          Chat Window Roll Results. Added some formatting, including highlighting the Malfunction warning. ·          Grimoire tab. Added collapsible notes area. ·          Traits notes, removed some unnecessary text from default critical fail/success notes. ·          Repeating Melee and Ranged Tables. Increased the width of the Reference field and updated tooltip. ·          Hit Location & Armor Table. Added a new column to show the final to-hit penalty, it will total the modifier for the hit location and the Size Modifier. This should avoid weird syncing issues when changing hit location and size modifiers. Based on feedback provided by underjack. ·          Note: When the sheet is updated, it will attempt to remove the size modifier from the hit location modifier. However, this may not work, you may have to manually adjust the hit location modifier. ·          Added new Help Section. This is the first iteration and will be expanded and revised over time.   To be kept posted on things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike
Mike W.
Sheet Author
🆕 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.6  🆕 Dated 03/27/2023 Released 03/28/2023.   ·          Inventory Tab. Updated the table to better handle parent/child relationships. You can assign an item to have a parent item and select an indent level. When you assign a parent to an inventory item, the location field will be updated to show the name of the parent. ·          Note: This process is still a manual one meaning that the GCA5 Importer does not import the Parent/Child relationships – yet. That part of the code is being worked on. Baby steps my friends.   To be kept posted on things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike
Bravo!! You really did it, you got nested inventory items and containers working! *standing ovation* I just checked it out and you really knocked it out of the park. It's even better than what I hoped and what I've seen other sheets do (on Roll20). So now it is possible to have a backpack with a pouch inside it, then something inside the pouch, and once you click to drop the backpack (i.e. uncheck the "on" box), lo and behold, the pouch with everything in it is also dropped along with the backpack (with everything in it). Superb! [Insert Leonardo DiCaprio clapping hands GIF]  

Edited 1680139322
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Tommi said: Bravo!! You really did it, you got nested inventory items and containers working! *standing ovation* I just checked it out and you really knocked it out of the park. It's even better than what I hoped and what I've seen other sheets do (on Roll20). So now it is possible to have a backpack with a pouch inside it, then something inside the pouch, and once you click to drop the backpack (i.e. uncheck the "on" box), lo and behold, the pouch with everything in it is also dropped along with the backpack (with everything in it). Superb! [Insert Leonardo DiCaprio clapping hands GIF]   Thanks so much for your praise. It was not easy but the MadCoder was able to find a way. It still needs some tqeaking but we too are hppy with this initial result. Mike W
Mike W.
Sheet Author
🆕 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.7 🆕 Dated 04/10/2023 Released 04/11/2023.   • Minor bug update To be kept posted on things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike
Mike W.
Sheet Author
🆕 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.8 🆕 Dated 04/17/2023 Released 04/18/2023.   ·          Inventory Tab. Added a Sort & Indent button. The button will sort the inventory alphabetically and then update the indent level of a child item.  ·          Import GCA5. Added a button to delete repeating sections/tables before importing a character.   To be kept posted on things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike
Marketplace Creator
Following this thread.  looking for a way to convert the GCS to JSON so I can copy paste it into roll20GCS. 
Sheet Author
Justin said: Following this thread.  looking for a way to convert the GCS to JSON so I can copy paste it into roll20GCS.  Thanks Justin, we're hoping someone would be able to work on the exporter for JSON.

Edited 1687316624
Mike W.
Sheet Author
 We finally got Roll20 to change the name of our GURPS character sheet to reflect that t is for Fourth Edition in the Character Sheet Template dropdown in the Game Settings for a Roll20 Game. It only took us 6 years to get this changed.
Sheet Author
Congrats Mike! Little victories. ;-P
Does anyone have a version of the Blind Roll  API script that functions for the standard GURPS sheet outputs? Or am I just missing something obvious, and such a script already exists? It's mentioned in the sheet, but I can't wrap my brain around actually implementing it.
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Bobo The Talking Clown said: Does anyone have a version of the Blind Roll  API script that functions for the standard GURPS sheet outputs? Or am I just missing something obvious, and such a script already exists? It's mentioned in the sheet, but I can't wrap my brain around actually implementing it. We have recently become aware that the Blind Roll script no longer works as it was originally advertised. In fact, the way we had it set up was that ALL rolls were Blind Rolls and that was not our intention. So we are currently working on a solution and will probably write our own built-in macro or script that will have the Blind Roll as an option or a check box. For example, the Search skill requires the GM to roll. We might have a check box there which when checked always makes a Blind Romm that only the GM, not even the rolling player, can see. Sorry, we did not report this earlier. Mike W
Sheet Author
Bobo The Talking Clown said: Does anyone have a version of the Blind Roll  API script that functions for the standard GURPS sheet outputs? Or am I just missing something obvious, and such a script already exists? It's mentioned in the sheet, but I can't wrap my brain around actually implementing it. Hi Bobo The Talking Clown, the Blind Roll script was written about 10 years ago and I think it worked at one time, but it's a strong possibility it no longer works after all the changes. I'm guessing you're referring to the custom roll option, shown here. You can check "Display Custom Option in Header" and then click "Custom Rolls" provide a title and command to run a specific script, in this case, "!broll ". I tried adding the script to my sheet just now it didn't work me either. In fact, I didn't even see any errors, like the script didn't even load. Here's a link original script that was written ages ago. Blind Roll to GM Someone with knowledge and some free will need to debug the script or write a new one. Perhaps, someday, roll20 will make a built-in blind roll. 
Hey so i'm new to roll20 and gurps in general, I'm trying to do a fallout campaign and saw the power ups 9 alternated attributes that you can change some rules to add new attributes. My question is, does the sheet have a way to add new attributes?
Sheet Author
MarcosAlexandre said: Hey so i'm new to roll20 and gurps in general, I'm trying to do a fallout campaign and saw the power ups 9 alternated attributes that you can change some rules to add new attributes. My question is, does the sheet have a way to add new attributes? At this time, the sheet doesn't support alternate attributes natively, you'll have to fudge things to get it to work. 
Mike W.
Sheet Author
🆕 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.9 🆕 Dated 07/17/2023 Released -7/17/2023.   • Inventory Tab. Increased the indent level of child items and increased the number of indents to 6 and other code improvements to prevent bugs. • Combat -> Defense Tab. Updated repeating active defenses to show DB notes.   To be kept posted on things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike
Mike W.
Sheet Author
🆕 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.10 🆕 Dated 07/31/2023 Released -7/31/2023.   • Traits Tab. Improve ability to drag/drop repeating culture items. • Skills Tab. Moved the field Reason for MOD (Modifier): to its own line and expanded the input field. • Active Defense Rolls. Updated title of roll template to be [type of defense] using [defensive name]. For example, Unarmed Parry using punch. • Several small changes to text information; Active Defense notes for INFO field updated to show page 269 instead of 208. Added some additional help text to show if Malfunction is enabled or disabled. • Chat Log Roll Results. The roll number and hit/success note are now on one line and additional notes related to the results are shown on a separate line. This should reduce the size of the roll results chat log, saving room. • Repeating Skill Chat Log Roll. If there's a Tech Level associated with the skill, it will be appended to the name. • Melee Tab - Max skill of 9 checkbox. Fixed bug where the summary would show "Mighty Blow 1 FP per attack. +2 Damage or +1 per die!".   To be kept posted on things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike
Mike W.
Sheet Author
🆕 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.11 🆕 Dated: 08/14/2023, Released: 08/14/2023.   • Shotgun Damage Tool. Changed the title, added some additional tooltips, and moved the DR multiplier note next to the damage roll. • Spell Roll Chat Log. Streamlined some of the content so spells take up a little less space. • List of minor changes: roll results notes font size changed from 13px to 12px. • Moved the custom success/fail messages for spells just below the roll result in the chat dialog. • Fixed bug where repeating languages were not calculating correctly.   To be kept posted on things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike

Edited 1693283301
Mike W.
Sheet Author
 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.12  - UPDATED 08/28/2023 Dated: 08/21/2023, Released: 08/21/2023.   • On character load. The roll modifier toolbox for each section is cleared out, and ready for a clean start. • Ranged Calculator Tool. Added a checkbox for Bracing your weapon. ○ A recent incorrect translation for the title caused a display issue, made updates to prevent the display issue. • Roll modifier tools. Style update to move roll modifiers tools above the repeating tables to allow for additional updates later. • Grimoire Tab. ○ The modifiers for On Penalty and Concentration Penalty are now automatically applied to spell skill levels. ○ Added a new custom spell modifier box, this covers special cases like taking a potion that raises IQ but not spell skill levels. • List of minor changes: success/fail notes in chat updated to use the correct font. Updated warning text for effective Defense Score of 0 or less   To be kept posted on things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike
Mike W.
Sheet Author
🆕 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.13 🆕 Dated: 09/04/2023, Released: 09/05/2023. • Melee and Ranged attack tables . Added a "Duplicate" button. Click the button to duplicate the attack, useful for quickly creating alternate attacks based on ammo type or something similar. • Traits Tab . Disadvantages table. Added a checkbox labeled "Check to make the results a whisper to GM only." If checked, the control roll will be whispered to you and the GM. To be kept posted on things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike
On the newest character sheet it looks like you can't edit any of the point values for the main stats or anything on the same row as the stats because it just opens up the new drop down menu.
Same problem here, I managed to edit the points, but you have to click in a very small point or else it opens the box for modifier reason. 
Sheet Author
Gwenny said: On the newest character sheet it looks like you can't edit any of the point values for the main stats or anything on the same row as the stats because it just opens up the new drop down menu. Thanks Gwenny and Igor P. All fixed, Roll20 was able to deploy my bugfix!
Thank you, you fixed it very fast.
Mike W.
Sheet Author
🆕 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.14 🆕 Dated: 09/11/2023, Released: 09/11/2023.   • Added a toggle for ST, DX, IQ, Per, and Will attributes. Clicking the toggle will show/hide a Reason for Modifier box. Note: An unexpected side issue came up that was not noticed when this new feature was added – You cannot manually change the following fields: Point Sum Total, Max HP MOD, Current HP, Max HP PTS, Max FP MOD,  Current FP, Max FP PTS. Max ER, Max ER PTS, Current ER, and some others – A fix will be made soon. • Melee tab, roll modifier tool dialog box. Fixed bug where selecting the posture doesn't update the modifiers. Reported by valkray • Roll Modifier Dialog Box. Added a tooltip for the Traits heading and added a section titled Temporary Traits, which will cover cases such as spells and other mitigators.   To be kept posted on things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike
Mike W.
Sheet Author
🆕 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.15 🆕 Dated: 09/18/2023, Released: 09/18/2023.   • Updated toggle buttons from Arrow buttons to intuitive Plus/Minus buttons , with a hover state to help provide feedback. The update also reduces the footprint of the toggle button. • Added additional reason modifier buttons and text box for attributes , which involved tweaking the layout to add space for the toggle buttons. • Updated tooltips for GURPS Horror Stress & Derangement rules.   To be kept posted on things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike
Mike W.
Sheet Author
🆕 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.16 🆕 Dated: 10/02/2023, Released: 10/02/2023.   • Added Reason for Mod to Hit Point and Fatigue Point columns. • Updated tooltip notes for Recover from Physical Stun Check, Knockdown and Stunning Check, Unconsciousness Check, and Death Check. • Range Calculator Tool : Updated modifier summary to include the number of shots fired. Fix the macro help tooltip for the Fired input box.   To be kept posted on things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike
Mike W.
Sheet Author
🆕 GURPS Character Sheet Version 2.9.16 🆕 Dated: 10/09/2023, Released: 10/09/2023.   • NEW : Added custom macro text boxes for Skills, Defense, Melee, Ranged, and Spell rolls. To view the custom macros, expand the notes section at the top of each section. • ENHANCEMENT : On the Option Rules tab, added a Reset Spell Notes button. If clicked, the existing notes are replaced with the original notes. • ENHANCEMENT : Under Sheet Options\Rules, added text entries for the Success\Fail\Crit Success\Crit Fail text for Fright Check, Unstun, Knockdown and Stunning, and Unconsciousness. • ENHANCEMENT : Under the General Page for HT, updated the ToolTip. • FIX : Under Combat\Ranged for the Ranged Calculator Tool, fixed a synchronization issue with the Reset button that wasn't applying the updates to the modifier tool.   To be kept posted on things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet. Mike  
Hey there!  I've been searching online and not finding much on being able to import from GCS using this roll 20 sheet.   Can you let me know if this is possible and if so direct me to a tutorial or something? Thanks

Edited 1697091363
Mike W.
Sheet Author
Ben said: Hey there!  I've been searching online and not finding much on being able to import from GCS using this roll 20 sheet.   Can you let me know if this is possible and if so direct me to a tutorial or something? Thanks Ben, at this time we do not have an import capability from GCS. We are looking for someone who knows the GCS code to help construct a GCS Exorter\Importer. Mike P.S.  To be kept posted on things happening with this character sheet, DM me and I will send you an invite to our Discord server dedicated to this character sheet.
The Languages section keeps resetting the amount of points spent. I believe it is happening to everyone in my gaming group and in multiple campaigns. 
Mike W.
Sheet Author
B Scott E. said: The Languages section keeps resetting the amount of points spent. I believe it is happening to everyone in my gaming group and in multiple campaigns.  Ok, we will look into this. I thought we had it licked - darn. Thanks for reporting this. Mike
Sheet Author
B Scott E. said: The Languages section keeps resetting the amount of points spent. I believe it is happening to everyone in my gaming group and in multiple campaigns.  Can you provide any details on when this happens? When your character loads? can you provide a screen shot or values of your languages?

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Scott is a player in a few of my games and is correct it has happened in more than one Roll20 game. Since it came up, everyone but one has corrected it. That player has language talent, but it happens to others. Sometimes no points appear in the point cost location, sometimes the calculation is wrong (like this one for language talent). It usually happens after several days or even sessions before it happens. Correcting it (by changing the level and then back to what it should be) than closing and opening it several times does not seem to cause it to go bad. Windows & MacOS, Firefox and Chrome are the OSes and browsers used. Let me know if there is anything else that would help.