All games will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $20 USD per week per player via Paypal. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements. Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and any other nonbinary members! My name is Peyton and I am a full-time professional dungeon master. My focus is player-built worlds. This means session 0s are long sessions where a player can control the aspects of the world around their characters' origins. All way down to your families now - back up to the name, government, and style of the nation that they are from. It is a team collaboration from the ground up. For players joining in games that are already in progress, you will have the same options the original players did as long as you don't overwrite what has already been written into the canon. I currently  DM 6 games with 19 players combined  with some even opting to play in several games. We have a tight nit community of players, many of which date back years. Soldiers of Sand ( LFG Page ) Wednesday 1 PM EST 2 Player Slots Available This is a new game and will start in a few weeks. Magic: Super High Tech: Kind of high Soldiers of Sand is a very interesting setting, with the original inspiration being a setting that has recovered from a long-forgotten world ending event. As a result, this setting has large swaths of empty land that are barren and destroyed with smaller sections of highly populated and lush environments. The political situation is a bit of a mix national governments that must work together with their regional noble family. This very game of thrones centric but with slightly less emphases on the noble families. An example of its magic and tech level would be a capital city can feature floating builds and or castles with the average people having access to sky sales to move around to the upper reaches. As far as tech goes this game does have firearms and could have things like trains and airships but those are generally handled magically.  Services I Offer I do this full time, so I am always home to answer questions. I will be in the discord server starting 1 hour before the game start time. I am a trained graphic design artist so I will be designing both world and battle maps - as well as letters, emblems, and other handouts custom for each game. I will run optional 1-on-1 sessions leading into the campaign for a standard fee. These can also be done for everyone during time skips during the campaign. Sessions will be 2-4 hours 1-on-1 Sessions will be 2-3 hours Server Boosted Discord Server for better audio/video quality. How I Run the Game I tend to think very logically about everything.  The difference between  Perception  and  Investigation  checks is the difference between how specific you are about looking for something. If you are looking for a person in a crowd for example - it's an  investigation . If you are just looking for anything in the crowd - it's  perception . I will use  Insight  checks to help your PC piece things together if needed. We use Discord for Voice (and video which is optional) while using roll20 for the game. By default, I don't track spell components unless they have gold value. By default, I don't track ammunition, food, or weight (within reason) I use Matt Mercer's resurrection rules. By default, I do not include homebrew rules other than what is listed above - but some games do have some. We are in the process of integrating and trying out the new ONED&D Rules How Players Impact My Games. Once a starting group is found we push forward into session 0. This is not your normal session 0. It will be the length of a normal game not just be about making characters. We will first state by asking questions about the settings, so the players control the overall theme of the setting. Then we start looking at characters and after that, we talk about any rule changes we want to make for our game. The players also get to make choices about the area they come from so they are more intertwined and natural. Then I finish the setting based on this feedback.  Below is a list of questions players should be prepared to answer for this session 0. What time period are we playing in? What level of magic is available in the setting? What level of science is available in the setting? What is the economy like? What is the government like? Do the other planes exist? Many other questions will be asked that may only become relevant depending on what the answers before that are. This is what makes my games special, and I hope you would consider joining us. Application Response: Name Age Timezone Experience with D&D Experience with Roll20 Favorite Food Which game you are applying for. Add me on discord: pjm