You have been summoned by a mysterious letter to a temple in the northern tip of Faerun. Players start at level 20, you get a feat with your background, point buy, standard array or roll for stats (roll 3 times, choose one block). Average or rolled hp. All official content allowed, blood hunter as well. No homebrew, 3rd party content. You may take unlimited common, 3 uncommon, 2 rare, 2 very rare, 2 legendary magical item. You may have unlimited mundane items (within reason) This one-shot has been play tested and is consider very difficult. I recommend you have experience with high level play and a good understanding of the rules. I am looking for 4 players. Good hardware, the ability to speak and comprehend English is a must. No evil aligned PCs. Problematic players will be banned. Rolls must be public in game or in the discord server. The DM will adjudicate rules and other things that can arise in play as needed. Please reply to this post or message me directly here on Roll20. Thanks!