Rogue skills overhaul v3! 4.17.0 Github PR: Pull Request Hello everyone It is good to be back! My plan was for a super boring update where I just updated a bunch of data, but I feel into a tiny rabbit whole and well and this ended up with an overhaul to the rogue section. Now it is getting the minimalism treatment and expanded features. Along with that I also have some smaller quality of life stuff. Rogue section redesign For those who have been around for a very long time will know that the rogue section was one of the first things that I added features for. Since Roll20 did not have datalists and my skills with coding for Roll20 was limited the section got expanded to accommodate for each scenario independently. Now the section has been cleaned up, relying more on autofill giving more customisations. V1 V2 V3 The additional skills from Player’s Option: Skills & Powers, Dark Sun: Dragon Kings, Sages and Specialists are now visible on the same screen as the regular skills. Now you no longer have to tab back and forth if you are using the additional skills. Before Standard tab Player's Option / Dark Sun After Standard tab Player's Option / Dark Sun Another reason for including the PO: Skills & Powers & Dark Sun tab in the new design was that the old design had hardcoded values inside the roll buttons for wearing "No Armor". I noticed that some settings, like Dark Sun, do not have the same modifiers for Armor as PO: Skills & Powers do, including the modifiers for "No Armor", so to create more transparency with what the value is and to create customisability for other settings all Armor modifiers can now be defined on the sheet. Here is an example of the two tables disagreeing: Player's Option: Skills & Powers Dark Sun: Dragon Kings Therefore I also added a bunch of notes have been added to better explain skill modifiers, autofill, sources and the likes. The redesign have also deleted some fields and buttons and reintroduced some old fields and buttons. There is the complete list of removed fields and buttons: @{ppnoarmorb} @{ppnoarmort} %{ppnoarmor} @{pparmorp} @{pparmort} %{pparmor} @{olnoarmorb} @{olnoarmort} %{olnoarmor} @{olarmorp} @{olarmort} %{olarmor} @{rtnoarmorb} @{rtnoarmort} %{rtnoarmor} @{rtarmorp} @{rtarmort} %{rtarmor} @{msnoarmorb} @{msnoarmort} %{msnoarmor} @{msarmorp} @{msarmort} %{msarmor} @{hsnoarmorb} @{hsnoarmort} %{hsnoarmor} @{hsarmorp} @{hsarmort} %{hsarmor} @{dnnoarmorb} @{dnnoarmort} %{dnnoarmor} @{dnarmorp} @{dnarmort} %{dnarmor} @{cwnoarmorb} @{cwnoarmort} %{cwnoarmor} @{cwarmorp} @{cwarmort} %{cwarmor} @{rlnoarmorb} @{rlnoarmort} %{rlnoarmor} @{rlarmorp} @{rlarmort} %{rlarmor} @{ibnoarmorb} @{ibnoarmort} %{ibnoarmor} @{ibarmorp} @{ibarmort} %{ibarmor} @{repeating_customrogue_crnoarmorb} @{repeating_customrogue_crnoarmort} %{repeating_customrogue_crnoarmor} @{repeating_customrogue_crarmorp} @{repeating_customrogue_crarmort} %{repeating_customrogue_crarmor} Old fields that has been reintroduced are: @{ppa} @{ola} @{rta} @{msa} @{hsa} @{dna} @{cwa} @{rla} @{iba} @{repeating_customrogue_cra} All the old values that were stored in the @{xxarmorp} (heavy armor) field have been moved to the new @{xxa} field that will hold all armor information, both penalty and bonus. All skills have been recalculated to ensure the new Total is correct. Base skills description All the base skills have gotten descriptions, telling what happens on success or failure. Success Failure Critical Failure Note that Remove Traps and Open Locks have gotten Critical Failures where worse stuff happens. The Critical Failure for Open Locks is an optional rule from The Complete Thief's Handbook as is marked as such. In order to implement this correctly for Find/Remove Traps, a popup have been added when rolling Find/Remove Traps asking what action you are trying to do: Additional skills roll template Before After Since I was doing an overhaul these old outputs was in dire need of an update. Descriptive text have not been added to these skills as the Player's Option: Skills & Powers book and the Dark Sun: Dragon Kings book do not exactly align on how the skills work. Blind/Hidden roll visibility settings Since Roll20 do not prioritise to implement blind/hidden rolls I decided to add it myself! The thieving skills now have visibility setting, on the Sheet Settings tab allowing the DM or the player to decide how skills should be presented in the game. Today all rolls are visible to both the player doing the roll and the DM. This is however not how the rules are written in the book, as multiple rolls should be handled by the DM. To achieve this two new options are now available: 1. Roll visibility is by the book 2. All rolls are hidden from the player (blind / hidden rolls) Using either of these two new options will cause some or all thieving skills to be rolled as blind rolls. This is achieved the same way as was done for Psionic powers. The player clicks their skill button and sends a message in the chat: This message have a button saying “Secret by the DM”. Now the DM clicks this button, and actually performs the roll, whispering it to himself, making it completely hidden from all players. Player POV GM POV The thief player can now play not knowing the result of the dice. If you choose the “by the books” option then only some rolls are blind depending on their description in the books. Here is a short summary: Pick pockets: Public - PHB: Nothing is described so it is assumed to be rolled by the player Open Locks: Public - PHB: Nothing is described so it is assumed to be rolled by the player Find/Remove Traps: Blind - PHB: Find Trap is described as rolled by the DM. Remove Traps is not described, but I assume it follows Find Traps Move Silently: Blind - PHB: Described as rolled by the DM Hide in Shadows: Blind - PHB: Described as rolled by the DM Detect Noise: Blind - PHB: Described as rolled by the DM Climb Walls: Public - PHB: Nothing is described so it is assumed to be rolled by the player Read Languages: Public - PHB: Nothing is described so it is assumed to be rolled by the player Legend Lore: Public - PHB: Nothing is described so it is assumed to be rolled by the player Detect Magic: Blind - Dark Sun Dragon Kings: Described as rolled by the DM Detect Illusion: Public - Dark Sun Dragon Kings: Described as the thief making the roll. Bribe: Public - Dark Sun Dragon Kings: Described as the thief making the roll. Tunneling: Public - Dark Sun Dragon Kings: Nothing is described so it is assumed to be rolled by the player Escape Bonds: Public - Dark Sun Dragon Kings: Nothing is described so it is assumed to be rolled by the player Forge Documents: Public - Dragon Kings: Described as the thief making the roll. Appraisal: Blind - Sages & Specialists: Described as rolled by the DM Custom rogue skill: Public Change in success calculation All rogue skills are capped at 95% success chance. Complete Thief’s Handbook p. 31 & 90. A natural roll of 96-100 always fails. This limit was previously only enforced when calculating the Total success chance on the sheet. If any positive miscellaneous modifier was added when rolling the check, then you could go to 100% or more, thus guaranteeing success. From now on the numbers on the rogue section will not be capped at 95, you can go to 125 if you like, but when the roll is made, your chance for success, including the miscellaneous modifier, is reduced to 95%. Ranger limit and reduction Rangers skills have a limit higher than thieves and can go to 99% success chance. A new toggle have been added where you can select if you are a ranger. If you are, then the limit is raised to 99%. If a ranger tries to use his move silently or hide in shadows in a non-natural environment (crypt, indoor, city street, etc.) then his chance for success is halved. This has been added to the sheet with a popup, allowing the ranger to select the surroundings he is operating in. Natural surroundings Non-natural surroundings Advanced calculations When going above your maximum of 95 the rules of the Dungeon Master Option: High-Level Campaign is used: The sheet will use the rules from DMO:High-Level Campaign at all times, ie. from 1st level instead of from 11th level. This is in not be entirely “by the book”, but I opted to do this for multiple reasons: The math is straight forward and easier to read and understand It is easier to implement Adding another toggle for such a specific edge case would cause more confusion than clarity Basically this allows you to not “waste” points in any of your skills. Here is an example of how events could unfold: Say you are a Human (no modifier) thief, 13 Dexterity (no modifier) in leather armor (no modifier). Now this thief wants to be the best lock picker there ever was, so he spends all his allowed points into pick lock. So we have 10% (base) + 85% (from levels) = 95%, max skill Now the thief puts on a Studded Leather, getting -10% to his pick pocket. To counter act this penalty the thief puts even more points into lock picking. 10% (base) - 10% (studded leather) + 95% (from levels) = 95%, max skill Now the thief finds a magical leather armor +3, and puts that on instead. Now the calculation becomes 10% (base) + 95% (from levels) = 105% ≈ 95%, max skill If the DM now says "You forgot your lock pick, and are using improvised thieving tools. You get -30% chance to pick the lock”, the final calculation will be: 10% (base) + 95% (from levels) - 30% (improvised tools) = 75% If you disagree with this calculation and believe that the success chance for the above should be (10% (base) + 95% (from levels) ≈ 95% total base skill) - 30% (improvised tools) = 65% Then it will be up to yourself to maintain the maximum skill at 95 on the sheet. Dexterity, Aim, Balance adjustments table The modifiers for Dexterity, Aim, and Balance was updated to use the corrected table from PO: Skills & Powers, 2nd Printing February 1996. Due to new values from the updated table going from PO: Skills & Powers 1st printing to 2nd printing you might need to update your skill modifiers. To add more transparency for the autofill the table for ability score adjustments have been added to the sheet. The table follows the PHB and PO: Skills & Powers, 2nd Printing February 1996. Note that some settings have different modifier for Dexterity below 9 and above 19. If you play in such a setting you need to update the sheet manually every time your Dexterity changes. Here is a example of such a setting, Dark Sun: Base skills Extra skills A long convoluted note about Escape Bonds and Tunneling: If you use DMO: High-Level Campaign, then you will see this table for Escape Bonds and Tunneling, using Dexterity / Aim: I have chosen not to use Aim for these two skills, but only use Dexterity based on the following. July 1995 PO: Skills & Powers 1st printing was released with a table full of errors and without defining what ability scores where used for what skills August 1995 the DMO:High-Level Campaigns was released with the above table, assumingly clear up some of the confusion. February 1996 PO: Skills & Powers 2nd printing was released with a corrected table: Along with the 2nd printing the WotC official website was updated with an errata, including note for this table specifically: Player's Option: Skills & Powers (second printing) Errata Skills & Powers Errata and Clarifications effective 9 February 1996 Page 53, Table 29: All of the numbers on this table should agree with those on Tables 4 and 5. Where there is disagreement, the earlier tables are correct. Pick pockets, open locks, and find/remove traps adjustments are based on Dexterity/Aim scores. Move silently, hide in shadows, and climb walls adjustments are based on Dexterity/Balance scores. Tunneling and escape bonds adjustments are based on the original Dexterity score (including racial modifiers). This information was gained through the wayback machine and has been permanently saved with the sheet’s code for referencing . I interpret this errata to take precedence over DMO:High-Level campaign. Less confusion about modifiers For those who remember my first update to the rogue section will recall that I did some pretty convoluted checks to find what modifier to use for the skills depending on if you were using the sub ability scores or not. Happily I can say a lot of this has been removed with the new table. Now both tables agree what the modifier should be if you have 17 Dexterity or 17 Balance for the appropriate skill. The only skill that still has a special case is Climb Walls as it does not have a modifier under the PHB. So if both Aim and Balance is empty, then Climb Walls will have a modifier of 0. If either Aim or Balance have a value, then Climb Wall will get a modifier as written in the table. Ranger armor information Added the table for ranger skills armor adjustments along with a few notes Follower->Rogue->Detect magic The roll button for rogue followers using detect magic had the incorrect name %{dm} which did not match the mouseover text %{dm2} and was hiding the player detect magic roll button. This has been fixed. The repeating rogue follower detect magic button has been renamed from %{dm2} to %{dm22} Quality of life and corrections Psionic power telekinesis corrected modifier The power score modifier is now correct set to 0 instead of -1 when lifting something weighing exactly 3 pounds. It also show the attack modifier based on the weapons weight. Before After Psionic power Life Draining refers to itself as a power The book incorrectly had Life Draining refer to itself as a Devotion when it actually is a Science as stated in Sage Advice #186. This has been updated to the generic term power as it is written in the Psionic Power Cards #78 of 288 Endurance (Dwarf) cost 0 The table says it cost slot 1, but the description says it free. Sage Advice #184 clears this up. It is free for dwarves and cost slot 1 to improve. Added V, S component to Quest spells Tome of Magic p. 12 describes that all Quest spells uses V and S components. M are never used for Quest spells Before After Update notes for casting from scrolls Tome of Magic sphere suggestions for Paladins, Rangers, and Druids The sage gave some suggestion for the new spheres from Tome of Magic for generic Player’s Handbook Paladins, Rangers, and Druids. These have been added Major Minor Paladin and ranger casting levels Added paladin and ranger casting scaling to the priest casting level. Paladins cast spells as first level when at level 9. Ranger start at level 8. Both max out at 9th casting level. Turn Undead correction for Outer Planes Turn Undead work on all creatures from the Outer Planes, not only Undead. Sage Advice #248 p. 22 That is all folks! Phew! What a mouthful! This update definitely grew way larger than expected! I will be honest the rabbit hole might have been a little deeper than first expected. I hope you will enjoy this update! Happy gaming and may the new blind roll thieving skills cause copious amount of PTSD to all your thieves!