Updated code to 3.6.0 to add 'Encounter Mule' functionality to the script.
Three updates for the StatMule 'MM' character.
- Added option to completely hide unprepared spells.
- All character names in menus will now open the character sheet.
- I renamed all attributes with 'Style' in the name to remove 'Link' (E.g. 'InfoLinkStyle' became 'InfoStyle').
I always suggest renaming/copying your current MacroMule before creating the updated one, just in case you need to revert back.
Also now when using the script to refresh the character, all Attributes and Abilities will be moved to the 'top' of the list. (You may notice a small delay when using the refresh - it deletes everything and puts it all back on)
New EncounterMule functionality:
- This is intended to be used by the GM, not by other players in the game.
- This works in conjunction with the Statblock MacroMule character, and doesn't function on its own.
- It will list up to 12 NPCs at a time, in groups of three (A, B, C, D), or two groups of six (A & B, C & D).
- It will list up to 6 PCs.
- Clicking on any character name from a menu will open the character sheet.
- The 'headings' for each section are all clickable and link to the Statblock MacroMule buttons. (Such as 'A:' for attacks will link to the 'Actions' list; 'T:' will link to the 'Traits' list; etc.).
- Each attack, trait, etc. is clickable to be displayed in chat, and will always have a 'whisper query' to either whisper it to yourself or to your players. This will override any other whisper settings (such as from the Statblock MacroMule or from the character sheet itself).
- Links to the respective Spells menus for any spellcasting NPC with Spell Save DC and Spell Attack modifier shown.
- There's a footer that links to the Statblock MacroMule 'Stats', 'Rolls' and 'Abilities' buttons for NPCs.
- As much as I would like it to, there's no way to display the current hit points for NPC tokens on the page without somehow hardcoding a bunch of @{target queries, so hit points are not included for NPCs. Hit points are included for PCs.
NPC Names menu listing out which NPCs are currently included:

Examples of the combined 'A & B' and 'C & D' menus:

PC Menu:

For Pro Users:
Added the 'EncounterMule' creation to the script. The script will generate 8 characters, which are all intended only to be used by the GM. The EncounterMule functionality depends on the StatMule 'MM' character and will not work on its own.
The additional 7 characters are just support characters to make adjusting the attributes on EM easier. There is a character with a blank name that allows the NPC-# attributes to be blank and not have any errors; otherwise to display an empty space in the EncounterMule you need to put in 'EM' (or whatever name you used for your EncounterMule).
For example, pull the 'NPCs 1,2,3' token out onto the VTT so that you can adjust the first three listed NPCs, instead of opening the EM character sheet Attributes and Abilities page. You can also use them to call the chat menus.
Alternatively you can use a TokenMod or ChatSetAttr command:
!token-mod --ids @{selected|token_id} --set bar?{Which bar?|1}_current|"@{target|character_name}"
!setattr --name EM --?{Which character?|1 NPC-1,NPC-1|2 NPC-2,NPC-2|3 NPC-3,NPC-3|4 NPC-4,NPC-4|5 NPC-5,NPC-5|6 NPC-6,NPC-6|7 NPC-7,NPC-7|8 NPC-8,NPC-8|9 NPC-9,NPC-9|10 NPC-10,NPC-10|11 NPC-11,NPC-11|12 NPC-12,NPC-12}|@{selected|character_name}
For Plus and Free users with available export slots:
My Character Vault game has been updated with the new script code. Type !macromule and click through all of the buttons to rename the StatMule and EncounterMule characters and recreate them before exporting them to your Characters/Vault.
Transferring the support characters (EM NPCs 1-3, etc.) will not maintain the link to the EM character through the character vault, so you'll have to manually link the character and attributes after importing them. See the 'Setup steps for Support Characters for Plus and Free users' in the next post.
Game link here: https://app.roll20.net/join/14886169/drjfFw
Caveat for Free players (with only 3 export slots) from the Wiki:
The character export count can never go down. The number of exports used will not be reduced if you delete the character or remove the player from the game.
So confirm that you have the Macro Mule names the way you want before exporting into your game if you have a Free account! I suggest creating a test game first and making sure everything is set up the way you want. You should be able to use the same name for the StatMule and EncounterMule by putting all of attributes and abilities on a single character. You'll want to create the Support characters manually yourself.
For Free players with no available export slots:
The EncounterMule is still open for use at any subscription level! It just requires a lot of manual cutting-and-pasting into the two mule characters, and creating the seven optional support characters. You can copy from the Character Vault game above, or from this Google Doc (instructions are included here):