You may change the color of the header of the default template on the AD2E simple (blue) sheet by adding some CSS. Below is a (dirty) example of a rolltemplate styling using CSS directly into a macro. &{template:2Edefault}{{name=[@{selected|token_name}](#" style="color: white;background: #a01616;display: block;margin: -8px -6px 0px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-style: transparent;border-left-style: solid;border-color: black;border-width: 1px;border-radius: 8px;padding:8px 0px 0px;text-decoration: none)}}{{subtitle=[@{selected|class} level @{selected|level}, turns the Undead](#" style="color: white;background: #a01616;display: block;margin: -7px -5px -7px;border-top-style: transparent;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-style: solid;border-left-style: solid;border-color: black;border-width: 0px;padding: 8px 0px 4px;text-decoration: none)}}{{[0](#" hidden)=}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[1]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD**, Skeleton ......... **10** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ........... **13** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **16** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **19** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight .............. **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[2]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD**, Skeleton .......... **7** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ........... **10** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **13** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **16** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight .............. **19** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast .............. **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[3]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD**, Skeleton .......... **4** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ............ **7** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **10** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **13** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight .............. **16** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast .............. **19** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[4]]]]](#" hidden)=**[- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD**, Skeleton .......... **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ............ **4** **[3 ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul ............... **7** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **10** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight .............. **13** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast .............. **16** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **19** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy ........... **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[5]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD, Skeleton ......... [T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ............ **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **4** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **7** **[3-4](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight ............. **10** [**3-4 HDD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast ............. **13** **[3-4](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............ **16** **[3-4](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy .......... **19** **[3-4](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ........... **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[6]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD**, Skeleton .......... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** [**3 - HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ............ **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **4** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight .............. **7** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast ............. **10** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............ **13** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy .......... **16** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ........... **19** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire .......... **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[7]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD**, Skeleton ............ **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3 ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul ................ **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** [ ](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3 ](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight ................ **4** [**3-4 HD**,](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast ................ **7** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **10** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy ........... **13** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ............ **16** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire ........... **19** **[-](#" style="visibility:hidden)10 HD**, Ghost ............... **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[8]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD, Skeleton ........... [D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ............ **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul ............... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** [ ](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ............ **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight ............... **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast ............... **4** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith .............. **7** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy .......... **10** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ........... **13** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire .......... **16** **[- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)10 HD**, Ghost .............. **19** **+11 HD**, Lich ................. **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[9]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD, Skeleton ........... [D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul ............... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** [ ](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ............ **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight ............... **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast .............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **4** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy ........... **7** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ........... **10** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire .......... **13** **[- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)10 HD**, Ghost .............. **16** **+11 HD**, Lich ................. **19** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Special ............. **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[10]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3 - ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD, Skeleton ......... [D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [**3 - 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3 - ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast .............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy ........... **4** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ............ **7** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire .......... **10** **[- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)10 HD**, Ghost .............. **13** **+11 HD**, Lich ................. **16** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Special ............. **19**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[11]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3 - ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD, Skeleton ......... [D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [**3 - 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3 - ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast .............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy ........... **4** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ............ **7** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire .......... **10** **[- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)10 HD**, Ghost .............. **13** **+11 HD**, Lich ................. **16** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Special ............. **19**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[12]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD, Skeleton ......... [D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight ............... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy ........... **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ............ **4** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire ........... **7** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)10 HD**, Ghost .............. **10** **+11 HD**, Lich ................. **13** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Special ............. **16**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[13]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD, Skeleton ......... [D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight ............... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy ........... **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ............ **4** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire ........... **7** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)10 HD**, Ghost .............. **10** **+11 HD**, Lich ................. **13** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Special ............. **16**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[14]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD, Skeleton ......... [D](#" style="text-decoration: dashed" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight ............... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast ............... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy ........... **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ............ **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire ........... **4** **[-](#" style="visibility:hidden)10 HD**, Ghost ............... **7** **+11 HD**, Lich ................. **10** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Special ............. **13**}}{{[2](#" hidden)=By the power and might of [@{selected|kit}](#" style="color:orange;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;cursor:text) **[[2d6[AFFECTED UNDEAD]]] Undead are cast out**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[8]]*3]]](#" hidden)=*: an additional [[2d4[ADDITIONAL UNDEAD]]] creatures of this type are turned}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[9]]*4]]](#" hidden)=*Special creatures* include: unique and free-willed undead certain Greater & Lesser Powers Outer Planes [creatures](#" style="color:gray;border-bottom:dashed;border-width:1px" class="showtip" title="**ADnD 2E/2.5E:**%NEWLINE%only Outer Plane undead%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%**Sage Advice #248 p. 22:**%NEWLINE%every Outer Plane creatures)}}{{[0](#" hidden)=[ability: ?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0} level(s)](#" style="color:gray;border-bottom:dashed;border-width:1px;text-decoration:none" class="showtip" title="**PHB p. 137 / DMG p. 96:**%NEWLINE%Paladins turn undead as priests who are 2 levels lower.%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%**Dragon Magazine #236 p. 15:**%NEWLINE%Heralars are able to turn undead as if they were 2 levels higher.%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%**Faith and Avatars p. 92:**%NEWLINE%Morninglords turn undead creatures at four levels higher than their listed level if the undead is affected by direct sunlight.) **Roll:** [[d20[ROLL]]]}} It should display such result with the simple sheet: Character level -6 level 7-8 level 9+ showing hint 1 (mouse over) showing hint 2 (mouse over) showing hint 3 (mouse over) On the simple sheet, in order to obtain the result above, the following attributes must be filled: - @{name} - @{class} - @{level} -
@{kit} (for Deity name)* *If the attribute @{kit} is already used in your
games, you may want to create @{deity} on your sheet. Don't forget to
modify the macro in such case. Feel free to modify the macro to suits your needs.