All games will require payment to the Game Master at a rate of $20 USD per week per player via Paypal. Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements. Hello Ladies and Gentlemen and any other nonbinary members! My name is Peyton and I have been a full-time professional Dungeon Master for three years. During that time I have cultivated a community of welcoming, knowledgeable, and friendly players to put alongside you in your coming game. Over half of that community and I have been playing together for over a year, and many of those players date back to my earliest months of doing this full-time. My gameplay style is easily described as Roleplay focused with less frequent, but meaningful combat. You can expect combat on average every other week in most of my games, but it may be more or less frequent given the playstyle of others at the table, or the given situation within the game itself. I strive to make a welcoming and comfortable place for all my players to play the game that we all love. My ultimate goal is for our games to feel as if we are a group of friends playing the game at home! About My Game Tuesday ( LFG Page ) 8 PM EST 3 Player Slots Available 10 Sessions in. Services I Offer I do this full-time, so I am always home to answer questions. Our community features a system where several of the more experienced players can privately give feedback to those trying to learn the ropes. I will be in the Discord server starting 1 hour before the game starts. I am a trained graphic design artist so I will be designing both world and battle maps - as well as letters, emblems, and other handouts custom for each game. I will run optional 1-on-1 sessions leading into the campaign for a standard fee. These can also be done for everyone during time skips during the campaign. Sessions will be 2-4 hours 1-on-1 Sessions will be 2-3 hours. Server Boosted Discord Server for better audio/video quality. What is the Setting? Arcane Dust  -   Arcane Dust is the most advanced setting that I have when it comes to both magic and technological advancements . This is the setting a player would want to play in for over-the-top everything . Trains , magical air ships , floating castles , fortresses of the undead , and much much more . Overall thing about it as the land of the extremes . Application Response: Name Age Timezone Experience with D&D Experience with Roll20 Favorite Food Add me on Discord, my username is: pjm