These are some quotes from some of my players. "If you are looking for a DM who gives you that next-level challenge and is not afraid to keep their foot on the gas when the going gets tough, a DM who makes the player think intelligently and logically, Lee is a tremendous DM! I am having a great time being challenged every single session, from difficult combat encounters (not exactly difficult in that he's throwing high CRs at us but difficult because you need to go into a battle with strategy and a plan [which I absolutely love]) to interesting names for his bumbling monsters, and enemy tactics! It's great stuff! :)" ~ Anna Sophia "Great GM, great person, great community. 10/10." ~ Riley "Absolutely amazing guy, I'm in 3 of his games and plan on joining more, laid back dude and great storyteller" ~ Dan "I've been playing with Lee as a DM for a little while and I can say for certain that he's absolutely amazing. Seriously, he's great at Storytelling (and voices), his campaigns are super fun and I always look forward to the next session." ~ Noah "The server is a fantastic community and Lee runs a great game of DnD. Highly recommend anyone looking for a well-curated experience with amazing people to give it a shot." ~ Riley "I play in a few of Lee's games and I can say with confidence that he's one of my favorite DMs. His games are fun, his storytelling is great, and he has a good handle on "the rule of cool". Every time we play, I end up wishing we could've played for hours more. He does his best to make sure you have a great time and feel welcome. Overall I have to say Lee is a fantastic DM and I highly recommend that anyone join one of his games given the opportunity." ~ Jeremiah HELLO HELLO! I run D&amp;D5e games for a full-time job. I run 11 games a week, I put hours upon hours of work into writing campaigns customed to the characters. I have 11 games with different content in each one. I hold myself to a high standard as far as visual, audio, and narrative go.&nbsp; My style is one that I wish I had when I was a PC, so often I see DMs that pass over some of the best parts of DND. Stuff like the rule of cool, magic items, befriending monsters, and NPCs. Cool and unique flavor text changes when it comes to classes and subclasses. As a DM, what I love most is seeing and encouraging creativity with my PCs.&nbsp; I have had many instances where a DM rejected a character idea I was really excited about because it was unpublished, so I encourage creativity and use other resources outside of the base game.&nbsp; The game style will be equal parts roleplay, combat, and exploration. I enjoy all three equally and believe that all three have a place in campaigns. Place: &nbsp;Virtual tabletop on Roll20, voice chat on Discord&nbsp; Duration: &nbsp;Sessions last 3 hours&nbsp; Payment:&nbsp; The rate is $15 a session. Payment is accepted via PayPal, Venmo, and Cash App.&nbsp; Please note that Roll20 is not responsible for any payment transactions and cannot enforce any private arrangements.&nbsp; Saturday 8:30pm CST: Elderwood Vale A small town nestled deep in forested mountains, far removed from the struggles of the kingdom, but not without their own. After a volcanic eruption shakes an entire mountain range and collapses the only road out of the valley, Elderwood Vale finds itself beset by strange creatures thought not to exist. Can the denizens of this small town defend themselves against the things that go bump in the night? Or will this odd little valley reclaim the civilization that was built here? You decide.&nbsp; Level: 3&nbsp; Player Count: 3/5 Price: $5 USD per player per hour. Minimum 2 hours, with no maximum.&nbsp; Play Status: Active and Weekly Link:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Having been around 5th Edition for a while, I’ve come to the realization that it really is hard to find, join and keep up with a consistent group of players - or a DM - with whom you can have fun and who are as invested in the game as you are.&nbsp; Hence, I offer gamers the following:&nbsp; Consistency: Upon agreeing on a day and time, you can expect our games to run consistently on the agreed schedule. Any changes will be discussed among the group and decided upon convenience for all members. Customization: The campaign we’ll engage in, will be tailored to fit your characters and the party, as well as the group’s playstyle and interests. I have very thoroughly created lore, and my worldbuilding is vast. The world is a living breathing world, and my players will be an integral part of it. I want to offer more than simply a one size fits all adventure. I’ll work the background and timing behind all encounters to give you a greater feeling of involvement. Going beyond the Hardcover: I offer my players the possibility to go beyond the published and official adventures and content, I love homebrew and I hold my storytelling to a high standard. I work hard to add exciting side quests, and I do draw from the methods that you see in many successful published works. Sandbox feeling: I've always loved open-world games, and I want to mimic that feeling in my own games. While I do have a set, clear, and thought-out storyline for the campaign, I encourage my players to throw wrenches in that. I also enjoy the possibility of players defining their approach to the adventure and the life route after it. Time and dedication: I love this game and its more than just money or a job for me, I invest a lot of time, energy, and effort into researching and looking at new content. I constantly find myself, reading adventures, doing prep-work for game sessions, checking and reading the core books, watching youtube videos on worldbuilding and tips from other DMs as well as constantly looking up new content to expand my library and ideas to bring into my games.