This game is intended for  audiences 18+ Hi everyone. I am interested in running and playing in a Fallout game using the 2d20 system. I just bought the book and am learning the rules. I welcome experienced and inexperienced gamers as well. Game nights will be every Friday, 6 pm est. HOMEBREW: The movement rules in the 2d20, imo, suck. I am going to scrap them and use something more like Pathfinder 1 movement rules (movement counts as a minor action, double movement counts as a major action or "sprint" under 2d20 should work super well). Other than that, the rules are pretty nice and I don't see a need for homebrew rules. Assuming there is interest, we can grow this into a "shared world" setup with multiple GMs running games using the same world and characters. Please let me know here, or PM me if you have interest and we can talk it out on Discord.