Bit late to the party, as I've only just got round to running my first Jumpgate Game, so I apologise for raising issues I experienced that have already been mentioned.
1 - Had a number of issues with crashes when switching screens, predominantly when using the "Teleport" Mod, but also when using the Party Tab in the Page Bar to drag between maps.
2 - Had a lot of instances where the whole thing just stopped, couldn't click on anything and needed a refresh on the browser to fix.
3 - Lighting... quite a few issues here. Both with Light Walls that been installed through the UVTT and with manually drawn, with players being able to see a darkened version of what is behind a wall. Hitting the Fog of War temporarily fixed this, but it did happen quite a few times.
4 - We had one particularly unusual instance where a player could see from 2 positions at the same time. It was like his vision was available from the place he started from before moving, and also where he arrived at. I didn't have time to catch a screen shot but if you imagine a four room square with two doors in each room (4 in total), imagine he had started in the Northeast room and moved through the door to the South East room, he could now see through the doors to both rooms to the west. (Hope that makes sense)
5 - Pings. The players could only see pings in an area they could see. So if did a "Focus Ping" on an area they couldn't see, they would get the Focus pull, but not see the ping itself. They were unable to ping from either side of a wall. If this is deliberate I'd really like an option to turn it back on.
I'll have a chat with them tomorrow and see what others they recall, and next Thursday I'll be ready with some screen grabs.
On the plus side, when its working its fast and not experiencing any latency on cloudy maps loading into clarity. Good stuff!