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The Jumpgate Beta for Pro Users Has Arrived!


Edited 1713477016
Riley D. said: Aleksi said: One more bug encountered that happened quite often was a player getting stuck in zoom mode until reloading the page. The player was using Chrome as browser and had been promoted to GM for the game while not being the owner of the game, in case that's relevant. As in they would be using the scrollwheel and it would Zoom instead of Pan? Or? I asked some follow-up questions and the bug is that the player (with GM role) was locked in a state where the only thing they could do was to zoom in and out using the scroll wheel, no other interaction with the page did anything. They had to regularly refresh the page during the two sessions we played.
Riley D. said: Hey folks -- we put out an update for the @{target} macros, and that should be working now for players in Firefox. Thanks! A quick test worked. Thanks! Will do a more complete test soon. Cheers
Something I just noticed tonight, which I don't think was a problem when I first tried Jumpgate: in my previously converted game, if I go to the map layer and (with arrow selected) click a text box to select it and then double-click a word in it, the text box remains selected and the contents can't be edited.  Switching to my original non-jumpgate copy, double-clicking like that highlights the word under the cursor and the text can be edited.  I don't know if this is new, but I'd swear I tried editing a text box a couple of weeks ago in the jumpgate version and it worked. I'd missed the question about scroll bars back on page 2: count me as a "likes scrollbars" person.  I could live without them, although I do have concerns for some of my laptop-based players as noted by someone else.  But I much prefer using scrollbars to ensure I move the map in exactly one dimension.  Right click feels like more work for me, and I always wind up sliding to the side when I'm moving up/down, and then have to waste time fixing that if I need to see something.
Free panning of the map without relying on browser scroll bars is the number one annoyance in Roll20 that I've had ever since I started using it 5 years ago, and I've heard other people mention that too. Surprised you're not leading with that when showing what Jumpgate can do! If you add scroll bars back, just don't make them restrict how far off-map we can pan. Even if it's something like "you can pan 2x map width to every direction", it would work poorly with small maps and big monitors / high zoom levels. Perhaps a scroll bar that recenters itself after you stop dragging it?
Marketplace Creator
May be reported already, but Transmorgifier only works with other jumpgate games.
So on the scroll bars, we're talking about it internally, I think it's likely we'll re-add something here during the Beta, but if we do it would not be the native browser scrollbars again, it would be a custom solution that works with the new "pan off the map" stuff, for sure.
Hey all -- Another day another update for Jumpgate! We just rolled out the following: Fixed a bug where if you were moving tokens with Preview as Player mode enabled, and you had Explorer Mode enabled, it could cause Dynamic Lighting to break. We've rename the "Send to Front" option to "Bring to Front" in the context menu to be more clear about what that does. We fixed a bug where sometimes when you loaded into a game that had custom token markers set, the token markers didn't appear until you added/removed a token marker on the token. So custom token markers should be fully working now with the exception of the numbers on the markers. Fixed a bug where if you did a Focus Ping (to have your players pan to a spot on the map), the Dynamic Lighting would lag behind and be weird for the players. Players should no longer see the outline/border of the map area (that was for GMs so they could tell where the visible boundaries were). Thanks!
Regarding the drawing tools: In Jumpgate, Polygon revealing Tool is still the Inkpen instead of the Crosshair that it is for normal games! Please fix this and change it to the Crosshair.
BUG: Some times the Marker appears BEHIND the token, sometimes in front! Strange: I (DM) see them in front, my players see them behind the token...
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
Reported on the 1st page, explained by Riley D shortly after.  DnDPlay20 said: May be reported already, but Transmorgifier only works with other jumpgate games.
Riley D. said: We've rename the "Send to Front" option to "Bring to Front" in the context menu to be more clear about what that does. This was causing such havoc in my game set in WWI!
Sheet Author
Riley D. said: So on the scroll bars, we're talking about it internally, I think it's likely we'll re-add something here during the Beta, but if we do it would not be the native browser scrollbars again, it would be a custom solution that works with the new "pan off the map" stuff, for sure. As a developer, I totally understand that, especially with the new method of "pan off the map." Personally, I don't need or like the scrolls bars for the map, I prefer the center mouse button to drag the map or the drag tool. The scroll bars also take up valuable space, but that's just my opinion.  Ken
I'm also not a fan of scroll bars, so I hope there will be a toggle to turn them off. MadCoder said: Riley D. said: So on the scroll bars, we're talking about it internally, I think it's likely we'll re-add something here during the Beta, but if we do it would not be the native browser scrollbars again, it would be a custom solution that works with the new "pan off the map" stuff, for sure. As a developer, I totally understand that, especially with the new method of "pan off the map." Personally, I don't need or like the scrolls bars for the map, I prefer the center mouse button to drag the map or the drag tool. The scroll bars also take up valuable space, but that's just my opinion.  Ken

Edited 1713632995
Sheet Author
Status markers with overlayed numbers appear to get cropped in JG. (see image on right below) Also, adding status markers in non-JG appear left-to-right, while adding them in JG they appear right-to-left.
You state that the bug with incorrect hex grids using copied games is fixed, yet when I copy my curse of strahd game the hex map is still completely fucked
Borderline unplayable, might have to just ditch it for now until it is actually fixed
Riley, might it be possible that the Bullseye Button does NOT set the Zoom "back" to 100% but instead just centers the map at the Zoom level you are currently? The button is nice to have, but the fact it zooms in makes it not that practical for me...
Tranok said: You state that the bug with incorrect hex grids using copied games is fixed, yet when I copy my curse of strahd game the hex map is still completely broken Can you be more specific about what is broken about it? Is it just not showing up at all or? If you'd like to DM me a link to the game and tell me the name of the map happy to take a look!
Dr DM said: Riley D. said: We've rename the "Send to Front" option to "Bring to Front" in the context menu to be more clear about what that does. This was causing such havoc in my game set in WWI! This is made me laugh out loud, so thanks for that :-)
TheMarkus1204 said: Riley, might it be possible that the Bullseye Button does NOT set the Zoom "back" to 100% but instead just centers the map at the Zoom level you are currently? The button is nice to have, but the fact it zooms in makes it not that practical for me... Let me take that back to the team and find out.
vÍnce said: Status markers with overlayed numbers appear to get cropped in JG. (see image on right below) Also, adding status markers in non-JG appear left-to-right, while adding them in JG they appear right-to-left. Another token marker pass is definitely on our list. This has been a surprisingly difficult thing to match to prod.
Riley D. said: Tranok said: You state that the bug with incorrect hex grids using copied games is fixed, yet when I copy my curse of strahd game the hex map is still completely broken Can you be more specific about what is broken about it? Is it just not showing up at all or? If you'd like to DM me a link to the game and tell me the name of the map happy to take a look! The grid doesn't line up and the map gets weirdly stretched, causing the width and height to be inaccurate, even though its the exact same dimensions as the original.
I think I sent you a dm, roll20 kept verifying and then starting over
Hi there! I noticed that when you set a token to be "is a drawing," it loses its token actions in the top left. They come back if you disable the "is a drawing" feature. This is currently not the case in non-Jumpgate games. Is this the intended outcome for Jumpgate games?
Having an odd one. Rerunning an old game of Chariots of the Gods using the new Jumpgate, but the map tiles/image keep changing their orientation when I change page of log out. I have the tiles laid out lengthwise in portrait, but they keep reverting to twisting back to landscape (the original orientation of the image). The token and light layers seem unaffected by it and have not changed The original pages were transmogged over from the old platform. I have gone as far as to deleting the tile entirely and reuploading it completely before putting on the map but still it twists. Even making new pages hasn't helped, as the image still twists, though now its distorted as it has kept the portrait dimensions it was adjusted though but the image itself has changed. Hopefully the picks will help explain better.
Rayne said: Hi there! I noticed that when you set a token to be "is a drawing," it loses its token actions in the top left. They come back if you disable the "is a drawing" feature. This is currently not the case in non-Jumpgate games. Is this the intended outcome for Jumpgate games? Oh interesting. No I don't think that was necessarily intentional but we weren't really doing it intentionally the other way, either. Honestly by the time the Jumpgate Beta is done our intent is to fully deprecate the "Is Drawing" feature with more specific options (e.g. "No Snap", "Hide Radial Menu", etc.) so that you can more finely control what you want to happen, so I think when we do that this will naturally get cleaned up.
Home shortcut set to 'Center camera on page' Hi, just a minor inconvenience, can this shortcut be changed, or alternatively not interrupt typing into a handout or typing in general. I understand the need for a shortcut like this with the changes that Jumpgate brings to how you interact with the map layer and the play space, but its frustrating that I can't input information as easily as before in lengthy handouts, as I'm typing up information and instead of going to the top of a line I'm just moving the camera on the map. I don't know if there's a setting somewhere to adjust this on my end, or if this was just over-looked. Thanks
Sorry you're saying it's triggering when you're typing in a handout/editing text? Definitely shouldn't be doing that if so.
Did you get my dm, or should I send another one?
Can I remove jumpgate from my game my god it's causing more  issues than I can manage during sessions
Forum Champion
Danny said: Can I remove jumpgate from my game my god it's causing more  issues than I can manage during sessions Hi Danny,  You can go back to your non-Jumpgate version that you duplicated over to Jumpgate.  However, it is my understanding that a Jumpgate game cannot be turned back to non-Jumpgate. 
Riley D. said: Sorry you're saying it's triggering when you're typing in a handout/editing text? Definitely shouldn't be doing that if so. Yes, I've tried with both Chrome, and Edge, and it seems to be repeatable, but not consistent problem, gonna have a look at what might be running in the background if anything, or might be causing a conflict elsewhere. Would be good if someone could confirm if this is just a 'me' problem or if they're experiencing the same.

Edited 1714053380
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Jessica FRM said: Riley D. said: Sorry you're saying it's triggering when you're typing in a handout/editing text? Definitely shouldn't be doing that if so. Yes, I've tried with both Chrome, and Edge, and it seems to be repeatable, but not consistent problem, gonna have a look at what might be running in the background if anything, or might be causing a conflict elsewhere. Would be good if someone could confirm if this is just a 'me' problem or if they're experiencing the same. Hi Jessica! I was unable to duplicate this. While focused on a handout  in editing mode , the home screen took me to the top of the journal window. MacOS, Chrome
Hello can I have some help, its been several days and I haven't had a proper response yet
I am sick and tired of this website...

Edited 1714070653
keithcurtis said: Jessica FRM said: Riley D. said: Sorry you're saying it's triggering when you're typing in a handout/editing text? Definitely shouldn't be doing that if so. Yes, I've tried with both Chrome, and Edge, and it seems to be repeatable, but not consistent problem, gonna have a look at what might be running in the background if anything, or might be causing a conflict elsewhere. Would be good if someone could confirm if this is just a 'me' problem or if they're experiencing the same. Hi Jessica! I was unable to duplicate this. While focused on a handout  in editing mode , the home screen took me to the top of the journal window. MacOS, Chrome Thanks for checking, it does seem inconsistent, which is frustrating, and unfortunately I don't have the time to chase it. Windows, Chrome, Edge.

Edited 1714110666
Do you have advanced shortcuts enabled in settings? IF so, try to disable them, If you have not enabled them, try to do so. Does this fix your Problem? (I know they had this Problem once, that typing in Handouts also did other things depening on the "Shortcut" used while typing. It was fixed back then, so maybe it is back?) Also since Edge is not supported by Roll20, can you try it with Firefox? Jessica FRM said: Home shortcut set to 'Center camera on page' Hi, just a minor inconvenience, can this shortcut be changed, or alternatively not interrupt typing into a handout or typing in general. I understand the need for a shortcut like this with the changes that Jumpgate brings to how you interact with the map layer and the play space, but its frustrating that I can't input information as easily as before in lengthy handouts, as I'm typing up information and instead of going to the top of a line I'm just moving the camera on the map. I don't know if there's a setting somewhere to adjust this on my end, or if this was just over-looked. Thanks
Riley D. said: Tranok said: You state that the bug with incorrect hex grids using copied games is fixed, yet when I copy my curse of strahd game the hex map is still completely broken Can you be more specific about what is broken about it? Is it just not showing up at all or? If you'd like to DM me a link to the game and tell me the name of the map happy to take a look! I have sent you a couple dms, I tried sending some screenshots but that unfortunately didn't work, so I have just sent you a link to the campaign and a little explanation
Hello there, I've found an issue that's bothering me for a few sessions in DMing and especially in buidling: lights. The light colors overall are looking pretty much the same and are not as vivid as they should be (I realy enjoyed a ritual chamber with blue lights - not possible anymore). Also it looks like the bordes between bight light and dim light aswell when overlapping. Here are two screenshots, both are with daylight mode at 50% (in fact daylight mode off isn't better) and in preview as token mode, the first is made in normal roll20 and the second is made in jumpgate:      You guys are doing great so far, keep it up :)
How do you join the server in discord?
Noticed a weird behavior with colored lights in Firefox.  At the edges of their radius, they become more like a weird gradient effect, rather than a proper fade. It ends up looking what I could describe as an oil slick effect.   Other browsers properly blend the colors. If not using colored lights, they behave as expected. Also, I do wish the Door/Window icons would be visible fully. Being partly cut off because of darkness makes it more difficult to tell it's an interact-able door, and I personally think it makes the system look unfinished.
Forum Champion
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API Scripter
Coldin said: Also, I do wish the Door/Window icons would be visible fully. Being partly cut off because of darkness makes it more difficult to tell it's an interact-able door, and I personally think it makes the system look unfinished. That''s a good point. A player could not tell if a door was locked if they cannot see the right or top of the icon.
Wyrmwood said: How do you join the server in discord? They will send an EMAIL with a JOIN Link! But this is the WRONG Thread for this! In this it is all about JumpGate!
When loading a map for the first time as GM the GM layer loads with 100% opacity and you have to change the opacity or level to see anything on other levels. This occurs even when the default reported opacity is something besides 100.
Sheet Author
I support changes to the GURPS 4E and it's using legacy css. Jumpgate appears to change the load order of style sheets which is causing layout issues. If it's effecting the GURPS 4E there's a good chance it's effecting other character sheets. Here's one example, which was difficult to figure out.  Non-jumpgate legacy Jumpgate legacy <input type="checkbox" name="attr_familiarities_show" value="1"> css rules order of precedence ``` /* ... misc rules */ /* GURPS 4E rule */ .charsheet .sheet-toggle-button input { display: none; } /* ... misc rules */ /* Role20 rule */ label input[type=checkbox] { display: inline-block; } ``` NOTE: The Role20 rule is not implemented.  <input type="checkbox" name="attr_familiarities_show" value="1"> css rules order of precedence ``` /* ... misc rules */ /* Role20 rule */ label input[type=checkbox] { display: inline-block;} /* ... misc rules */ /* GURPS 4E rule */ .charsheet .sheet-toggle-button input { display: none; } ``` NOTE: The GURPS 4E rule is not implemented.  I don't know what method we can use to address fixing this. The Custom Sheet Sandbox doesn't have a jumpgate option, but if it did that would require maintaining two character sheets. I could create a branch just for jumpgate and keep it up to date with my changes and try to resolve merge errors while I maintain the non-jumpgate version. But right now, I don't have a way to fix css issues on jumpgate. PS - Is it possible to add code styling blocks to the RTE?
I love being told to send someone a dm and then being ignored.