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The Jumpgate Beta for Pro Users Has Arrived!

Riley D. said: Okay thanks for the feedback, we'll investigate that CTRL+L explore slowdown...can you let us know what browser you're using and also is there a link to the game and the page in that game where this happened we can use as a test case? Sent a PM with requested Details/

Edited 1712287007
Riley D. said: DM Deadman said: Just finished my first session using Jumpgate. We had to bail back to the Legacy Roll20 after the first hour, due to a player being unable to see anything on the map but a white background and dynamic lighting lines for buildings. I had to redo our battle in Legacy which took 15-20 mins...probably wont be using Jumpgate again until this is fixed. Some other issues that popped up were, -When I changed maps and tried to move some cards on the battlemap they wouldn't move, refreshing fixed it. -Players could see GM layer token hit points, this one in particular was a player token they all had access too. -Reloading a page caused status effects on tokens to disappear but players could still see them. Thanks for giving it a try! Do you have any info you can share on the specs/browser/etc of the player who saw only white? He when it happened he switched from Chrome to Explorer and then phone and it still remained. Seems to have started on a dynamic lighting page after he tried refreshing when his token wasn't responding to movement. He was on Windows with the following specs, Device name DESKTOP -U85TQR6 Processor AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8 -Core Processor 3 .59 GHz Installed RAM 3 2 .0 GB Device ID 1D78E524 -ACD7 -49B9 -9D46 -A13D83C4209F Product ID 00330 -53196 -28013 -AAOEM System type 64 -bit operating system , x64 -based processor What his screen looked like
Sheet Author
I'm assuming this is where we post possible issues. I was wondering if it's possible to set a minimum font size for tokens. The map is a hex map 20 x 42 and 1 hex = 70 pixels, 100% zoom. I resized a token for a monkey but the text is almost illegible, from Curse of Strahd, added a map for Blinsky's shop. 
MadCoder said: I'm assuming this is where we post possible issues. I was wondering if it's possible to set a minimum font size for tokens. The map is a hex map 20 x 42 and 1 hex = 70 pixels, 100% zoom. I resized a token for a monkey but the text is almost illegible, from Curse of Strahd, added a map for Blinsky's shop.  I agree, there should be a minimum font size for legibility (and if there already is, it should be increased). I have seen several NPCs with long names that have extremely difficult to read names, also. It would be better to have the name continue on a new line than shrink to illegibility.
Teller said: MadCoder said: I'm assuming this is where we post possible issues. I was wondering if it's possible to set a minimum font size for tokens. The map is a hex map 20 x 42 and 1 hex = 70 pixels, 100% zoom. I resized a token for a monkey but the text is almost illegible, from Curse of Strahd, added a map for Blinsky's shop.  I agree, there should be a minimum font size for legibility (and if there already is, it should be increased). I have seen several NPCs with long names that have extremely difficult to read names, also. It would be better to have the name continue on a new line than shrink to illegibility. Okay yeah we've been experimenting with what to do with smaller token sizing and definitely the text becoming illegible is not a desired side effect.
Hey folks, New day, new batch of updates for Jumpgate! Here they are: We fixed a bug where radial menus and token actions were displaying for the wrong tokens. A lot of you have reported this, and apologies for how long it took us to figure out why this is happening since I know it was disruptive for your games. But hopefully this should be fixed now! When moving an object on the Map Layer, there will no longer be a "ghost image" left behind, to match the behavior on production and also make it easier to align things to the grid. Toggling Daylight Mode in the Fog of War UI will now correctly update it in Page Settings as well. Auras were broken when using non-integer radius settings (e.g. "0.63") -- this should be fixed now. We've improved our handling of pinch to zoom on touch devices (e.g. iPad) so you shouldn't accidentally move objects around while zooming. We've got a lot of other exciting things on the way based on your feedback, so keep it coming!

Edited 1712332773
Hey there. I understand you worked on a bug regarding the ability to target tokens (you cannot control?). I am still seeing an issue: Using firefox, a player can use a ScriptCards script to target tokens connected to sheets they control (or themselves) but cannot target NPCs they do not control. The script works fine outside of Jumpgate. Latest versions of browser and SC. Sheet is custom (Vince's 1e AD&D sheet). (BTW. Using @{target|AC} exhibits the same behavior, so thinking SC is not part of this) Obviously a critical bug for further testing as we cannot conduct combat. ;^) Otherwise, looking super nice! ~D
I've come across a couple more issues: ISSUE: Mod/API function  sendPing()  doesn't work. ISSUE: Setting Status Marker to a icon:#, like blue:4  doesn't work.  This is normally accomplished with the following command: !token-mod --set statusmarkers|blue:4

Edited 1712434853
ISSUE: Map freezes and a Reload is necessary to fix it / make the map movable again. Not only for me but my Players also! One of them needed to constantly refresh the page in order to move the map...
During our Session I noticed something else that is really strange: The Nameplate of that token randomly vanished. I did NOT change any of the settings for that Token! Issue No. 2: API did not work 100%. Combat Master still was buggy and completely messed up during the fight we had...
is there a way to return a game to the normal version? too many freezes and all that
Forum Champion
Paragon said: is there a way to return a game to the normal version? too many freezes and all that I suspect not, as you either had a Jumpgate game from the start or a non-Jumpgate game you duplicated and made into a Jumpgate game.  If it is a duplicate I suggest heading back to the original.

Edited 1712371530
Andrew R.
Sheet Author
Copy the game and leave the Jumpgate checkbox unticked? I haven't tried it, though. I've been copying games into Jumpgate for testing and then deleting them when I'm done. I'm testing with my Pro account and my Free account, Chrome and Firefox, no players at all. 
I'm going to second MadCoder's comment about small fonts on resized tokens. But for me it's not so much legibility as visibility. Take the example of a PC whose halfling token is set to half size. Their nameplate becomes much smaller than those of the other party members, making it harder to read (depending on the zoom level). I note that doubling the size of the token (eg a Rune Knight going Giant Sized) does not increase the size of the nameplate (nor should it). I'd like all of the party members to have the same size nameplates.  I can see a use-case for enemy mobs of tiny-size critters where multiple can occupy a square (although today with snap-to-grid they all pile in the upper-left corner so you can't distinguish them anyway).  But for "small" creatures who, in 5E, still occupy a full square, they're just visually smaller, it would be nice if there was some way to keep the nameplates consistent. (and yes, I know I could shrink the png in an image editor if I control the source, and place it in a full-size graphic to avoid this problem, but that isn't always an option). A second issue I'll note (I've already reported this via feedback): when I converted an existing game with self-made maps I ran into a problem where some of the text on them had the tops of letters cut off.  The apparent reason is that the font (Rye, in several sizes, on the map where I saw this) is rendered differently, with apparently the same size text, but closer line spacing, and in some cases a smaller (shorter) text box. Which, when it happens, causes the text overflow and expand to a second line. For some reason the trunctation doesn't occur with large multi-line blocks of text. In the attached graphic, two lines of 26-point Rye each have their own text box, but only one overflowed and was clipped. I also had a larger block of text (also 26-point Rye) which ended up occupying a text box about 60-80% of the original, but without any clipping, due to the reduced line spacing.
@Ken S I had that issue with fonts in text boxes, I cured it by selecting the text box changing the size down a couple of points and then immediately restoring it to the orginal size, this caused the text box to resize itself - hope that made sense :)
Sheet Author
Riley D. said: Teller said: MadCoder said: I'm assuming this is where we post possible issues. I was wondering if it's possible to set a minimum font size for tokens. The map is a hex map 20 x 42 and 1 hex = 70 pixels, 100% zoom. I resized a token for a monkey but the text is almost illegible, from Curse of Strahd, added a map for Blinsky's shop.  I agree, there should be a minimum font size for legibility (and if there already is, it should be increased). I have seen several NPCs with long names that have extremely difficult to read names, also. It would be better to have the name continue on a new line than shrink to illegibility. Okay yeah we've been experimenting with what to do with smaller token sizing and definitely the text becoming illegible is not a desired side effect. Thanks for the update! I'm web developer but I let the front-end devs work their magic, I know it's not easy. 

Edited 1712447978
Riley, Since we are all effectively helping with beta testing, and a lot of the big bugs have been squashed and the remaining bugs are probably more nuanced.  Is there a template that would be helpful for us to follow when reporting issues?   Category:  System, Token, Maps, UI, Mods/API, Performance, DL, Chat window, …. Summary of Issue: [Brief description of issue] Screen shots: System Info: OS version/Web Client/Graphics Car/System Memory/ …. Appreciate y’all working to improve the gaming system we all love (and hate sometimes). 
Can't stack status icons by pressing a number while mous ing over them- this was an extremely useful feature in systems that featured stacks of status ailments. Can you return that feature if possible?

Edited 1712457750
Ran a several hour game tonight (Saturday, 6 April) in jumpgate. Here are a few bugs we noticed. The same as the previous poster, we could not use numbers on status icons. Status icons themselves worked, but trying to type in a number did nothing. Also, @{target} only partially functions. It works if the targeted token is also controllable by that player, but does not work if the targeted token is not controllable. As in, they cannot even click on the target. In the previous version they could @{target} tokens that the player did not have control over. We worked around this by granting control of all tokens we used to all players, but that isn't ideal. In case it matters, I specifically use it as @{target|Target 1|stat_here}. Loading performance seems hit or miss. Sometimes pages would load rapidly with few problems. Other times they would hang for long periods of time, or load in incompletely, or freeze the tab as a whole, or just take a very long time to load. I couldn't quite find a pattern for most of it, so just a general issue. Refreshing/reloading was basically rolling the dice; we just reloaded until it worked. We did notice that loading a map while the turn order was opened would almost always cause the map to load with only dynamic lighting. That is, the map art and tokens were not present, but dynamic lighting lines and sight would be present. I was able to recreate this several times when we noticed, and could prevent it by simply closing the turn order while anyone was loading in, then reopening it. This also affected the GM. Text that was manually written onto the map before copying was often sized oddly. Either the last letter was cut off and sent to a new line, or the top portion of letters were just cut off, or similar. I don't know if this is a jumpgate issue or a copy issue (I didn't create new text; it was all from the copied campaign), but it happened to most of the manually written text. When selecting a token, if you accidentally moved the image even slightly while selecting it (even if the token automatically realigned to the same grid space), token actions would disappear until you deselected and reselected the token. These problems were consistent for all players and the GM, across at least firefox and chrome, with a wide range of computers (from potatoes to laptops with mobile versions of 4090s).  On the plus side, dynamic lighting performance was definitely improved. I had to stop using it in the previous version due to it being too resource intensive and crashing some potato computers that my players have, but was able to use it regularly in jumpgate. Still somewhat choppy, and some players were struggling enough that we had to disable explorer mode, but just having it work on large maps without constant player crashes was itself an improvement.
" We did notice that loading a map while the turn order was opened would almost always cause the map to load with only dynamic lighting. That is, the map art and tokens were not present, but dynamic lighting lines and sight would be present " That error is preventing me from continued playtesting with Jumpgate, hope they fix it soon.
I just noticed an oddity concerning text placed on the map ( I hadn't played around on an maps that had too much of that ). When I created a jumpagate copy of my game, some fonts are larger in the jumpgate version vs. the classic version. I had to resize the text one size lower (i.e., from 32 to 26) to make it take kup the same amount of space.
David M. said: Hey there. I understand you worked on a bug regarding the ability to target tokens (you cannot control?). I am still seeing an issue: Using firefox, a player can use a ScriptCards script to target tokens connected to sheets they control (or themselves) but cannot target NPCs they do not control. The script works fine outside of Jumpgate. Latest versions of browser and SC. Sheet is custom (Vince's 1e AD&D sheet). (BTW. Using @{target|AC} exhibits the same behavior, so thinking SC is not part of this) Obviously a critical bug for further testing as we cannot conduct combat. ;^) Otherwise, looking super nice! ~D Okay I've logged that so we can get it fixed. Thanks for the report!
Will M. said: I've come across a couple more issues: ISSUE: Mod/API function  sendPing()  doesn't work. ISSUE: Setting Status Marker to a icon:#, like blue:4  doesn't work.  This is normally accomplished with the following command: !token-mod --set statusmarkers|blue:4 Okay yeah the API doesn't support the new Ping backend system in Jumpgate just yet. We will add that support in when we re-do the F/X tool here in a bit (that's all going to be somewhat merged together now). The number icons not showing up as a status marker is actually not the API script not functioning, it's that the numbers aren't showing up right now in Jumpgate. We'll get that fixed, though. Thanks!
TheMarkus1204 said: ISSUE: Map freezes and a Reload is necessary to fix it / make the map movable again. Not only for me but my Players also! One of them needed to constantly refresh the page in order to move the map... Was there anything in particular that happened before this was occurring? If it happens again and you can open up the console log, there's likely an error there that is causing it...we have a ticket to basically make it so that Jumpgate can auto-recover from these kinds of errors and not freeze up the map which is what is happening now, but it would be useful to know what the error was so we can fix it anyway.
Ken S. said: I'm going to second MadCoder's comment about small fonts on resized tokens. But for me it's not so much legibility as visibility. Take the example of a PC whose halfling token is set to half size. Their nameplate becomes much smaller than those of the other party members, making it harder to read (depending on the zoom level). I note that doubling the size of the token (eg a Rune Knight going Giant Sized) does not increase the size of the nameplate (nor should it). I'd like all of the party members to have the same size nameplates.  I can see a use-case for enemy mobs of tiny-size critters where multiple can occupy a square (although today with snap-to-grid they all pile in the upper-left corner so you can't distinguish them anyway).  But for "small" creatures who, in 5E, still occupy a full square, they're just visually smaller, it would be nice if there was some way to keep the nameplates consistent. (and yes, I know I could shrink the png in an image editor if I control the source, and place it in a full-size graphic to avoid this problem, but that isn't always an option). A second issue I'll note (I've already reported this via feedback): when I converted an existing game with self-made maps I ran into a problem where some of the text on them had the tops of letters cut off.  The apparent reason is that the font (Rye, in several sizes, on the map where I saw this) is rendered differently, with apparently the same size text, but closer line spacing, and in some cases a smaller (shorter) text box. Which, when it happens, causes the text overflow and expand to a second line. For some reason the trunctation doesn't occur with large multi-line blocks of text. In the attached graphic, two lines of 26-point Rye each have their own text box, but only one overflowed and was clipped. I also had a larger block of text (also 26-point Rye) which ended up occupying a text box about 60-80% of the original, but without any clipping, due to the reduced line spacing. Okay thanks for the feedback on this. We're discussing internally whether we should continue forward with the changes to making the token bars + nameplate smaller for less-than-a-grid-cell tokens or if that change is just making things harder to read. We also have a ticket to keep working on the text rendering and hopefully improve it, I'll forward this feedback to the team as well.
Paragon said: is there a way to return a game to the normal version? too many freezes and all that There's no way to go back, it's a one-way trip. I guess you could try making a copy and leaving the box unchecked but honestly it will likely not work as there is Jumpgate data that we've converted when we made your Jumpgate game that doesn't go back the other direction.
Will M. said: Riley, Since we are all effectively helping with beta testing, and a lot of the big bugs have been squashed and the remaining bugs are probably more nuanced.  Is there a template that would be helpful for us to follow when reporting issues?   Category:  System, Token, Maps, UI, Mods/API, Performance, DL, Chat window, …. Summary of Issue: [Brief description of issue] Screen shots: System Info: OS version/Web Client/Graphics Car/System Memory/ …. Appreciate y’all working to improve the gaming system we all love (and hate sometimes).  Yeah let me talk internally with the team and see how we want to handle this...we do have the Bug Report form that you can get to via the link in the toolbar that's a bit more structured for feedback, but especially for the start of the Beta I just wanted to be on here and take all the reports/feedback in as quickly as possible. That said, it's always helpful to know what browser & OS you're on, and if there is anything in the console log of note or a screenshot that shows the issue!
Qrr said: Can't stack status icons by pressing a number while mous ing over them- this was an extremely useful feature in systems that featured stacks of status ailments. Can you return that feature if possible? Yep we have a ticket to get that re-implemented, just one of those things that we didn't get to in time before the Beta launch.
DM Deadman said: " We did notice that loading a map while the turn order was opened would almost always cause the map to load with only dynamic lighting. That is, the map art and tokens were not present, but dynamic lighting lines and sight would be present " That error is preventing me from continued playtesting with Jumpgate, hope they fix it soon. Thanks for the heads up on this one, I don't think we were aware of that and that is a major issue, we'll get that fixed ASAP.
Riley D. said: DM Deadman said: " We did notice that loading a map while the turn order was opened would almost always cause the map to load with only dynamic lighting. That is, the map art and tokens were not present, but dynamic lighting lines and sight would be present " That error is preventing me from continued playtesting with Jumpgate, hope they fix it soon. Thanks for the heads up on this one, I don't think we were aware of that and that is a major issue, we'll get that fixed ASAP. Please let us know when it is so I can continue beta testing Jumpgate.

Edited 1712587340
Hello i got a caracter that can't be deleted (new one) the one i named XYZ I tried to make it happen again but all others can be deleted. There is a difference in the text when i right click compared to others : Normaly it's "Delete object" in any others but for this one it's "Delete from the game" maybe that can help to fix it. Contact me if you need more informations ;)
Usually I tend to hide tokens and map pictures behind the fog of war tool on a map screen. I created a new game using Jumpgate and went into the mode that allows you to see things as if you were a player, and noticed that if you press the escape key, it gets rid of all fog of war and allows you to see everything on the page. I tested it out with a friend and he was not only able to see the things in Fog of War but also everything I had put offscreen on the map using the new feature that allows you to do so. I'm assuming this isn't intended?

Edited 1712600347
Mark G.
KS Backer
Royii said: Hello i got a caracter that can't be deleted (new one) the one i named XYZ I tried to make it happen again but all others can be deleted. There is a difference in the text when i right click compared to others : Normaly it's "Delete object" in any others but for this one it's "Delete from the game" maybe that can help to fix it. Contact me if you need more informations ;) That sounds like you do not "own" the PC. or it came from/is linked to a character in Roll20 Characters. When this happened in my normal game, removing it from the game took it out of the game, but then the player who owned it had to go to the Roll20 Characters list and delete it from there. 

Edited 1712646007
So, I just migrated a campaign over to Jumpgate this evening, and I'm seeing several problems just trying to get things set up. 1) The size of the map page and the size of the map image don't correspond, even though they're both set to the exact same dimensions. The map hangs way off the edge of the page/hex grid on the right, while parts of the blank page are visible protruding from beneath the map image on the bottom. I've triple-checked the dimensions, and they match. No idea what's going on here. I'm uploading a screen grab so you can see what I'm talking about. (I recognize the above is an exceedingly large map, but it worked fine prior to the Jumpgate migration, and the system is doing the same thing to me on some smaller maps.) 2) Token tool tips aren't showing up on hovering over the icon when I'm signed in as a player. 3) Several characters randomly jumped from the sub-folders they were in back to the main journal page. 4) Some pieces of art have changed tone/darkness in the changeover.
No, it happens seemingly at random and not only for me but for my Players also... A refresh fixed it, and while I needed to do it 3 times, one of my players needed to do it constantly... Riley D. said: TheMarkus1204 said: ISSUE: Map freezes and a Reload is necessary to fix it / make the map movable again. Not only for me but my Players also! One of them needed to constantly refresh the page in order to move the map... Was there anything in particular that happened before this was occurring? If it happens again and you can open up the console log, there's likely an error there that is causing it...we have a ticket to basically make it so that Jumpgate can auto-recover from these kinds of errors and not freeze up the map which is what is happening now, but it would be useful to know what the error was so we can fix it anyway.
Yogurtboy said: Usually I tend to hide tokens and map pictures behind the fog of war tool on a map screen. I created a new game using Jumpgate and went into the mode that allows you to see things as if you were a player, and noticed that if you press the escape key, it gets rid of all fog of war and allows you to see everything on the page. I tested it out with a friend and he was not only able to see the things in Fog of War but also everything I had put offscreen on the map using the new feature that allows you to do so. I'm assuming this isn't intended? Definitely not intended, we'll take a look at that, thanks for the report.
TheMarkus1204 said: No, it happens seemingly at random and not only for me but for my Players also... A refresh fixed it, and while I needed to do it 3 times, one of my players needed to do it constantly... Riley D. said: TheMarkus1204 said: ISSUE: Map freezes and a Reload is necessary to fix it / make the map movable again. Not only for me but my Players also! One of them needed to constantly refresh the page in order to move the map... Was there anything in particular that happened before this was occurring? If it happens again and you can open up the console log, there's likely an error there that is causing it...we have a ticket to basically make it so that Jumpgate can auto-recover from these kinds of errors and not freeze up the map which is what is happening now, but it would be useful to know what the error was so we can fix it anyway. Okay if you can get us a console log that would be super helpful, it's almost certainly an error being thrown.

Edited 1712681487
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
Hey folks, We've got a few new things out today for Jumpgate hot off the presses: We fixed a bug that was causing a race condition where sometimes graphics would not load into the game and you would only see a white screen or the dynamic lighting layer. This is the same bug that folks were reporting with having the turn tracker open leading to issues with pages not loading properly. We now remember the zoom and page location you were on when you switch pages in the same session. So when you switch back, you should be at the same spot you and zoom level you were at before! For the GM, we now show the area that is hidden from players by showing that area of the map layer of the page as semi-transparent (similar to the effect we use for the GM Layer). This should make it easier to align the map to the edges of the page and also make it clearer to the GM what is or isn't visible to players. Thanks for your continued feedback, everyone!
DM Deadman said: Riley D. said: DM Deadman said: " We did notice that loading a map while the turn order was opened would almost always cause the map to load with only dynamic lighting. That is, the map art and tokens were not present, but dynamic lighting lines and sight would be present " That error is preventing me from continued playtesting with Jumpgate, hope they fix it soon. Thanks for the heads up on this one, I don't think we were aware of that and that is a major issue, we'll get that fixed ASAP. Please let us know when it is so I can continue beta testing Jumpgate. I think this should be fixed now, but please let us know if it's still happening in your games/to your players!
Steverhud said: Found a new one that I haven't seen reported yet. When I have a single token selected the token buttons show at the top of the window as expected. However, when I select multiple tokens, they disappear. Single Token selected Multiple tokens selected Just got a new computer and it seems that most of the issues that I have been having are not an issue. Much more powerful computer. The above is still an issue however as is the arrows on one-way walls not showing.
I made a jumpgate copy of my standard game. When turning on dynamic lighting and enabling vision plus nightvision on a token it cannot see. Side-by-side jumpgate/standard version screenshot.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Riley D. said: We now remember the zoom and page location you were on when you switch pages in the same session. So when you switch back, you should be at the same spot you and zoom level you were at before! This is cool!
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
The speed of these fixes and the scale of the things that are being fixed really shows off why Jumpgate was such a necessary project. Thanks, dev team!
3d Dice and chat dice result do not match. This happens in my normal game all the time (see bug forums for more screen shots) but just so you know, I got the same problem with jumpgate. This screen from new Jumpgate game;
Hello, guys! Really appreciate all the quick fixes and looking forward to another go this weekend. Meanwhile I have a bug that is still an issue and I wanted to expand a bit on it - tooltips/nameplates problem. I've taken two examplary bugbears to test it out - one has a tooltip on ("Furry"), another - nameplate ("Big guy"). As a GM I see both the tooltip and the nameplate and I have all the settings on to show it to the players as well. The settings are: for the tooltip nameplate: general game settings for the nameplates to be shown: But when I reload as a player I see neither: Futhermore, in the turn order I also don't see either name even though at least for the bugbear with the nameplate on it usually meant that I was going to see the name in the initiative tracker. Turn order for GM: Turn order for the player:
While I was test-running the dungeon in the player mode, I've noticed the lighting bug again. Part of the map beyond the walls opened to me randomly while I was moving (in a pretty weird pattern also) And it's all walls in GM lighting layer, needless to say: