Bump does not work with Scriptcards in Jumpgate Beta.
I hope this is the right place.
I'm trying to use Bump with Scriptcards using the --@bump and underscore.
!script {{
--iWhich Logos do you wish to show?;Click to choose Logo.|q;logo;Logo: |Six|Malkavian|Setites|Tremere|Tzimisce
--@bump| _ids -NymluKVPIfWiokM5le_ -Nymlqn7gPX1tuOCCSVK -NymlzNTKqsa1BXujiV6 -NymltOtXHFAS48F5gaL -NymlrTq16FHDEnHi_Ft -Nymm0xsgXliB4kug9Ii
--@bump| _ids -NymlsUhBsTiyjHO3tGP
--@bump| _ids -NymnrDd5-8_lpTFLB4z
--@bump| _ids -NymlxERy-8sMnDctnUE
--@bump| _ids -NymnqMxE_Ex3-VXx-PK
When I run it, it runs but the selected token do not change from visible to invisible or vice versa. If I run the same code without ScriptCards as
!bump --ids -NymluKVPIfWiokM5le_ -Nymlqn7gPX1tuOCCSVK -NymlzNTKqsa1BXujiV6 -NymltOtXHFAS48F5gaL -NymlrTq16FHDEnHi_Ft -Nymm0xsgXliB4kug9Ii
it works perfectly. Am I doing something wrong or does bump not work with ScriptCards.
It occurred to me that my game is using Jumpgate Beta and so I went to a game without it and it worked. I'm sure there is a proper place to put this so I'll find that and post it there.