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The Jumpgate Beta for Pro Users Has Arrived!

This might have been reported already but I thought I would repeat it just in case Roll20 thinks this has been fixed: While drawing walls on the Dynamic Lighting layer, sometimes it works just fine. Other times individual wall lines will disappear when hitting the <esc> button. The picture is a screengrab where you can see some missing lines. No matter what I do, I can't get a line on the left side between the two windows, and below the bottom window, or in the upper right above the door.
My Party just had a really weird thing where there was an area on the map being blocked for sight line purposes.  There was nothing on the light layer, but none of them could see through it.  I could see the area they couldn't get through, but they couldn't see or move through it
Jonathan K. said: My Party just had a really weird thing where there was an area on the map being blocked for sight line purposes.  There was nothing on the light layer, but none of them could see through it.  I could see the area they couldn't get through, but they couldn't see or move through it Can you post a screenshot of the GM view of the Objects layer, the Walls layer, and a player's view?
This is already known by the devs and they are working on a fix for this ;) It is also NOT only the Lighting Layer, the Problem exists on ALL Layers... Saul J. said: This might have been reported already but I thought I would repeat it just in case Roll20 thinks this has been fixed: While drawing walls on the Dynamic Lighting layer, sometimes it works just fine. Other times individual wall lines will disappear when hitting the <esc> button. The picture is a screengrab where you can see some missing lines. No matter what I do, I can't get a line on the left side between the two windows, and below the bottom window, or in the upper right above the door.
Thanks for replying, (yeah, I had shared it) I was just about to come back and say that weirdly it worked when I ran it through Firefox, and then worked as soon as I tried again in Chrome. I'm kind of leaning toward putting that one down to whatever they've done to Chrome recently, because that seems as buggy as Hell right now. But it seems odd that it happened to all my players. Maybe it was because those macros had been copied over from a legacy game, and there had been a hiccough in translation? And running it through Firefox gave it a nudge? I don't pretend to understand how code and apps work and how you can do something once and it work fine then repeat it and it does something screwy... TheMarkus1204 said: Have you shared the Macros in question with all of your players? Cause if not, only you will be able to see those... Tommy said: I've just been reminded of another issue that we had with the Jumpgate game. Macros. The players could only see the Macros that were made via their own sheets. I had created 2 standard "Flashlight" macros and a "Mystery Roll" macro (Roll20 Call of Cthullhu 7E character sheet) in the GM "Collection" Tab, (and had them set to "Show as Token Action") but none of them appeared in the window for any of the players.  (Edit to add: From my GM view I can see the "Show as Token Action" macros on the screen when I highlight any Token that's attached to a character, and they work for me. But they don't work for the players using their own characters' tokens.)
Jarren said: Jonathan K. said: My Party just had a really weird thing where there was an area on the map being blocked for sight line purposes.  There was nothing on the light layer, but none of them could see through it.  I could see the area they couldn't get through, but they couldn't see or move through it Can you post a screenshot of the GM view of the Objects layer, the Walls layer, and a player's view? Never mind, not a jumpgate thing.  Now that I'm not in the middle of running the session (while ill) I've looked again and realised that there is something hidden on the lighting layer.  It doesn't show as a line, but it's there.  Deleted, sorted and reported to the module developer :)
I figured it had been reported but giving another report, and the screenshot might bump the issue up a notch in priority. I'm currently working on a Call of Cthulhu campaign and I can't do my maps until this is fixed... unless I move it back to legacy which I don't want to do because I know jumpgate will be out of beta by the time we finish the campaign. TheMarkus1204 said: This is already known by the devs and they are working on a fix for this ;) It is also NOT only the Lighting Layer, the Problem exists on ALL Layers... Saul J. said: This might have been reported already but I thought I would repeat it just in case Roll20 thinks this has been fixed: While drawing walls on the Dynamic Lighting layer, sometimes it works just fine. Other times individual wall lines will disappear when hitting the <esc> button. The picture is a screengrab where you can see some missing lines. No matter what I do, I can't get a line on the left side between the two windows, and below the bottom window, or in the upper right above the door.

Edited 1716856612
Bump does not work with Scriptcards in Jumpgate Beta. I hope this is the right place. I'm trying to use Bump with Scriptcards using the --@bump and underscore. !script {{   --#debug|1   --#whisper|self   --#title|Done.   --iWhich Logos do you wish to show?;Click to choose Logo.|q;logo;Logo: |Six|Malkavian|Setites|Tremere|Tzimisce   -->[&logo]|   --X|   --:Six|   --@bump| _ids  -NymluKVPIfWiokM5le_ -Nymlqn7gPX1tuOCCSVK -NymlzNTKqsa1BXujiV6 -NymltOtXHFAS48F5gaL -NymlrTq16FHDEnHi_Ft -Nymm0xsgXliB4kug9Ii   --<|   --:Malkavian|   --@bump| _ids  -NymlsUhBsTiyjHO3tGP   --<|   --:Setites|   --@bump| _ids  -NymnrDd5-8_lpTFLB4z   --<|   --:Tremere|   --@bump| _ids  -NymlxERy-8sMnDctnUE   --<|   --:Tzimisce|   --@bump| _ids  -NymnqMxE_Ex3-VXx-PK   --<| }} When I run it, it runs but the selected token do not change from visible to invisible or vice versa. If I run the same code without ScriptCards as !bump --ids  -NymluKVPIfWiokM5le_ -Nymlqn7gPX1tuOCCSVK -NymlzNTKqsa1BXujiV6 -NymltOtXHFAS48F5gaL -NymlrTq16FHDEnHi_Ft -Nymm0xsgXliB4kug9Ii it works perfectly. Am I doing something wrong or does bump not work with ScriptCards. It occurred to me that my game is using Jumpgate Beta and so I went to a game without it and it worked. I'm sure there is a proper place to put this so I'll find that and post it there.

Edited 1717021451
Roll20 Team
Jumping in here to share some highly anticipated fixes that the team released earlier today (also available in our change log )! Released a big code refactor with an aim to address some common crash/freeze causes and desynchronization behavior in the Tabletop. Made Fog of War updates to allow users to turn on explorer mode from the Fog of War Menu, made slight performance improvements to dynamic lighting games where explorer mode wasn’t on , and fixed some minor button styling in the menu. Fixed Tabletop issues where Pen tool current line preview was not showing [a lot of the comments on this Forum and in our Bug reports exposed this in use of Dynamic Lighting last week, and we're excited to have this working for you now!] Trash button was not showing up on on Measure Tool measurements Non-linger Measure Tool measurements were lingering 'Add Turn' was showing on text and drawing context menus Non-controlling players were unable to see token's tooltips Non-controlling players were unable to see token's bars or nameplate when they set 'Hover to Show' on 'Hover to Show' setting did not apply to nameplate until refresh Tooltips were appearing on hover even while not on the token's layer Toolbar menus would lose their background when a popup appeared Hex Grid labels now work properly on grids above 26 rows tall Added some Quality of Life and Usability improvements: Adjusted to a more generous double-click threshold for tokens and other tabletop objects Clearer indication of what will be selected by marquee, and clearer indication of what is currently part of a multi-selection Token marker sizing has been improved New Edit: We also fixed an issue where token markers appeared/were hidden behind the tokens.
Saul - a fix for this was pushed out this morning (part of my latest post ) so hope you can continue with your map setup! Saul J. said: I figured it had been reported but giving another report, and the screenshot might bump the issue up a notch in priority. I'm currently working on a Call of Cthulhu campaign and I can't do my maps until this is fixed... unless I move it back to legacy which I don't want to do because I know jumpgate will be out of beta by the time we finish the campaign. TheMarkus1204 said: This is already known by the devs and they are working on a fix for this ;) It is also NOT only the Lighting Layer, the Problem exists on ALL Layers... Saul J. said: This might have been reported already but I thought I would repeat it just in case Roll20 thinks this has been fixed: While drawing walls on the Dynamic Lighting layer, sometimes it works just fine. Other times individual wall lines will disappear when hitting the <esc> button. The picture is a screengrab where you can see some missing lines. No matter what I do, I can't get a line on the left side between the two windows, and below the bottom window, or in the upper right above the door.

Edited 1716936168
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
Lavi said: Added some Quality of Life and Usability improvements: Adjusted to a more generous double-click threshold for tokens and other tabletop objects Clearer indication of what will be selected by marquee, and clearer indication of what is currently part of a multi-selection Token marker sizing has been improved These are all most welcome! But when did nameplates move to the top? I have bars set as bottom overlapping. "Overlapping" previously has allowed token nameplates to remain on bottom.
Yes, it works now! Thank you! (Oh, and I like the "line preview" feature a lot!) Lavi said: Saul - a fix for this was pushed out this morning (part of my latest post ) so hope you can continue with your map setup! Saul J. said: I figured it had been reported but giving another report, and the screenshot might bump the issue up a notch in priority. I'm currently working on a Call of Cthulhu campaign and I can't do my maps until this is fixed... unless I move it back to legacy which I don't want to do because I know jumpgate will be out of beta by the time we finish the campaign. TheMarkus1204 said: This is already known by the devs and they are working on a fix for this ;) It is also NOT only the Lighting Layer, the Problem exists on ALL Layers... Saul J. said: This might have been reported already but I thought I would repeat it just in case Roll20 thinks this has been fixed: While drawing walls on the Dynamic Lighting layer, sometimes it works just fine. Other times individual wall lines will disappear when hitting the <esc> button. The picture is a screengrab where you can see some missing lines. No matter what I do, I can't get a line on the left side between the two windows, and below the bottom window, or in the upper right above the door.
Copied over from the Suggestions Forum at the suggestion of one of the champions there: I've run both Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Dungeon of the Mad Mage and there are some sizeable maps in those. Add to that that I've had to customize some of the maps or merge them together and put tons of extra tokens on there. This makes for a VERY unwieldy, slow-loading, slow-moving, map. Some of my players don't have the computers to handle it. HOWEVER, I don't need the ENTIRETY of these massive maps. It's easy enough to crop stuff off from the bottom or right side of the maps--just change how many cells/units there are in those directions--but there's no good way to crop from the top or left. One might say, "just move the map tiles on the map layer up and left" but that still leaves all the dynamic lighting, doors, token placements, etc. that need to be moved separately. Can't we figure out a way to handle this? Perhaps within the page settings it also asks how many cells off the top you'd like to remove after it asks for the height of the map? (I dunno. Sounds awkward but I'd really appreciate it.)
We've uncovered a couple of new critical bugs with user feedback, and wanted to share that (alongside several others) the team is working to get a fix out soon for: 1) An issue with saving multiple sides on multi-sided tokens when setting as default for a character sheet 2) Fog of War incorrectly applying polygonal clearing and adding

Edited 1717177269
Roll20 Team
JW the Untitled  - thanks for sharing the suggestion. We are open to exploring updates to how page updates are defined after the Beta period. At the moment, the team is working on session-breaking bugs to ensure the reliability of Jumpgate and feature parity work for maximum compatibility.  Linking our latest Blog Post that touches a bit more on where our efforts our focused. JW the Untitled said: Copied over from the Suggestions Forum at the suggestion of one of the champions there: I've run both Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Dungeon of the Mad Mage and there are some sizeable maps in those. Add to that that I've had to customize some of the maps or merge them together and put tons of extra tokens on there. This makes for a VERY unwieldy, slow-loading, slow-moving, map. Some of my players don't have the computers to handle it. HOWEVER, I don't need the ENTIRETY of these massive maps. It's easy enough to crop stuff off from the bottom or right side of the maps--just change how many cells/units there are in those directions--but there's no good way to crop from the top or left. One might say, "just move the map tiles on the map layer up and left" but that still leaves all the dynamic lighting, doors, token placements, etc. that need to be moved separately. Can't we figure out a way to handle this? Perhaps within the page settings it also asks how many cells off the top you'd like to remove after it asks for the height of the map? (I dunno. Sounds awkward but I'd really appreciate it.)
Sheet Author
Compendium Curator
None of my rollable / multi-sided tokens let me choose a side, as of last night's game. When I select "choose side", the dialog box is empty. This occurs on any number of multi-sided tokens, including newly generated ones. 
Tim said: None of my rollable / multi-sided tokens let me choose a side, as of last night's game. When I select "choose side", the dialog box is empty. This occurs on any number of multi-sided tokens, including newly generated ones.  Lavi said: We've uncovered a couple of new critical bugs with user feedback, and wanted to share that (alongside several others) the team is working to get a fix out soon for: 1) An issue with saving multiple sides on multi-sided tokens when setting as default for a character sheet It looks like devs are already aware.
Would be nice if your LINK was actually clickable... right now nothing happens when clicking on it... (besides marking text) Lavi said: JW the Untitled  - thanks for sharing the suggestion. We are open to exploring updates to how page updates are defined after the Beta period. At the moment, the team is working on session-breaking bugs to ensure the reliability of Jumpgate and feature parity work for maximum compatibility.  Linking our latest Blog Post that touches a bit more on where our efforts our focused. JW the Untitled said: Copied over from the Suggestions Forum at the suggestion of one of the champions there: I've run both Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Dungeon of the Mad Mage and there are some sizeable maps in those. Add to that that I've had to customize some of the maps or merge them together and put tons of extra tokens on there. This makes for a VERY unwieldy, slow-loading, slow-moving, map. Some of my players don't have the computers to handle it. HOWEVER, I don't need the ENTIRETY of these massive maps. It's easy enough to crop stuff off from the bottom or right side of the maps--just change how many cells/units there are in those directions--but there's no good way to crop from the top or left. One might say, "just move the map tiles on the map layer up and left" but that still leaves all the dynamic lighting, doors, token placements, etc. that need to be moved separately. Can't we figure out a way to handle this? Perhaps within the page settings it also asks how many cells off the top you'd like to remove after it asks for the height of the map? (I dunno. Sounds awkward but I'd really appreciate it.)
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
TheMarkus1204 said: Would be nice if your LINK was actually clickable... right now nothing happens when clicking on it... (besides marking text) Here's the URL to Roll20's latest blog post: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1717181049
Roll20 Team
And thanks for the callout - updated the original post to include the hyperlink so it's easily referenced by those scrolling through! keithcurtis said: TheMarkus1204 said: Would be nice if your LINK was actually clickable... right now nothing happens when clicking on it... (besides marking text) Here's the URL to Roll20's latest blog post: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>

Edited 1717181007
Roll20 Team
The multi-sided token fix was pushed out this afternoon! Lavi said: We've uncovered a couple of new critical bugs with user feedback, and wanted to share that (alongside several others) the team is working to get a fix out soon for: 1) An issue with saving multiple sides on multi-sided tokens when setting as default for a character sheet 2) Fog of War incorrectly applying polygonal clearing and adding
I noticed last night when running a Jumpgate session, that pressing Shift Z didn't zoom in on a token.&nbsp; Am I missing something or is this feature not currently working in Jumpgate?
Any news on the option to turn hex grid maps back to the way it used to work, or having maps which are broken fixed in bought modules?
DM Anubis
Marketplace Creator
Whenever I use jumpgate, it will not load any page at all. They are all solid colors. I have tried this on my computer and my sister's computer and we both have the same problem. She has a much better computer than I do. I have tried this on Chrome and Opera. I have tried everything from clearing the cache to various other tricks that I thought might work. Nothing fixes this.
Sheet Author
DM Anubis said: Whenever I use jumpgate, it will not load any page at all. They are all solid colors. I have tried this on my computer and my sister's computer and we both have the same problem. She has a much better computer than I do. I have tried this on Chrome and Opera. I have tried everything from clearing the cache to various other tricks that I thought might work. Nothing fixes this. Hi DM Anubis, are you still having issues? Not much use to you but I logged into a couple of my jumpgate games, including a map with lots of mongrel folk tokens, and didn't encounter any issues.&nbsp; Ken
Still no difference for me on the GPU front.&nbsp; The Jumpgate copy takes about 10% more GPU of the same game.&nbsp; 85-95% classic, 95-105% Jumpgate.&nbsp; Sometimes even more.&nbsp; Not sure how it's getting over 100% of my GPU but just now it spiked to 102.2%
Bullseye Button STILL Zooms in when centering the map! Wish it would just KEEP the ZOOM LEVEL I had and just CENTERS the map!
Hello everyone Is there a way to solve this problem? the token outside the gray map is not seen by the characters!
Think that's ços it's on the extended area where the GM can store tokens etc,&nbsp; move the token onto the darkened area of the map so that the players can see it.
Widen your map (the visible part) in map settings or move the map a tad to the left, so that the map becomes fully visible... Mauro D. said: Hello everyone Is there a way to solve this problem? the token outside the gray map is not seen by the characters!
Forum Champion
Hi Mauro D.,&nbsp; To elaborate on what Norman said, Jumpgate has extended space for the GM to place things 'off the map'. Based on your image it appears that you need to go into your page's (map) settings and increase the size of the page until the entire map is visible.&nbsp;
Gauss, just saw it is a HEX Map... Mauro D., did you copy your existing Strahd Campaign over to Jump Gate? The incorrect Map Dimensions were mentioned here earlier! The old system did this wrong, with Jumpgate it is corrected... As such, just assign the correct map size in Map settings and you should be fine... Gauss said: Hi Mauro D.,&nbsp; To elaborate on what Norman said, Jumpgate has extended space for the GM to place things 'off the map'. Based on your image it appears that you need to go into your page's (map) settings and increase the size of the page until the entire map is visible.&nbsp;
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
To clarify terms a bit, when folks are saying change the map size, they are talking about the page size. map = graphic image page = the area that the map&nbsp; image sits on.
Found a pretty major bug. Players can select tokens they do not control, this includes tokens that are obscured by fog of war.
Forum Champion
Marketplace Creator
API Scripter
McBeardly said: Found a pretty major bug. Players can select tokens they do not control, this includes tokens that are obscured by fog of war. Confirmed. This is something recent. My dummy account can select any token on the board, regardless of control settings. This is only true of direct select (clicking on the token). A marquee select does not select uncontrolled tokens.
McBeardly said: Found a pretty major bug. Players can select tokens they do not control, this includes tokens that are obscured by fog of war. Hey, we're working on a fix for this and should have it out very soon -- probably early tomorrow morning.

Edited 1717638703
I created a solid square wall of light to contain 3 PCs in a box. The PCs in the box could not see beyond the walls but the PC outside could see through them. When I moved the PCs out of the box, none of them could see inside it. I am totally confused. It is a box made of solid walls. Not one-way, not transparent. I put an NPC inside the box and none of the PCs could see inside. It was like whatever wall was between one PC and another was just a line they could not cross but could see through perfectly?? Moving the PC around the box allowed them to see inside from whatever side they were on provided there was a PC inside it. Is there a new setting on the JumpGate that I am missing or is this a bug? Edit: I turned vision off for all tokens and PCs could still see each other on the map. In the dark, through walls.&nbsp;
Having an issue with reloading a page that I copy/pasted tokens onto and they keep showing up upside down. Tabbing out with an animated map on the screen still causes he animations to freeze. Still getting graphic error message that needs me to close Roll20 tab and reload into it. Players still need to refresh Roll20 to see updated removed/moved tokens on the battlemap...

Edited 1717810686
just copied a game to Jumpagte. Previous animated tokens I had on maps I made a month ago are still there but ones that I dropped in today don't show up. They are invisible so I can at least click on them. I tried 3 different browsers, Chrome, Firefox and Edge. An animated token I uploaded, a webm file seems to work but the marketplace animated tokens are invisible.
Another issue I've found: If you adjust the size of the grid, to accommodate the scale of a map, and try to place a door or window, the door/window adjusts correctly but the circles representing the end points, do not.

Edited 1717889516
Greetings all. LOVING Jumpgate!&nbsp; Our campaign has been running this since it came out.&nbsp; Still finding minor things but it is so much better. We found a couple of new items last night. Running 5e with default R20 character sheet on windows and linux. Everyone runs firefox. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;TurnMarker1 token kept displaying in front of other tokens. I sent it to the back, manually moved all other tokens forward. Didn't help. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;I had two instances where Players could see a token dropped by DM but DM couldn't see it after drop. Couldn't select even by selecting a &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;large area around it. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;One users character sheet had the death save radio buttons wrap to the second line in the box. That pushed Death Save text out of the box &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;and it could not be seen or selected.&nbsp; That user had linux and Firefox but another player running the exact same setup didn't have the issue? Easily worked around in all cases but doing our part to report bugs. Keep up the fantastic work!

Edited 1718045891
I had the weird bug yesterday were some players could same the name of a creature lurking on the GM Layer (a phase spider), but only the name, not the token).
Ryan said: I noticed last night when running a Jumpgate session, that pressing Shift Z didn't zoom in on a token.&nbsp; Am I missing something or is this feature not currently working in Jumpgate? Hi Ryan - a fix for this went live right around the time you played the game. Let us know if you're still experiencing any issues.&nbsp; Referencing the change log here as well for the latest updates.
Johnny Meatshield said: Still no difference for me on the GPU front.&nbsp; The Jumpgate copy takes about 10% more GPU of the same game.&nbsp; 85-95% classic, 95-105% Jumpgate.&nbsp; Sometimes even more.&nbsp; Not sure how it's getting over 100% of my GPU but just now it spiked to 102.2% Hi Johnny - we are investigating the sporadic instances for GPU spikes. I may reach out to you directly for more detail.
For everyone's awareness, the fix was release on June 6th. Thanks for the spot&nbsp; McBeardly ! Jeff L. said: McBeardly said: Found a pretty major bug. Players can select tokens they do not control, this includes tokens that are obscured by fog of war. Hey, we're working on a fix for this and should have it out very soon -- probably early tomorrow morning.
Just started up Jumpgate again after being away a month. &nbsp;I found the following 2 API/Mod scripts still have issues: FLY - Places 1 to 3 winged status marks with a number on each wing used to indicate how high they are flying. &nbsp;For example, flying 60 ft. would show W6 W0, where each W is a wing. &nbsp; &nbsp; Issue: On Jumpgate only the first W6 shows. SmartAOE - Used for AOE effects. &nbsp; Issue 1: For Cone type effects, guide lines in red are displayed. &nbsp; Issue 2: Area effect square drawing objects are placed at the top of the Stack on the map, meaning tokens and the AOE Marker are below the semitransparent area markers. &nbsp;