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The new D&D 2024 sheet is now available!

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D&D 2024 Beta Character Sheet & Builder

Official thread for the D&D 2024 Beta character sheet & builder! Sheet Summary In preparation for the launch of the new D&D core rulebooks in September, we are excited to release the Beta version of our new character sheet & builder on the Roll20 Tabletop & Roll20 Characters. With the Beta, you will have access to the new character builder, a new NPC sheet, and upgrades to the player sheet that you saw in Alpha, including drag & drop for items as well as additional modifier options. This will also be the first look at the new sheet & builder within the Roll20 Tabletop, so you can start to play games with your party! This sheet is still actively in development, so you may run across some incomplete sections or maybe even a bug or two, but we wanted to continue to get these new features into your hand as soon as possible.  Just like in Alpha, you'll also have access to 8 Ready to Play characters that the team has created. Jump right into playing with the sheet with no set up time! For more information about the launch, check out our latest blog ! How to Submit Feedback We really appreciate all the feedback we received during the Alpha, it has helped to shape our updates and future roadmaps, so please keep it coming.  We want to hear from you about what you like about the sheet and builder, any bugs, suggestions for features, or any other feedback you have. Please submit any feedback via this form .  What's Next? The Beta period will run for 6 weeks, until the official launch alongside the new Player’s Handbook on September 17th. Check out the landing page , which has a summarized roadmap of what to expect throughout the rest of the year, FAQs, and more!

Edited 1722369324
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Questions! The sheet now has a tab for attributes and abilities. Can you talk a little bit about how they are supposed to be used? As far as I can tell, at the moment, all attributes have to be manually created, do not reference sheet data, and cannot be linked to token bars. In fact, nothing can be linked to token bars. They can be referenced by macros or chat calls only, as far as I can tell. Unless users can reference sheet attributes, this is a gigantic step backward for usability. Further, will there be anything like a roll template for the new sheet, or will all Beacon sheets have to use the default roll template? If it is going to be the default, are there any plans to improve the very, very basic features of the default roll template? Will there be any way of signing and verifying rolls? Given that there is no hover that shows the quantum roll signature, it would be trivial to spoof the sheet rolls with a mod script.
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How is the "Roll NPC HP" button intended to be used? It sends a roll to chat, but not to a selected token. If a player puts out a horde of  skeletons, do they need to put the HP into each token manually?

Edited 1722431601
Sadly at the moment this sheet seems to be a big step forward in looking nice, and a major step back in functionality... proficiency bonuses missing from attack rolls and modifiers missing from damage rolls. Versatile weapons forgot how to be versatile... honestly this is a step back from the 2014 version from my limited testing this morning: Unarmored defence appears to be getting calced as 10+DEX not 10+DEX+CON as it should be this has been broken even in the 2014 version and still broken now, but even now no easy way to fix it... Proficiency bonuses are not being included for weapons when added, tested with Battleaxe and Greataxe the attack roll is 1d20+str bonus but its missing proficient bonus Str bonuses are not being included in damage rolls, so the greataxe is only rolling 1d12 not 1d12+str Versatile weapons are missing their 2 hand options Rage damage is not being included.

Edited 1722538970
Nicole B.
Roll20 Team
keithcurtis  said: Questions! The sheet now has a tab for attributes and abilities. Can you talk a little bit about how they are supposed to be used? As far as I can tell, at the moment, all attributes have to be manually created, do not reference sheet data, and cannot be linked to token bars. In fact, nothing can be linked to token bars. They can be referenced by macros or chat calls only, as far as I can tell. Unless users can reference sheet attributes, this is a gigantic step backward for usability. For advanced sheets, attributes are defined manually to allow us the customization to get and set computed values instead of just flat values saved directly in the database. This is on the sheet's roadmap to include those attributes in the near future and we're aiming for full backwards compatibility with the attributes accessible in the legacy sheet Further, will there be anything like a roll template for the new sheet, or will all Beacon sheets have to use the default roll template? If it is going to be the default, are there any plans to improve the very, very basic features of the default roll template? This has required some backend work that's just now wrapping up - we intend to allow macros to hook into the templates that we've already created for sending to chat and rolling. Will there be any way of signing and verifying rolls? Given that there is no hover that shows the quantum roll signature, it would be trivial to spoof the sheet rolls with a mod script. The rolls being sent from the sheet are currently verified, but with the flexibility that the new roll templates provide, it's not yet shown. With the new sheet, we receive the roll back before building the template, which gives us a lot of room to do fancy displays based on what the result actually is but adding this middleman has temporarily removed the quantum verification display. It will be displayed in the near future, probably in the wrapper of the template itself so other Beacon sheets don't have to manually add it into every template. How is the "Roll NPC HP" button intended to be used? It sends a roll to chat, but not to a selected token. If a player puts out a horde of  skeletons, do they need to put the HP into each token manually? Right now, its intention is just to roll the HP, since that's how it works on the legacy sheet. This is on the list of beta improvements though! Unarmored defence appears to be getting calced as 10+DEX not 10+DEX+CON as it should be this has been broken even in the 2014 version and still broken now, but even now no easy way to fix it... We're looking into the best way to handle this in a flexible way that allows for more than just a specific class's feature. Stay tuned :) Proficiency bonuses are not being included for weapons when added, tested with Battleaxe and Greataxe the attack roll is 1d20+str bonus but its missing proficient bonus I'm having trouble replicating this in order to make a bug ticket. Could you send in a support ticket with some screenshots to help illustrate what you mean? Str bonuses are not being included in damage rolls, so the greataxe is only rolling 1d12 not 1d12+str Thanks for this, we've pinpointed this issue and are working on a fix for it now. Versatile weapons are missing their 2 hand options This is coming in the near future! Drag & Drop is still very much under development. Rage damage is not being included. Thanks for pointing out this bug, we'll work on getting it squashed ASAP - I believe if you add the effect directly on the sheet yourself it will work as a workaround for now! --- Thanks for all the feedback so far. We're obviously still bashing a lot of bugs - that's why they call it a beta :) Please keep it coming!
The new NPC sheet is a massive, massive step back in ease of use. I can't mince words here. It's atrocious. In the old version you can see everything at a glance, and only when the creature is more complex (spellcasting, legendary actions) do you have to do some scrolling and looking for relevant information. The beta NPC sheet is extremely inefficient in providing information at a glance. GMs often juggle several enemy sheets at once, and concise information like presented in the old version that follows the stat blocks found in the 2014 Monster Manual very closely is crucial.
Teemu O. said: The new NPC sheet is a massive, massive step back in ease of use. I can't mince words here. It's atrocious. In the old version you can see everything at a glance, and only when the creature is more complex (spellcasting, legendary actions) do you have to do some scrolling and looking for relevant information. The beta NPC sheet is extremely inefficient in providing information at a glance. GMs often juggle several enemy sheets at once, and concise information like presented in the old version that follows the stat blocks found in the 2014 Monster Manual very closely is crucial. We're hearing the myriad ways people are saying "more data in less space" loud and clear. This is a top priority and we're looking at a few different ways to solve it. Thanks for your feedback, please stay tuned!
Echoing the comments about the sheet looking super slick but being a massive pain to actually use. In addition to the previously-mentioned functionality issues (all of which I've noticed as well), right now there's also no way to automatically reroll 1s and 2s as with Great Weapon Fighting Style (on the OGL sheet you can just append ro<2 in the damage field for the weapon), there's no way to set the crit range of a specific weapon instead of crit range overall, and it's incredibly unclear how to even set your max HP since the field you'd expect to be editable isn't. It's very important that before this sheet leaves beta, it becomes able to do every single thing the old sheet could do, while being just as user-friendly. No backward steps.
Can someone tell me if I'm being blind af or is there not an actual level up button via compendium like the old sheet had?
Well, not sure if its planned, but would it at all be possible to convert our d&d 5e 2014 to the new ones? I assume its probably gonna be possible with an API if not as a feature?
Hey, So i worked out the proficiency issue, its adding them in as "simple weapons" rather than "simple" if you compare a barbarian made by the charactermancer and the premade "hjonk" barbarian its proficiency is added, where its not for my charactermancer PC
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AbeJust3yb said: Well, not sure if its planned, but would it at all be possible to convert our d&d 5e 2014 to the new ones? I assume its probably gonna be possible with an API if not as a feature? Short answer: yes. Check out this post for more details, o go to the Roll20 blog (linked int he page header)
Steve B. said: Hey, So i worked out the proficiency issue, its adding them in as "simple weapons" rather than "simple" if you compare a barbarian made by the charactermancer and the premade "hjonk" barbarian its proficiency is added, where its not for my charactermancer PC Thanks for digging into this for us, we came to the same conclusion and have made a ticket to address this in the near future!
I can't seem to find a way to make the Dragonborn 'Breath Weapon' function on this sheet. Applying it to the 'Features & Traits' tab doesn't present the opportunity to add it as an attack, but if you add it as an attack on the 'Combat' tab, there are no options that really satisfy a purely saving throw based attack out of the four presented options. The nearest option is making it a spell save attack? But that seems rather clunky.

Edited 1724181252
Nora C.
Roll20 Team
Sl33pwalker said: I can't seem to find a way to make the Dragonborn 'Breath Weapon' function on this sheet. Applying it to the 'Features & Traits' tab doesn't present the opportunity to add it as an attack, but if you add it as an attack on the 'Combat' tab, there are no options that really satisfy a purely saving throw based attack out of the four presented options. The nearest option is making it a spell save attack? But that seems rather clunky. This is on our radar! Keep an eye out for an update ^-^
How does one create a 2024 character?  None of the origins or any of the new 2024 character things seem to be on here...
WOTC has not released any of that content yet. Andir said: How does one create a 2024 character?  None of the origins or any of the new 2024 character things seem to be on here...

Edited 1725085679
I've created my character using the 2024 character sheet but I can't Level Up, is that a feature in development or did I do something wrong? Experience is over the needed for the level up.  I can't modify my level manually either, so I can't manually level up... Thank you

Edited 1725466439
Kayla F.
Roll20 Team
Hello Maxi G.,  You are correct that the "Level Up" feature will come later. As for updating your character's level manually, I assume you used the character builder or a pregen to create your character. For either case, you will have to recreate the character at a higher level until we have added this feature. Thank you for bringing this up and I have communicated this concern to the team.  We appreciate your understanding as we continue to add more features to the sheet. Maxi G. said: I've created my character using the 2024 character sheet but I can't Level Up, is that a feature in development or did I do something wrong? Experience is over the needed for the level up.  I can't modify my level manually either, so I can't manually level up... Thank you
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There is a problem with the damage calculation on NPC sheets. Critical damage for a badger should be 2 points of damage, not 1.

Edited 1725730353
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I find the output of the new sheet to be nearly unusable. Not only does it suffer from needless waste of chat log space, there is no real visual distinction between attack and damage rolls. The name of the attack is tiny. It's just work to use. Compare 2014, compact, takes up about half the vertical space of the chat tab to run a claw-claw-bite. And 2024, attacks and damage reports each appear as separate posts, no visual clue as to which is which, and a single attack takes up over half the vertical space of the chat tab*. This requires deciphering of information, rather than reading it, scrolling up and down for a single brace of attacks. (This is not even mentioning the fact that to get to the 2024 dragon attacks one must scroll the sheet to "somewhere in the middle" to find them). The 2024 sheet is very pretty and modern-looking, but I find the usability and user-design to be obfuscating and confusing to the point of near-unusability. *Screenshots were taken on a larger than 1920x1080 monitor. On a normal monitor, this would be frustrating to the point where I would give up. Especially since the new formatting does not use CSS classes and cannot be tweaked by the end user into a more usable layout.
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And of course, die rolls still lack the quantum roller signature. What is to stop someone from writing a simple script to spoof the output?
Hi, Given the new phb is out in about 10 days it doesn't feel like the character sheet beta has progressed much in the last couple of months. How likely is it that we'll have a working sheet ready for the release ?  My group have planned to start a new campaign based on the new rules and it's looking increasingly more likely we'll end up adapting the current character sheet to play. 

Edited 1725733617
Forum Champion
FFR said: Hi, Given the new phb is out in about 10 days it doesn't feel like the character sheet beta has progressed much in the last couple of months. How likely is it that we'll have a working sheet ready for the release ?  My group have planned to start a new campaign based on the new rules and it's looking increasingly more likely we'll end up adapting the current character sheet to play.  For my groups I have already adapted the D&D 5e 2014 sheet to play the Playtest version of D&D 5e 2024, I don't expect to do anything different when 2024 releases until the D&D 5e 2024 sheet has been proven.  The main areas the 2014 sheet will have problems:  1) Exhaustion: there is a simple solution here, to put the exhaustion level in your resources, then put that in the settings tab's d20 roll BEFORE the d20.  Example, change "Core Die Roll" to: @{other_resource} +d20 Then in other resource set your exhaustion level. I use negative values for exhaustion, but you could use positive values, and then put a - sign before @{other_resource) +d20. 2) The Short rest button will not restore limited resources on a short rest, so a Mod (API Script) is needed to automate that.  Example: current 2014 rules restore all uses of a resource on a short rest (assuming it is a short rest resource and not a long rest resource).  The Playtest, and I expect the 2024 rules, have some short rest resources regaining only 1 use rather than all uses.  The script ChatSetAttr can handle that.  3) The Charactermancer: Due to the differences in structure between 2014 and 2024 (such as where ability scores are gained being moved from race/species to backgrounds) the 2014 Charactermancer may not work correctly, or at all. So manual creation of characters via the Compendium may need to happen. Or things may need to be tweaked after creation to fix issues. This one is a wait and see.

Edited 1725744351
Hello! I've left several feedback forms for the beta character sheets and decided to also post here. It's a really long post. Yes, first of all, it is very modern looking and beautiful and I don't mind the spaced layout that much after spending time with it. And I like the direction that it's going in in terms of easily customizable features, spells etc.  But today I've recreated my 8th level Ranger tiefling character in 2024 sheet and it was a chore (and took around 4 hours) to try and duplicate everything from the old sheet to a new one and I have a whole list of bugs, nice-to-haves and comments. a) Character creation Bugs: - Not all the backgrounds from the books I own were available to choose (it's a whole list, I've left a separate feedback form regarding this issue). In my case the background from Strahd was missing and it was the one I needed - The Haunted one; - HP rolls were not reflected and were nulled when I tried it with no option to reroll or input manually; - Spells section was behaving strangely - when I clicked on the spells from Ranger Spells 5, for example, only level 2 spells were available to be chosen, So I was not able to recreate my list which is level 1 spells mostly. And no spells were added from the Species choice or the feat (Thaumaturgy, Hellish Rebuke, Cure wounds and Darkness were supposed to be added to the list); - Review Character button did not work for me and all the steps were always yellow with exclamation points as if something is missing even if everything was filled in. Nice-to-haves: - From my point of view it would be nice to see the ability scores where there are some modifiers already applied. Now I need to click the info to see it when I see that the bonus is bigger than the flat one; - Regarding the spells list - it takes forever now to add the spells to the list one-by-one, previous option with check-boxes was much more efficient in my opinion; b) Character Sheet main Thank you for adding the query option for all rolls as an option in the new sheet as well as the old one. Appreciate it. Nice-to-haves: - Would be nice to have an option to choose the displayed part of the character image, my image was centered awkwardly. -  It seems leveling-up is not yet in beta (in game or in builder) - so I have some worries how the builder will react to my VERY heavily manipulated character when I will attempt to level-up. c) "Combat" part I appreciated the option to add many different effects and the healing linked to spells and items is also very nice. Bugs: - Features/traits and spells don't appear in the Combat section as actions/bonus actions/reactions even if you tag them as such; - Even if you specifically add an attack and tag it as a reaction or bonus action it doesn't appear in the reactions list, but it appears if you filter "reactions"; - When you cast a spell it's not possible to choose the slot from which it will be cast so the "at higher levels" modifiers do not apply; Nice-to-haves: - I would like to have an option to move the effects similarly to how it was realised for lists in the old sheet; - It would be nice to have an option to add an option for a double (or more) effect like bless - which contributes both to the damage and to saving throws or inspiration dice which also has several effects; - For the damage - I completely agree with Keith, it's very hard to distinguish between the rolls now, and if the rolls would be separated with other chat messages it would be even harder; - We play with the custom critical rolls (maximum damage + standard roll), I was able to input it for the attacks in the old sheet and I have no idea how to do it now, I can only override the dice number or dice type; d) Spells Bugs: Like I said - no spells from species, feats or items were added to the spell list automatically; Nice-to-haves: - I think several people already posted the suggestion to automatically track the used spell slots - would be cool; - I could not choose an origin for the spells other than Ranger -  even though I have spells that come from other sources; - The spells have a slot for AOE shape information but it's empty for all the spells from all the books - am I supposed to fill it in for each of my spells or will it be done for all the spells automatically? e) Inventory Bugs: - Inventory is empty to me at first for each of the characters I've created in beta; - I can't drag and drop some of the items from the compendium to the sheet (Shortsword and dagger as examples); - No arrows are added for the longbow and I don't see how I can add ammunition for the types of weapons that use them, especially easily deducted or added ammunition; Nice-to-haves: - Current charges tracking is not convenient, since I have to go in edit mode to use a charge or to replenish it. I would much more appreciate a system for the charges like for the resources in an old sheet - with an option to choose when the charges would be replenished and an easy way to spend them; - I don't see an option to bring some items to zero current stock but to leave them in the inventory list (it was convenient for items like healing potions which come and go). Again - the only way to change an item qty is to go into editing mode - it's not optimal; e) Features and Traits I loved working with it, I found it very customizable and flexible even though the features that were added automatically left a lot to desire. Still some wishes from me:) Bugs: - All the resources are automatically put as restorable at a short rest - but for most of them it should be long rest. But of course we need to be able to choose; Nice-to-haves: - Would be nice to add a modifier for advantage/disadvantage to Initiative and Saving throws (and for saving throws). My character has advantage to initiative and specific saving throws and I can't reflect it. I added an advantage to intelligence checks for favored foes and now it shows in the roll query as a situational bonus which is very cool, would love to see it for features affecting initiative and ST as well; -   No option to make the resource number dynamic by linking it to proficiency bonus, please add, it's very convenient; - The option to add custom reasources like it was in the old sheet would be nice - I tracked a lot of things this way; f) Notes Last one from me. As you can see, I'm a sucker for notes:) I keep them in my party and it's nice to see the section reworked in the new sheet with more options to customize the notes, but I have some issues. Nice-to-haves: - There is symbols limit now for a note but it's not evident since number of available symbols is not displayed; - Default "allies", "organizations" and "enemies" return to the sheet to take up space even after you remove them. Sorry, I lied, it was not the last one, there is also a bug with tokens, no parameters are linkable to the token bars Of course, I would not call the experience enjoyable, but, again, I see the potential and I appreciate all that you've done and continue to do.  I see the potential and I will try the new sheet    in game  tomorrow, we'll see how it goes.
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Excellent post, Julia. Thank you!
Gauss, I'm pretty much where you are and unfortunately think it will be a long time before trying out the new sheet.
I'd like to add to my earlier post - I've played with the new sheet yesterday and the experience in the game was mainly positive for me although all my bad rolls were attributed to "it's because of the new sheet" by the whole party. But when the combat started some of the players (and GM) started to see my rolls like this: This is how it looked to me: So at the beggining of the combat I've switched to the old sheet. But overall (when the situation was social) I've enjoyed the experience. 
Julia S. said: I'd like to add to my earlier post - I've played with the new sheet yesterday and the experience in the game was mainly positive for me although all my bad rolls were attributed to "it's because of the new sheet" by the whole party. But when the combat started some of the players (and GM) started to see my rolls like this: This is how it looked to me: So at the beggining of the combat I've switched to the old sheet. But overall (when the situation was social) I've enjoyed the experience.  Thanks for the flag, Julia! This is a known issue that we're still trying to track down, but we have been able to work around it by just refreshing the Tabletop page. If you have any more details on how to recreate this, we would be very thankful to hear them!

Edited 1726251004
I'd really, really appreciate it if the Character Sheet automatically created a rollable Stat Block for PCs and NPCs. Imagine: no huge sheets occupying space or different screens. We simply click the PC / NPC to drop-down the Stat Block, then click Attack, and it's done. Wouldn't that be nice? Edit: We also need Print to PDF. My party had difficulties with FGU because we couldn't export or print character sheets... but now we can't export or print Roll20's sheets either. This is a vital, basic feature.
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Plural said: I'd really, really appreciate it if the Character Sheet automatically created a rollable Stat Block for PCs and NPCs. Imagine: no huge sheets occupying space or different screens. We simply click the PC / NPC to drop-down the Stat Block, then click Attack, and it's done. Wouldn't that be nice? Hi Plural! Where do you envision this appearing? In the journal tab, a right click on a token? Or somewhere else?
In the Journal tab. It would act exactly like a Monster stat block... except, you know, be Functional because we could click attacks. The length of a PC's sheet might pose difficulty, but it only needs to be a summary: Attacks/Actions, Prepared Spells, etc., not a regurgitation of every possible sheet entry.
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FWIW, there are scripts or macros that can do a lot of this for you. Token Action Maker, Universal Chat Menu, Jordan's Chat Menu Macros. Is there an issue with using one of these solutions? A major change like that to the Journal Menu might be blocked by the fact that not everyone plays D&D5e, but the code for the journal tab is universal.
I built a character using the new 2024 sheet and it shows the HP as 0/0. I have d12 selected as HD. There doesn't seem to be a way to edit the HP directly. Any ideas?
Is the character builder dark mode only? That would make it unavailable to me and a lot of people with visual challenges, I really hope I am wrong here.
Simira said: Is the character builder dark mode only? That would make it unavailable to me and a lot of people with visual challenges, I really hope I am wrong here. Sadly, yes. According to their roadmap lightmode is coming in Winter:

Edited 1726587338
The fact that the new builder does still not allow level ups is extremely inconvenient. I am sorry if this comes over as a rant but I am disappointed by this launch. Yes, we can have both the 2014 and 2024 sheet in one campaign but that does not help at all for people wanting to play with the 2024 rules. Why? Because the 2014 sheets only support the 2014 rules. Even dragging e.g. 2024 spell or feats from the compendium into the 2014 sheets is explicitly forbidden: Cool, lets use the 2024 sheet and builder but that wont work because the new builder is riddled with bugs and level ups not being supported. Okay, cool, we can workaround that by doing manual level ups and dragging stuff in from the compendium. Nope. Cant do manual level ups, have to recreate the whole sheet with each level up. I do still like Roll20 more than any of the competitors because of its versatility and this versatility is probably the reason of why the new sheet and builder are so complex but I do feel disappointed of how this launch is going. Why was there an alpha and beta when the final result is still pretty much unusable? I know, never play on patch day and as a software developer I know deadlines can be harsh but as a passionate D&D gamer this still grinds my gears. Maybe I can come up with a conspiracy theory like "Surely Hasbro only gave them access to the new rules today so their own competitor digital product looks better than Roll20s!" and offload the blame to Hasbro.. ;)
Hannes said: The fact that the new builder does still not allow level ups is extremely inconvenient. I am sorry if this comes over as a rant but I am disappointed by this launch. ... Why was there an alpha and beta when the final result is still pretty much unusable? I know, never play on patch day and as a software developer I know deadlines can be harsh but as a passionate D&D gamer this still grinds my gears. Maybe I can come up with a conspiracy theory like "Surely Hasbro only gave them access to the new rules today so their own competitor digital product looks better than Roll20s!" and offload the blame to Hasbro.. ;) You are not wrong about any of this. For me, the biggest disappointment on launch is there's no way to convert existing 2014 characters to the 2024 sheet yet. All that said, (and you definitely get this based on your last line), I think it's worth remembering that this release date was imposed on Roll20 by WOTC, and they had no control over when they could get access to the 2024 content to begin the development process. If Roll20 had waited to release the 2024 sheet until it was fully ready, there would have been an avalanche of complaints that no one could use the new rules at all. So it's kind of a no-win scenario. For my part, I'm going to experiment with what's here, continue to give feedback, and wait until everything is fairly stable before I ask my groups to convert. 2014 rules worked just fine for the last ten years...I can manage for another few weeks.
Gerald A. said: All that said, (and you definitely get this based on your last line), I think it's worth remembering that this release date was imposed on Roll20 by WOTC, and they had no control over when they could get access to the 2024 content to begin the development process. Yeah, I agree. That's why I wrote the short part about deadlines being harsh. I know I am being unfair but also just disappointed that there's no way for the players to workaround the limitations. If the sheet would at least allow full management to fix the bugs like HP set to 0 or leveling not available it would be fineish, but currently its the worst of all worlds.
You can see your PHB 2024 compendium in a game that uses the 2014 sheets as default?  Can you tell me how?  My 2014 game won't let me see my PHB 2024 unless I switch to 2024 sheets as default in game settings (which right now I don't want to do as it seriously breaks things) but I still want to see my 2024 PHB results in the compendium.  I tried "Adding" the 2024 sheets but the compendium still won't show my 2024 PHB data. Hannes said: The fact that the new builder does still not allow level ups is extremely inconvenient. I am sorry if this comes over as a rant but I am disappointed by this launch. Yes, we can have both the 2014 and 2024 sheet in one campaign but that does not help at all for people wanting to play with the 2024 rules. Why? Because the 2014 sheets only support the 2014 rules. Even dragging e.g. 2024 spell or feats from the compendium into the 2014 sheets is explicitly forbidden: Cool, lets use the 2024 sheet and builder but that wont work because the new builder is riddled with bugs and level ups not being supported. Okay, cool, we can workaround that by doing manual level ups and dragging stuff in from the compendium. Nope. Cant do manual level ups, have to recreate the whole sheet with each level up. I do still like Roll20 more than any of the competitors because of its versatility and this versatility is probably the reason of why the new sheet and builder are so complex but I do feel disappointed of how this launch is going. Why was there an alpha and beta when the final result is still pretty much unusable? I know, never play on patch day and as a software developer I know deadlines can be harsh but as a passionate D&D gamer this still grinds my gears. Maybe I can come up with a conspiracy theory like "Surely Hasbro only gave them access to the new rules today so their own competitor digital product looks better than Roll20s!" and offload the blame to Hasbro.. ;)
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DM Val said: You can see your PHB 2024 compendium in a game that uses the 2014 sheets as default?  Can you tell me how?  My 2014 game won't let me see my PHB 2024 unless I switch to 2024 sheets as default in game settings (which right now I don't want to do as it seriously breaks things) but I still want to see my 2024 PHB results in the compendium.  I tried "Adding" the 2024 sheets but the compendium still won't show my 2024 PHB data. Hi DM Vall! I am able to see 2024 compendium data under that setup: Jumpgate game, 2014 Base Sheet, 2024 second sheet, Beta features on (so I can access the new Compendium interface). This was a game that was created many years ago, and recently copied into Jumpgate, if that makes a difference. Have you checked the game settings to make sure the 2024 PHB is greenlit? (Although it should be automatic if you've purchased it and are the game creator). Are any of these conditions different from your tests?

Edited 1726622249
Aha!  Thank you!  I did not have Beta Features On.  I didn't know I needed to.  It appears when I create a new game with 2024 sheets, the Beta Features option isn't even there anymore.
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I think the new sheet on Jumpgate requires the new Compendium interface.
Any idea where I can reach out and make Roll20 see that the dark mode is a major accessibility issue? As an Adventurers League player I am technically blocked from playing (as 95% of my games are on Roll20, 2-4 nights weekly, and they are forcing the rule changes) until light mode is an option. 
Simira said: Any idea where I can reach out and make Roll20 see that the dark mode is a major accessibility issue? As an Adventurers League player I am technically blocked from playing (as 95% of my games are on Roll20, 2-4 nights weekly, and they are forcing the rule changes) until light mode is an option.  Best way is probably the feedback form they linked in the initial message of this thread: Feedback Form
Hannes said: Simira said: Any idea where I can reach out and make Roll20 see that the dark mode is a major accessibility issue? As an Adventurers League player I am technically blocked from playing (as 95% of my games are on Roll20, 2-4 nights weekly, and they are forcing the rule changes) until light mode is an option.  Best way is probably the feedback form they linked in the initial message of this thread: Feedback Form Thanks, I did that already. It was in the middle of the worst frustration though, so I might not have been too diplomatic about it. And not getting my hopes up they will re-prioritise anything for little me. Guess it will be a long winter with no games for me.
It was suggested I post my findings in here but may I suggest an official bug report or ticketing system that we can submit to?  we'd all really like to see these issues corrected and I'm sure it would enable you to prioritise and action the changes better? So there seems to be some significant issues with the new character builder, I have images of the issues I've found today which I can post if required but I'll start with just describing the issues: 1. I chose a fighter to start simple, Weapon mastery is hidden at the very bottom of a drop down and the creator allows you to continue without selecting these masteries, this can be missed easily. Annoying, but not the end of the world. 2. I chose teifling randomly and discovered that darkvision is listed twice? also the drop down system is completely unintuitive, with some drop downs specifying a choice needs to made but not explaining that you have to make that choice later in the builder? and other drop downs just empty? whats the point? This will just confuse players. 3. I chose entertainer randomly and found the same janky drop down system talking about choices you couldn't make at that point. No obvious way to select my origin feat. 4. ah! the feats section! here I can select my origin feat? Nope just the fighting style feat. (also when a feat is clicked it hides all of the feats below it? but that is Firefox only, chrome it actually opens the feat as intended) 5. ok skill proficiencies, that works normally (except on Firefox it displays 2 of every skill...) now as an entertainer I can select an instrument. And then I have to select 3 more instruments? ah I see so it gave me the musician origin feat without really explaining it was doing that, ok I guess... Except it wont let me select those 3 drop downs, each of them contains one option: "select a proficiency"... so thats not right... 5a. it won't let me finish the sheet becuase I need to select those 3 musical instruments that it won't let me select!

Edited 1726682154
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Bear said: It was suggested I post my findings in here but may I suggest an official bug report or ticketing system that we can submit to?  we'd all really like to see these issues corrected and I'm sure it would enable you to prioritise and action the changes better? You can submit an official report to a  Help Center Request , but there is no publicly available accounting of tickets. Your best bet to keep abreast is the large curated threads created by Roll20 team members, like this one.
Activity/feedback also seem to cross over in this thread, that has some admin feedback:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I really hope everyone uses the feedback form and the foras to give response to this. We are actually paying to use Roll20 and should expect stuff that has been in the works for years now to work better than this.
Hello! If I buy the new PHB, everyone in my campaign get access to all features described there?
SebRex said: Hello! If I buy the new PHB, everyone in my campaign get access to all features described there? As a Plus subscriber I believe one of your sharing perks is to share your compendium with up to 3 games and 10 people in each game. In order to share the compendium with the players you need to turn on the content sharing setting. This gives the players access to the compendium in the game.