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Official [AD&D 2E Revised] Update thread

Peter B. said: gabriel b. said: is there a macro that would change a number on the character sheet?  for example, a macro that would change the number in the field  @{selected|repeating_spells-pri1_$X_spell-memorized} also, related to this.  I wrote this macro to provide a list of spells memorized, but I do not know how to make the macro ignore spells that have a value of 0 for the memorized field.  it appears that once you add a number, then later reduce that number to zero (0) it will henceforth list that spell when it should ignore it.  ideas? here is the code /w @{selected|token_name} &{template:2Edefault}{{name=@{selected|token_name}'s Spells}} {{Level 1=[@{selected|repeating_spells-wiz1_$0_spell-name} (@{selected|repeating_spells-wiz1_$0_spell-memorized}) ](~@{selected|character_name}|repeating_spells-wiz1_$0_spell-template" style="background: none; background-color: #F0FFFF; border: none; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; color: purple; display:none; display: block@{selected|repeating_spells-wiz1_$0_spell-memorized|max}; ) [@{selected|repeating_spells-wiz1_$1_spell-name} (@{selected|repeating_spells-wiz1_$1_spell-memorized}) ](~@{selected|character_name}|repeating_spells-wiz1_$1_spell-template" style="background: none; background-color: #F0FFFF; border: none; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; color: purple; display:none; display: block@{selected|repeating_spells-wiz1_$1_spell-memorized|max}; ) [@{selected|repeating_spells-wiz1_$2_spell-name} (@{selected|repeating_spells-wiz1_$2_spell-memorized}) ](~@{selected|character_name}|repeating_spells-wiz1_$2_spell-template" style="background: none; background-color: #F0FFFF; border: none; padding: 0px; text-decoration: none; color: purple; display:none; display: block@{selected|repeating_spells-wiz1_$2_spell-memorized|max}; )}}&{noerror}{{color=blue}} this is the output I would like: this is the output I get Neither is impossible.  You cannot change a value on a character sheet with a macro alone. You need Mods (APIs) to do that or a built in button on the sheet.  You cannot ignore a default value. Once a value is set on a character sheet it will continue to be set. If would need a custom roll template built into the sheet to be able to ignore a certain value.  I was afraid of that.  thanks for the quick reply
I am working on a macro for turning undead. It's working fine, but I can't seem to get the subtitle or color of the header to change. When I add either into the macro it comes out as text in the chat box. Any help for how to place the commands would be appreciated! &{template:2Edefault}{{name=@{selected|token_name}} {{subtitle=@{selected|level}st Level @{selected|class}} Turns the Undead}}{{Attempt Roll = [[1D20]]}}{{Skeleton = [[10]]}}{{Zombie = [[13]]}}{{Ghoul = [[16]]}}{{Shadow = [[19]]}}{{Wight = [[20]]}}{{If Successful [[2D6]] UNDEAD ARE TURNED!}}{{***Turned Undead***: Are cast out by the power and might of MAGRYND!}}{{D ~ Undead are Destroyed!}}{{D* ~ An additional [[2d4]] undead are turned}} ~Maxwell
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Maxwell said: I am working on a macro for turning undead. It's working fine, but I can't seem to get the subtitle or color of the header to change. When I add either into the macro it comes out as text in the chat box. Any help for how to place the commands would be appreciated! &{template:2Edefault}{{name=@{selected|token_name}} {{subtitle=@{selected|level}st Level @{selected|class}} Turns the Undead}}{{Attempt Roll = [[1D20]]}}{{Skeleton = [[10]]}}{{Zombie = [[13]]}}{{Ghoul = [[16]]}}{{Shadow = [[19]]}}{{Wight = [[20]]}}{{If Successful [[2D6]] UNDEAD ARE TURNED!}}{{***Turned Undead***: Are cast out by the power and might of MAGRYND!}}{{D ~ Undead are Destroyed!}}{{D* ~ An additional [[2d4]] undead are turned}} ~Maxwell You have unmatched closing brackets. Your  @{selected|class}} has 2 closing brackets but should only have one. Also your selection for the level is wrong. You need to define which of the 5 level fields you want to use. Here is a working version of your macro assuming a priest is doing the turning: &{template:2Edefault} {{name=@{selected|token_name} }} {{subtitle=@{selected|level-class3}st Level @{selected|class3} Turns the Undead}} {{Attempt Roll = [[1D20]]}} {{Skeleton = [[10]]}} {{Zombie = [[13]]}} {{Ghoul = [[16]]}} {{Shadow = [[19]]}} {{Wight = [[20]]}} {{If Successful [[2D6]] UNDEAD ARE TURNED!}} {{***Turned Undead***: Are cast out by the power and might of MAGRYND!}} {{D ~ Undead are Destroyed!}}{{D* ~ An additional [[2d4]] undead are turned}}
Peter, Thank you,  I'm still a novice with macros and appreciate the help. Is there a way to change the header from green to red? ~Max
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Maxwell said: Peter, Thank you,  I'm still a novice with macros and appreciate the help. Is there a way to change the header from green to red? ~Max Yes just add  {{color=red}} To The macro
When I add that to the end of the macro the words Color  Red shows up in the dialogue box, but the header color isn't changed. Does it make a difference that the DM is using the simple version of the character sheet?
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Maxwell said: When I add that to the end of the macro the words Color  Red shows up in the dialogue box, but the header color isn't changed. Does it make a difference that the DM is using the simple version of the character sheet? Yes! The simple (blue) and The revised (red) Are completely different sheets with different attributes.  The only similarity is that the roll templates were copied from The blue to The red sheet like 5 years ago. I have since upgraded the templates with more functionality. So if you Are using The blue sheet then this is The wrong thread to be asking questions in general. I don't know if the blue sheet is still being Developed or if it has a forum thread for questions. 
Well, at least I know now... the DM chose the simple sheet, so it is what it is. I apprecite you responding to my several questions!
You may change the color of the header of the default template on the AD2E simple (blue) sheet by adding some CSS. Below is a (dirty) example of a rolltemplate styling using CSS directly into a macro. &{template:2Edefault}{{name=[@{selected|token_name}](#" style="color: white;background: #a01616;display: block;margin: -8px -6px 0px;border-top-style: solid;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-style: transparent;border-left-style: solid;border-color: black;border-width: 1px;border-radius: 8px;padding:8px 0px 0px;text-decoration: none)}}{{subtitle=[@{selected|class} level @{selected|level}, turns the Undead](#" style="color: white;background: #a01616;display: block;margin: -7px -5px -7px;border-top-style: transparent;border-right-style: solid;border-bottom-style: solid;border-left-style: solid;border-color: black;border-width: 0px;padding: 8px 0px 4px;text-decoration: none)}}{{[0](#" hidden)=}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[1]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD**, Skeleton ......... **10** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ........... **13** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **16** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **19** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight .............. **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[2]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD**, Skeleton .......... **7** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ........... **10** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **13** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **16** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight .............. **19** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast .............. **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[3]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD**, Skeleton .......... **4** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ............ **7** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **10** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **13** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight .............. **16** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast .............. **19** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[4]]]]](#" hidden)=**[- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD**, Skeleton .......... **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ............ **4** **[3 ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul ............... **7** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **10** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight .............. **13** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast .............. **16** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **19** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy ........... **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[5]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD, Skeleton ......... [T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ............ **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **4** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **7** **[3-4](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight ............. **10** [**3-4 HDD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast ............. **13** **[3-4](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............ **16** **[3-4](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy .......... **19** **[3-4](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ........... **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[6]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD**, Skeleton .......... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** [**3 - HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ............ **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **4** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight .............. **7** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast ............. **10** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............ **13** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy .......... **16** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ........... **19** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire .......... **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[7]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD**, Skeleton ............ **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3 ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul ................ **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** [ ](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3 ](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight ................ **4** [**3-4 HD**,](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast ................ **7** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **10** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy ........... **13** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ............ **16** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire ........... **19** **[-](#" style="visibility:hidden)10 HD**, Ghost ............... **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[8]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD, Skeleton ........... [D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ............ **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul ............... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** [ ](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ............ **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight ............... **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast ............... **4** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith .............. **7** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy .......... **10** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ........... **13** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire .......... **16** **[- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)10 HD**, Ghost .............. **19** **+11 HD**, Lich ................. **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[9]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD, Skeleton ........... [D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul ............... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** [ ](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ............ **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight ............... **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast .............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **4** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy ........... **7** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ........... **10** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire .......... **13** **[- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)10 HD**, Ghost .............. **16** **+11 HD**, Lich ................. **19** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Special ............. **20**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[10]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3 - ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD, Skeleton ......... [D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [**3 - 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3 - ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast .............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy ........... **4** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ............ **7** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire .......... **10** **[- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)10 HD**, Ghost .............. **13** **+11 HD**, Lich ................. **16** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Special ............. **19**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[11]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3 - ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD, Skeleton ......... [D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [**3 - 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3 - ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast .............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy ........... **4** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ............ **7** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire .......... **10** **[- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)10 HD**, Ghost .............. **13** **+11 HD**, Lich ................. **16** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Special ............. **19**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[12]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD, Skeleton ......... [D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight ............... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy ........... **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ............ **4** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire ........... **7** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)10 HD**, Ghost .............. **10** **+11 HD**, Lich ................. **13** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Special ............. **16**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[13]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD, Skeleton ......... [D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight ............... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy ........... **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ............ **4** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire ........... **7** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)10 HD**, Ghost .............. **10** **+11 HD**, Lich ................. **13** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Special ............. **16**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[14]]]]](#" hidden)=**[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)1 HD, Skeleton ......... [D](#" style="text-decoration: dashed" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [**3- 4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Zombie ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)2 HD**, Ghoul .............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [-](#" style="visibility:hidden)**3-4 HD**, Shadow ........... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** **[3- ](#" style="visibility:hidden)5 HD**, Wight ............... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)*** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Ghast ............... **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)6 HD**, Wraith ............. **[D](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Dispel**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "D" (for "dispel", means the turning utterly destroys the undead.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)7 HD**, Mummy ........... **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)8 HD**, Spectre ............ **[T](#" style="text-decoration: none" class="showtip" title="**Turned**%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%The letter "T" (for "turned", means the attempt is automatically successful without a die roll.)** **[3-](#" style="visibility:hidden)9 HD**, Vampire ........... **4** **[-](#" style="visibility:hidden)10 HD**, Ghost ............... **7** **+11 HD**, Lich ................. **10** [**3-4 HD**, ](#" style="visibility:hidden)Special ............. **13**}}{{[2](#" hidden)=By the power and might of [@{selected|kit}](#" style="color:orange;font-weight:bold;text-decoration:none;cursor:text) **[[2d6[AFFECTED UNDEAD]]] Undead are cast out**}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[8]]*3]]](#" hidden)=*: an additional [[2d4[ADDITIONAL UNDEAD]]] creatures of this type are turned}}{{[[[{(@{selected|level}+(?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0})),0}kh1>[[9]]*4]]](#" hidden)=*Special creatures* include: unique and free-willed undead certain Greater & Lesser Powers Outer Planes [creatures](#" style="color:gray;border-bottom:dashed;border-width:1px" class="showtip" title="**ADnD 2E/2.5E:**%NEWLINE%only Outer Plane undead%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%**Sage Advice #248 p. 22:**%NEWLINE%every Outer Plane creatures)}}{{[0](#" hidden)=[ability: ?{1/1 - Turn Undead, input any modifier to the level this ability is cast at (e.g. Paladins = -2)|+0} level(s)](#" style="color:gray;border-bottom:dashed;border-width:1px;text-decoration:none" class="showtip" title="**PHB p. 137 / DMG p. 96:**%NEWLINE%Paladins turn undead as priests who are 2 levels lower.%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%**Dragon Magazine #236 p. 15:**%NEWLINE%Heralars are able to turn undead as if they were 2 levels higher.%NEWLINE%%NEWLINE%**Faith and Avatars p. 92:**%NEWLINE%Morninglords turn undead creatures at four levels higher than their listed level if the undead is affected by direct sunlight.) **Roll:** [[d20[ROLL]]]}} It should display such result with the simple sheet: Character level -6 level 7-8 level 9+ showing hint 1 (mouse over) showing hint 2 (mouse over) showing hint 3 (mouse over) On the simple sheet, in order to obtain the result above, the following attributes must be filled: - @{name} - @{class} - @{level} - @{kit} (for Deity name)* *If the attribute @{kit} is already used in your games, you may want to create @{deity} on your sheet. Don't forget to modify the macro in such case. Feel free to modify the macro to suits your needs.

Edited 1711148564
Sheet Author
Erik H. said: You may change the color of the header of the default template on the AD2E simple (blue) sheet by adding some CSS. Below is a (dirty) example of a rolltemplate styling using CSS directly into a macro. Very nice Erik! Lol I just added a turn undead macro to the 1e revised sheet(wip) last night.  I might have to "borrow" your tool tips. ;-)
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Wow Erik H! After 3 years I still learn something new! I had No idea you could write your own Mouse over text! This brings so many new possibilities! Thank you for sharing your knowledge! 

Edited 1711193360
Erik, Wow, Thank you - very impressive! Way above my meager and novice attempts! ~Max

Edited 1711194857
I run a 1e AD&D game - are there any resources for a list of templates for that character sheet? Also, for the 2e Simple Sheet - is there scripting to allow a macro to target a weapon in a list? For the 1e sheet @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0 selects the first weapon listed, and changing the "1" to another number selects the next weapon on the list.
I take no credits for any tricks used in my macro, I found them all in Keith 's thread "Roll20 Tips and Tricks (Innovative Solutions to Common Problems)" available here on these forum. Tricks used in my macro: - overwriting fields template in macros (by Oosh ) - html styles in chat (by Oosh ) - tooltips for links,  roll buttons, etc... (by RainbowEncoder ) - inserting a newline in chat (by Kyle E. ) Note : despite many attempts, I couldn't find a way to color the text inside the tooltip. But whole tooltip can become a clickable link to open a handout, a character sheet or even trigger another macro. We just have to replace the # character with a link. Example: [@{selected|kit}](#" style="...) becomes: [@{selected|kit}](http_link_here" style="...) --- I may be wrong but it appears there is no option to select a particular row in a repeating section while using a macro for the AD2E simple sheet. --- As for the AD1E sheet, I can't find any info on the wiki about how to use the roll template. By reading the sheet code on github, we can see several examples of the 2 available templates: &{template:general} {{color=@{color_option}}} {{name=@{character_name}}} {{subtag=Saving Throw}} {{Spells=[[?{Mod?|0}+1d20cs>@{savespells}cf<@{savespells}]]}} {{Mod Applied=?{Mod?|0}}} &{template:attacks} {{color=@{color_option}}} {{name=@{character_name}}} {{subtag=THACO}} {{ToHitAC-10to0=@{THAC0-10}|@{THAC0-9}|@{THAC0-8}|@{THAC0-7}|@{THAC0-6}|@{THAC0-5}|@{THAC0-4}|@{THAC0-3}|@{THAC0-2}|@{THAC0-1}|**@{THAC00}**}} {{ToHitAC1to10=**@{THAC00}**|@{THAC01}|@{THAC02}|@{THAC03}|@{THAC04}|@{THAC05}|@{THAC06}|@{THAC07}|@{THAC08}|@{THAC09}|@{THAC010} }}
Thanks Erik - I am learning as I go, so your insights are appreciated!
Sheet Author
Maxwell said: I run a 1e AD&D game - are there any resources for a list of templates for that character sheet? Also, for the 2e Simple Sheet - is there scripting to allow a macro to target a weapon in a list? For the 1e sheet @{selected|repeating_weapon_$0 selects the first weapon listed, and changing the "1" to another number selects the next weapon on the list. The 1e revised sheet will be "nearly" backward compatible with the current 1e sheet.  The current sheet has a very basic roll template which is really just for chat layout.  It does take the custom color from the sheet settings but really doesn't include any logic.  I am planning on including a sheet guide for the revised update that will provide details about the new roll templates being used. Cheers p.s. Apologies to Peter and the 2e community for being off-topic. ;-)
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Erik H. said: I take no credits for any tricks used in my macro, I found them all in Keith 's thread "Roll20 Tips and Tricks (Innovative Solutions to Common Problems)" available here on these forum. Tricks used in my macro: - overwriting fields template in macros (by Oosh ) - html styles in chat (by Oosh ) - tooltips for links,  roll buttons, etc... (by RainbowEncoder ) - inserting a newline in chat (by Kyle E. ) I really need to read through that post again. All my work updating data for the sheet has really gotten me out of the loop on interesting ways to build the sheet.

Edited 1712630866
I don't know if I am being stupid but... When a player rolls a concealed door check (human, so it should a 1 on a d6, otherwise fail), the die roll says "6 </= 6 success!". So that means a roll that should be 1 in 6 is 6 in 6. When I use the "elf/half-elf passing within 10 feet" function it does a 1 in 3, which should also be a 1 in 6. Am I missing something? The 1 in 3 should only be for elves/half-elves who are actively searching for a concealed door, not just passing by and the human roll should be 1 in 6 when searching, not 6 in 6? And just because I am me... Is there any way to automatically sort the spells at least alphbetically? This is AWESOME btw!   
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Ischkiara said: I don't know if I am being stupid but... When a player rolls a concealed door check (human, so it should a 1 on a d6, otherwise fail), the die roll says "6 &lt;/= 6 success!". So that means a roll that should be 1 in 6 is 6 in 6. When I use the "elf/half-elf passing within 10 feet" function it does a 1 in 3, which should also be a 1 in 6. Am I missing something? The 1 in 3 should only be for elves/half-elves who are actively searching for a concealed door, not just passing by and the human roll should be 1 in 6 when searching, not 6 in 6? And just because I am me... Is there any way to automatically sort the spells at least alphbetically? This is AWESOME btw!&nbsp; &nbsp; Hello Ischkiara You can read about the feature in the change log post here:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Your confusion is mainly down to the cryptic way 2E information is presented and is inconsistent between the books In short there are two different kinds of hidden doors defined in AD&amp;D 2E: Concealed: &nbsp;These are regular doors hidden behind a curtain or under a rug Secret: &nbsp;Built to be secret, such as rotating bookcase or a sliding wall As for finding these doors there are also two different ways of noticing them: Active search: &nbsp;This is when a player says "I search for a concealed/secret door" Passive search: This is when a player just walks by an area that has a hidden door. As for rules, only elves and half elves have rules for finding these door in the PHB : Elf / Half-elf Find hidden door matrix Concealed Secret Active 3 in 6 chance 2 in 6 chance Passive 1 in 6 chance Not mentioned The other races are not mentioned and left to Sage Advice to clear up. Sage Advice #152 p. 14 (December 1989), Question: 18 Can nonelven characters find secret or concealed doors?  Yes. Generally, the chance for them to do so is one in six, only if the character is actively searching a 10' section of a surface. Sage Advice #273 p. 114 (July 2000), Question: 4 How does a character who is not an elf find a secret door?  A human or other non-elf finds a secret door on a roll of "1" on 1d6. It requisite 10 minutes per 20-foot wall section. Now the DMG &nbsp;also have rules on the topic. On page 176 the following is written: Any search for concealed doors will reveal them, and once found they can be opened normally. Notice no race is mentioned making this a 6 in 6 chance for any race to find a concealed door! Now for the implementation on the sheet Active search concealed doors: I decided to use the DMG description, that says "any search reveal the door". You can add a die roll to determine if a character decided to look behind a curtain or under a rug, or you can roleplay it out, but mechanically I think the DMG is correct. It is pretty hard to not see a regular door behind a curtain if you are looking. Passive search concealed doors (elf): &nbsp;You are correct, the PHB says elves have a 1 in 6 to passively find a concealed door and a 3 in 6 to actively find a concealed door. Since the DMG's guaranteed, 6 in 6 chance, of actively finding a concealed door for any race is way better than an elves 3 in 6 chance, I opted to move the elves 3 in 6 from active search to passive, so that it wasn't lost. This is a departure from the PHB and it could be argued that the passive should stay at 1 in 6 chance. If you prefer the 1 in 6 chance for a passive search, then you can either add a -2 modifier when rolling the button, or I can update the sheet to have a field where you can defined what the value should be. I am happy to add a field, as the current implementation is essentially a house rule to sort out the confusion of the books.
Peter B.
Sheet Author
I have previously been asked if it was possible to donate money to me, so now I have made a Ko-Fi account to handle it:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> I want to be clear. I do not expect anything from anyone. I do the work because I find it interesting and because I always wanted to do it. I do not intend to make any perks, goals, benefits, or goals for those who donate, as I simply do not want to maintain that kind of stuff. This is purely for those who want to give some money because they want to do it.
Hey there, first of all huge thank you for all this work, I can enjoy my game in roll20 too now! I just managed to finish my reading and test drive of the sheet and stumbled upon a couple situations that I am missing something and its not working as expected.&nbsp; On the Spells tab, under Priest Caster Level whenever I try to fill it i get @{undefined} and the Spell slot level does not change ( I presumed that It should update based on the level of the caster or should I manually add that Level slot?)&nbsp; Is there a way to define the caster level? On the Info tab underneath EXP, for the life of me i cannot figure out what is the proper way of adding exp. Do I add them to the Gained exp, see what is the Prime req exp total and move it to the Current exp having to clear the gained afterwords (it seems weird to me) because it adds them again to the total if not deleted.&nbsp;
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Nick M. said: Hey there, first of all huge thank you for all this work, I can enjoy my game in roll20 too now! I just managed to finish my reading and test drive of the sheet and stumbled upon a couple situations that I am missing something and its not working as expected.&nbsp; Thank you. I am glad you like the work I put in. I am still doing more so look forward to that! :) On the Spells tab, under Priest Caster Level whenever I try to fill it i get @{undefined} and the Spell slot level does not change ( I presumed that It should update based on the level of the caster or should I manually add that Level slot?)&nbsp; Is there a way to define the caster level? Yeah that might a bit confusing. I need a better design to highlight what is automated and what is manual on the sheet. The&nbsp; Priest Caster Level &nbsp;is only used for spell level scaling. You are suppose to select one of the suggested options, to link it to the level of your character. If you placed your priest's level as intended on the Details &nbsp;tab, then&nbsp; Priest Caster Level &nbsp;should have the values "@{level-class3}" to reference that. If you later get an item or spell effect that increase your casting level, such as the Combine spell or the N ecklace of prayer&nbsp; beads &nbsp;that increase your casting level by, for instance 4, then the value in&nbsp; Priest Caster Level &nbsp;should be "@{level-class3}+4" Spell slots are not tied to caster level. When your class levels up you are suppose to update the Level &nbsp;field with how many spell slots you gain for the current spell level and class level, i.e. the number listed in the table for your class.&nbsp; The bonus slots from Wisdom is automatically updated based on your Wisdom, if you have 13 or above and say yes to being a priest when the pop up asks you. On the Info tab underneath EXP, for the life of me i cannot figure out what is the proper way of adding exp. Do I add them to the Gained exp, see what is the Prime req exp total and move it to the Current exp having to clear the gained afterwords (it seems weird to me) because it adds them again to the total if not deleted.&nbsp; You are doing it exactly right. You input your current EXP, then when you gain more you put it into the Gained EXP. At the bottom you see the two new total: Current + Gained Current + Gained + Bonus If you have a bonus you copy that, if you dont copy the first value and put it in Current. Now finally delete the Gained field to be ready for the next EXP award. This section is on my improve list to make it more intuitive. Having two different totals is a product of the sheets time, and simply needs to be completely removed. If you have any more questions feel free to ask me. I am always glad to help getting the sheet up and running for new players!
Thank you so much for the quick response! It makes sense now! That part with the spells was the only one that tricked me that something was expected to happen but it was not :P the rest were pretty straight forward when I took the time to experiment. The exp indeed need a better way most importantly because it would be really easy to mess up when you do the transferring form one to another or if you added something wrong and trying to change it, while forgetting the values i think. But for us it will be easy since I will record keep exp on discord and then transfer them to the sheet after to be safe.&nbsp; I already introduced the sheet to 4 of my 5 brand new 2e players and those two were our only questions so far! So it works great for new players.&nbsp; Can't wait to bring the last one in and get this new campaign going.&nbsp;
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Nick M. said: Thank you so much for the quick response! It makes sense now! That part with the spells was the only one that tricked me that something was expected to happen but it was not :P the rest were pretty straight forward when I took the time to experiment. The exp indeed need a better way most importantly because it would be really easy to mess up when you do the transferring form one to another or if you added something wrong and trying to change it, while forgetting the values i think. But for us it will be easy since I will record keep exp on discord and then transfer them to the sheet after to be safe.&nbsp; I already introduced the sheet to 4 of my 5 brand new 2e players and those two were our only questions so far! So it works great for new players.&nbsp; Can't wait to bring the last one in and get this new campaign going.&nbsp; I am happy to hear that a bit of experimentation and testing taught you all you needed. That is my goal. I look forward to hear how your players find the sheet, whats good/bad, clear/confusing, easy/cumbersome, etc. Once your campaign gets going please provide some feedback on how everything feels :)
Hello, I love your sheet for the game my friend is running. I am playing a wild magic wizard. Is there a way to tie that into affecting my spells, based on the table in the Tome of Magic? Also, is there any way to enable signature spells from the players option spells and magic?
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Danny L. said: Hello, I love your sheet for the game my friend is running. I am playing a wild magic wizard. Is there a way to tie that into affecting my spells, based on the table in the Tome of Magic? Also, is there any way to enable signature spells from the players option spells and magic? Hello Danny.&nbsp; There is no in-built way to add wild magic, but I assume you could add the random level scaling fairly easy by using a rollable table and adding that to your Wizard Casting Level. As for The random spells fire off by a wild surge, as of right now you will have to handle them manually. With the current setup of the sheet, it is not really feasible to include it, due to technical limitations.&nbsp; I don't recall the rules or descriptions for signature spells. How I remember them they Are just personal versions of a spell. In order to support that you can always add your own spell without using The autofill. I need to reread the rules about signature spells to give a more precise answer.&nbsp;
Hi, Love this character sheet, but I would ask if it is possible, could it be set so when rolling off the sheet does so as that character from whose sheet you hit the roll button.&nbsp; Right now if I have to change "As" Gm or other character name every time before I hit the button or just have it look like me the GM instead of the monster or npc or character I am rolling for from the character sheet Hope that makes sense/you get my meaning. Thanks&nbsp;
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Brian L. said: Hi, Love this character sheet, but I would ask if it is possible, could it be set so when rolling off the sheet does so as that character from whose sheet you hit the roll button.&nbsp; Right now if I have to change "As" Gm or other character name every time before I hit the button or just have it look like me the GM instead of the monster or npc or character I am rolling for from the character sheet Hope that makes sense/you get my meaning. Thanks&nbsp; I would love that as well! Sadly it is not possible as far as I know due to technical reasons between the Character sheet and the VTT. Hopefully this feature could be made in the future when the new BEACON framework gets released, but it will take a long time as the entire sheet needs to be rewritten to use the new API.

Edited 1726162369
Peter B.
Sheet Author
AD&amp;D More Grenades-like misses, magical items, and Scaling scroll failure! 4.21.0! Github PR: Pull Request Hello everyone.&nbsp; I took a break from spell work to do something a bit more fun. Enjoy! New features More Grenade-like misses Spell Grenade-like miss I recent had a game where our wizard used Melf’s Minute Meteor. That spell requires an attack roll and every miss is treated like a Grenade-like missile. Our Wizard needed to throw 11 meteors, 5 per round, and his terrible THAC0 forced me to fill out the Grenade-like miss a lot of times, needing me to fill the 5 popups so many times motivated me to make it easier! So I decided to add some spells to options when clicking the button, which are auto filled. Even better is that many spells always operate as thrown at short distance, which eliminates the popup for distance, making the spells even faster! Here are some images of the new pre-filled rolls: Boulder Grenade-like misses Since I was already doing grenade-like logic I decided to add boulders as well. These function a bit differently that other grenade-like missiles because they bounce and roll instead of scatter. Sometimes they roll in a straight line, and sometimes they bounce either left or right and roll in away from the line they were thrown. Straight roll Left or right roll The size of the boulder, 2 feet, is not hard defined in any book. After a lot of discussion with other players in which it was concluded that the boulders thrown by giants were probably between 1-2 feet in diameter, I opted for the larger size of 2-foot diameter. If you prefer your boulders smaller or larger, you can handle that on a case by case basis. The damage of boulders also vary from who throws it so there is a popup for you to input the damage roll for the boulder: Damage input Damage roll Monster Grenade-like misses Since most boulder throwing creatures are monster, I opted to add the grenade-like miss button to the monster sheet as well On the monster sheet the rolls of course follow the visibility setting defined on the Sheet Settings &nbsp;tab&nbsp;allowing the DM to roll the miss secretly so the players are not sure of what exactly they were hit by. Public Only to GM The damage rolls are formatted a bit different to be consistent with the other rolls on the monster sheet. Miscellaneous Magical Items section You guys have been asking for a dedicated place to put miscellaneous magical items and now it is here. Since magical items often have charges, the “Qty” input has been changed for “Charges”. I also added a small section with notes on initiative and disruption information. Rods, Staves, and Wands section Just as with miscellaneous magical items, you guys have also been asking for a dedicated section for rods, staves, and wands, so here you go! Since rods, staves, and wands often have charges, a section for this has been added. You can also record the maximum number of charges, so you can see how far up you can recharge it. Same as above, this also have a small section for initiative and disruption information The Rods, Staves, and Wands section is placed below the miscellaneous magical items, as it is primarily only casters who can use these. Reordered scroll information To increase readability and prepare for the automatic scaling, the information has been reordered a bit. Before After Automatic scaling scroll failure I have been asked to make Scroll Spell Failure scale automatically with level, and now I have added it. Is the solution elegant? No. Is it pretty? No. Does it work? Yes!&nbsp; Is it a bit clunky to use? Yes... Scroll spell failure rules Scroll spell failure system selection After picking a failure system the sheet will try its best to update your scrolls with new logic. If you are missing a level in one of the relevant class fields, then an error will be shows: Caster Roge Multi-class As long as the spell level and class is present in the {{splevel=}} field then the failure chance of the scroll should be found. However, if you use a different format for your spells, and the spell in question is not part of the spell database, then it is likely the failure chance of a scroll cannot be found. Any such scrolls will be reported in an info box: The system automatically checks the correct caster class based on if the scroll added is a wizard or priest scroll. As for rogues, the sheet has no way of knowing if you play a Thief or a Bard, so you will need to pick the correct class. As seen above. there are multiple different ways to handle scroll failure. Casters has two primary ways. Thieves and Bards each have their own failure percentage, and finally there are two ways of handling Dual/Multi-classes. This gives 8 different combinations for how to handle dual/multi-classes, all of which has been added as seen above. Single-class Multi-class Use best Multi-class select class The popup when selecting a class to use sadly could not show you what your percentage chance is for each class. This is a technical limitation at the moment, that I might find a way round if needed at a later time. Rogue To ensure rogues do not cheat and use their ability to read scrolls too soon, the formula for rogue failure checks if the rogue is above 10th level. If the rogue is below 10th level, the failure will be 100%. This is not totally book accurate as thieves below 10th level simply cannot use scrolls at all, which means they cannot fail, but it was the best solution to handle all the edge cases. It also removes the need for Multi-class rogue/spellcasters to start out by picking the “Single class caster” option, and then later picking the “Multi-class” caster. Dual-classes Note for Dual-classes. The character sheet does not know if you active class is above all your other classes, so you will be treated as a multi-class / a dual-class where the active class is higher level than all the other classes. This means that while your active class is below the other classes you will have to pick the correct system for your single class. Concealed / Secret doors notes cleanup I cleanup the hidden doors notes a bit to increase readability Before After That is all folks! I hope you enjoy this update. As always if you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me!
Jacob R.
This sheet is seriously insane. They work you have done is pretty amazing. I don't (currently) play AD&amp;D but now I wish I did :D :D
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Jacob R. said: This sheet is seriously insane. They work you have done is pretty amazing. I don't (currently) play AD&amp;D but now I wish I did :D :D Thank you for your praises. It is never too late to start playing 2E. Grab a book and get going! I hope you start and find it fun!
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Important update for Jumpgate TL;DR: If you make a new game right now, do not &nbsp;select Jumpgate! Create a "normal" game. I have recently just tried to make my first game with Jumpgate . There seems to be big issues with autofilling fields, such as weapons, proficiencies, spells and the likes. I have made some quick tests between a normal game and a Jumpgate game, and the normal game character sheets tend to perform much better! I have not found the source of the bug when using Jumpgate, but the early research indicate that the error lies with Roll20. I will make a bug report for Roll20 for the hopes that they get Jumpgate fixed.
Sheet Author
Not sure if it's at all related Peter, but there appears to be a weird bug in Jumpgate where sheet events fail to trigger on the odd numbered attribute (ie the first and every other). <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Peter B.
Sheet Author
vÍnce said: Not sure if it's at all related Peter, but there appears to be a weird bug in Jumpgate where sheet events fail to trigger on the odd numbered attribute (ie the first and every other). <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> This is exactly what I was experiencing, but I could not validate it with logs, because the I cannot make a Jumpgate Sandbox game. I will check out your link. Thank you for chiming in!&nbsp;
Sheet Author
It's seems like a very strange bug.&nbsp; It could be causing problems for lots of sheets that rely on events to cascade calcs.
this is a weird request I know; but I want to switch non weapon profficiencies to % roll. I'm a pro user but not skilled at CSS or any of that, but I do learn quickly lf anyone can tell me how I might go about that.&nbsp;&nbsp; Thanks in advance!
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Scott M. said: this is a weird request I know; but I want to switch non weapon profficiencies to % roll. I'm a pro user but not skilled at CSS or any of that, but I do learn quickly lf anyone can tell me how I might go about that.&nbsp;&nbsp; Thanks in advance! Hey Scroll M. You need to do a couple of things to get this working: Download the source code from github:&nbsp; <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> Open the file called "2ESheet.html" Edit line 4312 Create a custom game and upload the "2ESheet.html" as the code for the custom game Line 4312 Before &lt;td&gt;&lt;button type="roll" name="roll_Prof" title="%{repeating_profs_$X_Prof}" value="&amp;{template:2Echeck} {{checkvs=@{profname} Check}} {{character=@{character_name}}} {{success=You made your check by [[ abs( ([[1d20cs1cf20]])-([[(@{profstatnum})+(@{profmod} [Modifier])+(@{misc-mod})]]) ) ]]}} {{fail=You missed your check by $[[2]]}} {{crit=You made your check by $[[2]]}} {{fumble=You failed despite your best efforts}} {{checkroll=$[[0]]}} {{checktarget=$[[1]]}} {{color=dark-blue}}"&gt;&lt;/button&gt;&lt;/td&gt; Line 4312 After &lt;td&gt;&lt;button type="roll" name="roll_Prof" title="%{repeating_profs_$X_Prof}" value="&amp;{template:2Echeck} {{checkvs=@{profname} Check}} {{character=@{character_name}}} {{success=You made your check by [[ abs( ([[1d100cs1cf100]])-([[(@{profstatnum})+(@{profmod} [Modifier])+(@{misc-mod})]]) ) ]]}} {{fail=You missed your check by $[[2]]}} {{crit=You made your check by $[[2]]}} {{fumble=You failed despite your best efforts}} {{checkroll=$[[0]]}} {{checktarget=$[[1]]}} {{color=dark-blue}}"&gt;&lt;/button&gt;&lt;/td&gt; Now the roll will be 1d100 instead of 1d20 The above change only&nbsp; changes the dice. It does not change the value it is checking against, so it is up to you to change the input in the ability score and modifier fields so that the value makes sense in your game. Furthermore the underlying roll templates are also unchanged so a critical failure will only happen on a nat 1, and a critical success will only happen on a nat 100. If you need more advanced corrections for your games, then it is up to you to figure that out, as every change has cascading effects that will influence other things, which quickly makes it elaborate to explain all of the interactions in the sheet.
thanks! This looks fairly easy, and it's the only change I need to make.&nbsp;
So do I have to use Windows on this? It looks that way. I can borrow another computer in the house if that's the case.&nbsp;
Peter B.
Sheet Author
Scott M. said: So do I have to use Windows on this? It looks that way. I can borrow another computer in the house if that's the case.&nbsp; Windows as in Microsoft Windows, the operating system? No, you can use Mac or Linux. This is just text and is web based. You have to host a game using a custom sheet and upload the code to Roll20. You can find guides on how to do that elsewhere.