1) Dragging out a new token and then moving it 2) Yes - animations from the marketplace. Animated Light Effects, Animated Mist & Fog, Animated Smoke Effects, Animated Lights. Happens most often with mist/smoke/fog, usually when clicking to another browser tab and going back. 3) It's not even big animations either, it can just be a few small fire glow animations and a song, and depending on a) How Roll20's servers are doing and b) how good the computer or the computer's internet connection is, the music will start stuttering. It's using way too much of something. Lavi said: Hi Briar - very happy we solved what appeared to be the grey overlays! It was due to slightly different shaders (color contrasts) in Jumpgate that have been updated to match Legacy! Wanted to follow up with you on the couple of the other issues you mentioned: 1) Duplicate of token appearing - we definitely recognize it's an issue from your video, but we're not having luck reproducing it. Is there a pattern you may have noticed when this tends to happen? Would you be able to share console logs when this happens - it might help us see if there's an error that's occurring and help narrow down the variables. 2) Animations stopping - are you using animations from the marketplace? If so, could you point me to the exact animation/pack name where you are experiencing this? Are there additional circumstances you noticed that could be common when this happens? 3) Music stuttering - thank you for sharing the info around impact of 5+ animations - we'll be taking a look to see if we can replicate the issue with this additional information Thanks again for taking the time to detail these! Briar said: Problems I am still experiencing: When I either drag a new token onto a page and then move it, or edit a token and then move, it leaves behind another copy of the token until I refresh I am still getting music stuttering issues when playing music & also have multiple animations on the page (more than 5 generally) if: the computer or connection is not good, or if Roll20's servers are slow. Sat night I played a game where half of my players were experiencing music stuttering and stopping and starting because of a couple fog animations and some glowing lights animations for braziers etc. The music stuttering stopped when I removed some animations. Although it's improved from the old structure, I still think there is something to be done about how much resources the animations are using, and could use more optimization I am also still seeing some animations stopping and not starting again until I refresh If I drag out a player character token onto the board, it drags out the level 1 version (like 9 hit points, etc), unless I load the character sheet first, and then drag the character token out. Here's a couple screen recordings of the duplicate token issue and the character sheet/token issue: <a href="https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MVvUB8ZBFyr70sEJlxZDaRMK4mDU0hrS?usp=sharing" rel="nofollow">https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1MVvUB8ZBFyr70sEJlxZDaRMK4mDU0hrS?usp=sharing</a> On the bright side, the grey overlay animation issue looks to be resolved! The above were the most frustrating parts of running the game, and if were fixed I think would make Jumpgate very solid for me.