Hi Doug, Rick and Keith - We released an update a couple of hours ago that ensures that Mod (API) scripts are also present in the Classic copy of the game when using "Convert to Jumpgate" from within the VTT. We hope this really eases the process to convert games from Classic to Jumpgate. We also took this opportunity to extend this capability - now the option to copy Mods (API) scripts is available when copying ANY game . Thanks again for highlighting this! Lavi said: Doug and Rick - thanks for highlighting this difference that when you "convert to jumpgate," the game is missing mods/apis. The team is actively taking a look at how to get this working. I'll keep thread updated next week on the progress or solution. keithcurtis said: Doug E. said: keithcurtis said: Doug E. said: When converting an existing game, will the Legacy copy that is created also keep the players and mods? I mean, why would I want to do this rather than just copy a game and check the Jumpgate button? Especially if I have to re-add the mods anyway? Hi Doug! Copied games have never been able to duplicate the mods. There is a technical reason for this, but it's above my head. I'm not sure what you mean by "the Legacy copy that is created", if you are converting a legacy game to Jumpgate, it is the Jumpgate game that is being created. The legacy game is untouched. As for why keep the players in the old game, I suspect so that if the whole prcoess goes awray, you can always fall back on your old, intact game. You can boot players from the old game or delete it if you have no intention of using it again. I'm referring to here where is says, "When you "Convert to Jumgpate" from within the VTT, a legacy backup copy will be created and accessible on your "My Games" page." My point is that it is a feature that I will never use unless it also copies the mods (which I didn't expect to but there is always hope). To my mind, it is far better to just copy the game with the Jumpgate option. Thanks, I had never even seen that, always using the "make a Jumpgate copy" route.