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LF Players Interested in our D&D 4th Edition Campaign (New Players Extremely Welcome) (EST Time)

Hello my name is Alex, and my group is currently looking for players. This is my first time DMing a campaign so I'm going to make a lot of mistakes. Most of our group consists of players that are semi-new or fairly new, So I'm especially welcoming to fresh players preferred over veterans I greatly detest rule lawyers & jerks, so If you believe you aren't either, please leave a comment below saying your interested. I also accept veterans but as a New Gm would prefer if they would go easy on me, as I'm totally new to the role, and take criticism well to an extent. Leave a comment below if your interested, or add me on skype Wrath110 if you have any questions/comments/concerns Thanks & hope to hear from you soon
We currently have 3 players at this time, I'd prefer to end off with 4- 6
What day and time? How often?
Friday October 10 6:00PM Eastern Daylight Time Once every 2 weeks So October 10th, 24th, Nov 7th Ect All Pcs start at Level 5
Damn, Friday is when I get together for board gaming with friends. Ah well.
Still Looking for players
Its also in line as a Evil campaign So preferably characters with Neutral or Evil Styles
Still looking for players
I would be interested in taking part in the campaign if you are still looking for players. I'm fairly new but have no problem learning.
same as assur, new but can learn. id love to join.
I sent both of you Private Messages
hi i have played 4e once and i would love to have a group again since unseen things broke up my las group
crap... nvm i would not be able to attend the October 10th sorry

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Hi Alex, dunno if you remember me, I actually applied for your other campaign but noticed that the time for this one suits my schedule better. I have a friend who is pretty keen too of you're willing to have us? We both have some experience in 4e and are happy to help new players learn as well as learn from them but at the same time, we are really open to DM creativity and home-brew stuff so no need to worry about rule lawyers as you say :) we are the kind of people who would mention if a ruling was made differently to the actual rule just in case you missed it but if you've intentionally made it so, we understand that DMs sometimes have to alter things to make stuff go in a certain direction for example :) Let me know what you think and I'll pass on any messages to my friend or better yet put him into direct contact with you :) Btw, big fan of the multiple campaigns running in the same universe :)
Looking for more players, Some details have changed but for the most part it is the same campaign Hello my name is Alex, and my group is currently looking for players. This is my first time DMing a campaign so I'm going to make a lot of mistakes. Most of our group consists of players that are semi-new or fairly new, So I'm especially welcoming to fresh players preferred over veterans I greatly detest rule lawyers & jerks, so If you believe you aren't either, please leave a comment below saying your interested. I also accept veterans but as a New Gm would prefer if they would go easy on me, as I'm totally new to the role, and take criticism well to an extent. Leave a comment below if your interested, or add me on skype Wrath110 if you have any questions/comments/concerns Thanks & hope to hear from you soon
Hi there I'm interested in joining the game listed for the 18th of October, I have some experience with DnD but this is my first time using roll20, I'll add you on skype, my user is cyborgobama btw
Bump Still looking for 2 more players!
Hey I've only played two one shots so I'm still really raw when it comes to tabletop rpgs but I'm totally looking to play more, I'm interested if you'd have me. Also, I was wondering if the above times are still the proposed schedule?

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I would really like to join you guys! I am a complete newbie, so if you don't mind teaching me the basics I am up for it!
I would love to join. I am new to roll 20. I have had a little experience with d&d 3.5 but never played 4th edition before. I had joined a group that was about to start and the gm ended up switching the schedule so I am no longer able to play with them. I was planning on playing a genasi swordmage.
I am interested in joining your game if you still have some room for a player. I don't have any experience with 4th edition but I have played a bit of 2nd and 3rd edition in the past and recently have been listening to some 4th edition d&d podcasts which have got me interested in playing again. I think I have a reasonable grasp of the rules and would really be interested in playing a Half Orc Fighter Brawler if you need someone with a bit of striker/controller in your game still.
Checking to see if you still need players. PM me if so.
Nice to meet you, names Priya Ive been looking for a new group to play with in 4e since i am in college. :D I would love to join if ur still lokking
If you still need players I'm a new player looking to join
I messaged you on Skype but I also want to message you on here too, Two experienced players who don't mind helping new players/gm's out. Message me if you need any info.
Hey I'd like to join too. Let me know if there is room
Hello, I don't know if there is still room but I would be very interested in joining and I am very new to D&D in general. Let me know if I can join, thanks.
It seems like the party's probably full, but if not I'd love to get in on the action. I've been looking for a good 4e game for a while, and this seems to be the ticket, although I might have found it a little too late...if not, I'd still love to join, and the time frame is perfect for me. I've got 4 characters already made, one of each role, although the fighter is my personal favorite. I've played a bunch of 3.5 and other systems, but I'm still something of a beginner in 4e. If there's any space left, I'd love to join in, thanks :)