Ok, Campaign: Hoard of the Dragon Queen Level: 6 Race: Any (including Aasimar from DMG) Class: Arcane Caster Starting gold: TBD Stats: 4d6d1 in game HP: Max at 1st lvl then roll (reroll 1's). Backgrounds: Any (including custom) Alignment: Any (but if evil you must talk with me about it first) Communications: Skype (Main), Google Hangout (backup). Voice Only. Experience : Any, but if you are new please read AT A MINIMUM the Basic Rules that are available on WoTC website. Having a PHB is a huge bonus. Rules : No rules lawyers No asshatery (determined by me but includes creating inner-party conflict, stealing from the party, intentionally derailing the campaign, etc...) SHOW UP . If you can't make a session, let me know in advance. Miss 1 session without notice and gone. Be on time. If you are going to be late, let me know. THIS IS NOT A 1 SHOT. We're looking for a long-term player that will continue with the group beyond the end of this campaign If interested PM me with your information, character idea, your role playing background, what types of characters you like to play, what types of games you enjoy (roleplay heavy, roll play heavy, dark, light, etc...)