Karankwan said: Hi everyone! First and foremost a massive thanks to Sam and his minions! I think it's outstanding what you guys put and are still putting together. I can't wait for the roll templates! I'm not sure if that's the right spot for making suggestions, but since I'm not good fiddling around with code I might as well bring it up here. Some small things that I encountered during my sessions, that I thought could be made even better. I'm aware that that's heavily dependent on your style of running a game on roll20 and using the character sheets, so this is purely subjective. - Would it be possible to add a concentration check in the NPC section for SLA and Spells? Preferably right next to the CL check? I always felt that one is missing, while the rest of the sheet strongly follows the NPC stat blocks that we're used to from the published adventures. In the stat blocks it usually says something like "Spell like Abilities: (CL 5th, Concentration +7) - Another thing that I came across is that some (not very many, but still a few) monsters have SLAs with different CLs and on top of that Spells from their class(es) with yet another CL. At the moment there is no way to deal with more than two CLs on the sheet (at least not comfortably). Again, I'm not good with codes so I have no clue how hard that might be, but wouldn't it be possible to implement an "Add" buttong for a whole new SLA section, as we have it right now for Feats, Attacks, Spells, etc.? - The last thing I came across is just a minor thing, an probably I'm one of the few ones having issues with this. Could we get a "Harmless" option for Spell resistances? By chosing "harmless" under SR it would automatically indicate that the Save is also harmless, while we would still be able to document the right DC for the spell in the Save field. As I said, this is minor, but it would help to use the sheet more independent from PRD, Core Rule Book, Smartphone Apps or the like. /K Hi Karankwan. This is the right place to make requests. I think your suggestions are good ones. Adding a CC roll for SLA's and Spells in the NPC section and having "Harmless" as a third option for SR sheet-wide are easy enough to implement. If I understand your second suggestion, you would like to see something like SLA-0(w/repeatable items), SLA-1(w/repeatable items), SLA-2(w/repeatable items), etc... where you could add as many unique SLA "classes" as needed for an NPC/Monster? Not sure if we can nest repeatable items within repeatable items... If it can be done, I'm not sure if the amount of code vs benefit would make it worthwhile. Maybe adding 2 SLA classes, like the Spell section would work?