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D&D 5ed. help. macro for Tempest Cleric

Anyone have ideas on how to do a macro for class feature Channel Divinity: Destructive Wrath? Also, while I am asking How about a macro for Wrath of the Storm? Destructive Wrath is a channel to increase any lightning or thunder damage roll to do maximum. How do you do that with a spell or ability? Wrath of the Storm is a reaction to an attack that hits the cleric. Target must make a dexterity saving throw and takes 2d8 thunder or lightning damage or half damage on successful save.
You would probably need to either create two versions of your regular Wrath of the Storm and Thunderbolt Strike macros (one for normal and one more max damage) or add a line to show what damage would be if you used Destructive Wrath. example: ie: &{template:Default} {{name=Thunderbolt Strike}}{{Save DC=[[0d0+8[base] + 3[Wis] + 2[Prof] ]] Dex (1/2)}}{{Damage=[[2d8]] Lightning}}{{Channel Divinity=[[8]] Lightning Instead}}
Thank you, I can get part of that coding to work but not the whole thing. Is there ways to do it so I don't have to change the numbers every level. So that the coding auto adds my wis mod and prof?
Sheet Author
[[{?{Number|0}d?{Size|0}, ?{Number|0} * ?{Size|0}d1 * ?{Channel Divinity?|0}}kh1]] would be the most convenient way to do it that I can think of. It will ask for the number of dice, the size of them, and if you use Channel Divinity or not (0 for false, 1 for true, other numbers will produce funky results). If you have Channel Divinity, it'll give you the maximum roll; if you don't, it'll just roll the dice for you. Anything more advanced than that would probably involve the API in some fashion. Roll templates as Mark G described, though, is probably the best way to go in the long run.

Edited 1426399200
To automate it somewhat, you'll need to add Attributes to your character sheet and probably make this an Ability on your sheet instead of a macro. If you store "MyWis" and "MyProf" as attributes (named like that to avoid conflicts with character sheet values) and give them appropriate values, you can update the Ability to: &{template:Default} {{name=Thunderbolt Strike}}{{Save DC=[[0d0+8[base] + @{MyWis}[Wis] + @{MyProf}[Prof] ]] Dex (1/2)}}{{Damage=[[2d8]] Lightning}}{{Channel Divinity=[[8]] Lightning Instead}} That's generally the ideal way to go with it as you would use similar methods for other macros/abilities. Then you just need to update those attributes when those values change. To be fair, your wisdom is only going to change at level 4, 8, 12, 16, and 20 assuming you put points into it instead of taking a feat. And your Prof Bonus only changes every 5 levels. Actoba, the creator of the 5e Roll20 Character Sheet is planning to add more functionality to his Roll Templates to allow end-users more flexibility in their own macros. So eventually you'll be able to make these custom macros look like the built-in ones.
Thank you for the replies :) I will get that macro up and running.
You can totally pull in attributes and proficiency bonus from the 5E sheet without manually updating them, it just provides messy mouseover text, if you care about that. You can also make all of this work with the fancy 5E styling as well. Following are two examples that work fine, just replace the character name "Brak" as appropriate. &{template:default} {{name=Wrath of the Storm}} {{Save DC=[[0d0 + 8 [base] + @{Brak|wisdom_mod} + @{Brak|PB}]] Dex (1/2)}} {{Damage=[[2d8]] Lightning}} {{Channel Divinity=[[8+8]] Lightning Instead}} &{template:5eDefault} {{spell=1}} {{title=Wrath of the Storm}} {{subheader=Brak}} {{subheaderright=Reaction}} {{damage=[[2d8]] Lightning or Thunder}} {{spellsavedc=[[0d0 + 8 [base] + @{Brak|wisdom_mod} + @{Brak|PB}]]}} {{spellsavestat=DEX}} {{spellsavesuccess=half damage}}{{spellshowsavethrow=1}} {{freetextname=Channel Divinity}} {{freetext=[[8+8]] Lightning Instead}} Of course I'm pretty sure you can just enter all of this into the "Spellbook" part of the 5e sheet, but this is how you can do it via pure macro, without having to track any numbers manually.
Drew K. Don't forget the "@{classactionspellinfo}" at the end of that, which will enable custom properties like {{myownproperty=myowntext }}
Interesting, I'll have to play with that. I've enjoyed hacking through the 5e template, working out occasionally by pure guess/check how to replicate the existing look while making it perform differently.
I got it to work! Thank you :) Now I will test myself to change it to include other lightning spells I cast.