Hey All, So I've been thinking about running the Season 1 Tyranny of Dragons Adventures on Roll20 and was checking to see if there's any interested players. I'm in Time Zone: EST / GMT-5 and I'm available: Monday any time Tuesday until 8pm Wednesday until 6pm Thursday any Saturday any Sunday until 8 pm Right now I'm thinking of using the roll20 system for the dice rolls and such; and using maybe Skype for talking. At least that's what I've had the most success with, but if need be we can use something else. The order in which I'll be running the adventures are: Defiance in Phlan Secrets of Sokol Keep Shadow on the Moonsea Dues for the Dead The Courting of Fire The Scroll Thief Drums in the Marsh Tales Trees Tell Outlaws of the Iron Route Tyranny in Phlan Dark Pyramid of Sorcerer's Isle Raiders of the Twilight Marsh Pool of Radiance Resurgent Escape from Phlan Most of the adventures run 1-4 hours. Defiance in Phlan is actually 5 mini-adventures. I'd say it's probably about 40% RP, 60% Combat. The adventures are more episodic, there is a little bit of exploration, and because they're episodic, some slight "rail-roading." However, I'm hoping that after we get through these adventures to run more of a sandbox possibly, based on interest and such. We would need 3-7 players, starting at 1st level and I believe you reach
10th-11th after that. However, if there's any interest to keep going I
can come up with original content after that; or maybe we can jump into
the Rise of Tiamat stuff. At any rate, Character Creation will
be 1 of 2 ways, decided upon by everyone. If anyone will want to be
able to take these characters to in store events, then we can use the
regular Adventure League creation; but if that isn't a concern for
anyone, then we can use /r 4d6r1k3 for each ability score. That's
4d6, re-roll 1's, and keep highest 3. Also, it should be noted,
there aren't a lot of decent maps for these adventures, most of them
are just quick little doodles. I'm trying to put together as many maps
as I can, but it takes me forever; sooooooo there may be a time where
it's just a picture of the little doodle that comes with the adventure.
As apparently they wanted to go more with the "Theater of the Mind,"
style for 5e.... New players and veterans alike are all welcome. I just ask for no d-bags. Also, I do apparently tend to have a potty mouth, so probably should all be 18+. If anyone is interested, please comment as such, and I would love to hear any and all character ideas. And feel free to ask any questions. Thanks all for your interest and reading my babbling. haha! I'm hoping to start play within a week or two, but won't be able to start until Monday 3/23/15. Thanks again!