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DnD 5e Update of Holding release

I don't know if this has been asked (it hasn't shown up on any searches, but my search-fu may be weak), but on the NPC actions, is there any way to enter anything into the Effect field when there's also attack and damage? It seems to be an either/or situation.
Sheet Author
@Shaun H - I assume you mean on the spellbook section? If so, you can use the effect field with or without the attack/damage fields...theres no restriction...just check the things you want to appear on the macro output for that row (ie. attack, damage and effect if you want...or any combination you wish)

Edited 1426623353
No, on the NPC Actions list. If you enter an attack macro like so (and I know that the damage field is a little weird on this): It gives an output like this: Which is perfect, except I can't seem to get anything into the Effect area here. If you just type text into the Effect filed on an NPC action, it'll stick it into the correct area on the template, but I can't seem to do both. Am I making a little more sense? ETA: Also, if you just input text after a line break after the macro, it'll put it in the chat as-is, which is a workaround. It'd just be nice to be able to add secondary effects into the template itself.

Edited 1426636298
Sheet Author
Ok 2 things - You cant embed a macro that uses a roll template within a roll template. The use macro for that row alrerady translates the data you enter in the other field into a roll template macro. Instead of what you have just put what you want to have displayed next tot he bite title. For example - [[1d20+5]] | [[1d20+5]] vs AC for [[1d8+3]] piercing damage There is no support for splitting up the effect into different roll parameters right now. It has to be a single entry. See the NPC thread for more info on future plans and discussions around it. Secondly, the data in these fields cannot have line breaks in them. This is a liitation of the new system and there is no workaround for it at present.
Love the new updates have a quick question if anyone knows if it is possible or a quick way to do so with copy and paste, can you copy a macro from the character sheet (for example the attack macro button) to a token action on the abilities and attributes tab?
Sheet Author
Run the macro button from the character sheet that you would like to make a token action out of. Then select the chat field and press the "up arrow" key, copy the text that comes up and paste into a token action field! Then slay all the things!
OK I see what you mean about the Initiative. I'm not convinced it is absolutely necessary. It seems to be the only button I can press on the char sheet that does it that way. If I am pressing a Roll button from the sheet, it should know what icon it is on the board. >> So the intended usage is as follows - 1d20 + the attack stat mod if you have it selected + proficiency bonus + any global bonus you have specified in the global bonus section What it looks like you have done is - 1d20 + 0 (no attack stat selected) + proficiency bonus (auto calculated as 2 from your total level) + 5 (global bonus you have added on the core stats section @Actoba, I have no idea what global bonuses you are talking about. I have not set anything other than the attributes and class. I added the cantrips I know and just wanted to press the cast button and have it calculate the To Hit correctly. I don't know what you mean by "What it looks like you have done". I have not edited the workings of the sheet. I have simply filled in the parts that pertain to a lvl 1 Wizard. And if you want to see how I added the spell.
@SteveB the Bonuses/Penalties section is the global bonuses. Those should all be 0 unless you have something special that would add a bonus like a magic item or a feat. Your spell attack and save DC are auto calculated from your caster level and ability score. Under the spell you need to select the Attack Stat, for a wizard that would be INT. Then your spell attacks will work out properly.
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
Steve B. said: OK I see what you mean about the Initiative. I'm not convinced it is absolutely necessary. It seems to be the only button I can press on the char sheet that does it that way. If I am pressing a Roll button from the sheet, it should know what icon it is on the board. It has to be that way because that is how &{tracker} works.
@GenKitty OK I can see that the round tracker needs to know which token you are rolling for in that context. @Ed S. Well that sounded great but when I select INT as the Attack Stat it makes it even worse. It then ADDS my INT bonus, which I don't want.

Edited 1426670060
Sheet Author
@Steve B - The Bonus/penalties sections is intended for special bonuses that apply to the types of rolls specified. Like wehn you are under the effect of a bless spell, or if you have a magic item that provides a specific bonus to something. Where you have 13 in the Spell save DC field in your screenshot this is incorrect. The sheet will automatically calculate your spell save dc based on your class (see the dashboard section at the top of the spells section of the sheet. anything you enter here will be added to that. Similarly the "+5" you have entered in the spell attack roll field is also not required. The sheet will automatically add your proficiency bonus and your spell casting stat (selected on a spell by spell basis) to an attack roll. The +5 you have entered here will be added in addition to the proficiency and selected stat. So to clarify - A spell attack will Automatically add your proficiency bonus to the attack roll....always! Optionally, add a stat mod beased on what you select on the attack stat selection box in the spell itself Always add any other bonus you have listed in the Global bonus section (on the core stats page) for spellcasting attack rolls To resolve the issue you are having you should Change both the entries you have in the bonus section of the core stats page back to 0 Set the attack stat for a particular spell entry in the spell book to INT (as a wizard) Thats it, your good to go. The attack roll and spell save dc will now scale as and when you gain increased stats as you level up and you can use the bonus section on the core stats page to add in the +3 bonus you get to spell attack rolls when you are a higher level and finally manage to snag yourself that fancy spellcasting focus magic item that gives a +3 to all spell attack rolls (on top of what you would normally get) I have an action to clarify the help text on the bonus section to make it's intended usage a bit clearer and will do so in the next update.
Now that clears it up. It looks like you're supposed to transfer that info from your paper sheet, but I see what it is for now. Thanks
Many of these questions would be answered if you read the wiki. I know it is not updated yet for the new update, especially the template stuff but the rest has been there for a while. And take your time on the update @Actoba. I would rather you get it as right as you can rather than you having to go back and make edits a thousand times. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... H
Whats the best way to enter a 2nd level spell like moonbeam: base 2D10 at 2nd level +1D10 every level after 2nd. ?{Casting Level|1}d10 would let them enter a 1. Also the 3d dice seem to roll twice as many dice on the table for some reason while my ?{Casting Level|1}d8 for cure wounds seems to roll the correct amount.
John S. said: Whats the best way to enter a 2nd level spell like moonbeam: base 2D10 at 2nd level +1D10 every level after 2nd. ?{Casting Level|1}d10 would let them enter a 1. Also the 3d dice seem to roll twice as many dice on the table for some reason while my ?{Casting Level|1}d8 for cure wounds seems to roll the correct amount. ?{Casting Level| 2 }d10 cant stop them form puting a 1, but seting the default to 2 would be better
Thanks Iskoaya. That certainly helps.
There is a bug for the Class Actions when using the skill History, it is taking the class actions of Deception instead.
Sheet Author
@John S - try the following which gives you the base 2d10 always + an extra d10 for every level above 2....if they enter 1 or zero a the cast level the second half of the equation does nothing because you cant roll 0d10 or -1d10 meaning you would always just get 2d10 in that situation 2d10 + (?{Casting level|2}-2)d10 @Nilen E - Good spot, should be fixed in the next sheet refresh. When the last update time on the sheet shows 29th March or greater the fix is live.
Actoba, Thank you again for all of your work, you have really done so much! I had a question, is it intentional that the NPC save buttons do not have a roll template?
So I am pretty sure that most people should know that if you call a roll button from the sheet, then go to the chat box and press the up arrow, you can copy and paste that to make a character specific ability macro. However if you create a character name "selected" you can perform this same action to create generic macros that can be copied easily from one character to the other. Of course you must have a token selected for these to work, but hopefully this saves some people time in creating generic macros for their players to use as token actions.
Sheet Author
Kevin said: I had a question, is it intentional that the NPC save buttons do not have a roll template Oops! No it isnt....i'll fix that and should get it included in the same update as the fix to the history class action option mentioned in another thread!

Edited 1427647959
I'm noticing with a couple of my characters that the proficiency bonus isn't tracking appropriately into the roll result, even though the sheet readout looks like everything is tracking correctly. I've got a character that is 5th level, shows an overall level of 5, shows a proficiency bonus of 3 (which should be correct) and the weapon modifier shown in the "to hit" box is calculated correctly as 7 from a +2 magic bonus, with a +2 bonus from STR. So the sheet looks right. But then I push the roll button and the bonuses to the roll come out as, for example 26, 20+strength calculation+2+2+0. On a 20 rolled, the result should be a 27, and the sheet says it should be a 27, but the result in the chat box is a 26. I have tried adjusting the character level up to 10, and 15, and 20, and each time the sheet seems to be tracking the improved proficiency bonuses and totals but the roll isn't tracking to include the increases. I have another character (my primary) that is fifth level for which the bonus seems to be calculating correctly at 5th level, and when I change his level to 10, 15, 20 his proficiency bonus changes appropriately. The change seems to track in the sheet for him as well in the appropriate boxes, but again not in the roll results. Since it was correct for him at this level I hadn't noticed the error, as he is the one I play consistently. I was just updating the other character to include the new weapon section changes and noticed this, so I found the error in tracking and tried to dig a little into what was happening to give you a better sense of where the problem may lie. Skills also appear to be rolling incorrectly but look right on the character sheet. Thoughts? Can anyone else reproduce this error?
Sheet Author
@John J - First, test the behaviour with a brand new character in the campaign where you see this problem. Just quickly set that character to level 5 and try and make the same roll as the one you see going wrong. If it works then it's likely you are hitting a common problem where a previously defined PB (proficiency bonus) attribute is being used for actually doing the rolls but the up to date one is being used for the display fields in the sheet. This most commonly happens when you have either manually added a "PB" attribute to the character or if the campaign previously used a different character sheet that shared the same attribute name and that old attribute is still hanging around and conflicting with the current sheet. For example, you had previously used the old playtest "Next" sheet on this character and converted it to the full 5th edition release sheet. Fortunately the fix is easy. Open up your character but go to the Attributes and abilities tab. On the left hand side scroll down until you see the PB attribute and delete it. Now try your sheet roll again and it should now use the same value as displayed on the sheet now that the conflicting one behind the scenes has been removed.
Kevin said: So I am pretty sure that most people should know that if you call a roll button from the sheet, then go to the chat box and press the up arrow, you can copy and paste that to make a character specific ability macro. However if you create a character name "selected" you can perform this same action to create generic macros that can be copied easily from one character to the other. Of course you must have a token selected for these to work, but hopefully this saves some people time in creating generic macros for their players to use as token actions. Set the macro to token action and MAHAHHAHAHHAHA done!
@Actoba, is it intended to not have the "+ stat" column for ranged weapons? I know that the use cases for not applying this to ranged are minimal (such as using bonus action to throw a dagger without two weapon fighting style), so it very well may be intentional.
Sheet Author
It was intended as the +stat columne was a replacement for the weapon type column on melee weapons and that hasnt ever existed for ranged weapons. That having been said I dont see any reason why it couldnt or shouldnt be included. Added to the list :)
@Actoba Firstly, like many others, gotta say thanks for the tremendous work you have done. I have been using the character sheet and creating token actions based on the melee and ranged weapon macros. As an example I have created a token action as follows: /em Elora spins her greataxe through some complex sweeps before suddenly striking out at her foe! %{selected|MeleeAttack1}%{selected|MeleeDamage1} This works great (attack and damage mods all calculate correctly with the rolls and the crits trigger when they should), apart from a funny error message appearing before the emote and the template - see screen shot below: While this doesn't appear to be causeing a problem with the numbers, it does confuse the players! Any ideas what I'm doing wrong? Keep up the good work!

Edited 1428186686
Sheet Author
API Scripter
In the "Update of Holding" update the damage is included in the attack macro. Remove the damage part and all will work.
Sheet Author
You don't need the second Token Action Call. Remove: %{selected|MeleeDamage1} So your Token Action just reads: /em Elora spins her greataxe through some complex sweeps before suddenly striking out at her foe! %{selected|MeleeAttack1}
@Mark @Wes Thanks both - works a treat!
I just wanted to share something that I worked on, Spiritual Weapon had a slightly different bonus for higher lvls. At Higher Levels. When you cast this spell the damage increases by 1d8 for every two slot levels above the 2nd. Because it always rounds up you cannot just do (lvl/2)d8 because at 3rd lvl you would still get 2d8. Here is what I came up with ?{Spell Slot Level|2}/2-.5)d8 If there is a better way please let me know. &{template:5eDefault} {{spell=1}} {{title=Spiritual ?{weapon type|Hammer} vs @{target|token_name}}} {{subheader=@{selected|character_name}}} {{subheaderright=Evocation Level 2}} {{subheader2= Range 60’ | Level ?{Spell Slot Level|2} spell slot}} {{Casting Time=**Bonus Action**}} {{Duration= **1 Minute** }} {{emote=@{selected|token_name} creates a floating spectral ?{weapon type|Hammer}and attacks @{target|token_name}}} 0 0 0 {{spellshowattack=1}} {{spellattack=[[1d20 + @{selected|wisdom_mod} + @{selected|PB} + (@{selected|global_spell_attack_bonus})]]}} {{spellshowattackadv=1}} {{spellattackadv=[[1d20 + @{selected|wisdom_mod} + @{selected|PB} + (@{selected|global_spell_attack_bonus})]] to hit [[@{target|bar2}d1]]}} 0 0 {{spellshowdamage=1}} {{spelldamage=[[(?{Spell Slot Level|2}/2-.5)d8 + @{Selected|wisdom_mod} + 0 + (@{Selected|global_spell_damage_bonus}) + 0d0]] force}} {{spellcancrit=1}} {{spellcritdamage=Additional [[(?{Spell Slot Level|2}/2-.5)d8]] damage}} {{spellshoweffects=1}} {{spelleffect=As a bonus action on your turn, you can move the weapon up to 20’ and attack again.}} {{spellcasttime=1 bonus action}} {{spellduration=1 minute}} {{spelltarget=}} {{spellrange=60'}} {{spellgainedfrom=Cleric}} {{spellcomponents=V, S}}@{Selected|classactionspellcast}
What's the ETA on the next update?
Sheet Author
There is no ETA i'm afraid...simply when I can find some time to get stuff done
Can anyone give me a spell version of this macro? Would be much appreciated. %{selected|MeleeAttack1}
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Tim F. said: Can anyone give me a spell version of this macro? Would be much appreciated. %{selected|MeleeAttack1} You cannot do the same with spells as they are in repeated sections. Please upvote Official support for repeating sections in character sheets if you feel that would be valuable to you.
Mark said: Tim F. said: Can anyone give me a spell version of this macro? Would be much appreciated. %{selected|MeleeAttack1} You cannot do the same with spells as they are in repeated sections. Please upvote Official support for repeating sections in character sheets if you feel that would be valuable to you. What would be the cleanest way to code that into it then? I mean I can "steal" (for lack of a better word) the macro from the chat, but that looks so messy imo haha.

Edited 1428917551
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Tim F. said: What would be the cleanest way to code that into it then? I mean I can "steal" (for lack of a better word) the macro from the chat, but that looks so messy imo haha. There is no other way to do it. And it won't update from the sheet if you do it that way. We can't do that without the feature I linked.

Edited 1428939846
Tim F. said: Mark said: Tim F. said: Can anyone give me a spell version of this macro? Would be much appreciated. %{selected|MeleeAttack1} You cannot do the same with spells as they are in repeated sections. Please upvote Official support for repeating sections in character sheets if you feel that would be valuable to you. What would be the cleanest way to code that into it then? I mean I can "steal" (for lack of a better word) the macro from the chat, but that looks so messy imo haha. @Tim, what I have been doing is using the Spell Effect section to store the macro code from what I "stole" from chat. You can then call it by using something like @{Spell-Wizard|repeating_spellbookLEVEL1_0_spelleffect} this is for the first spell in level 1 on a character named Spell-Wizard. Here's picture as reference. It's worked out pretty well, it's reference-able by other players and I don't have to stare at that code in my token actions.
What are all of the title bar color options? So far I've got: {{ability=1}}: teal {{save=1}}: brown {{weapon=1}}: green {{spell=1}}: purple Thanks!
Sheet Author
API Scripter
{{deathsave}}: dark dark purple Those are the only ones that exist.
Some would say that it's Dark Red
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ed S. said: Some would say that it's Dark Red Some would say it's #240F0F
@Mark, thanks! For completeness for someone just reading this post, no color tag makes it grey. &lt;None&gt;: grey {{weapon=1}}: green {{spell=1}}: purple {{ability=1}}: teal {{save=1}}: red {{deathsave=1}}: dark red @Actoba, awesome, awesome template. Since we are learning how to extend your template, one feature request I'd like to throw out there are a few more coloring options for the title bar for custom use. The colors are great at helping the player quickly identify what type of action is happening. Black, yellow, and blue come to mind.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
John said: @Mark, thanks! For completeness for someone just reading this post, no color tag makes it grey. &lt;None&gt;: grey {{weapon=1}}: green {{spell=1}}: purple {{ability=1}}: teal {{save=1}}: red {{deathsave=1}}: dark red Correct, I missed that 1! It's #5c5c5c for reference.
@John, I'm glad you found your way here! @Actoba, I want to say thank you again, I love using your sheet! I would again like to request more color options. I would love to have Goldenrod (#DAA520) added for use with magical item abilities. Cheer!
Sheet Author
I experimented with colour options for the initial roll template update but ran out of time to get it functioning the way I wanted. I will be revisiting this when I can.
Is it possible to toggle visibility on spells that have been populated with APM3_DnD5e_SpellbookImporter.js? A starting character, for example, will only know a few cantrips and first level spells.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hey Scott, That feature is brought up a lot. It was most recently brought up in D&D5e Sheet - Show Only Prepared Spells . You can see our discussion there. I'm very curious about this APM3_DnD5e_SpellbookImporter.js. Where can I find this?
I just logged in with the latest Chromium Browser (Version 44.0.2378.0 canary (64-bit)) and the Character Sheet doesn't display anymore. I get the Dungeons & Dragons Logo, the Charakter Name, Race an Class boxes with theis respective descriptions, but this is followed by the footer immediately ("Sheet help . ....") Did Chrome break this or am I doing something wrong?