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DnD 5e Update of Holding release

While there is a way to add some flavour stuff to spells via the spell descriptions part of the template, there appears to be no such thing for the weapons template. Of course a simple macro line in the likes of {{description=XYZ}} does the trick but the following result is split horizontally into two parts with the flavor text just using a small space on the right of the output box. Is there a way to add a description for a weapon attack to span across the whole template box?

Edited 1426174439
Sheet Author
What you want to add to your custom macros is the following ( I have planned forward a bit for some flavour stuff!) is the following - {{emote=swings his mighty greataxe}} You can see an example of how this displays right now in the death save macro output
Thats pretty cool! Personally hard to read on my end with a cursive regular font, but the inclusion of such a feature is nice! Thank you very much for the fast response.
Sheet Author
Yeah It needs tweaking style wise....and there are no options for using it with the default macros on the sheet, but as i said i was trying to plan for the future a well as anticipate usage of the template/macros. I
Actoba said: By way of an's what my Bard player has set up for healing Word (I have expanded the options so you can see how he has chosen to set it up - And the output it generates (after prompting for a spell level to be input with a default of 1) is The higher slot healing looks cool, but I can't actually read the formula that you used. Also, how would this work if the default attack is something higher than a 1d roll - for example Dissonance Whispers is 3d6 to begin with going up 1d6 per slot level.

Edited 1426204210
Amanda the Amazon said: Actoba said: By way of an's what my Bard player has set up for healing Word (I have expanded the options so you can see how he has chosen to set it up - And the output it generates (after prompting for a spell level to be input with a default of 1) is The higher slot healing looks cool, but I can't actually read the formula that you used. Also, how would this work if the default attack is something higher than a 1d roll - for example Dissonance Whispers is 3d6 to begin with going up 1d6 per slot level. I use formulas like this to deal with multiple die situations: (?{Casting Level|1}+2)d8 this particular one is for Catapult which is a 3d8 base damage at casting level 1 spell.
Hay Actoba I am loving the new character sheet. I have come across an issue with the spell section though. On some spells when I hit the spell info button or have the description or effects checked for output with the cast spell button this is what happens
You cannot have line breaks (enters/carriage returns/etc...) in any part of a Roll Template, Actoba noted that above: Sheet Wide updates All output from all macros on the sheet have been updated to use the new roll template feature. Because of this update all fields that are used for output cannot have line breaks in them . If you try to use a roll button and it uses an attribute that has a line break in the data this will break the output from the macro. At the time of writing, this is a known limitation of the new system and requires that users update the data they have in fields on the sheet to ensure they do not have line breaks in them in order to continue using the macros. This applies to the entire sheet. (both player and NPC!) Hopefully this is something that is improved, because it is by far the most commonly mentioned problem with regards to Roll Templates.
Actoba said: "You cannot use multiline data as part of the output either as this will break the roll template and you will likely get weird/broken otput. This is a limitation of the new system and not the sheet" I think that is the problem you are experiencing, you've got a multiline description (probably). I made the same mistake with the same effect. Be careful that it may show up even if the multiline is blank (ie. you pressed enter at the end of the description without actually typing something in this row).
Sheet Author
Amanda the Amazon said: The higher slot healing looks cool, but I can't actually read the formula that you used. Also, how would this work if the default attack is something higher than a 1d roll - for example Dissonance Whispers is 3d6 to begin with going up 1d6 per slot level. Dissonant whispers - Level 1 spell that does 3d6 damage + 1d6 for every spell level above 1st. Try this for the damage (can also use inline rolls to use it in the effect field if you prefer) 3d6+(?{Spell Level|1}-1)d6 If you cast at level on the additional damage becomes 0d6...which is 0. Anything above level 1 adds 1d6 per level :)
@Actoba re:finesse I wasn't very precise. My concern isn't that finesse doesn't work for the Monk situation, but rather that I'd like to be able to choose any attribute as the hit / damage modifier. I've been looking at some homespun character classes (mostly psionics) where the weapon hit mod might be INT. As of now, I would have to use a mechanism outside the weapon section (totally doable), but I think the flexibility would be better. Also, the dual wield / off-hand being taken out means I'd have to do that weapon attack outside the section as well. Selecting "none" as the modifier would solve this as well.
Sheet Author
Selecting other stats for the weapon attack to use has been requested by others too and it will likely make it into the next update. The off hand/2 weapon fighting drop down was removed but has been replaced with a checkbox in the "+ stat?" column. Check this box if the stat you have selected previously in the row should be added to damage rolls (main hand, 2 handed weapon, off hand with the 2 weapon fighting style) or uncheck it to remove it from the damage roll (ie. off hand attack). This was something I missed in the initial release notes and you are not the first to be confused about it...sorry. Note that selecting "None" for the modifier would affect both the attack roll AND the damage should instead use the "+ stat?" checkbox instead

Edited 1426321208
@Actoba I tried to replicate your "Dissonant whispers" roll for my warlock but instead of giving an input myself I trief using the "warlock_spell_slots_level" attribute of your sheat as stated in the wiki. This implied using the following roll 3d6+(@{warlock_spell_slots_level}-1)d6 To my surprise instead of calculating the number of dice to roll like with your code using the given spell level, it instead calculated a "1" but did not roll the number of dice. So I was given a "3d6 + 1" for my damage output. Trying to figure out what was wrong with my code I came up with the idea that the given variable name might be too long for the damage dice portion of the sheet. Using another, much smaller, variable name gave me a correct result. 3d6+(@{level}-1)d6 calculated a "3d6 + 3d6" for my level 4 warlock character. Of course I am no expert on the matter and the problem might be somewhere else entirely but if the error does stem from the variable name being too long, maybe you could shorten the names for the warlock specific attributes. Especially for a warlock character whos spell levels automatically raise and can't be lowered anyway it would be convenient to be able to use the attributes and just auto-calculate the damage dice instead of raising the damage every other level manually. Yes, I am lazy and try to outsource every calculation since first coming across the sheet. It's just so convenient and fun to write macros and such stuff. Don't judge me :D

Edited 1426351917
Hiya Actoba, Is there any way, using your template, to construct a personal multiple-attack macro? I'm trying to make the below work but I can't figure out the proper property name (if any) to use for the second attack roll. &{template:5eDefault} {{emote=twirls his quarterstaff and lashes out at his enemy!}} {{weapon=1}} {{title=Standard Attack}} {{subheader=@{Selected|Token_Name}}} {{subheaderright=QuarterStaff (Two Attacks)}} {{attack=[[ 1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]}} {{attackadv=[[ 1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]}} {{damage=[[ 1d8 + 3[Dex] ]]}} {{critdamage=Additional [[1d8+3]] damage}} {{attack2=[[ 1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]}} {{attackadv2=[[ 1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]] }} {{damage2=[[ 1d8 + 3[Dex] ]] }} {{critdamage2=Additional [[1d8+3]] damage}} (displayed on multiple lines for readability in the forum; used as a single line in the actual macro, of course)
@Mark G. Your macro wasn't working for me at first. Maybe thats because of the forum layout but you should not add line breaks in the code. Those may be nice for a better overlook of the code but mess up the functionality. Also you were missing a line at the end of the macro (see the work-around code below). A quick work-around as I am not sure there even is a second attack property name for the template yet &{template:5eDefault} {{emote=twirls his quarterstaff and lashes out at his enemy!}} {{weapon=1}} {{title=Standard Attack}} {{subheader=@{Selected|Token_Name}}} {{subheaderright=QuarterStaff (Two Attacks)}} {{attack=[[ 1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]}} {{attackadv=[[ 1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]}} {{damage=[[ 1d8 + 3[Dex] ]]}} {{critdamage=Additional [[1d8+3]] damage}} {{spellshowattack=1}} {{spellattack=[[ 1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]}} {{spellshowattackadv=1}} {{spellattackadv=[[ 1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]}} {{spellshowdamage=1}} {{spelldamage=[[ 1d8 + 3[Dex] ]]}} {{spellcancrit=1}} {{spellcritdamage=Additional [[1d8+3]] damage}} @{Selected|classactionmeleeweapon} You just use the spell attack properties to add an additional attack to your template. Of course you need to add the appropriate properties to show the new informations as well making your macro kind of long. It should, however, give the result you were hoping for. Btw. you are able to add any kind of column property with your own name to the template using something along the lines of {{newproperty=[[1d6]]}} This will add a new row to your template with "Newproperty" in the left column and "1d6" roll in the right column.
Actually thank you for this. Its a pretty clever work around for the macro :)

Edited 1426334736
Sheet Author
@Mark G. I solved this problem by using the spell attacks as the second attack. So for your last couple lines try this instead: {{spellshowattack=1}}{{spellattack=[[ 1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]}} {{spellshowattackadv=1}}{{spellattackadv=[[ 1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]}}{{spellshowdamage=1}}{{spelldamage=[[ 1d8 + 3[Dex] ]] }}{{spellcancrit=1}}{{spellcritdamage=Additional [[1d8+3]] damage}} It won't use any spell attributes or anything. Just has another attack line and damage line. It'll look like this:
Sheet Author
Replies to the latest batch of feedback/questions - @Snizzle - You cannot use the warlock spell level attribute i'm afraid as the calculation used to work it out makes use of the Ceil function which is only evaluated after the dice rolls are made. That means that it wont produce a number until after the d6 has been rolled. There are a few threads kicking around whereothers have had similar macro problems but i;m afraid its just a limitation of the dice roller. @Mark G - There will be a way of doing this in the next update...theres no easy way right now. I plan to add a multiattack custom section as well as a generic "spit out any fields I pass in" option. The suggestion to use the spellattack fields is fine and that does allow to make use of the conditional display of the crit damage....but I wouldnt recommend it as changes in the future which may be fine for the spell section may break your custom use at your own risk :) (and it's probably fine in the short term anyway!)
Actoba said: Amanda the Amazon said: The higher slot healing looks cool, but I can't actually read the formula that you used. Also, how would this work if the default attack is something higher than a 1d roll - for example Dissonance Whispers is 3d6 to begin with going up 1d6 per slot level. Dissonant whispers - Level 1 spell that does 3d6 damage + 1d6 for every spell level above 1st. Try this for the damage (can also use inline rolls to use it in the effect field if you prefer) 3d6+(?{Spell Level|1}-1)d6 If you cast at level on the additional damage becomes 0d6...which is 0. Anything above level 1 adds 1d6 per level :) Okay - Cool. I got this working with my spells that do additional 1dx damage per spell slot, but I'm having trouble trying to get Sleep working right. Sleep - Level 1 spell that puts 5d8 creatures to sleep + 2d8 for every spell level above 1st.
Sheet Author
3d8+(?{Spell Level|1}*2)d8

Edited 1426354327
Actoba said: @Mark G - There will be a way of doing this in the next update.. Grazie. Adding extra properties would indeed be wonderful to have. attack1 through attack12, attackadv1 through attackadv12, save1 through save12, etc. Or as you mentioned, perhaps a generic {{anypropertynameIwant=somevalue}}. I love the sheets for tracking character info, esp. in 5e as there's nothing like PCGen out there yet, but I've honestly never been a fan of derived stats so I've always used my own macros. I like being able to mouse-over and see where the numbers are coming from. It's much easier to spot a mistake when you can see you're adding a 3 from dex and a 2 from proficiency, etc. I'd love to use your templates, they're very nicely done, but they're somewhat limiting in their early form. Probably the best example of this would be my defenses macro. I'm a huge fan of using a single compact macro to roll multiple things: roll all your knowledges, all your physical checks, all your saves, etc (It makes your ability and macro bars much more manageable, so you're not hunting down a button mid-game) We can do this with the default template of course, but it's not nearly as well laid out appearance or alignment wise... (Example broken into multiple lines for forum readability) &{template:default} {{name=Defenses}} {{HP:@{selected|Bar1}/@{Selected|Bar1|Max}=AC:[[15]]}} {{STR:[[1d20 + 0[Str] + 3[Prof] ]]|[[1d20 + 0[Str] + 3[Prof] ]]=**INT**:[[1d20 + 2[Int] + 3[Prof] ]]|[[1d20 + 2[Int] + 3[Prof] ]]}} {{DEX:[[1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]|[[1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]=**WIS**:[[1d20 + 2[Wis]]]|[[1d20 + 2[Wis]]] }} {{CON:[[1d20 + 2[Con]]]|[[1d20 + 2[Con]]]=**CHR:**[[1d20 + 2[Int] + 3[Prof] ]]|[[1d20 + 2[Int] + 3[Prof] ]]}} {{Deflect Arrow=**DR**:[[1d10 +@{DEX} + @{Level}]] }} Gives you: which lays it out, but is kinda 'meh' looking, and always has issues with alignment, clips on the right side, and properties running onto multiple lines unexpectedly. @saitama: Thank you for the temporary work around. That works just fine for my primary attack on this character. @ Snizzle : Could you further explain {{newproperty=[[1d6]]}} ? That works with the default template but not the 5etemplate.
Sheet Author
I have several old style macros I use to roll multiple stats/things all at once too......It's fine for me but people that use 3d dice really dont like it as it rolls a ton of stuff on their table Sleep needs the following - 5d8+((?{Spell Level|2}-1)*2)d8

Edited 1426364090
Actoba - I'm trying to make Deflect Missiles' macro for my monk. This is the best I got: Since I'm not 100% satisfied with the outcome I have two questions. 1. Is there any way to remove "Deflect Missiles" from the white zone? 2. Is it possible to change Class/Racial/Other ability for "Monk ability"? This how my macro and class output look like: I'll be grateful for help.
Sheet Author
You can customise all of that if you are using a custom macro....I will likely be changing the Class/Racial?other subheader in the next update to use the gained from setting instead. The Title line inside the template itself I'm not sure about...right now it just uses the same atribute as the main title on the ribbon.....I agree it's not ideal though so i'll be having a look at it

Edited 1426370133
Since I have base account creating a custom macro isn't an option for me. Thank you for reply. I hope that in time you will find a way to change / fix these stuff.
You don't need support or mentor level to make your own macros. Strictly speaking, you don't even have to use Actoba's awesome templates. &{template:5eDefault} {{title=Deflect Missiles}} {{subheader=@{Selected|Token_Name}}} {{subheaderright=Monk Ability}} {{freetext=Damaged Reduced by [[1d10 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]}}

Edited 1426371650
WoW!! Thank you so much Mark G.!! You're very awesome :)
Ok back to the multiple attacks, is there a way to add a third attack? I'm trying to do Scorching Ray which by default it has three spell attack rolls. I've used the template spell attack rolls and the weapon attack rolls to get the first two, I just need a third.
You could throw in {{rollname=}} {{roll=}} {{rolladv=}} to get a fifth line; but it won't do anything fancy with crits and such. You'd have to include the damage in the rollname or other rolls too. Something like: (split for readability) &{template:5eDefault} {{weapon=1}} {{title=Standard Attack}} {{subheader=@{Selected|Token_Name}}} {{subheaderright=QuarterStaff (Two Attacks)}} {{attack=[[ 1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]}} {{attackadv=[[ 1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]}} {{damage=[[ 1d8 + 3[Dex] ]]}} {{critdamage=[[1d8 + 3[Dex]]] Addt'l Dmg}}} {{spellshowattack=1}}{{spellattack=[[ 1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]}} {{spellshowattackadv=1}}{{spellattackadv=[[ 1d20 + 3[Dex] + 3[Prof] ]]}} {{spellshowdamage=1}}{{spelldamage=[[ 1d8 + 3[Dex] ]] }} {{spellcancrit=1}}{{spellcritdamage=[[1d8 + 3[Dex]]] Addt'l Dmg}} {{rollname=Unarmed Strike}} {{roll=[[1d20]] }} {{rolladv=[[1d20]] for [[1d8+3]]}}

Edited 1426402739
@Mark G. As an example of what I was talking about with the {{newproperty=[[1d6]]}} I give you my melee weapon macro. I am a warlock whose name is, obviously, Shavaree and use the hex spell a lot which gives me the ability to add an additional 1d6 damage to an attack against a hexed opponent. As I did not want to always use another roll to determine the damage of that, I just added it to my macro {{hex=Additional [[1d6]] damage}} The result is the following As you can see the additional line was added at the bottom of the other rolls with specified properties. You can do this with pretty much everything you want including changing the left-hand side or the right-hand side. You are even able to add rolls on the left side. edit: I just did some additional testing and it seems to be the line I said before you are missing from your macro is the one making this work. You need to add something along the lines of @{CHARACTER_NAME|classactionmeleeweapon} to your macro for the above mentioned new properties.
Ah. That did indeed make a huge difference. Adding "@{classactioncustom1skill}" to the end of all my multiple skill-check, knowledges, etc macros let me use custom property names. I left my quarterstaff as-is, in order to take advantage of the Crit mechanics associated with legit attack properties. Now... if only we could adjust the alignment of the border between propertyname and value sides :)
First I want to say these new macros are great. Thank you so much for the updates to the sheet! One thought / request : Easy ways to add macros from the sheet to the macro quickbar? I can guess drag/drop isn't feasible, but perhaps an option row 'add this macro to macro quickbar' or whatnot. Mostly wishful thinking - thanks for all the hard work, this is outstanding!
Sheet Author
You can drag and drop most macros (not the ones in a repeating section like the spellbook for example) from the sheet on to the macro bar at the bottom of the page. This is roll20 functionality and not the sheet.....there is no mechanism for allowing this in the sheet itself.
Awesome / dangit. Well my experience just got even better...

Edited 1426442296
Actoba said: You can drag and drop most macros (not the ones in a repeating section like the spellbook for example) from the sheet on to the macro bar at the bottom of the page. This is roll20 functionality and not the sheet.....there is no mechanism for allowing this in the sheet itself. Food for thought - perhaps add 5 static spell slots (similar to melee / ranged slots) as cantrips have become every-round actions for casters? IE, I *really* like this new casting template and don't mind using the spell book at all for most things, but the cantrips / most commonly used combat spells I'd rather quickbar. Ed: NM on second request, figured it out! Ed: Also NM on the first request. Can just cast spell, then hit up arrow in chat, and copy/paste to new macro. That's plenty. Thanks a ton for all your hard work Actoba!
kahl to make your token action just cast the spell from character sheet. Then hit arrow up key while in the chat window. Copy the code, then create your own token action. Takes seconds. Much easier than coding the whole page to make static spell slots
Absolutely LOVE the new class feature thing, where you can add them to other macros. Would it be possible to add checkboxes for Spell Attack and Spell Damage, so that the custom feature can be included only in spells with attack rolls, or only in spells with damage rolls. I want to use this for my warlock Hex, but only want it included in spells that have damage rolls.
Actoba said: You can get the code sent for any macro by simply clicking it (so it displays it's output, and then clcik into the normal chat box and press the up arrow on your keyboard. For things that have custom elements that can be toggled on or off expect to see a lot of 0's in the output. These are in place when you have NOT selected an option and are ignored by the roll template so if you are making custom ones from the sheet examples you can feel free to remove anything that isnt within a bracketed block {{like this}} or an attribute @{like_this} I have no plans to add target or any other roll queries to the default macros in the sheet. I personally dont use them and feel like they slow down the game significantly and much prefer no prompting at all when clicking a macro button,,,,as that is the point of creating macros to speed things up. If there were options that let macros adjust attributes like say reduce HP or something like that (without API scripting) then i would be prepared to revisit this, but for now there is zero chance of me adding roll queries/target features to the default sheet output. Of course others people have differing opinions and some have created customised versions of the sheets with extra features like this baked in to their own tastes. One of my players has actually gone and totally re-written his spell book so each spell prompts him for a spell level and rolls the correct damage/healing.....and the sheet supports that right now if you want it. I found a perfect solution to my targeting problem. By using a class action with @{target|token_name} as the name and [[@{target|AC}]] as the output and then setting it to activate on all attacks. So, for me, there is no need to change anything. Thanks for such a robust sheet!
Matt K. said: Absolutely LOVE the new class feature thing, where you can add them to other macros. Would it be possible to add checkboxes for Spell Attack and Spell Damage, so that the custom feature can be included only in spells with attack rolls, or only in spells with damage rolls. I want to use this for my warlock Hex, but only want it included in spells that have damage rolls. Would be nice to have a similar option to separate weapon attacks and weapon damages.
The Cast Spell seems to calculate the Attack roll wrong. It adds 2 more than it should dues to some kind of ceil() calls. This roll should have been 8 vs AC 1d20+5 should be correct since I'm level 1 Wizard with +3 INT and +2 Spell Ability Proficency I have no idea what all the ceil functions are for.
Was playing the other night and trying to use all the new features. I was not able to use the Initiative button since every time I clicked it I got an error message. "You attempted to use a roll command looking for the value of a selected token, but no tokens are selected." How can I click on my token when I have the Char sheet open? Why should I have to click on my token when again I have the char sheet open and I'm the only one controlling it? I tried clicking/selecting my token etc but didn't seem to do anything.
Initiative macros only work if you have a token selected. That's simply how Roll20 is designed and has nothing to do with the character sheet. You can select your token and then open the character sheet and click the macro or you could drag the macro to your macro toolbar and use it from there.

Edited 1426539282
Sheet Author
@Steve B - Proficiency bonus is auto calculated and added to spell attack rolls. The stat bonus can also be auto added to the attack roll by selecting the appropriate attack stat in the attack line for the spell and it does not look as though you have done this. So the intended usage is as follows - 1d20 + the attack stat mod if you have it selected + proficiency bonus + any global bonus you have specified in the global bonus section What it looks like you have done is - 1d20 + 0 (no attack stat selected) + proficiency bonus (auto calculated as 2 from your total level) + 5 (global bonus you have added on the core stats section The sheet auto calculates your + to hit for attacks and spells based on the options you select and will sclae them up as you increase in level and/or stats. The global bonus section is intended for things like when you are under the effects of a bless spell, or have a wierd magic item that gives you a bonus to a whole category and not just to a single spell, etc... And Honeybadger is spot on regarding the intitative :) Hope this helps
Gen Kitty
Forum Champion
You need to click on your token, and then open the character sheet (Shift-doubleleftclick is the shortcut), and then click on the roll button. Or you can make your own TokenAction macro
this is probaby a silly question, but for the life of me I can't figure it out. I enjoy having macro buttons written up for my cleric so I dont need to keep the character sheet open. How would I go about using the new templates for my spells, like Sacred Flame ? Currently I use: The heathen must make a [[@{Raphael Seerhov|cleric_spell_bonus}+ @{Raphael Seerhov|base_spell_dc}]] Dexterity Save or take [[1d8]] radiant damage. I can click the button in the Spellbook portion of the page to get the output I want, but i dont really have a good idea on how to get that button elsewhere, or how to edit it. sorry for the dumb question!
Actoba, does the sheet not display correctly for Bonuses/Penalties? I'm seeing all 0's for that section. I'm a level 2 Sorcerer with 18 Charisma, so I should have a +6 to hit (+4 from Cha mod + 2 from proficiency). It doesn't appear to be giving me the proper bonuses for charisma mod + proficiency bonus. Thoughts?
@Justin That section is for extra bonuses on top of your regular stat mods and proficiency bonus and such. If you have a ring of protection you would add 1 to the Saving throws. In your class section make sure you have you class level set and then check that you have tabbed through your stats to make sure the bonuses have populated. That should fix any issues you may be experiencing.
OK, that makes sense. Thanks.
It confused me the first time I looked at it too, so I knew what you meant. ;)
Sheet Author
@Brett S - Setup the data in the spell book and then click on the macro to use it. Now click into the chat box and press the up arrow on your keyboard. This will give you the full text of what was just used to send that output and you can copy that into your own macro (and optionally adjust it as you desire)