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[Remnant & Perdition] Looking for 2 more players for a longterm adventure! (Pathfinder)


Edited 1432387112
Greetings adventurers, I am running a pathfinder system campaign set in a homebrew universe with vast in-depth lore with emphasize on exploration and discovering new things. The campaign has had a rough start with people not showing up or abruptly disappearing without notice, therefore am I looking for 2 new players that are willing to invest time, heart and mind to join with the others for weekly adventures. It is in the very beginning and has only had 1 real session. Loyalty comes a long way and the attendency is appreciated to be 100% of the time (although, it is understandable sometimes things come up). This campaign requires for players to be social and 'know how to roleplay'. Primary focus of the campaign is roleplaying as it is heavily story-driven, although combat will be frequent so let it not scare you away. Here is a link to the campaign's roll20 page, and if anyone is interesting enough I will invite them and from there even more information will be had. <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... Updated: Previously broken link (?) should work now.
when i click the link it tells me im not authorized. this is preventing me from learning information that will let me decide if i want to join or not. heres a few questions. 1: my microphone has issues and may or may not work. its unreliable and has an annoying staticyness to it. i dont know if your game relies on Text or Voice. but im quite capable at using Text. and my keyboard is just fine. still, there might be issues with joining if your game is voice based since i dont have a working mic and i think it might be more related to software on my computer rather then the mic its self. and ive already had a massive headache trying to troubleshoot what was causing it and i dont feel like getting the same headache over again doing exactly the same failed diagnostics i did before for the 6th time only to come up with no clue whats wrong with it. on the flip side though i like roleplaying and find it fun. so no problem there. 2: exploration with lots of homebrew'ed in depth lore and details sounds Awesome.... by exploration you Do mean "sandbox" and "go where we like" right?.. not *follow the yellowbrick plot-o-rail and follow the script" right?. 3: what alignments are allowed?. i dont like being forced to play a "good guy" i tried it before but it just was not profitable enough. id rather play a neutral character that can charge for his services. maybe he can turn into a good guy later if he can afford it?. but id still like the ability to start fights with npcs i dont like (probably wont fight em directly\obviously though because characters guna be abit of a wimp.) or do dishonest\un-nice things to people my character feels deserves it. (eg: doing experiments on a captured bad guy that was previously trying to kill some innocent person before he was stopped. or trying to steal from a scam artist), and thats not very good guy'ish. (though i want my guy to be friends with the other player characters, so i dont wana play an evil character. just an eccentric neutral. maybe chaotic. maybe not. depends on how you define eccentric.) 4: what day is the game on and what time is the game and how many hours do we get to play?. i need to know if the timezone differences will prevent me from making it on time or not. 5: am i allowed to play multiple days a week? if i like the game enough i can show up consistently and frequently. but im not sure how many other dedicated players you have or will be capable of getting. or how much time you have to GM this. (finding good players for a group is a Pain in the neck.) 6: is third party content for pathfinder allowed?. for that matter, is there any banned vanilla\normal content i should be aware of?. what is and is not allowed to be used in this setting?. 7: can i invent cool stuff even though theres not nessicairly any script for the object or item in question?. Example.. hang-glider crafted from giant bat wings after they have been turned to leather while still attached to the bones?. (or in other words cut the arm of the wing off a dead giant bat. leatherify it. and then use a pair of those to make a hang-glider?.) what about researching custom spells?. (i want to play as a wizard.) im interested in a number of information gathering spells. stuff that can reveal weakness's of enemy's and also their current hitpoints or health\status effects, but also has the non combat use of helping me learn details about certain objects. (sorta like identify but for simple fact finding stuff. or learning things about an object through magic that you might not be able to determine otherwise. like where its structural weakpoints are, or if parts of it are made of something else. or what its made of exactly.. or etc. just typical facts about it.) 8: general character creation info. such as. whats the point buy or are we using dice?, if dice how many sets of rolls am i allowed to do?. am i allowed to play as a wizard? how many traits can my character have. are familiars allowed to use wands if they can speak the command words to use them and have a means of gripping them?. and what races are allowed to be picked?. 9: am i allowed to do stuff other then raid dungeons and go on quests and fight and talk and etc?. like try to hunt for resources to make what people need so i can sell it to them for profit?. or hunting for the resources and materials i need to craft the things i want with out having to use money since money would logically be used to obtain the goods and materials required to build a thing?. can i go mining for rare and valuable materials?. can i try to buy low sell high and act as a trader when moving between towns?. am i allowed to go fishing if i want to?. 10: is this game going to play more like a videogame or more like a book or imaginairy simulation of reality?. or to put it another way: are you using your imagination or are you using the game book?. if i try to do something not in the book but that has a logical source of why it would potentially work, am i going to be hit with "thats not in the book so no" or will it be "roll X skill to see if you succeed, you need X number to pass.".?. 11: by long term how long term do you mean?. if i stick with this game long enough will i be able to visit other planes like the elemental plane of earth?. or can i eventually do crazy stuff like trying to build a levitating magic boat?. 12: how many people are required to play?. how many people are playing already?. 13: where can i learn about magic\lore\etc of your home brew setting?. i have lots of questions about it. 14: do you accept people who are only 75% sure they know how to play?. (i havent played much pathfinder. i played years of homebrew stuff with tons of roleplaying but im not sure if i know how to do pathfinder properly. im not in the habit of it so i cant recall 100% of the rules\game mechanics. but i have done a stupid amount of research on spells\magic because of how cool i think spells\magic are and usually so that i could use them for less rule heavy things with the homebrew type stuff.) your game sounds cool but im abit picky about what i play. i dont want just another videogame. i want something where i can actually apply my creativity to make something fun and useful, i wana make crazy awesome gear and share it with others in the party. (though i understand crazy awesome gear is hard to make and tends to be expensive or requiring special stuff to build. and that i probably wont be able to make the really good stuff till later when enough quests are done and my charactes skills are high enough to do so. i just want it to be possible to do eventually is all.) i wana cast spells and use tricks and tactics to defeat my foes. and i want my character to do non combat related things sometimes. (like chilling out at a library and reading books. or brewing some tea or playing board games such as chess or checkers with another character or something.) but if the game is fun and good, and allows me to use my creativity, and theres no communication problems between me and the other players. then i will likely stick with the game as long as theres still a game to Stick with. anyways if your interested in potentially having me as a player for your game let me know. (private message works for contact.)
I don't know why the link won't work.. Its annoying. I can't seem to be able to find my own campaign in the LFG either, although IT IS LISTED. I will try to solve this.