Hiya everyone! I've been DMing on Roll20 for a few months now, and playing even longer than that. Along my way though, I ran into and made tons of useful and time-saving macros, and I wanted to share them with ya! If you have any or made some from your own campaigns, post them below! It doesn't matter which game, just be sure to mention which one with your post. DnD 5E ------------------------------ groupPerception /w gm &{template:default} {{name=Group Perception}} {{Player A=[[1d20]]}} {{Player B=[[1d20]]}} {{Player C=[[1d20]]}} {{Player D=[[1d20]]}} {{Player E=[[1d20]]}} initiativeGM (GM) /w gm Initiative: [[1d20 + ?{Initiative|0}]] &{tracker} initiativeP (Player) /me rolls for Initiative! [[1d20 + ?{Initiative|0}]] &{tracker} roll[Number] (GM) /gmroll ?{d4|1}d4+?{Modifier|0} /gmroll ?{d6|1}d6+?{Modifier|0} /gmroll ?{d8|1}d8+?{Modifier|0} /gmroll ?{d10|1}d10+?{Modifier|0} /gmroll ?{d12|1}d12+?{Modifier|0} /gmroll ?{d20|1}d20+?{Modifier|0} /gmroll ?{d100|1}d100+?{Modifier|0} Image [Image](?{Image URL| <a href="http://i.imgur.com/9DR2apr.jpg" rel="nofollow">http://i.imgur.com/9DR2apr.jpg</a> }) fx[Name] /fx burn /fx fireball /fx fire /fx dragonbreath damage /emas @{target|Target|character_name} takes [[?{Damage|0}]] ?{Type|Piercing} damage! saveThrow /emas @{target|Saving Throw|character_name} attempts a ?{Attribute|DEX} saving throw! [[1d20+?{Modifier|0}]] rollTreasure (5E DM's Guide, Green boxed 1 = Magic Item, Red Boxed 0 = Cursed Item, can be modified to adjust rarity of items) /w gm &{template:default} {{name=Loot Table}} {{Magic Item=[[1d12cs>11>11]]}} {{Table A - H=[[1d100]]}} {{Magic Item ID=[[1d100]]}} infoHP /emas @{target|Target|character_name} has [[@{selected|HP}]] out of [[@{selected|HP|max}]] HP.