Age: 23 Time Slot: 12pm-3am EDT anywhere in that time is fine, although I'd prefer not to play for more than 5 hour sessions Roleplaying Experience: I started off playing D&D3.5 when I was a teenager, and since then I've tried several games including Dungeon World, Apocalypse World, Pathfinder, D&D 5e and Stars Without Number Play style: I enjoy every part of RPG gaming. I like doing different voices for different characters. Depending on the flavor of the campaign sometimes I spend my time wondering how my character is going to grow and change his view of the world, sometimes I theory craft for days and try to make a strong min/max build. As you can see from my experience I've done everything from heavy rules to light rules, combat focused, and narrative focused. Preferred GM style: For me as long as the players and DM work together to ensure that the RP elements are diverse by spending more time on character development and relationships and avoiding common tropes it's quite riveting. Likewise, when I play a session/campaign focused on heavy combat as long as there is lots of room for tactical decision making and there is a real threat of danger it still feels new and exciting, even though I might be fighting familiar opponents the setting and the stakes make each experience unique to me. Character: Typically I try to fill in the role that the group needs (playing with no healer/melee/ranged makes combat rather frustrating in my experience) if it was up to me I'd play a Rogue/Monk multiclass, or a Warlock/Sorcerer build. Moon Druid/Warlock/Lore Bard are my go-to for the more generic role filling, although if I see the opportunity to try a unique build I will likely be tempted to go for it. I'm happy to give you more in-depth backstory for these characters. I would very much prefer to start at level 3 or higher if possible. Level 1-3 combat is a little dull for me at this point, and spending more than one session in that tier of play can be a little tedious.