Hello, i try several times LFG section, but no cigar. So i wanna try it here. I wanna play some D&D 5E. Time in title is just tentative, but preferred. I can be online and ready for adventure in other time, if i know it in advance. I have some idea on character i wanna play, but i can play class the group need. Age: 25 Character Name: Erdan Featherbow Race/Class: wood elf ranger Brief Character Background: He lived in the forest village with his clan. His knowledge of nature can be compared with druids. One day, when he was still a boy, horde of orcs demolish his village and kill almost everybody. He manage to escape, but thoughts he could not help his family and friends, haunts him. From this time he wonders around land and seek for revenge. Character Sheet: <a href="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10275008/Erdan%20Featherbow.pdf" rel="nofollow">https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/10275008/Erdan%20Featherbow.pdf</a> D&D 5e experience: 1 month