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LFP (1 or 2) - Star Wars Saga Edition - GMT (18:00) Wednesdays - English Speaking - Played Weekly

Hello, Currently running a Dawn of Defiance Campaign with a group, consisting of: Wookiee Pirate (Soldier) Mandolorian Mercenary (Soldier) Combat Medic (Soldier) Weequay Survivalist (Scout) We have just completed the first module of the campaign and will start the second on Wednesday. Looking for a player or two to join as nobles and/or jedi. OF course multiclassing is an option and a good character might trump this. Player level is 4, so you'd start at that level, and I also run some house rules which I wont list here but Ill let ya know about. If interested post here ^^ <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>
Interested. &nbsp;Do you have a brief synopsis of what the party has been up to already? &nbsp;Details about characters in the game?
well so far they aided an alderaanian security agent get off a spacestation for bail organa, getting contacts with a information broker droid in the process, then they went to felucia to rescue a defected imperial admiral and are now aboard the Resurgence, a&nbsp;Nebulon-B frigate. Characters in the game as I said are: The wookiee melee maniac (vibro axe style yknow), who has a reputation for missing at the worst times (by rolling three 1's in a row during the first encounter xD). Next the mandolorian mercenary, by far the darkest character in the group (having garned 2 darkside points), and almost leaving the group to die when stuff looked grim. The ex-army combat medic who is trying in vain to keep these guys alive. The weequay survivalist who seems to be the guy making the crit when its needed (having done this a total of 8 times when the next NPC was gna kill a party member). The campaign setting is basically dark times ( a few months after order 66)
How long does the game usually run?
Depends, anywhere from 4 to 6 hours
Edited OP with link
Drats, to long for me. Well good luck with the player search.
Are you still looking for additional players? If so, I would potentially be interested in a trial session, but there are a few things that could be no-go's for you or me so I'll go ahead and clarify those first if thats okay. I am kind of a character player, as in there are many types of characters that are fun for me as I just dive right into their personalities and play what feels right... This doesn't necessaily mean that they go along with the group every time just because its the group, but considering what you wrote about your mercenary player that doesn't seem to be that much of an issue? Currently I am kind of in the mood for a pacifist which could be interesting - and that obviously doesn't necessarily conflict with a Jedi though the original character idea didn't include that. Basically she is a Kushiban (I don't even want to -try- pronounce that in English) ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> ). They are pretty tiny (awesome scouts) and often pass as pets even though they are highly intelligent and yes, they can speak. Thoughts? I don't have a webcam and only a 6k internet connection so even if I got one I would be an unsightly blob or something. I do have a microphone, of course, but as I am new to I am a bit unsure how the noise factor will be on that side. On Teamspeak I am apparently very quiet and my volume has to be manually adjusted on other peoples' end as I can't boost it any further on my end. So... this could be a problem if no one can hear me or something *sighs* Thats it for now I think - looking forward to your reply.
Sound fine to me,&nbsp; Instead of destiny, I use the background system from rebellion era book. Also we use skype anyway, so if you could shoot me a pm with your skype name, we can hash out some details.
K just need 1 force sensitive character now
I'm interested! I've never played this particular system but I'm familiar with several d20 rulesets. &nbsp;I've got the Saga Edition rule books but never got around to cracking 'em open. &nbsp;Still need one more?
I'll love to play but i rather not play a force sensitive character &gt;.&lt;
I've never played in a Star Wars game before. But, if you still need a Jedi, I'd be willing to give it a shot.