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Update 12/15: Sheet Workers, Better Repeating Section Support, Pop-Out Chat and Jukebox, and more!

December 15 (9 years ago)

Edited December 15 (9 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
Hey everyone!

We've got some new updates for you today hot off the presses. This update is pretty technical in nature, and focuses largely on giving sheet authors new tools to make character sheets more powerful and faster. If you're not a sheet author, your main takeaway should be that over the next few weeks as sheets are released with these new features, you should see some cool new improvements to your favorite sheet that make gaming even easier and more fun!

If you want the technical lowdown, read on...

Character Sheet Worker Scripts

One of the main highlights of today's update is a totally new feature that character sheet authors can take advantage of to really speed up the performance of calculation-heavy sheets.

Currently many sheets are using upwards of 5,000+ fields (many of which are auto-calculating fields) to allow some really cool automation and enhancement. However, the original auto-calculating field system was never really designed to handle so many fields at once, which has led to major slowdowns in games. That's because every time you open a Character Sheet, all of the auto-calculating fields have to be re-calculated using the "main" process, which leads to UI lag and freezing. Not only is it bad user experience, it's just a waste of CPU power since most of those fields don't change very often (the calculations are always returning the same results).

In addition, sheet authors have had to come up with some truly crazy workarounds to support some rule mechanics and the lack of things like if/then/else logic and some math functions in the dice engine (which, again, was never meant to be a full-fledged programming language).

So, today we're rolling out a totally new feature called Character Sheet Worker Scripts. These are pieces of Javascript that sheet authors can write that will be executed when events occur (for example, when the attribute of a Character changes, you can update other attributes that also need to change). The great thing about these workers is that they only run in response to events -- so rather than needing to re-calculate the entire sheet every time you look at it, we only re-calculate fields when they actually change. In addition, these workers run in a background process that is separate from the main UI process, so even if it takes a second or two for the calculations to take place, you won't notice any freezing or stuttering. Finally, since these workers run true Javascript, sheet authors can take advantage of the full power of a programming language to do conditions, more advanced math, etc. And since all that math happens in the background and spits out a simple answer at the end, there's no more need to have massive roll formulas that are the size of small novels just to figure out a character's roll mod.

This new feature works hand-in-hand with existing auto-calculating fields, and when utilized properly it's fully backward-compatible with existing sheet data, so all existing sheets and games will continue to function as-is. However, we're requesting that sheet authors take a look at the documentation for the Sheet Workers and go back and identify places where they can eliminate existing auto-calculating fields, instead moving that logic into the Sheet Workers, which will drastically improve performance. If you have questions on how that works or need help with your sheet, please feel free to ask, we're here to help! We're hoping to launch this feature into production in a couple of weeks, and we'd like to have as many sheets as possible converted to use the new system by then.

As an example, you can take a look at this newly-improved 13th Age sheet that our own developer Steve has converted to use the new Sheet Workers to get an idea of what that looks like: (available starting today in the community list of available sheets for all users as well!)

Documentation on how to integration Sheet Workers into your sheet can be found on the Wiki:

Better Repeating Sections Support

Today we're introducing better support for repeating sections on character sheets in a number of ways:

  • You can now drag-and-drop a roll button from a repeating section on a sheet into your Macro Quick Bar. The button will continue to function even if other rows in the same section are created/deleted.
  • Repeating sections now fully support default values (they will appear correctly when rendering the sheet, and you can reference them the same as any default value in rolls, macros, etc.)
  • We've made a change to the way that repeating section attribute names are created. Previously, we would create a name such as "repeating_spells_2_SpellName". The "2" was the identifier of the row. If you deleted the "1" row, the "2" row's attributes would all be renamed to be the "1" row. While this made some sense at the time, it led to an issue which prevented us from supporting repeating section attributes and rolls as first-class citizens in macros, rolls, etc. Now when a row is created in a repeating section it is assigned a unique ID that is shared among all attributes in that row. For example, "repeating_spells_-ABC123_SpellName". The ID of the row will now stay the same until the row is deleted.
  • As a result of the above, you can now reference repeating section attributes reliably in macros, using the API, etc., without worrying that the attribute name will change. So if you you create a Fireball spell in the "Spell Level 2" section, and it has the ID -ABC456, you can reference that ID in the attributes, sheet rolls (e.g. %{CharName|repeating_spelllevel2_-ABC456_SpellAttack}), etc.
  • Adds new support for @{repeating_spells_$1_SpellName} support. So instead of specifying a specific repeating section row ID, you can now specify the row index (so $0 is the first row, $1 is the second row, $2 is the third row, etc.). You may want to update any sheet buttons/rolls that used the old "repeating_spells_0_AttrName" syntax to this new syntax. It's supported both in auto-calc fields and in rolls/macros/etc.
  • Finally, if you reference an attribute or sheet roll in a repeating section, and that roll or attribute contains nested attributes that are from the same repeating section, those attributes will now be correctly found and utilized.

Pop-Out Chat and Jukebox

Although you've previously been able to pop-out the chat box, it was an alpha-level feature that still had issues (such as roll templates not rendering correctly). We believe that this feature should now be finished, and we now fully support popping out the chat box.

In addition, you can now pop out the Jukebox tab and manage your playlists and tracks in a separate window.

New Roll Template Logic

Now you can use the negative logic with our helper functions. For example you can now check if a roll was NOT a critical by using:
{{#^rollWasCrit() <rollname>}}
and closing it with:
{{/^rollWasCrit() }}
Take note that the helper functions expect both the # and the ^ unlike basic exists/doesn't exist checking.


  • Fixed a bug where the Master Volume slider was not saving correctly between sessions. It should now save.
  • Added a new flag, &{noerror}, which when added will suppress any errors (such as variable not found errors) in a roll. Use with caution :-)
  • Fixed a bug where if you put a blank space in the description box on the Game Details page you would be unable to edit the description.
  • Fixed a bug where campaigns may occasionally go into an infinite-reload loop after kicking a player.
  • Fixed a bug where you couldn't add new Tracks to the Jukebox when the Jukebox was popped out.
  • Fixed a bug where popouts weren't closing properly when the main window was closed.
  • Fixed a bug where API buttons weren't working in the Chat popout.
  • Fixed an issue where 3D dice rolls without agency enabled sometimes didn't display all the 3D dice in the roll
  • Rolltemplates can now be formatted with CSS differently depending on whether or not avatars are enabled. I.E. ".withoutavatars .sheet-rolltemplate-example"
  • The game settings page will now only load in data and images for the sheet options when you pick each option (should drastically reduce load times and bandwidth usage for those of you who spend a lot of time on the Game Settings page messing with Character Sheet template code).
  • Adjusted the in-game popup for first-time GMs and players to point to the tutorial instead of our outdated overview videos.
  • Added an icon next to closed posts on the forums so you can easily tell they are closed.
Any chance of making a video on Pathfinder/5e Character Creation? With tht last update all the Auto calculated things got messed up and I've tried to figure out how to fix them but nothing seems to be working( the little recalc button did nothing) and virtually everything is messed up as a result. For some reason even the base ability scores are messed up. I've got in the base column a 20 but its staying at a 10 and doesn't feel like changing. Now I've tried every combo i can think of but nothing seems to be working.
December 15 (9 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team

The Master said:

Any chance of making a video on Pathfinder/5e Character Creation? With tht last update all the Auto calculated things got messed up and I've tried to figure out how to fix them but nothing seems to be working( the little recalc button did nothing) and virtually everything is messed up as a result. For some reason even the base ability scores are messed up. I've got in the base column a 20 but its staying at a 10 and doesn't feel like changing. Now I've tried every combo i can think of but nothing seems to be working.

Which sheet specifically are you using? The Pathfinder sheet?

Also if you want to give me a link to your Campaign and tell me what character you're seeing the issue on I'll take a look and make sure it's not an error or bug.
December 15 (9 years ago)

Edited December 15 (9 years ago)
I'm also experiencing the same problem, many (if not all) autocalculated fields are not performing. I'm using the Shaped DND 5e character sheet. Campaign link (I think) is:

Nevermind, things appear ot have been resolved sometime in the last hour. Thanks guys for all the hard work!
Well I noticed it in the Nightmare Barrage: Iron Victory Campaign being put on by Matt D. I'm not sure how to give you an invite to that as its not my campaign, I can check the campaigns that I run though.
December 15 (9 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team

Ken B. said:

I'm also experiencing the same problem, many (if not all) autocalculated fields are not performing. I'm using the Shaped DND 5e character sheet. Campaign link (I think) is:

We just pushed a new version of the 5E Shaped sheet that should fix any issues about...5 minutes ago? So try reloading and see if that helped. If not let me know.
December 15 (9 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team

The Master said:

Well I noticed it in the Nightmare Barrage: Iron Victory Campaign being put on by Matt D. I'm not sure how to give you an invite to that as its not my campaign, I can check the campaigns that I run though.

Just give me a link to the Game Details page ( and I can take it from there.
December 15 (9 years ago)
Currently got the same problem as The Master, on our Pathfinder Character Sheets... Our Dungeon Master can see the right values, but we don't.
December 15 (9 years ago)

Edited December 15 (9 years ago)
Use the recalc button then wait a bit. I'm guessing thats what fixed my problem
December 15 (9 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
For those of you on the Pathfinder sheet, just to be sure, have you done this step? You need to check the box next to "Recalc", and then you should see Version increase to "0.1". Then all your values should be correct. Here's a screenshot showing what I mean:

December 15 (9 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team

The Master said:

and now their back to what they were before the update

So you're good to go now?
December 15 (9 years ago)
It only fixed the core page of the character sheet sadly...

Riley D. said:

The Master said:

and now their back to what they were before the update

So you're good to go now?

Yep. It hadn't gone all the way to version 0.1 when it did everything reset then fell back into place.
December 15 (9 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team

MalzM said:

It only fixed the core page of the character sheet sadly...

Which other parts are still broken specifically?
December 15 (9 years ago)
Every tab of the sheet now says 0,1 but only the core page seems to be working for us... The attack page has extremly messed up calculations...
December 15 (9 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team

MalzM said:

Every tab of the sheet now says 0,1 but only the core page seems to be working for us... The attack page has extremly messed up calculations...

Okay, you might post a note about that here: so that the original sheet authors are aware. I'll try and followup with them as well.
December 15 (9 years ago)
So /em doesn't trigger the emote anymore... what's the new command?
December 15 (9 years ago)
I just noticed the changes when I went online to make some corrections to my campaign.

I love the update at the moment, having the repeating button functioning now fully with iterative attacks is something that previously caused a little issue. Glad it is resolved! And the reduced lag makes it smoother to apply buffs now without needing the extra 4-5 seconds wait (Though I still think we're missing out on the specified AC, since AC from buffs do not apply to Touch/CMD). Otherwise very pleased, surprised to see the "Extra rank skills" in the skill section, it is actually something I have wanted for some time. 

Good job sheetworkers and keep the spirit alive Roll20 team :)
December 15 (9 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team

Pete said:

So /em doesn't trigger the emote anymore... what's the new command?

We didn't make any changes there, and I just tested it and it seems to be working fine. Are you just typing it directly in the chat box, or...?
December 15 (9 years ago)

Edited December 15 (9 years ago)
Sorry that i was so unspecific!

I have a custom Attack @repating_weapon[...] with the /em command inside.
It does work fine in chat & macros.

/em is attacking with Keen Falchion!
Slashing **15x2**
[[1d20cs>[[@{crit-target}]]+[[@{total-attack}]]]] **vs AC!**
[[@{damage-dice-num}d@{damage-die}+@{total-damage}]] **Damage!**

Output is:
0 /em is attacking with Keen Falchion!
December 15 (9 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team
So it's adding on an extra 0 at the front of the command? 

Might be something to do with the sheet I guess. Which sheet is it? And you should probably go ahead and give me a link to the campaign and tell me what character/button so I can test it out and see if there's anything we can do on our end quickly.
December 15 (9 years ago)
Life after Sam sheet Type.
Character: Kwetsch (not Kwetsch_old)
Attack tab, all attacks contain some kind of /em command.
December 15 (9 years ago)
Marketplace Creator
Holy cow freaking awesome!

You have my continued sub guys, and my appreciation.
December 15 (9 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team

Dakotahorn said:

Holy cow freaking awesome!

You have my continued sub guys, and my appreciation.

Thanks for the kind words and your support! :-)
December 15 (9 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team

Pete said:

Life after Sam sheet Type.
Character: Kwetsch (not Kwetsch_old)
Attack tab, all attacks contain some kind of /em command.

It looks like @{Kwetsch|PC-whisper} is resolving to "0" instead of a blank string. I'm not sure if that's a change they made or not. I will reach out to them and find out. But it's nothing on your end and we'll get it fixed one way or another :-)
December 15 (9 years ago)

Edited December 15 (9 years ago)
Currently on Pathfinder

None of Deflect bonus is adding to our AC
Some of our Skills arent rolling the +3 Class bonus (example: Trixi Stealth is adding 17 and not 20) 

Edit: Can confirm what Courtney said below me. Acrobatics, Fly and Stealth are not adding class bonus
December 15 (9 years ago)

Edited December 15 (9 years ago)

Joe H. said:

Currently on Pathfinder

None of Deflect bonus is adding to our AC
Some of our Skills arent rolling the +3 Class bonus (example: Trixi Stealth is adding 17 and not 20) 

I posted of a similar problem (Missing the Class bonus but I can check that) on the Pathfinder Sheet Page.  As it seems to be where the problem would lay.

Edit: It looks like the ones missing class skills are Acrobatics, Fly, and Stealth, or at least they are for me.
December 15 (9 years ago)

Dylan C. said:

I don't know what's going on, but for some reason when I do attacks it's not adding melee total in attacks, and yes I clicked the recalculate button.

I had to physically remove them, click out the boxes, and then re-enter all the info again, then hit recalc, then it worked again, 
December 15 (9 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team

Pete said:

Life after Sam sheet Type.
Character: Kwetsch (not Kwetsch_old)
Attack tab, all attacks contain some kind of /em command.

Just to make sure you saw this, as a temporary workaround you can go into your Attributes and Abilities tab and scroll down toward the bottom and you should see "PC-whisper". Instead of "0" change it to be a blank string (just delete the 0 and click off the field). That should solve it for now. There is a fix incoming hopefully but I didn't know if you had a game right away.
December 16 (9 years ago)
Forum Champion
Congrats on the update.

Thank you for the master volume and pop-out jukebox upgrades!
December 16 (9 years ago)
Currently on Pathfinder

It doesn't seem to be adding the Melee Buff's to rolls
December 16 (9 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team

Joe H. said:

Currently on Pathfinder

It doesn't seem to be adding the Melee Buff's to rolls

For Pathfinder-specific stuff, your best bet is to post here:

The sheet authors are actively working to fix any bugs in the formulas right now.
December 16 (9 years ago)

Edited December 16 (9 years ago)
This may be a stupid question, but the HP-formula is listed as one of the variables that was affected in the new version.  For all of my mooks that I've been re-entering, I had used that formula and it gave me the max (full-health) HP and I entered the same value into the NPC-HP field.  The calculated field NPC-HP|max is not calculating, and I am using Version 0.1.  I've tried updating all of the numbers and editable fields in the Defense section of the NPC tab, but it still hasn't updated.  How do I get the HP|max field to show the correct value now?

After playing around with it for a few minutes and going back into the HP calculation fields and updating those, it seemed to work but it's giving me the wrong value.  A bugbear is 3d8+3.  The old version calculated this as 16, which is what is in the Bestiary. The new system shows 15.  
December 16 (9 years ago)
Is there something special i need to do to make a button in a repeating section draggable?

I'm noticing the standard buttons have a ui-draggable class attached to them (i'm guessing roll20 does this). Doesn't seem to be the case with my repeating section buttons. There something i'm missing?
December 17 (9 years ago)

Edited December 17 (9 years ago)
Hey, so I've noticed that since the update that when I'm using an NPC character sheet (the 5e shaped version) any time I try to use the rolls for the actions on the "Core" tab (the kind of actions shortcuts) I get an error:    "No attribute was found for @{CharName|repeating_{{action_type}"  16 times for every 1 time the button is pressed.  However the actions still work fine when they're rolled on the "Traits & Actions" tab.

Any ideas?
December 17 (9 years ago)

Bryan W. said:

Is there something special i need to do to make a button in a repeating section draggable?

I'm noticing the standard buttons have a ui-draggable class attached to them (i'm guessing roll20 does this). Doesn't seem to be the case with my repeating section buttons. There something i'm missing?

Drag the test button, the button with the d20 on it, to the macro bar at the bottom. Then Right-Click to rename it.
December 17 (9 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team

Bryan W. said:

Is there something special i need to do to make a button in a repeating section draggable?

I'm noticing the standard buttons have a ui-draggable class attached to them (i'm guessing roll20 does this). Doesn't seem to be the case with my repeating section buttons. There something i'm missing?

Make sure that your buttons have a name attribute as well.
December 18 (9 years ago)

Riley D. said

Make sure that your buttons have a name attribute as well.

Awesome! That is it. Thank you very much sir. 
This is great! The chat log being the best thing. What would be great is if dice rolls were somehow logged from chat log. So we could do that instead of steaming through chat.
December 18 (9 years ago)

Edited December 18 (9 years ago)
Perhaps I'm blind. How, pray tell, does one pop out the chat and jukebox panels?
December 18 (9 years ago)
Riley D.
Roll20 Team

Will R. said:

Perhaps I'm blind. How, pray tell, does one pop out the chat and jukebox panels?

Double-click on their icons along the top on the right-hand side. The same ones you use to toggle between them normally.
December 19 (9 years ago)
For some reason when i'm creating weapon attack macros, it keeps duplicating the macros at least once, and syncing them simultaneously with others. Also, when I add a new item or macro in, it moves the one I was working on somewhere else in the list and forces me to start typing into the box of another box in that section.
Amazing!!  you sure are giving Fantasy Grounds (FG) a run for their money!  Now if someone could automate the charactersheets and dice rolling results in combat in FFG Star Wars like FG and I'd  be completely sold!!