Interesting... So, I was working on something else, and I came across a problem that has never existed before now. I run a macro for my Saving Throws, that gives me a drop down for advantage, as well as to choose the stat (that way, I only have one button). Until now (this has worked fine for months), it has always run fine. Now, however, individual saving throws work fine, but if I roll it with more than three of the stats in the same macro (but they don't roll), it crashes the API server with this error: The macro I use is this: !power {{
--charid|@{selected|character_id} --name|@{selected|token_name} Saving Throw
--hroll|[[ [$Adv] ?{Advantage?|No,0|Disadvantage,1|Advantage,2} + 0d0 ]] [[ [$Stat] ?{Which stat?|Strength,0|Dexterity,1|Constitution,2|Intelligence,3|Wisdom,4|Charisma,5} +0d0 ]]
--?? $Adv == 1 ?? !Disadvantage|~C **$$#990000|Disadvantage$$** ~~~ ~C --?? $Adv == 2 ?? !Advantage|~C **$$#006600|Advantage$$** ~~~ ~C
--?? $Adv == 0 AND $Stat == 0 ?? !Strength|**$~#A30000|Strength:$~**~R[[ 1d20 + [[@{selected|strength_save_mod}]] [Stat Mod and Proficiency] + @{selected|global_saving_bonus} [Global Saving Bonus] ]]~R --?? $Adv == 1 AND $Stat == 0 ?? !Strength|**$~#A30000|Strength:$~**~R[[ {2d20}KL1 + [[@{selected|strength_save_mod}]] [Stat Mod and Proficiency] + @{selected|global_saving_bonus} [Global Saving Bonus] ]]~R --?? $Adv == 2 AND $Stat == 0 ?? !Strength|**$~#A30000|Strength:$~**~R[[ {2d20}KH1 + [[@{selected|strength_save_mod}]] [Stat Mod and Proficiency] + @{selected|global_saving_bonus} [Global Saving Bonus] ]]~R
}} On and on it goes until all six stats are in there. Anyhow, I can roll any one of these individually, and there are no problems. However, if there is more than 3 stats in the macro, in any combination, I get that error. Has anyone else run into this?