Space Dungeons!! (A highly modified take on Gamma World) After not playing anything D&D for over 10 years, I finally decided to get back into it (and try my hand at DMing). I am running the game for some friends, all of whom have never had experience playing D&D before. I really loved the looseness and open feeling I got when I played a few brief sessions of the last Gamma World when it came out, and wanted to start making a heavily modified version of that - currently being referred to by us as "Space Dungeons!!" Since all of the players are fairly new to table top gaming (or virtual in this case), we are starting off with a fairly simpler set of rules and abilities. In a few previous sessions that we played (using maptool and google hangouts), the players all found themselves as lab rats inside a mysterious facility. They are currently still in that location being held prisoner and occasionally tested in fighting tournaments and other... capacities (some characters have not been combat-tested, but have been taken away for significant lengths of time before returning.) One of our players has taken on the role of camera-man and will be streaming all of our sessions (and saving recordings / VODs). Because of this, he has sight for all of the characters (whereas the other PCs only see from their character's point of view). Lots of mature language, silliness, and other nonsense in this first, unedited stream from last night. Stream Recording I have spent lots of time making art assets (maps, tokens, portraits, etc.), as well as coding tons and tons of macros for Omega Tech, Alpha Mutations, Origin powers, etc. so that everything is as focused as possible on playing the game itself. Going forward, I'll be spending a lot more time on more interactive choices and story and world-building (now that the technical stuff is out of the way!). All in all, it was a ton of work to get working the way I wanted it to, but after trying maptool for a few short sessions, I am incredibly happy with how smooth our very long session went last night. Looking forward to more games and getting it running even smoother! Huge thanks to Aaron and Honeybadger for awesome scripts!