Hello! I am looking for players to help me test a homebrew d20 system. &nbsp;The basic premise finds the Earth attacked by an alien race known as BETA. &nbsp;Before they arrived however, the world had been creating the next generation of war machines following WW2, the TSF. After prop planes, technological evolution saw R&D attempting to make flying tanks more or less. &nbsp;The Tactical Surface Fighter is a flight capable mech with heavy armor and multiple weapon systems at its disposal. Human kind relies on TSF pilots to combat the BETA. &nbsp;Time is very flexible and I will be able to accommodate any and all times for sure. If you are even remotely interested give it a try, you might just fall in love. (link to the lfg page&nbsp;<a href="https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/46652/the-last-world-war" rel="nofollow">https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/46652/the-last-world-war</a>)