CEO: If nothing else, the CEO calls for meetings; is
someone else going to call for meetings? Have the meetings we’ve already had had value, or been pointless?
Captain (and Admiral as required): Clearly Gev; who comes next, not so sure. A first backup here should be picked. As I mentioned before, the Captain should have full authority over all matters from the decision to leave port to the decision to make port again, and any factor that directly affects those things, like hiring ship-duty personnel, but otherwise, is not in charge.
CFO: Sebastien is the obvious choice for CFO, assuming we keep him around.
Doctor: Clearly Simone. If not her for some reason, like an EMP going off, who else? A backup here is valuable.
Chief of Security: I see where you were trying to go with this, but Charoux is the
wrong choice on
so many levels...
- Charoux is not big, burly, and intimidating, and would not impress clients with what a robust wall of muscle he is, which would not encourage them to feel safe in his big, muscular arms
- Charoux ain’t no Kung-Fu Combat Monkey
- Charoux can’t hit the broad-side of a barn
Charoux is
clearly not the man for this job. Jeff or Kayleb are probably better candidates; or, at least Kayleb
would be, if he didn’t make us look bad so often.
Chief of Operations: O.K., what you are describing is a blend of too many different things... and for the ground combat part,
would be the right title if this
weren’t a Mercenary Outfit, but it
is a Mercenary Outfit; for the ground combat part, what you are describing should be something more like “Ground Commander”, assuming for the moment I’m using the right Military title; ordinarily, either the CEO or the President of a company is the COO, particularly for a company of our size; but that person wouldn’t necessarily be the “Ground Commander”... so let’s start fresh here, with Chief of Engineering, COO, and “Ground Commander” as separate roles...
Chief of Engineering: Wolfen has gone to an awful lot of trouble
to make Captain Crow an effective Ship’s Engineer, and Crow is doing
well at that job, so he should clearly get that title.
Chief of Operations (really): Organizes the company strategically and tactically (both in the business sense) to accomplish its goals;
not in charge of operations in the field, except where company interests require the “Ground Commander” to be countermanded. This is arguably already being done by Charoux; he organizes the meetings, proposes plans, and encourages plan development in cases where we don’t have one, and makes everyone aware of what the plan
should be,
shouldn’t be, and then
is or
isn’t after a decision has been made.
“Ground Commander” (title to be corrected as required): Has complete authority over combat operations
in the field and
on mission; decisions during field operations and missions can only be countermanded by the COO (or CEO or President, if those duties include being COO); operates under the discretion of the Chief of Security while on board the Ares. Probably Crow for the time being, maybe Jeff, could have been Kayleb, except he keeps mouthing off... XD
Quartermaster: Funny; I probably was the one to originally bring this up, but I’m beginning to think it’s a little too “small-potatoes”... Sebastien is already sufficiently in charge of what little cargo space we have; any security concerns would be handled by the Chief of Security, who generally has little better to do, unless it beeps in a not-particularly-bomblike way, in which case the CTO needs to have a look. Meanwhile, the Armory is already managed by the Chief of Security and the “Ground Commander”... and it’s not like we have a lot of people. Now, if we had someone to do gun maintenance on the Crew’s weapons, there might be something
to this... but otherwise, it’s just a bit overkill. Maybe after Kayleb shows some stability, we can give him these as potatoes to peel, but otherwise, if Isis isn’t doing it, I don’t see a need to assign someone to it.
But, maybe we can stretch this out a bit into “Chief of Logistics”... which basically means they’re our glorified teamster; they don’t just load, unload, and organize it, but also
deliver it to our target locations... schlep-work has Kayleb’s name
all over it.
Chief of Technology: Charoux and Jeff both have a lot going for them in this position. Jeff has lots of neat robotics, and Charoux has lots of neat miscellaneous. The questions we need to ask ourselves are, “When a random mystery doodad shows up, whose job is it to deal with it?”, and “Who is best equipped to decide on what technology the crew should be using?”; I should really get a look at Jeff’s character, so I can consider his non-combat strengths, and how they apply here; in my current state of ignorance, I’m going to say Charoux fits this job description better, if only because it’s his job to get the damn Battle Computer up and running.