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Can't Find OR Delete Macro

API Scripter
I have a macro that is available to all as a token action, however there is no ability for that specific macro nor is there a global macro - as far as i can tell this macro should not exist. I've tried everything (recreating brand new character sheets for example) short of deleting the game environment and starting over Not sure what do (the macro does math wron too so it's a huge problem)
Forum Champion
Are you the Creator of the game? Creator (original GM) can make a global Macro under settings that would appear for others. Wiki docs, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> If that's not it we can look into other possibilities.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
What's the macro and what sheet are you using? Some character sheets have built-in token actions that you can't get rid of.

Edited 1463411150
API Scripter
Thanks for the replies/ It's the D&D 3.5 character sheet by Dianna.&nbsp; I'm almost positive though that i have created this macro at some point in time, then made a new one using the macro text from the sheet.&nbsp; (so i now have two initiative macros - one i can control/edit the other is invisible) Brian said: What's the macro and what sheet are you using? Some character sheets have built-in token actions that you can't get rid of. Ii am the creator and GM of the game- and i've been all over that wiki page without any luck Gold said: Are you the Creator of the game? Creator (original GM) can make a global Macro under settings that would appear for others. Wiki docs, <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> If that's not it we can look into other possibilities. My other issue, possibly related (?) is I can't reorder token actions - they seem to go in any order they choose, whereas with global macros they appear in order that I "add or check them off" the show in bar button&nbsp;
Diana P
Sheet Author
The D&D3.5 sheet does have a built-in token action initiative macro.&nbsp; The macro text for it can be edited by pulling open (by the corner with the diagonal lines) the text box to the left of the initiative roll button on the sheet.&nbsp; The field itself is titled "initmacro (modify to modify initiative roll macro)" if you hover over it for a few seconds. The numbers which appear to the right of the decimal point in the provided macro are the character's initiative value (ie dex mod + misc mod for initiative divided by 100 to get it to be to the right of the decimal point) to be used as a tie-breaker.&nbsp; What is wrong with the math in the calculation?
Diana P
Sheet Author
Lord G. said: Thanks for the replies/ My other issue, possibly related (?) is I can't reorder token actions - they seem to go in any order they choose, whereas with global macros they appear in order that I "add or check them off" the show in bar button&nbsp; Token actions are (by default) sorted alphabetically.&nbsp; If you turn that off, you can kind of rearrange them but it's a bit unpredictable.&nbsp; See wiki: <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>...

Edited 1463412096
API Scripter
Oh hey Diana! I see the built in macros on the sheet itself. Is the initiative one somehow special and shows up as a token action? None of the other macros show up as token macros? if so it's posible I edited the sheet macro unknowingly(breaking the calculation) and then recreated a second personal macro, explaining the duplication.... does that hat make sense to you?&nbsp;this could explain why the init macro doesn't appear in the global or token macros menus
Diana P
Sheet Author
Yes, the initiative one is special; it is set to be a token action in the sheet's code.&nbsp; Mainly because to use it and get the value added directly to the initiative tracker, it has to be used with the character token selected.&nbsp; It was also the one macro out of all of them that I figured everyone would use regularly. :) If you want to re-set it to its original state, you can just go into the Attributes & Abilities tab and scroll down the Attributes side looking for "initmacro" and just delete it entirely.&nbsp; The sheet will recreate it the next time you open it. And yes, that is one of the common and easy ways to end up with a duplication like that.&nbsp; (Adding the character sheet template to campaigns that existed prior to implementation of the character sheet templates, which had the macros created previously is another common way to end up with duplicates.)
API Scripter
Makes a lot of sense!! Thank you so much for helping out! I'll give that a try when I get home. Thanks again.
Diana P
Sheet Author
You are welcome.&nbsp; If it doesn't work, let us know. Happy Gaming.
Phil B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
Lord G. if you find that, even after all this other searching, you still have a macro zombie, I can remove it for you. I'll just need to know the campaign it's in and the name of the macro.
API Scripter
Thanks Phil!! I was able to fix the "built-in" token macro and removed the one I created, correcting the duplication problem.&nbsp; I love roll20, but it's a lot to learn so I ended mucking all this up lol
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Lord G. said: I love roll20, but it's a lot to learn so I ended mucking all this up lol That is the best way to learn in my opinion ;)
Phil B.
Forum Champion
Sheet Author
I'm glad you were able to figure it out! There's nothing wrong with doing it wrong the first time, like Ziechael said, it's definitely the best way to learn. Roll20 has so many tools, it's exciting to see people get out of their comfort zone and try something new!