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[5e Shaped] 4.3.4+

Yes, I believe it was displayed that way previously.  It was actually a nice benefit for multi-class casters who often will have access to higher level slots, but no spells in them, almost a reminder to them that they have those higher level spell slots available.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sure, makes sense. Somewhat related: The system should prompt you for spell level if you've used all the slots of the selected level.
Isn't there already an option for that saying "only show prepared spells?"
Sheet Author
API Scripter
All spells are shown - unprepared spells appear in gray. There is an option to show levels with all spell slots used, but that's different.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Odd thing - there is an invisible toggle slightly right of the edit mode pencil for the use of custom saving throws.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Jakob said: Odd thing - there is an invisible toggle slightly right of the edit mode pencil for the use of custom saving throws. There are a several hidden checkboxes around. This one didn't have the class applied appropriately. I'll fix it. With the next release that will hit prod on Monday or Tuesday I'll be bumping the version to a major version as there will be a breaking change for how spells work. All spells will now have their Level, Casting Time, Components (not material), and Duration translated. I've already set up the import from SRD to be fixed. I'll need to ensure that pre-existing spells get translated over (should work for 95% of cases, mainly not for those who are using a different language currently for those). I'll also need to work with Lucian to ensure the API is ready for it as well. I'll coordinate with him this weekend. This is a rather important step primarily with the goal of getting filtering working for non English languages as well as the normal benefits of translations.
In the newest sheet, I could not find to permanently select advantage for initiative.  I have seen it, but can no longer find it.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Top option.
Char sheet 4.6.3 works fine to me. Thank you Kryx! This is sweet!
I couldn't find if this has been discussed already. Many of my NPCs and PCs damage rolls are coming up 0. The only thing that seems to fix it is changing the die, rolling the attack, then changing it back and rolling again. Has this been mentioned before?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Rolling the attack would have no impact. If you just change it and change it back it should work. Not sure how you got into such a weird state though.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
5.0.0 (2016-06-25) Features All spells will now have their Level, Casting Time, Components (not material), and Duration translated. I've set up the import from SRD to convert to the new translation key format as well as translated any old values. The script is still not setup to work with this yet, but the changes should be simple. Bug Fixes Spell levels with slots and no spells will now show. POTENTIALLY BREAKING CHANGES but the script should auto convert. This code will only work on dev until roll20 merges their translations to live. You'll need to get the code from my branch ( <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a>... ) and then upload it to roll20dev. I believe it has been tested, but I'm wary to push it live unless others give it a bit of testing as well. If anyone would like to help it'd be much appreciated. I'd like to confirm that the SRD imports correctly for a variety of spells and that old spells retain their values.
So played with 4.6.3 last night, noticed a few things: If you set disadvantage on a specific skill (not the global disadvantage option) it rolls with disadvantage, but there is no indication on the roll template that the roll was made with disadvantage. &nbsp;Same issue with advantage. All of my player complained of lag upon initial loading of the sheet. &nbsp;It does feel like it takes a significant amount of time for the initial load of the character. &nbsp;Once the sheet has been loaded, everything seems normal as far as performance goes. Adding spells via SRD or via the Shaped Companion Script do not set the spell's saving throw stat correctly. &nbsp;For example, create a new character, add 3 levels of cleric and set the default casting stat, add the spell hold person from the SRD, the saving throw is against Strength instead of Wisdom. &nbsp; On the character tab of the sheet, the Sorcerer features used to be hidden unless you added levels of Sorcerer, they now appear all the time from the point of character creation. We had strange problems with weapons on a couple of characters, we couldn't get the damage field to appear in the grey box even when it was entered correctly. &nbsp;I can't reproduce the problem and for the resolution was to delete all weapons and re-add them. &nbsp;Not sure what was getting hung up, but it felt like we couldn't get the sheet workers to fire. Each player had a one time issue where the first roll after setting advantage and/or disadvantage would roll normally. &nbsp;I noticed this during my upgrade... it happens once for advantage, once for disadvantage per player then the issue disappears forever.

Edited 1466858531
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kevin said: If you set disadvantage on a specific skill (not the global disadvantage option) it rolls with disadvantage, but there is no indication on the roll template that the roll was made with disadvantage. &nbsp;Same issue with advantage. Hmm this should be working, but I'll verify and fix. Kevin said: All of my player complained of lag upon initial loading of the sheet. &nbsp;It does feel like it takes a significant amount of time for the initial load of the character. &nbsp;Once the sheet has been loaded, everything seems normal as far as performance goes. This is likely due to the upgrade scripts. If you have waited several versions it'll be especially long.&nbsp;If you open it for them before session this should be gone. However even skipping several version sheet workers only take about 3 seconds for me so maybe something else is going on. Kevin said: Adding spells via SRD or via the Shaped Companion Script do not set the spell's saving throw stat correctly. &nbsp;For example, create a new character, add 3 levels of cleric and set the default casting stat, add the spell hold person from the SRD, the saving throw is against Strength instead of Wisdom. &nbsp; This is well known and fixed in 5.0.0 Kevin said: On the character tab of the sheet, the Sorcerer features used to be hidden unless you added levels of Sorcerer, they now appear all the time from the point of character creation. Will fix this. Kevin said: We had strange problems with weapons on a couple of characters, we couldn't get the damage field to appear in the grey box even when it was entered correctly. &nbsp;I can't reproduce the problem and for the resolution was to delete all weapons and re-add them. &nbsp;Not sure what was getting hung up, but it felt like we couldn't get the sheet workers to fire. Hmmm, without a reproduction path it's hard to figure this one out. I find sheetworkers sometimes get in a weird state and closing the game and reopening fixes it. Not sure how to reproduce these kind of issues. Kevin said: Each player had a one time issue where the first roll after setting advantage and/or disadvantage would roll normally. &nbsp;I noticed this during my upgrade... it happens once for advantage, once for disadvantage per player then the issue disappears forever. There has to be a short delay for the sheetworkers to fire before clicking the ability. Perhaps that is the issue?
Kevin said: Each player had a one time issue where the first roll after setting advantage and/or disadvantage would roll normally. &nbsp;I noticed this during my upgrade... it happens once for advantage, once for disadvantage per player then the issue disappears forever. There has to be a short delay for the sheetworkers to fire before clicking the ability. Perhaps that is the issue? This is definitely not the case, but it's not a big deal, just thought maybe something was missing as part of the sheet upgrade portion that is corrected through another sheetworker firing. Regarding the lag issue, I did make sure to open all of the characters sheets and validate basic functionality, so I don't think it is version upgrade lag... I wonder if it is more of an issue where the campaign is reaching critical mass (entire Prince of the Apocalypse adventure). &nbsp;It seems like the initial load of the campaign comes up relatively quickly, but if you try to open a character journal shortly after initially logging in, it can take some time before the sheet is actually accessible. &nbsp;So I am guessing that this isn't a sheet issue specifically.

Edited 1466860814
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If you have just logged in there is indeed a lot of lag from roll20's end to load everything. But if that finishes the sheet should be rather snappy.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
I tested 5.0.0 on the Dev server, starting from an existing English-language game. Converting the existing spells seems to work without issue. I didn't test importing with the old script (new one would probably have been necessary anyway?) SRD import doesn't work on save DC. It ignores the default ability, and doesn't calculate any save DC (blank grey field) until you manually set saving_throw_ability. On the other hand, saving_throw_vs_ability is set correctly from SRD data.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
5.0.1 (2016-06-25) Bug Fixes Spells import from SRD with their ability based on default ability if it is set. Skills show the correct output of advantage/disadvantage when it is selected. Sorcerer metamagic items hidden unless you have sorcerer levels. Still on branch and dev only. Please let me know if you find any other issues.
hi, just a question... this macro was working with previous versions, now it's not working anymore any help?&nbsp; &{template:5e-shaped} {{action=1}} {{show_character_name=1}} {{character_name=Gimly Balvard}} {{subheader=Melee attack}} {{text_top=Talento Armi Grandi}} {{roll1=[[1d20cs&gt;@{selected|repeating_attack_$0_crit_range} + @{selected|repeating_attack_$0_attack_bonus} + @{selected|repeating_attack_$0_attack_ability} + @{selected|pb} ]]}}{{roll2=[[1d20cs&gt;@{selected|repeating_attack_$0_crit_range} + @{selected|repeating_attack_$0_attack_bonus} + @{selected|repeating_attack_$0_attack_ability}+ @{selected|pb} ]]}}{{damage=[[@{selected|repeating_attack_$0_damage}ro&lt;2 + @{selected|repeating_attack_$0_damage_ability} + (@{selected|repeating_attack_$0_damage_bonus}) + 0d0]] @{selected|repeating_attack_$0_damage_type}}}{{Danno Critico=Danno addizionale[[@{selected|repeating_attack_$0_damage_crit}ro&lt;2]] }} }
Sheet Author
API Scripter
That macro looks almost identical to the weapon macro - might as well use that. What isn't working? please show the error.

Edited 1466873269
check it out&nbsp; damage section is fine. roll1 and roll2 well as you can see something isn't working, don't need to tell what is not :)

Edited 1466873465
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Ah, ya, that's not going to work due to a myriad of issues that have been changed. Primarily the ability on the 10th of june, but I think it would have problems before that with how the bonus has no default. I expect you'll have the same issue with damage as that ability is the same way. What you're looking to create looks like it can be handled via the normal attacks system. Why not just use that?
i'd rather to use external macro for that and for many other macros... before upgrade it have worked perfectly, along with many other macros... any plan how to fix this?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
If you insist on this being the only way then you can also use "attack_formula" which parses the sheet into a formula for you. If you put the "ro&lt;2" in the sheet it'll work. Otherwise you can also setup&nbsp;the weapon and use %{NAME|repeating_attack_$0_attack}. If this request is merely a preference then I'm not sure I want to put the effort in to make that work. The issue here is the direction of the sheet. I just transitioned the spells for example to not store the data directly, but to store the translation keys. So if you access it directly it will just give you the key. You'd have to pass that to the roll template with a new syntax to get the value in english. So in the end whether these type of external desires break down to a few things: Is it possible within the sheet? How many people want the customization How difficult it is
Is there anyone working on the translations to Portuguese - Brasil?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Someone had messaged me about it, but never followed through it seems.
Noticed this tonight as my character leveled. When clicking Experience Points from the sheet, it comes up as "Experience Points Experience Points for level 13" and does not display the actual amount of XP.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Fixed XP as part of 5.0.1 If anyone wants to help test 5.0.1 on dev and is not a Pro you can join <a href="" rel="nofollow"></a> &nbsp;and test on the few sheets there. Please let me know if you find anything.
ok damage is fine with ro&lt;2... but how can i add to the paladin main attack on the sheet for example charisma to hit roll and also great weapon master? (which means -5 to hit roll but +10 on damage? and combine them as my pleasure?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
You can change the attack ability from strength to charisma. Change the attack bonus to -5 and the damage bonus to +10.

Edited 1466943352
yes, but i don't want to switch i want to "add" charisma so it will be &nbsp;d20+str+charima to hit and if the player wants use also great weapon master witch mean -5 to roll and +10 to final damage, as button text...&nbsp;together with +1 of the bonus magical weapon (greatsword +1)

Edited 1466943328
summary: paladin has different options: &nbsp; normal attack with damage ro&lt;2 (simple attack) simple attack + charisma to hit roll (sacred weapon) sacred weapon + -5 to hit and +10 damage (simple attack + sacred weapon + great weapon master) previous macros were perfectly fine, now if you show me how can do this on character sheet then it will be great otherwise we're gonna lose a lot of macro customization... :(
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Within the sheet: Damage: XdXro&lt;2 Sacred weapon - there is no way to add misc stuff to attack as this is the first I've heard of the need. However you can add @{charisma_mod} to "Attack" on the "Bonuses & Penalties" page assuming he's only using that weapon during this time. If he switches he can remove that bit. For -5/+10 just create a second weapon as a duplicate of the first with -5 to attack and +10 to damage. Add or remove the sacred weapon from settings as needed. It's a bit of a strange case as this is the first I've seen of a need to add anything but numbers to a specific weapon, but the sheet can handle it.
ok thanks i'll try
Kryx said: Within the sheet: Damage: XdXro&lt;2 Sacred weapon - there is no way to add misc stuff to attack as this is the first I've heard of the need. However you can add @{charisma_mod} to "Attack" on the "Bonuses & Penalties" page assuming he's only using that weapon during this time. If he switches he can remove that bit. For -5/+10 just create a second weapon as a duplicate of the first with -5 to attack and +10 to damage. Add or remove the sacred weapon from settings as needed. It's a bit of a strange case as this is the first I've seen of a need to add anything but numbers to a specific weapon, but the sheet can handle it. For sacred weapon, I would just add this to the freeform in the regular attack extras section {{text=Sacred Weapon adds [[@{charisma_mod}]] of same damage type}} or use text_big if you want it to be larger font size.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Sacred weapon adds to attack, not damage. But you could also use that method. Not great, but will work.

Edited 1466950523
Hello. I have been using the monster importer for quite a while now. I started a new campaign and my previous dm prepared everything for me so that we can use the APIs we had on the previous campaign. Long story short I have started uploading monsters but once I use an action such as attack or just about anything it gives me several&nbsp; errors before it does what it's supposed to do. I have provided a picture but I will provide a link to it just in case. Thank you for your help and the awesome API by the way.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Hi Artorias, If these are new monsters then you need to be on the latest version of the sheet to use the latest script. Either both need to be from github or both need to be from roll20. I assume this is caused as a result of that. If that is already the case and this is an upgrade of the sheet then the sheet should've handled this for you. If not you can reselect the settings on the settings page. Change the following and then change it back to whatever you want: Sheet output show character name Click "advantage" and then "normal" at the top right Attacks vs target's AC Attacks vs target's Name
Thank you very much for your help and thank you for the quick reply.
Sheet Author
API Scripter
5.0.2 (2016-06-26) Bug Fixes Use new translation syntax with ^{KEY} when passing to the roll template (should be no change visually). Still on dev and the branch.
@Kryx: To be clear, us Pro account users should only use the code from your branch on the Dev server?
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Yes, Branch code should only be used on dev until roll20 releases on monday or tuesday. It would be nice to have a few more people test things though.
Okay, I'm copying one of my games over to do some testing.
Kryx said: Yes, Branch code should only be used on dev until roll20 releases on monday or tuesday. It would be nice to have a few more people test things though. I sent you a game invite to the game I copied to the DEV server.
Hi, I'm fairly new to the forums (so I'm not sure if someone has answered this problem) and I was having trouble with the sheet on the Roll20 app.&nbsp; As you can see, the values aren't showing for the sheet, but it shows when in edit mode. I've checked and it's only happening on the app. &nbsp;Any clue as to why this might be happening?

Edited 1466974506
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Zac, Roll20 has not made translations work on their mobile app. I have made them aware, but I'd suggest you remind them with a bug on the Bug Reports & Technical Issues forum.

Edited 1466975579
Hey, noticed a bug in the sheet within the features tab and actually with the attack tab aswell. Whenever I add damage to something custom written into the sheet, it adds a modifier, be it dex or whatever. When I tell it not to include the damage in the roll and set it to the -- option, it does it. Then when I roll the macro for the feature or melee attack it auto reverts to using a modifier and overrides what I set it to. This is quite annoying as I need it to not include a modifier in some features and in an off-hand weapon for one of my players :) Great sheet btw, this just annoys me alittle. EDIT: I am using Firefox, if that makes a difference.
Will do, thanks :)
Sheet Author
API Scripter
Kixao, that is a bug on that version of the sheet which roll20 should update come tuesday